Yandere hell: Lovely Nightmare

Kei PoV

One, two, three...

I silently count the beats of my heart as I sit next to Haruto, the proof of our time together still lingering in the air. My fingers trace invisible patterns on my lap, trying to steady myself. I'm not panicking—no, I never panic. But my mind is spinning, faster than I can calculate. I made Haruto had organism five times.

That might be dangerous, but I can't leave unsatisfied. I think I should go easy on him, maybe I will have to make him more experienced with women myself.  

Four seconds... five...

I glance at Haruto out of the corner of my eye, taking in his flushed face, his messy hair, the way his chest still rises and falls a little too quickly. Eight times in the last ten seconds. He's still catching his breath, still lost in what just happened between us. I feel my cheeks warm, my chest tighten. So cute...

I'm drenched again. His warmth covers me, sinking into every inch of my skin, and I feel the familiar stickiness between my legs, coating me completely. Second time... I take a deep breath, the scent of Haruto-kun heavy in the air. It's different this time. Familiar, yes, but the sharp sting in my lower region is much less than before. Adjusted... just as expected. The numbers swirl in my head: Soreness reduced by 40% compared to the first time.

I shift my legs carefully, feeling the dull ache that still lingers there. It's not as sharp as it was before, but it's enough to remind me. Each movement sends a soft pulse of discomfort through me, but I don't mind. It's proof—proof that I'm his, again.

I glance over at Haruto-kun. His chest rises and falls with slow, steady breaths, still recovering. I smile at him, watching his eyes flicker toward me, and there's that look again—unsure, hesitant, like he's still processing everything. Haruto-kun... you always think too much. I can't help but chuckle softly, the sound escaping me before I realize.

But there's something else... Akira-chan.

She's still outside. I can almost picture her, sitting in the hallway, probably furious—or embarrassed, or both. Her first time... I know exactly what she's going through right now. Probability that Akira-chan is regretting not acting sooner: 70%. But I can't deal with her right now. Not when I'm still so covered in him, his essence clinging to me. Akira-chan can wait.

I carefully get up, wincing at the slight sting that shoots through my lower body. Definitely better than the first time, but still... I grab the towel beside me and start wiping myself down. The stickiness is everywhere, and it clings to my skin like a reminder of how much he's given me. I smile again, this time a little more satisfied. This time... I'm getting used to it.

I clean up Haruto-kun next, my fingers moving gently over his skin. He doesn't flinch this time, though I can tell he's still a little unsure. 3.2 seconds before he relaxes... good.

Once we're both decent, I pick up my phone and scroll to the contact for Akira-chan's maid. It's time. Akira-chan won't want to be seen like this. Not by anyone. I tap out a quick message:

"Akira-chan's ready. Pick her up."

No need to explain. The maid knows what to do, and Akira-chan can handle the rest. I don't need to deal with her right now. She'll be fine, eventually.

The soreness between my legs throbs as I move back toward Haruto-kun. It's not unbearable, but it's there. I sit beside him, pulling him close, feeling his warmth seep into me again. Even with the dull ache, I want to stay here, next to him.

"You're not leaving me tonight, Haruto-kun," I whisper, my voice low and sweet. I let my fingers trace the lines of his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. 1.8 beats per second... a little faster than usual.

He looks at me, blinking slowly, still trying to process everything. You're so easy to read, Haruto-kun. I press my forehead against his, my lips brushing against his cheek as I murmur, "It's okay... I'll handle everything. Just like always."

The stinging pain still lingers, but it's nothing compared to the satisfaction of having him by my side. I close my eyes, letting myself savor the moment. Second time... but not the last.

I helped Haruto-kun into his clothes, my hands lingering on his shirt as I smoothed out the creases. He looked at me, a little tired, a little confused—probably still processing everything. His eyes met mine as we stepped outside, the cool night air hitting our faces.

The walk to the bus stop was quiet, almost peaceful, as if the world around us didn't matter. I glanced over at him, noticing the slight tension in his brow.

"How are you feeling, Kei?" His voice was soft, almost cautious, like he wasn't sure how to ask without sounding too concerned.

I smiled at him, squeezing his hand as we sat down on the bus stop bench. The soreness between my legs still throbbed, but it was a dull ache now, something I could manage. "I'm fine, Haruto-kun. Just a little sore, but it's nothing I can't handle." I leaned my head against his shoulder

Second time... significantly less discomfort than the first, I think, the numbers running through my mind automatically. About a 30% reduction in pain... faster recovery than expected.

The bus arrived, and we boarded, sitting side by side in the back. I intertwined my fingers with his, resting our hands on my lap. The rhythmic hum of the bus was almost soothing, the soft flicker of streetlights passing by in the window. I didn't say much; neither did he. There wasn't any need for words. Just being next to him was enough.

But I knew... My mother would be waiting for me but this was far more important.

We stepped off the bus, our hands still linked as we made our way to his front door. The house was dark, except for one light. I could see her silhouette through the window—his mother, Miyako-san. I swallowed hard, bracing myself.

The moment we opened the door, she stormed out, her face twisted with anger and worry. "Haruto! Where have you been?! You never answered your phone! I was worried sick!"

Before he could reply, she stepped forward and slapped him—hard. The sound echoed in the quiet house, and I winced, instinctively grabbing his hand tighter. Haruto-kun, to his credit, didn't flinch. He simply stood there, his face slightly turned from the impact.

The anger hits me fast. Hot. I can feel it boiling in my chest, my fingers twitching as they curl into fists at my sides. How dare she? My man, my Haruto-kun, just took that slap like it was nothing, but I can't. The sight of her hand, still lingering mid-air, makes my blood rush. It's like she doesn't even realize what she's done—she's hurt him.

I grit my teeth, biting back the urge to say something—something sharp.

Then, without missing a beat, he pulled her into a hug. His arms wrapped around her tightly, and her anger seemed to dissolve into tears. "I didn't tell you where I was... I'm sorry," he murmured, his voice calm and soft. "But I'm fine, really."

Haruto-kun just stands there, forgiving like always, but I... I can't forget. I can't forgive the way she slapped him.

She doesn't deserve him.

My mind starts calculating. Quick, precise—just like math. One slap... the force of it wasn't just physical. It was emotional. It cut deeper than anything. Two slaps in one—because she used her frustration as an excuse to strike.

Miyako-san clung to him, her shoulders shaking slightly. I could see the tension melt away as she held him, but her eyes flicked to me, still wary.

"I was worried," she says quietly, her voice breaking in places. Her arms tighten around Haruto-kun like she's afraid to let go.

I step forward without thinking, wrapping my arms around him from behind, pressing my cheek to his back. "We were all worried," I murmur, not quite able to hide the edge in my voice. Miyako-san might be his mother, but she has no idea how much I felt that slap too.

She pulls back slightly, blinking between us. "Where were you, Haruto? I called you so many times. I didn't know if something had happened.

"I called him over for a sleepover," I said, stepping forward to stand beside Haruto-kun. "He was at my place the whole time, Miyako-san. I'm sorry I didn't let you know sooner... but please don't be mad at him. It's my fault."

I start running through options, different scenarios. What if I hurt her back? Something subtle. I imagine the cold precision it would take. Pressing a knife to her throat would be too messy, too loud. My brain churns through the numbers. One hit—quick. In and out, she'd barely have time to scream. The thought makes me smile, just a bit.

But then I breathe, forcing the fantasies away. No, Kei. Haruto-kun wouldn't want that. He's too kind, too forgiving, and I have to match him. Be better for him.

Miyako-san straightens up, her eyes still clouded with residual concern. "Kei-chan," she says, softer this time, "thank you for looking after Haruto." There's a slight hesitation, like she knows she might have gone too far earlier. "I was too harsh. It's just... I worry about him so much, especially since—"

Her sentence falters, and that's when I know. Since her husband left.

Two quick thoughts flash in my mind. Miyako is harsh with Haruto. Miyako has no husband. These two facts. Simple truths. But when I combine them, they form a chilling realization. She's afraid he'll leave her too.

It clicks into place like a perfect equation. Her frustration with Haruto-kun, her constant nagging—it's not about him. It's about her fear. Her husband's abandonment still lingers, and she's projecting that fear onto Haruto.

"Miyako-san..." My voice is steady, cutting through the tension in the air. "You don't have to worry. Haruto-kun isn't like your husband."

She blinks, her eyes widening, taken aback. "What...? How do you—?"

"I've done the math," I say softly, stepping forward. "You're harsh with him because you're afraid he'll leave, just like his father did. But he's not going anywhere. Haruto-kun is the most caring person I know."

Miyako-san opens her mouth to argue, but no words come out. She looks at Haruto, then back at me, realization dawning in her eyes. The truth of my words stings her, like she's being forced to face something she's buried for too long.

"How... how did you know?" she finally whispers, her voice shaking just a little.

"Because you're projecting," I say calmly, my gaze sharp. "You need to communicate with Haruto-kun. Let him know your fears instead of taking them out on him like this. It's not fair to him... or to you." I pause, the next words sliding out with a mix of sincerity and a little bite of mischief. "I'm on your side, Miyako-san. But Haruto-kun isn't your enemy, and neither am I."

There's a silence, thick with emotions, as Miyako-san processes what I've said. Her shoulders drop slightly, and for the first time since we arrived, she looks vulnerable. "Maybe... maybe you're right. I should talk to him."

Haruto-kun is quiet, watching us both, but I can feel him squeeze my hand, a silent gratitude in his touch.

Before things get too sentimental, Aiko-chan's voice cuts through the quiet. "You two really are more alike than you think." She folds her arms, a teasing smile tugging at her lips. "Both stubborn and overprotective."

I chuckle, shaking off the last bit of tension in the air. "I guess you're right, Aiko-chan." Then I glance over at Rin-chan, who's been quietly observing the whole exchange. "Don't you think so, sister?"

Rin-chan's face flushes, and she glares at me with wide, annoyed eyes. "S-stop calling me that! I'll never accept you stealing my onii-sama!" Her voice comes out in a huff, but the way she pouts is too cute.

I grin, tilting my head playfully. "We'll see about that."

Rin-chan crosses her arms, cheeks puffed in frustration, but there's no real heat behind her words. She is just childish, but haruto likes her. So I guess, I will be nice with her.

I adjusted my glasses, trying not to let Rin's constant clinging to Haruto-kun get to me. She was acting like a child, puffing up her cheeks and throwing those adorable glares my way, like she was challenging me. It was amusing, really. Cute even, in its own way. She reminded bit of my younger brother.

Miyako-san invited me to stay over the dinner as she referred to me as her daughter-in-law. I sat across Haruto-kun at the dinner table, I could feel us getting closer and closer. Good

Every now and then, he'd glance at me, and in that brief moment, it was like we were having an entire conversation without a single word. He knew me, and I knew him. There was no need for showy affection or possessiveness. This is what I would want the most, something Rin-chan didn't quite understand yet.

Throughout dinner, Haruto-kun was his usual self—polite, charming in that quiet way of his, making sure everyone was involved in the conversation. He handled Rin's clinginess with patience, even as she practically draped herself over him, demanding his attention. I knew how much energy that took, but he did it effortlessly.

My man...He is great. I have to control myself when it comes to his family. Haruto-kun doesn't want them to be hurt. And I will control my impulse just for him and have better relations with his-no my family.

Come on Kei don't be too toxic.

As for me, I was content to observe. I didn't need to cling to him or make a scene to prove anything. Rin could have her little victory tonight; in the grand scheme of things, I wasn't worried. Haruto and I had something deeper—an understanding, a connection that went beyond these small moments of jealousy. He made sure of that 

"Well, I think it's time I head out," I said, standing up and smoothing my skirt. Rin immediately perked up, her grip on Haruto's arm tightening like she thought I was going to steal him away the second she let go. It was almost cute how territorial she was acting.

"Are you sure? You should stay the night." Haruto's voice was casual, but I could hear the concern in it. I glanced at Rin, who looked like she was silently praying I'd refuse.

I smiled softly, letting the silence linger for just a moment longer than necessary. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt," I said, and out of the corner of my eye, I caught Rin's little pout. She was trying so hard to hide her disappointment, but it was written all over her face.

"Onii-sama..." Rin's voice was soft, almost pleading as she tugged on Haruto's sleeve. She didn't say anything else, but the meaning was clear. She wasn't ready to share him yet.

I stifled a chuckle, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over me. "Don't worry, Rin-chan. I'm not here to steal your precious onii-sama. Not tonight, anyway," I teased, winking at her playfully.

Rin glared at me, her cheeks puffing up as she crossed her arms. "We'll see about that," she mumbled, and before I could react, she stuck out her tongue at me, all childish defiance.

Heh. She was so protective, it makes me happy that his sister has good relationship with him.

"You're not sleeping in the same room!" she blurted out, her voice rising an octave as she jabbed a finger in my direction. Haruto gave her a gentle look, clearly amused by her over-the-top reaction.

"Rin-chan, really...She is my girlfriend" Haruto's voice was soft, like he was trying to calm down a wild animal without scaring it off.

I raised my hands in mock surrender, giving her a playful smile. "Don't worry, Rin-chan, I wasn't planning on it. But your paranoia is kind of adorable."

So adorable in fact, I don't even consider her a threat. 

She huffed, tightening her grip on Haruto's arm like a lifeline. "Good," she muttered, though the way her cheeks flushed told me she wasn't as tough as she tried to act.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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