Worthy Core

Chapter 251: Unknown Caller


Minor scheduling update: while I'm closing in on the target chapter backlog size where I normally resume three posts a week, I'm currently considering holding off for a bit and using any extra time to catch up on filling out the story glossary. Decent chance they'll resume within a couple of weeks, though.


Xenia had spent the full day with her mood altering between hysterics and annoyance, following the performance of the nobles on Floor Nine. Hysterics, because watching the nobles nearly piss themselves was objectively hilarious, and annoyance, because they'd fled after the introductory ambush. They hadn't even started going through the portal maze yet! Half the fun of the floor was supposed to be watching the Challengers get hunted from room to room by the faux xenos, especially thanks to the little trick she and Sincere had come up with.

While Challengers had to stop and activate the portal rings on the floor of each room to move from one to another, the monsters could much more quickly travel around thanks to small 'air ducts' that had been set up to connect them. Crossbreeding the horrors with slimes had certainly helped out quite a bit there. While the main goal had been to add acid blood - and that had taken a while to properly hybridize - it had also granted the side benefit of making the xenos rather...squishier than they looked. It perhaps hurt their durability a little, but it also meant they could fit through holes that no one would expect a monster their size to appear from.

Still, on reflection, Xenia ultimately had to conclude that it probably would have been more trouble than it was worth had the nobles actually died the day before. At least the floor was still mostly unknown, so even if Gilda shared her findings with the Association there were still plenty of surprises left in store.

For now at least, Xenia is half-meditating while working on possibilities for the floor boss, which was still being iterated on. At least, until Guy flies their way into her meditation chamber, somehow looking anxious despite their lack of a face. "Ma'am, I...well, I don't know how to say this, but..."

Xenia opens an eye and studies the nervous guide. "What - did you play around and manage to get a bunny pregnant? Well then, I trust that you'll take responsibility and play the role of a proper parent. You'll have to get married, of course, I won't have monsters living in sin in my dungeon."

"What? I don't even - you know I haven't - no, I believe this is something urgent, ma'am!"

With a sigh, Xenia's avatar climbs to her feet. "What could it be? I'm not noticing anything weird with the Challengers. Are you picking up something from outside the dungeon?"

"Well, to be honest, that might be an accurate way to put it. You recall the 'dungeon link' artifact we received several months ago, and placed into our inventory?"

That does manage to get the reincarnator's attention. "Oh, shit, is the link...uh, linking? What's actually happening, here?"

"I believe a connection has been formed on the other end. However, it also needs approval from you to fully activate it. I'm afraid I have no information on who is using the other half, unfortunately. How would you like to proceed?"

Xenia considers it for just half a moment before scoffing. "The Highbranches did suggest that rogue could've taken the stolen half practically anywhere, but let's be honest, what other dungeon would be wanting a link-up with me? It's gotta be one of the Dragonlord's pet dungeons." She sighs briefly before shaking her head. "No point in putting it off, if they wanna chat with me, I suppose it's better that they do it this way instead of sending a hit squad down to the damn core chamber or something. Let's go ahead and approve the connection, see what this is all about."

Guy spawns a confirmation screen for their employer, who taps it away soon after. After a few moments there's a new feeling of an incoming connection, but this time Xenia feels it herself. It's almost like the sensation of someone tapping her on the shoulder, or perhaps whispering her name into her ear. To answer it, all she has to do is turn her head...in four dimensions, or at least that's how it feels. Xenia does so, her instincts guiding her, and is surprised to see a familiar-looking toga-wearing draconic standing in her meditation chamber.

"Well, if it isn't the Dragonlord themself! I'm surprised - I thought you'd have to go through a dungeon to use one of these things to talk to me, but here you are, eh? So to speak, at least."

"Dungeon Master Worthy." The tyrant nods their head slightly, in perhaps the deepest form of respect Xenia can remember seeing them perform. "Normally, you would be correct, but you forget that you are speaking to the master of dungeon-related magics. The half of the artifact I possess has been linked to myself directly, allowing me to project myself to you in this way. Granted, I was more able to take the risks of experimentation thanks to the surprising results of my newest minion's impressive skills."

Xenia raises an eyebrow. "I've got absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You have a dragon apprentice or something?"

The dragon laughs. "Hah, hardly! No, you may recall that 'Problem Solver' who graced your dungeon some months ago? The one who seems to cause more problems than they solve? Well, it seems they managed to cheat the Fates themselves and acquire a third half of this relic, all of which are now equally connected to each other. I'll admit, the manner of their magic is one which even I am hard-pressed to replicate."

Xenia does her best to maintain an unaffected look. "Whee, good for you, got a free relic. What's this call all about, though - why so interested in using it to get in touch with me?"

The Dragonlord also gives an unimpressed look, although theirs is more disappointed. "For one, I cannot make use of any part of the link without also making use of yours, as you have one of the pieces in your possession - and I am not interested in demanding that you hand it back. Forming connections with dungeons in Rainlander-controlled territory was my original objective with the artifact, after all. For a second matter, I wish to give you a warning."

"Ah, you're getting worried about lil ol' me? Or is this more one of those 'threat' kind of warnings?"

The dragon shakes their head. "Not a threat from me, no. I have had my agents keeping a watch on the Grassbrook region for some time now, as I have been aware of the fact that someone has been seeking you out, thanks to the connection we share during your recreation of your memories. Although I'm afraid I cannot provide details on identity or numbers, my mystics have reported the arrival of realmwalkers within your region, at least twice within recent weeks."

Xenia crosses her arms and lets a smirk touch her lips. "Thanks for the heads up, D-L, but we already know. Spotted at least some of them wandering around here already."

"You have?" The tyrant actually looks slightly surprised for a moment, before adjusting their approach. "Would you care to share their descriptions? My agents could aid in - "

She cuts them off with a wave of a hand. "Let me stop you there, D-L. I appreciate you showing a bit of concern for my well-being, even if it maybe feels a little stalkery, but this is a personal issue. You don't need to get yourself involved in this. I'm not even sure why you would, to be honest."

"Have I not made it clear that everything that happens on this continent is my concern, dungeon master? Let alone matters involving my former abode? But very well. If you do not wish for the assistance of my agents, I do have another offer I would like to present to you. The third portion of the link has been granted to one of my collaborator dungeons, as was its original intended purpose. If you are willing to agree, I would place them at your disposal, with advice and resources and so on. While I will retain possession of my own fragment, I'm afraid the demands on my time are too great to serve as your personal advisor, but I do know a dungeon who would be more than happy to do so."

Part of Xenia wants to turn them down, if only to put a bit more distance between them and herself...but there's no denying that there could be a lot she could learn from a fellow dungeon. Guy's advice can only help her with dungeon management, and only certain parts of it, while her ex-Challenger guardians can only provide the hazy knowledge collected by the Association over the years. And if it turns out to not pay off, Xenia can sense that she can close the connection at any time. The risks should be...minimal.

"...Fine, I'll give it a trial period at least. When will I be hearing from them?"

The Dragonlord grins with a toothy smile. "Right now, if you're willing."

"That quick, huh? I really don't get all the personal attention...but sure, I don't mind saying hello at least."

The Dragonlord nods and turns aside, and a moment later Xenia again gets the sensation of someone trying to get her attention. With a shake of her head it fades away, replaced by the sight of yet another new guest to her meditation chamber. The new arrival is a woman, certainly, but beyond that Xenia isn't quite sure of anything. At first glance the spirit's avatar has the spidery form of a drider, but she lacks the ebon skin and white hair shared by all driders Xenia's seen thus far. Instead, her humanoid half has the appearance of a demon, with red skin, yellow eyes, long black hair and lengthy horns with a curve to them such that they bend backwards before again pointing to the ceiling. Although she's short enough to stand in the room without the horns scraping the ceiling, somehow she feels much larger to Xenia, as if she were only temporarily this height out of convenience.

Her smile is friendly enough, if perhaps also a bit predatory in appearance thanks to her fangs, revealed as she offers her greetings. "Ah, so here you are - the infamous master of the even-more infamous Worthy Dungeon! Allow me to introduce myself - I am Halith, master of Poisonscale Dungeon. I have been so eager to meet you, ever since my glorious lord told me of the opportunity."

Xenia gives the woman a nod, trying her best to smile in return as she does so. "Really? I'm Xenia Worthy, feel free to call me Xenia, if we're going to be, uh...working together, or link-buddies, or however you wanna call it. For starters...mind if I ask what your avatar is based on? I haven't seen a drider or a demon that looks like you..."

Halith rolls her eyes. "One doesn't have to be so boring as to just pick an existing species for their avatar, you know - or perhaps you don't know, I hear you've progressed rather quickly for one so young. Many dungeons don't have a proper avatar even for personal use for several weeks after being born! In my case, my earliest delvers were mostly driders and demons, and so I picked the most...interesting parts of their anatomy for my preferred form."

Given that Halith's entire wardrobe consists of a rune-embroidered loincloth and a black leather breastband, that anatomy is certainly well on display. "It's uh, it's a good look! I like what I've got, personally, but you've got a definite...style going on, for sure." Taking a breath, Xenia turns back to the Dragonlord. "So, how exactly is this going to work? Did you have anything specific you wanted to cover tonight?"

The tyrant gives a thin smile before gesturing in Halith's direction. "I will leave you in Halith's care for now, young dungeon. Halith here has two centuries of experience, and she certainly does not need me hanging over her shoulder, I am sure. I do hope you two have a productive first meeting, but if anything goes wrong...I shall be in touch. Until next time."

The Dragonlord nods again, and their form pops out of existence, their part of the link connection closed. When Xenia turns back towards her fellow dungeon though she finds the woman rubbing her hands together with unabashed glee, a hungry grin on her face. "Ooooh, I can't wait, it's been ages since I've spoken to another dungeon spirit face-to-face, you know? Now...where shall we begin?"

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