Xueba starts with change

Chapter 6 Hell to Heaven

Chapter 6 Hell to Heaven

The footsteps came from far to near, and the head teacher came.

Glancing at the somewhat dull classroom, Xu Shaowen coughed softly, walked up to the podium, picked up chalk and wrote his name on the blackboard.

He introduced himself: "Students, hello everyone! I am your class teacher, Xu Shaowen. Today is the first class meeting of our science (6) class."

After a pause, he remembered something and changed his tone with a relaxed tone: "I have a good news and a bad news to tell you. So, do you want to hear the good news first? Or the bad news?"

No one made a sound, and everyone looked at Xu Shaowen in surprise. Is this the head teacher of Maochang High School who is known for his serious management?
"good news!"

There was silence for a minute, and no one knew who said something softly.

Xu Shaowen hurriedly said: "The good news is that you can accept my teaching in science (6) class for a week."

"What about the bad news?" Someone gradually let go.

"The bad news is, of course, that everyone will face a placement test a week later, and they can only accept my teaching in the science (6) class for a week."

Xu Shaowen said and sighed.

Students: "cut"

This old class is too narcissistic!

Looking around, Chen Zhou found that most of the students relaxed.

The dull, depressing, and fearful atmosphere that had always existed since entering the classroom was dispelled by this slightly fat class teacher who was not too old.

Xu Shaowen also noticed the emotional changes of the students, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he drew it according to the painting gourd.

He has seen a video, saying that students should not put too much pressure on the students when they start school, try to let them relax, and then gradually increase the pressure in the subsequent studies, which will have unexpected effects.

Thanks to a daring one, he didn't make him too embarrassed. Well, if this student is still in class (6), he can take good care of him in the future.

Xu Shaowen moved a chair and sat down: "Don't cut it first, do you know how long I have worked in Maochang High School?"

Twisting his body to find a more comfortable position, Xu Shaowen started.

"A rough calculation shows that it's been 10 years. I came here almost as soon as I started working. How can I say that I have rich experience?"

"Besides, let me tell you, the students in the repeat class I just took are basically all above 570 in the college entrance examination. If you got 570 in the exam this year, you probably wouldn't be here, would you?"

"real or fake?"

"Then can I lie to you? Don't believe me, I'll follow"

Although the head teacher feels a little unreliable, after listening to his self-promotion and boasting, and looking at the lively atmosphere of the class, Chen Zhou silently praised it. This old Xu has a good hand.

"This is a bit of a stretch. Let's get down to business and talk about the placement test."

The placement test was basically the information that Chen Zhou got. In previous years, it was one month after the start of school, but this year it was brought forward, starting one week after the start of school.

"I know that some of you came here because you missed the college entrance examination. Now, you have a chance to prove yourself, and you will get rid of your hatred. If you enter class (1), you are the most beautiful boy in school."

"Hey, that, the broken cauldron"

"My name is Chen Zhou!"

"It's the broken kettle Chen Zhou..."

"." Chen Zhou said with regret that he was doomed.

Zhang Yifan said with a smile: "I'm so impressed, hahaha. Well, I heard that the teachers in class (1) are the best in the school. Would you like to give it a shot? Otherwise, we only have one week at the same table. Done."

Chen Zhou pondered for a while, and it seemed that this was the one who missed the college entrance examination, and he was very confident in himself.

After thinking for a while, Chen Zhou said, "Then I wish you good luck and successfully hit the (1) class. As for me, I think Lao Xu is quite interesting, and it would be good to be in the (6) class."

Glancing at Chen Zhou, Zhang Yifan said, "No, you don't understand. I made a mistake in the college entrance examination, otherwise I would not have come here at all! Now that I have the opportunity to prove myself, I will definitely seize it! Otherwise, I will be too embarrassed."

For a person like Chen Zhou, who was rated as a real scumbag by the system, he really didn't understand Zhang Yifan's mood, besides, he did well in the college entrance examination.

Chen Zhou can only say: "Well... I'll do my best, come on. I'm optimistic about you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the voice of the system sounded in his mind.


"The construction of the foundation needs to be strengthened! It is recommended that the host seize the opportunity and enter the (1) class in the placement test."

Chen Zhou: "."

Wouldn't it be so, every time you pinch and point out?
"Is this also necessary?" Chen Zhou whispered.

"It's just a suggestion! It has nothing to do with the predecessor task!" The system's voice sounded again.

"That's good, you surprised me by showing up so suddenly!" Chen Zhou was still not confident about being admitted to class (1).

"What did you say?"

"No, nothing."

Zhang Yifan looked at Chen Zhou suspiciously. He heard Chen Zhou muttering, and thought he said something else.

At the end of the class meeting, Xu Shaowen put forward some specific requirements.

Mobile phones and other electronic devices are not allowed in the classroom, and food is not allowed. Do not discuss casually in class, respect the teacher, and do not argue with the teacher in class.

Most importantly, don't fall in love.If someone passes a small note to express affection, just tell him, he will be able to give both parties a satisfactory and impressive answer.

Of course, these requirements are the same whether in class (6) or in other classes.

In the end, Xu Shaowen finally emphasized seriously: "Everyone came here to test a satisfactory university. Then, please put away your personality and follow the teacher. I believe you will have a satisfactory result."

"Remember, this is hell leading to heaven!"

At the end of the class meeting, at about 9:30 pm, Xu Shaowen sent each student a timetable and a handout, and announced the dismissal of school.

This was probably the most relaxing night in Chen Zhou's repeat career in Maochang High School.

After returning to the rental house, Chen Zhou took a shower and planned to make a new study plan according to the school's schedule.

The schedule of Maochang High School is to enter the classroom at 6:30, start a 40-minute self-study, then have a 20-minute break, and then start the main class, and the four classes in the morning will end at 11:[-].

The first class in the afternoon does not start until 3 o'clock, but the school requires that students must be in the classroom before 1 o'clock to start self-study in the afternoon.

The end of the self-study is from the main class to the end of 5:35, and you will have 45 minutes for dinner, and then the evening self-study will start until 10:30 in the evening.

Almost the whole day is full of schedules.

Chen Zhou scratched his head, making Mao's study plan, at best, to fill up the arrangement of self-study time.

Mainly in English, supplemented by the rest of the subjects, Chen Zhou simply arranged his own study plan according to the stitches in the schedule.

Of course, what happened after that proved that Chen Zhou thought too simple. What you can think of, will the school fail to think of it?

After doing this, Chen Zhou raised his hand and looked at the time. It was only 10:30, and it was still early until 12.

After all, do college entrance examination candidates go to bed before 12 o'clock?Isn't that a waste of life?
After taking the handouts handed out at the class meeting, Chen Zhou started to study.

When Chen Zhou looked at his watch again, the time had come to 12:56.

"Day, is it necessary for the first handout to cover all the subjects? And so many exercises?"

What Chen Zhou didn't know was that this handout was not just for reading, but also for doing.

After looking at the handout again, Chen Zhou thought about it, took out the wrong question set, and prepared to copy the wrong questions from the handout to the wrong question set.

He seems to have made a lot of mistakes.



When Chen Zhou turned the set of wrong questions to the latest page, his hand holding the pen stopped in the air.

The questions he did wrong were automatically recorded by the wrong question collection!

Picking up the set of wrong questions, Chen Zhou flipped back again, with an expression of disbelief.

Chen Zhou opened the handout and corrected it again.

Don't miss a single question, all the wrong question sets are recorded!

An automatic set of wrong questions!
"This is terrifying!"

It can be said that Chen Zhou looked back at his wrong question set step by step, it seems to have thickened, right?
Until this moment, he felt that he seemed to have encountered something extraordinary.

Then, the system's suggestion, accept it?Still not accepted?
(End of this chapter)

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