Worthy Core

Chapter 253: VIP Tour

It was to Xenia's intense relief that Halith had insisted on speeding through the first few floors on her tour. While Xenia didn't have any particular issues with her designs to the level that she felt the need to redesign them, she was well aware that she had been a complete newbie while initially making them and was a little worried about showing them off to an expert dungeon master. Halith seemed to be aware of the worry without Xenia even needing to bring it up though, noting that 'everyone's first few floors are crap, don't worry about it'.

Floor Four had definitely caught her attention though, and she spent a few of her remaining dungeon link minutes to stop and cuddle some of the vampire bunnies. It seemed that while she was visiting the dungeon, Halith had much the same ability to interact with it as Xenia did - Challengers couldn't see her, but dungeon monsters and guardians could, although she had no authority to make any actual alterations to the place. That didn't mean she didn't have any suggestions to make in that regard, though.

"You said your name for this floor was the 'Forest of the Rabbit Cult', is that right?"

Xenia nods as the two walk though the bioluminscence-lit trees. "Yeah, I didn't do like, a whole story theme or anything, but I did set up this hidden 'ritual' site out deep in the woods where folks need to find the bridge key. I've got a lot of my Shuns guarding the spot. Uh, my shade-rabbit crossbreeds."

"Hrmm, I'm guessing you set that up before you had your Rabbit Champions though, is that right?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

Halith eyes one of the aforementioned Shun. It mostly has the appearance of a traditional shade, being a figure of smoke and shadow without legs, cloaked in rags as it hovers around, with the rabbit ears emerging from its head being very difficult to notice without looking closely. "The Shun are certainly a good monster for the floor, and they're thematic with the floor guardian. But they're monsters, not cultists, wouldn't you say? It seems to me that it would be more fitting if you had some of your sapient-level monsters playing that role - if you are interested in the 'story' aspect of the design, of course."

Xenia rubs her chin. "I could fit in a few more monsters here, I suppose. Trush and his squad do visit the floor pretty often, but they're not dressed like cultists or anything, that's for sure. I don't think any of my Rabbit Champion subtypes really fit 'cultist' though..."

Her drider-like companion grins, exposing her fangs. "You have undead up to a mid tier now, yes? My suggestion - look at the Vampire Thralls. They give excellent cultist vibes, in my experience. Red or yellow eyes, pale skin, that certain sense of 'wrongness'. Very popular evil traits."

"As a crossbreed input? Yeah, I could give that a try." Xenia checks that she does in fact have the option available, and slots it into her crossbreeding system before turning back towards Halith. "How important is that sort of thing, by the way? I mean like, stories and themes and all that? I've been experimenting with a few just cause it gives me like, a focus when I'm putting a floor together, but I feel like I'm kinda just dabbling with it."

Her guest shrugs. "Very few dungeons get into it very heavily. I'm aware that you're unusually, well...self-aware for a young dungeon, although I won't pry as to how you developed so quickly. But many young dungeons are barely more than animal instincts for their first few years, you know? Very clever when it comes to trap and maze layout, perhaps, but concepts like 'stories' take years to develop. For example...most cave-based dungeons wouldn't even know how to mimic a forest to such a degree because at best they can only see one from a distance." She eyes Xenia slightly as she says that, but if she has questions on the topic she keeps them to herself.

"So themes aren't really a thing, then?"

"Accidental ones, perhaps, but complex concepts tend to be rare until after the first ten floors or so. Many dungeons do experiment with some floors, sometimes getting very involved, but the only dungeon I know of who's really invested into the idea is...ugh, Dragon's Monument."

The woman says the name with such disgust that Xenia has to ask more. "What, not a fan of them?"

Halith looks back and forth, as if someone might be watching them, but of course finds no one. While several of the dungeon bosses were very curious about the dungeon's special guest, Halith had requested that this meeting at least be for dungeon masters only. "Look - obviously, I am a part of the Dragonlord's 'collaborator dungeon' system. And I have no complaints! The assistance I have to provide to the Domain's military and their Challengers is more than made up for with the assistance the Dragonlord has provided to me in return. I acknowledge them as my superior, but it is a relationship with give and take on both sides, you know? A partnership."

Xenia raises an eyebrow as she prods Halith to continue. "...But?"

"Redscale - the dungeon master of Dragon's Monument - was discovered by the Dragonlord at a very young age. A few weeks old, I believe. And they, ah...imprinted rather heavily, I would say. They've become rather obsessed, and act more like a, well...don't tell them I said this, but more like a pet than like a power in their own right."

"Okay...but what does this have to do with what we were talking about?"

Halith sighs. "The entire damn dungeon is basically a retelling of the Dragonlord's life, particularly their battles with the colonial species. Recreations of historical battles, you see, or places from around the continent. Greatly exaggerated and distorted, of course. Personally, many of my Challengers have come from the territory that now makes up the Valleylands, so I feel I have a rather more...broad historical perspective. Certainly enough to admit the Dragonlord is not a perfect being. Hells, despite all their ego I doubt even the Dragonlord themselves would claim as much. Redscale has a different perspective on such things, though."

The reincarnator has to grin at the admission. "You do seem to be a fan of driders, alright."

Halith nods slightly but doesn't actually respond for a few moments. "Back in the days when the Dragonlord ruled the continent's driders...well, no one was ever forced into entering my dungeon. But success in Challenging was a career that led to a chance for freedom that many Valleylanders were otherwise denied at the time. Over the years, I saw many desperate souls give it an attempt when they should have been taking up careers in weaving or mining or some such. At first I enjoyed the feast such unprepared intruders gave me, but as the years wore on..." The woman stares off into the distance before continuing. "In some ways, things are better now. We dungeons are tools of the gods, I believe that, and so it's better when Challenging is left to those who are truly called to the life."

Xenia's not sure exactly how to respond to that, so after a few beats she goes with the tried-and-true 'change the subject' strategy. "Think I can agree with that...uh, so! That's Floor Four, still got more than half the dungeon left!"

Her guest smiles but shakes her head. "Unfortunately I can feel the link's charge is beginning to run dry, I won't be able to finish the tour today. Perhaps...we can visit this infamous 'Floor Five' of yours?"

"Heh, even other dungeons are hearing about that, are they? Sure - for you, only the VIP treatment will do!"



The pair did spend a few minutes in Worthy Inn, but as Halith was unable to actually interact with any of the Challengers populating the place, trying to hang out at one of the tables for a chat seemed a little awkward. She perked up significantly when they teleported over to the Fiver's Lounge portion of the floor, however. As usual it was much less busy - although becoming more so all the time, these days - so it wasn't so hard to find a place for the two to sit down and watch the shows. While the Challengers couldn't see Halith, the dancers certainly could, and the red-skinned woman would probably be displaying a blush if her complexion was paler.

Once the two are seated at a table with specially-designed drider sofas, they're interrupted by a succubus coming up to them in the garb of a lounge employee. That is to say, a black leather bunny suit with ears and fishnets, and from the way Halith's eyes nearly pop out of her skull at the sight Xenia would wager the woman had just had more ideas crammed into her head than all of the conversations up to this point had managed. For her part though, Xenia eyes the woman for a different reason.

"Welcome to the Fiver's Lounge! You two enjoying yourselves? I daresay you're suited for the VIP treatment, if you're interested..."

The demon gives Halith a wink, but Xenia interjects before her guest can respond. "Emma? What's the deal with the demon skin? That's Kalissa you're mirroring, right, one of our bartenders?"

Emma pouts using Kalissa's face. "Phooey - how'd you know it was me so quick? Do your dungeon senses let you see through me that easily?"

"Kalissa wouldn't have been able to see Halith at all. Also, she's standing across the room over there, still. What's with the getup, really?"

Emma's shoulders slump. "Bah! I just wanted to see who everyone's talking about! An experienced dungeon master - I mean, if you ask me, Halith's a bigger deal than Bill is. Possibly harder to give a lap dance to, though I'm sure some of the staff would be willing to give it a try anyhow."

Xenia rolls her eyes. "Considering how easy it is to get Bill to accept a lap dance, that's a low bar - wait...did you ever give Bill a lap dance?" She quickly checks her memories, and finds at least one suspicious encounter on one of the man's previous visits. "You did, didn't you?"

Emma grins. "He sure was excited to be getting attention from 'twins', that's for sure. But are we gonna spend all night talking about my sex life, or are we gonna make sure our VIP has herself a good time tonight?"

"Wait, you even - " Xenia shakes her head, refocusing on the here and now. "You're right, not my business. And at least you weren't wearing my face for that. Uh, how about introductions? Emma, meet Halith, dungeon master of Poisonscale Dungeon. Halith, meet Emma, magic mirror and bar manager of Floor Five."

From the expression on her face, Halith hadn't perhaps caught all of the context clues from that conversation, but had picked up enough. "Some sort of mirror monster? For your bar?" She eyes Emma's demonic form up and down once again for good measure. "I can sense she's a powerful one...and quite forward, at that. No wonder everyone who visits this dungeon ends up getting pregnant, if this is how your most dangerous guardians spend their time."

Emma shakes her head. "I'm not actually a guardian, I'm more of a...special case. I could put up a fight if I had to, though." As she gets to addressing the rest of Halith's comment, she actually starts to look a little embarrassed. "Er, uh...is this too much? I kinda got used to it, hanging out around here, but I forgot most dungeons aren't Worthy Dungeon. Do you even, uh...have an interest in that sort of stuff? You seemed like you were enjoying the dancers."

Xenia again steps in to save Halith from potential embarrassment. "Hey, it's cool if you don't, I mean, I know I'm an exception to a lot of the usual rules. Especially since you wouldn't have reincarnated bosses and you've just got typical monsters hanging around, obviously people aren't going to have the same, uh...instincts, or drives, or whatever..."

Halith chuckles, her earlier signs of blushing now gone. "Xenia, my dear. Everyone fucks a monster at least once."

Xenia blinks. "...What?"

"They won't admit it, most of them. But we've all seen how the sapient-type monsters are equipped, and once you're large enough to have safe zones, it's only a matter of time before Challengers start giving...demonstrations. Need I remind you that most of my Challengers have historically been demons? Most of whom these days are succubi and incubi? Hells, in my case Challengers didn't even wait for me to add safe zones, some parties started throwing celebrations immediately after clearing a floor. Trust me, dear. We've all at least given it a try."

Somehow, that actually makes Xenia feel a little relieved. "Oh, well...I guess maybe I'm not that weird after all then, huh?"

"Oh, no, you're still exceptionally weird. I'm just saying I have no complaints with the performances on offer." She gives Emma another smile, but eventually sighs. "Unfortunately, my time here is almost up, so I won't be able to enjoy this 'lap dance' performance of yours. Perhaps next time?"

Emma grins. "I'll have a private room reserved for you!"

Xenia laughs, but shakes her head. "Certainly, any time you wanna come over - but maybe next time I can come visit your place?"

Halith considers it, and gives a nod. "We shall have to see how long it takes for the artifact to recharge, especially with it split in such an odd way. But when it is - it's a date."

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