Yandere hell: Lovely Nightmare

Kei’s night part-2(R-18)

She slowly guided him to sit down comfortably, her eyes never leaving his. Kei then made him lie down and then stood up and raised her skirt to give him full view of her lower region " I hope you are ready "

She removed his pants and she pulled his underwear down and threw it and letting out his thing stand straight and in full glory. She saw his thing erect and has increased a lot and it was at breaking point

"Haruto... I can feel everything," Kei whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "Your thing... your warmth... it's so real, so intense. It's like it is on fire, but in a good way."

"Kei......isn't it too fast for us " Haruto replied as they will in trouble and especially Kei if she gets teen pregnancy.

"It will be alright Haruto, I will personally manage the pregnancy myself. You didn't need to worry. " She answered as she pinned him and gazed at him like a hungry animal as she gazed lustfully at him

"You're so close... I can see every little thing about you," Kei murmured as her eyes tracing the lines of his face. "Even the way your eyes darken when you're focused... and the way you look worried at me, is making wanting to pound on your thing." She replied as she sat in his legs.

She sat down and tasted his thing and licked it with hungry eyes as she could felt some of his precum and she stopped midway and gazed at his face and replied "You taste like... like home, Haruto. It's strange, slippery and sweet but it's nice... it makes me feel safe," she confessed, her voice thick with emotion.

Kei felt Haruto dick tasty and liked the way it twitches and how soft it was to squish and lick it. She planned to treat this delicate as possible since it was a delicate part for men. And she didn't want haruto to recieve pain from their love making.

Kei now poistioned herself and gently fixed herself in a position closer to his while making his thing connect with her hole as she faced close to his face and rubbed his head gently. Relax," she murmured, her voice low and steady. "I've got you." She shifted, her body pressing gently against his, she started slow

"Your heartbeat... I can hear it, Haruto. It's... calming," Kei said softly, her head resting against his chest. "It's like a lullaby... something that makes me protective."

She leaned in, pressing her lips against his with a kiss.. Her lips explored his mouth, her tongue exploring his mouth vigoursly.

"You smell... good, Haruto, I can feel my dish I fed you earlier" Kei whispered, inhaling deeply his scebt. "It's comforting... like I never want to be anywhere else but here, with you." She started rubbing her vagina clit with his dick as he rubbed his againt hers as squirting noises can be heard across the roof


The sounds of meat slapping against can be heard. As Kei is fucking Haruto in cowboy position while kissing him. She hugged Haruto and rubbed his thing slowly and gently as possible and finally made it broke her hymen

Kei winced as she cried as shefelt the sharp sting of her hymen breaking. Her body tensed, her grip on Haruto tightening as she buried her face in his neck. A small, pained gasp escaped her lips, muffled against his skin.

As she felt blood dripping from her womanhood, and it was more painful and sensual than she realized. She felt it pleasing but painful.

Haruto's eyes widened, his hands moving to her waist, trying to hold her steady while he was lying down. "Kei," he whispered, his voice filed with concern.

He could feel her trembling slightly, her breath shaky against his collarbone. He ran a soothing hand up her back, trying to comfort her. "Are you okay?" he asked, his tone soft, filled with worry.

Kei nodded slowly, her face still pressed against him. "I'm fine," she whispered, her voice barely audible. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to relax. She shifted slightly, adjusting to the new sensation, her body still tense but determined. "Just... give me a second. I will do it properly....I promise"

"Kei.....we shouldn't do it too fast, I think it might be too early for you " He replied

Kei shook her head, her face still buried in Haruto's neck. "No," she whispered, her voice more bold this time. "I want this... I'm okay." She shifted her hips slowly, despite the discomfort with her body trembling  but she was again pushing through his dick. "I need to do this, Haruto. I want to."

She pulled back just enough to meet his eyes, her expression determined despite the stinging pain. "I can handle it," she said, her voice steadier now. "I'm not stopping."

She continued to move, her breath hitched, but she didn't falter. She kept going, her body slowly adjusting. She kept on thrusting and thrusting despite the pain in her womanhood, she persisted to keep going despite her lower region breaking and her legs giving away as she kept on thrusting her hips to his dick.

Haruto couldn't hold it and has finally cummed a lot inside her womanhood and Kei felt warm slipperly liquid entering her hole and reaching inside her body and she felt the most pleasurable feeling she recieved as a woman. She was relieved, and finally fell down next to him.

"It's done," she murmured after a moment while panting . "I've lost it... I'm not a virgin anymore."

Haruto's panted as he tried to steady himself. His body filled with the intensity his releasing seed as he felt pleasure and guilt washing over him. He glanced at Kei, her body was limp beside him, she was filled with sweat.

"Kei," he replied. He brushed a hand through her hair sticking to her forehead. "I— I shouldn't have let it go this far. It felt... too good for me to stop, but I know it might've been too much for you, I think it was too fast." He sighed, leaning in to kiss her forehead softly, his touch lingering. "Thank you for trusting me, but I should've been more careful. Sorry Kei, I wasn't able to control myself. You are sexy."

Kei gave a weak nod, her eyes half-closed as she caught her breath. She tried to sit up, but winced, her hand instinctively moving to her lower abdomen. The sharp pain shot through her legs.

She bit her lip, pushing through the discomfort and tried to stand up but her legs shook as she tried to find her balance.

Haruto noticed, his grip on her tightening as he helped steady her while she was sitting. "Easy," he whispered, concern on his face. He guided her back down gently, cradling her against his chest. "Rest for a bit. Don't push yourself. I want you to take it easy"

Kei nodded, her face was in pain as she tried to adjust herself. "I'll be okay," She leaned into him. "Just... give me a moment."

Haruto held her close, his hand gently caressing her head. He pressed another soft kiss to her temple, his movements slow, mindful of her state. "I've got you," he said quietly, his hand running along her back in soothing strokes. He felt worried but kept his voice steady. "Just rest. I'm right here."

Kei's hands roamed up to his shoulders, pulling him closer and kissing him. She continued to explore his mouth, her kisses growing more intense. She wanted him to feel her love and dedication, every touch and kiss meant to convey her deep affection.

She then guided him to lean back against the cushions, her movements slow and loving. Kei positioned him so that her chest was pressed against him, offering him a comforting embrace. Her breasts, soft and warm, enveloped him in a soft "boob pillow," providing a sensation of fluffiness and love.

Kei's hands rested on his shoulders, her fingers gently caressing him as she kept her gaze fixed on him. She pressed her chest against him, letting him feel the softness and warmth of her body. "I love you so much, Haruto," she murmured, her voice full of affection. "You mean everything to me."

She nuzzled against him, making sure that Haruto felt cherished and valued.

As the midnight arrived, Kei was gazing intensively as she leaned closer to Haruto, her fingers gently brushing against his cheek. The moonlight filled a silver glow over them, making the moment feel almost dreamlike.

Taking a deep breath, Haruto decided to make things clear, as it is now or never "Kei, I've been thinking... about us and the other girls. I want to be honest with you. I care about you, a lot. But I don't want them to be ignored and left alone. I... I want to pursue all of you."

Kei's expression shifted, her eyes darkened as she processed his words. "All of us?" she repeated, as she got up fast despite limping untill now.

Haruto nodded with strong heart. He tried to explain properly "Yes. I know it sounds strange, but I can't ignore the bonds we have formed with Akira, Yumi, Johanna, Rei, and Ayumi. I don't want to hide anything from you. I want to be upfront about this. I'm not trying to replace you or diminish what we have. It's just... I feel strongly about all of you. "

Kei remained silent for a moment. The thought of Haruto being with other girls, especially the ones she considered close, was difficult to swallow and accept.

 Her initial reaction was to reject the idea entirely, to protect what was hers. But then she considered who those girls were—her friends, the people she trusted. They weren't just anyone; they were the only ones who she could even remotely accept.

She looked down, her fingers tracing the edge of her skirt as she gathered her thoughts. 

Finally, she spoke, her voice softer now. "Haruto... if it were anyone else, I would never allow it. I would detest anyone who tried to take you away from me. But... these girls, I think they are good. They're people whom I trust. They're the only ones I could ever imagine sharing you with."

Haruto felt a wave of relief as he listened to her words. Finally it worked "Kei, I promise you, no matter what happens, you'll always be special to me. This isn't about replacing you or anyone else. It's about building something unique with each of you."

Kei nodded, her eyes still fixed on him as she caressed his cheek. "I understand, Haruto. It's not easy, but... if it's with them, I think I can accept it. Because I trust them with you. And because... I trust you."

"But Haruto..." Kei's voice was still soft, but her smile widening in a way that made his heart race for all the wrong reasons. " if you ever forget that I'm your wife, that I am your woman... I'll remind you. Forcefully."

Kei wasn't the type to let go easily, but she realized the club girls weren't threats in the way others might be. They were strong, capable, and, most importantly, they are like a family to her, and she trusts them with Haruto. In her mind, it was better to share with those she trusted than to risk losing him to someone else entirely.

With a deep breath, Kei looked up at Haruto, her expression softening. "I will talk to them and hopefully we come to an understanding."

"Kei," he began, his voice soft but firm, "I know you want to talk to them, but I want to say something first. Let everything develop naturally, at its own pace. This isn't something that should be decided overnight."

Kei blinked, her fingers slightly tightening around his hand. She opened her mouth to speak, but Haruto continued, his tone filled wit intensity.

"The only thing I ask is that you trust me," he said, his eyes never leaving hers. "Me, and our clubmates, we have good chemistry. I won't do anything to betray you or make you feel less important. You will always be special to me. You're my gemstone, Kei. Nothing will change that."

For a moment, Kei just stood there, her eyes widening. Her lips opened, but no sound came. There was something so raw, so honest in Haruto's plea that it pierced through the layers of her insecurity she had been holding. She felt secure and fullfilled

Finally, her expression softened, tears coming at the corners of her eyes as she squeezed his hand back. "Haruto... you always know how to get to me, don't you?" Her voice wavered as she wiped a tear away with the back of her hand. "I'll trust you, and I'll trust them. But... you better keep your word."

He smiled, relief washing over him as he caressed her cheek. "I will. I promise."

Kei leaned into his touch, closing her eyes for a moment before her lips curled into a small, teasing smile. "And I'll expect all of our children to take a group photo one day," 

she added, her tone teasing. "It's going to be quite the picture, don't you think?"

Haruto chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as he imagined that scenario. "I'll do my best, but only if you'll believe in me."

Kei opened her eyes, giving him a sidelong glance as she huffed softly. "Fine, fine. But you better seduce those girls properly. And don't forget..." She poked him lightly in the chest, her smirk growing wider. "You're still my playboy. But only ours."

Haruto laughed, shaking his head. "I'll take that as a compliment... I think."

"Haruto," Kei whispered between kisses, her breath warm against his lips. "I want to show you how much you mean to me."

The two stood for a while as the sun has arised in the sky and they have been stayed in the school for whole night. Despite them being in trouble the next day, they didn't mind.

"I have informed my mother, I will stay at friend's party and asked Toshiro to tell your parents that you have went to friend's house for girl's night. Prepare a script. " Haruto replied as he explained his plan

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