Yandere Dating System

Chapter 41

I'm forgotten but I aint gone.

"Tch." Annabelle  clicked her tongue. "Every color is your color," She shook her head. "How can one choose?"

Aiden cursed under his breath. "I may as well walk in there naked at this rate," He muttered with clear irritation.  He'd spent the better half of an hour trying on various outfits for Annabelle to critique. But no matter what he wore, she couldn't decide what, in her words, made him look "extra délicieuse.

Hearing him, her eyes brightened. 

"No," He cut in before she could get out a word.


"I said no." 

The woman wasn't giving up so easily, however.

"....We could paint a loincloth on you," She offered begrudgingly.

"Paint." He monotoned. "Oh, wow, what an improvement." For fuck's sake, Aiden shook his head. Jess would've smacked her, were she here. He could hear her now. 

Gross, She's say. Seriously, can't you guys ever sexually objectify my brother when I'm not around?  It's disgusting. I get it, a bitch can't help going into heat. But do it somewhere else with someone else when I'm around, please.

Aiden almost laughed as he imagined it. Jess was a blunt one at times, and a tad mouthy. She was always the one who'd stand up for him in such occasions, even if she did do it in a roundabout way. 

Annabelle's voice pulled him out of reminiscence. "Isn't it?" She grinned. 

"No, it's really not." Aiden walked over to the pile of clothes he'd worn previously and chose a few pieces. "Let's take these and go. We're already late."

"And who's fault is that, hm?" She racked him with a pointed glare. 

Aiden had the sense to hold his tongue. He could've made a quip to the tune of how it was her daughter who refused to unwrap her legs from his waist, but he didn't think it was very classy to rub her daughter's deflowing by him in her face too much. 

"Just so you know, if you got her pregnant--"

Aiden's face twisted, clearly offended. He gave her a look that said, You think I can't pull out?

Anna cleared her throat. "Point taken. My apologies." She was too experienced with him to doubt his capabilities.

He nodded curtly. "As long as you know." 

"...Anyway. You can't rush fashion, ma douce," She chided, "That pig-headed bastard wants to show off his new piece? Well, so do I! Which is why we must dress you appropriately." The woman chuckled darkly. "Once we get there, I'm counting on you to steal that chienne away from him."

Aiden rolled his eyes at her. "I'm not opposed, but is this all really necessary? I've never had to resort to peacocking to seduce a woman."

Young as he is, that made her question all kinds of things. But despite her suspicions, she ignored it. "Aw, that's cute," Annabelle offered a burst of twinkling laughter. "You think that's what I worry about? Please, sweetness. I know very well you could tempt a woman to your bed whilst wearing nothing but two feathers and a leaf. But this is a matter of pride, you see. I can't let a man of mine show up looking like a pauper. As entertaining as it would be to show off your naked body and lead you down the hall with cock in hand, I'm not so ridiculous. Which is why in addition to this extravagant array of apparel, I've also prepared you something special."

"Oh?" He raised a brow. "Such as?"

She giggled. "Wait and see, my pet. Wait and see." She walked around the store for the tenth time and came back with yet another pair of clothing. "Now, try this." 

AIden growled low in his throat and didn't even bother to go back to the dressing room. He'd been in and out of that damn place over twenty times already and he was sick of it. Hence, he just started to undress right where he was. 

 "What are you doing?!" Annabelle exclaimed.

"Trying on these damn clothes, what do you think?" He shot back.

All at once, the various women within the high-end clothing shop looked over with interest, causing Annabelle to fuss. She waved her hand, shooing them away. "Perverts, who're you looking at?! Go away!" She then rounded on him. "Shameless guy, what kind of show do you think you're putting on?"

"A strip show," He replied drily. "Don't like it? Then pick one and let's leave!"

"How do you expect me to choose?" The woman whined in distress. "Everything just makes me want to tear them off of you!"

"You can do that later!"

Annabelle folded her arms. "I was never a patient woman, and you're telling me to wait?"

Aiden summoned all his strength to keep himself from shouting at her."Either you can pick a suit now or we just skip that damn banquet altogether. I'm fine with having a few rounds on your husband's bed instead, but you're the one who came up with this grand plan."

Annabelle sighed. "Fine, fine. I suppose you do look delectable in whatever you wear anyway," She finally relented. "But I'm fully expecting nonstop orgasms for the generosity I'm showing."

Aiden just looked at her incredulously. "Generosity?"

"Am I not being generous?"


"By ending this now instead of locking us in a hotel room for the next week," She replied candidly.

Whether in this life or the last, he'd never been so objectified! 

"Do you actually want to attend that banquet or not?" 

"I do," She blew out a breath. "But it's annoying. I want to flaunt you around, but I'd also rather we not attend so you can do that thing with your tongue I like instead. After the stress I've accumulated this week, I need it."

"Fucking hell," He shook his head. "You're twisted, you know that? I've just gotten done turning your daughter into a woman and instead of being mad at me you're here saying you want my tongue in your--"

"Don't be vulgar, pet." She cut him off, a light pink coming to her cheeks. She cut a glance to the surrounding people, who still ogled Aiden without an ounce of shame. She wanted to snicker all of a sudden.

That's right, this one is mine! Stand there and writhe in envy!

But just then his words fully sank in and she let out a frown. "Also, please don't remind me of that."

They'd left her daughter at Aiden's penthouse. She was in no condition to accompany them. Anna understood why. Aiden's stamina was ungodly. Anna herself was the same. It had hurt her pride a bit, but was also very satisfying.

Annabelle wasn't sure how to even face her daughter, either. Irrational anger, concern and jealousy permeated her being when she thought of her. She loved her daughter, but Aiden was her secret pleasure. He was that to many women, she was sure, but she still felt like her daughter had intruded upon something sacred. Something Annabelle's own, even though she knew she wasn't Aiden's only lover.

She was also angry at the man himself, but she couldn't bring herself to hate him. Such was the nature of women. Annabelle was so enamored by his touch that she was willing to forgive his transgression. 

Well, it wasn't as if Aria knew Aiden and Annabelle had a relationship. In hindsight, given the kind of man Aiden is and the fact they attended school together, perhaps Anna should've told her daughter about him. Warn her away, if nothing else. Although she was dubious whether that'd have any effect. Warning a woman away from a man often just aroused their curiosity, if not outright making them seek the man out in rebellion. 

But Anna didn't want her daughter to know she was seeing a man half her age, either. Though it was rather common in France where their roots reside, it was still a bit unbecoming

Her feelings were complicated, to say the least, but it was made worse by the fact her daughter seemingly cared for Aiden now. As to be expected, honestly. Aria was raised very traditionally. Yes, she'd been lured into giving herself away by an Aiden who, from his own testament, was tired of Aria's attitude towards him and decided to take a few liberties. Her being so willing to follow him was unexpected yet not unwelcome, he'd said. But even so, she wouldn't treat the loss of her maidenhead so casually.

By now, her daughter probably had thoughts of marriage even. How was Annabelle supposed to handle such a thing?! She wasn't willing to give up Aiden, but she also wasn't willing to make her daughter sad. 

In the end, she wanted to ignore it all. Aiden probably wouldn't ever settle down. He was a man with demons. He wore his darkness like a shroud, but he didn't acknowledge it. 

Annabelle had seen men like him. They were raised to ignore all "weakness" and hid their true selves under layers of stone. They would rather break under the weight of their hardships than allow anyone a glimpse into their suffering. 

Annabelle could try to penetrate his darkness, but it was a wasted effort that he wouldn't appreciate. Aria was different. She'd see his toxic masculinity as a cry for help instead of the deliberate wall it was. She'd likely think he only needed someone to hold him, to comfort him.

She didn't have the experience to know such concern would only be rebuffed.

Some men were simply....fractured. And no matter how much one wanted to fix them, in the end all you'd be doing is make the cracks larger. At the very least, Annabelle knew she wouldn't be able to help him. 

Though, it was fine. She enjoyed him just the way he was. He was sharp, sexy and entirely unrepentant. It was intoxicating. Annabelle recalled how powerful he looked while plowing into Aria. How...primal. Even after they finished, he came out to meet her with her daughter's juice still fresh on his cock. It was twisted, but the thought had excited as much as it infuriated her.

He was sin incarnate, that man. And after so many years of loyalty, she found that an unbearable temptation. Aria knew very well it was wrong, but the attraction only amplified.

Look at him now, for example. Not a single female was able to keep their eyes off him. Six foot four inches of hard muscle, with hair akin to fine red wine and eyes like sapphires. Having started to undress, his torso was left bare and let reveal broad shoulders and finely chiseled abs one would only find the equal of only in sculptured marble. It was a marvel, his every slight movement. As muscles rippled you would find yourself staring in admiration. 

He was a walking G-spot, just touching him would send thrills along the spine.

Suffice it to say, Aria had a snowball's chance in Hell of taming a man like that. Eventually, she'd come to understand that. Anna just hoped that came sooner rather than later to spare her needless heartache.

Silly elk, you should've believed in what he said to you back then, Anna sighed. The poor girl thought having the decency to not leave semen all over her body was an indicator of some kinder nature trying to peek through. An effort that, with her support, might bear fruit. 

It was the basis for every bad-boy romance story ever written and something utterly useless in real life. 

Anna frowned to herself. I suppose I'm not too much better, though. Maybe worse. She spoke of him being her boyfriend earlier, hadn't she? And that was after she caught him in bed with her daughter. Yeah, not winning any Mother of the Year awards, is she?

In any case,  thinking of him as a boyfriend is like saying she could see a future with him. How would that play out, she wondered. Could she picture herself marrying him? Making him stepfather to a girl he'd taken the maidenhead of? 

Not that he seemed a man who would ever marry. In the end, where did she see her relationship with him going? She never really considered it. Maybe tried to avoid thinking of it, even. 

I'm quite sure I don't love him, she thought. But we do get along well, and his tongue is rather amazing. If we keep on how we've been doing, he'd basically be like half a step-father to Aria. Informally, yes, but to outsiders....

And Aria was obviously going to be seeing Aiden regularly herself from now on, too. So...what kind of place were they left in?

A mother and daughter sharing the same man? That didn't sit well with her at all. Yes, it was something that should've been apparent from the start. But somehow it only sank in now. The fact she and Aria would be "comrades."

A terrible vision came just then of an exhausted Anna crawling off the bed, naked and reeking of sex, clasping her daughter's hand as if tapping her into a ring. "Give him hell, Ma poupette." 

She groaned, taking physical damage at the intrusive image.

Gods above, but this really is a headache. 

She stared irritably at the man in question.

Aiden noticed her gaze. "Something wrong?" 

"Just shut up," She felt lik she'd just swallowed a lemon. 

His lips curved ever-so-slightly. Humor danced in his eyes. "I recognize that look. Finally set in, huh?" He had the gall to be amused! 

She hit him. "Quiet, you!" Letting out a string of curses in her native tongue, she stomped away. "Hurry up!" She called. "Weren't you itching to go? Let's pay and leave already!"


The Star Tower. often being described as the world's first "seven-star hotel" since opening its doors in 1968. 

Built on an artificial island off the coast of New Francisco's breathtaking sandy beaches, Star Tower is an all-suite hotel with 48 double stories and 300 luxury duplexes ranging from 2,220 to 8,256 square feet. Each suite offers a range of unique first-class flourishes, including an extensive selection of complimentary Hermes toiletries, a "pillow menu "  with 17 options, and a "bath menu" along with a butler available to explain the different options.

With six high-end restaurants, a rooftop helipad, a Rolls Royce shuttle service from the airport, and walls decked in 24-karat gold leaf, the hotel relies on overwhelming lavishness to satisfy even the most travel-worn guests. The design and architecture of the hotel are as unique as it can get with it's shape reminiscent of a "dhow," a type of lateen-rigged ship most often used in the Indian Ocean. And if all of that isn't enough luxury, there's always the 24-karat gold FlexPads that guests receive upon arrival, which are programmed to include access to all guest services and hotel information.

....Aiden read the brochure while feeling an extreme sense of both familiarity and incongruity. In his last life, he'd been to the Burj Al Arab in Dubai. It was an almost exact copy of the ode to luxury currently before him. If just a bit smaller. 

"First time, my pet?" Anna asked at his side, a playful grin tugging at her full, red lips. 

"You can say that," He responded with a chuckle. It was times like these that he truly realized how similar and different this world is to his own. 

"I'm glad," She nodded in satisfaction before reaching into her purse. What she took out was a long case of velvet. "Now, a present before we enter. Remember the surprise I mentioned?" She let out a wide, excited grin as she handed him the case. "Well? Open it!" 

Aiden unceremoniously did as he was bid. What greeted him was an absolute beauty of craftsmanship to such a degree even he had to suck in a breath in admiration.

"The Meteoris Imperium," Anna's voice was nearly a hushed whisper. "The only chronometer of it's kind made upon request of Emperor Tachibana in 1786. Designed with 24k Violet Gold and genuine Wyvern leather straps, it's one of the only chronometers ever produced with true Angelstone embedded in it's core. After the Tachibanas were overthrown by Ancestor Bai it passed hands many times throughout the years....and now, it's in yours."

The mention of two familiar names tickled his ears. Yuuji was descended from Emperors? Interesting, he supposed, though it didn't matter to Aiden. He may be in possession of the kid's body, but he had no intention at all to get involved with that family. 

He was more in awe of the sheer beauty put in front of him. He'd seen many rare timepieces in his day, but this one almost seemed to radiate some inner brilliance. 

As he thought so, he received a notification.

--Arcadia's Feather has resonated with an item in your possession--

 All at once, Aiden saw a whole panel open as he gazed at the Imperium in his hands.

--In search of her beloved father, the Angel Nahiria crossed whole universes for answers. Stumbling upon a man who descended from ancient Gods, she discovered a kernel of truth regarding her Uncles' transgressions against her father. Thanking him for the information, Nahria bestowed upon that man a fragment of her essence. It was passed from father to son until, inevitably, it reached his last true descendant Yuuji Tachibana--

--As they come from similar sources, Arcadia's Feather and Nahira's essence are compatible. Would you like to imbue the item with Arcadia's Feather?--

Aiden promptly selected "No."

Something like this was not an item he could keep anyway, it was just on loan for the banquet.  Ignoring the prompts, he casually put it around his right wrist, asking, "Angelstone sounds rather important. Are you sure it's fine leaving something like this with me?"

"Well, it is quite impossibly rare from what information we have on Angelic entities. But no one is capable of using it, so it's value doesn't fit it's scarcity. Even Ancestory Bai is incapable of utilizing such a unique item. So it's really more of a collector's item," She assured warmly. 

Aiden thought back to his brother. Cade called Ty his father....

"Do these Angelic beings have parents?"

Anna shrugged. "Maybe? No one except the Tachibana family's ancestor has ever even seen an Angelic being before, so such questions are impossible to know. Why do you ask?"

He was silent for a moment, wondering whether what she said was true or not. It did make sense, but he wasn't satisfied with it. If Ty was Cade's father, then did that make Ty a God? Or maybe the reincarnation of one? How would a God even be reduced to a human anyway? Especially one as weird as Ty? Everything was so strange and confusing. He didn't want to think too deeply about it for now. 

Next time Cade appeared, maybe he can get more clarity. Whenever that might be.

"How did you even get something like this?" He asked. If it was something from the Tachibana's then it rightfully belonged to Yuuji, but he was apparently kicked out of his family.

"Ah..." Annabelle offered a slightly weak smile. "To be honest, it was a surprise to me too. Getting hands on it, I mean. Even though my family is good friends with the person to whom the previous Tachibana family head entrusted this to, I really didn't think he'd lend it to me. But when I asked, he handed it over unexpectedly easily."

Aiden gave her a look. "Just like that?" He asked incredulously. 

She could only shrug. "It's not exactly some family heirloom of theirs."

He stared at her until she continued. 

"..Though, yes. It's usually passed from father to son so it's slightly symbolic, " She admitted. "When the Tachibana's patriarch passed, it was supposed to go to his son Yuuji. However, the boy disappeared without a trace some years ago and hasn't been seen since. There were a few rumors going around but I'd rather not speak of them." She looked away, as if uncomfortable with the conversation. 

Aiden chuckled lightly. The scars on his back all of a sudden started to burn. A remnant of Yuuji, maybe. "Rumors like what?"

Annabelle glanced back up at him just then. There was something unnatural in his expression she couldn't help but notice.

"His stepmother...well...." She began, but faltered. "In any case, it's in the past and has nothing to do with us," The woman finished. "More importantly, it looks so handsome on you!" Her smile returned. "Now let's go, shall we?" 

Aiden examined his wrist as he offered her his other arm. 


His scars continued to throb. 

I think it looks rather atrocious, though.

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