World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 495

Chapter 495: The Last War (9)

Asura, the Master of the Black Mist.

Born with the sole purpose of bringing the end to this Arcadia, he was clearly a strong being that no one dared to face.

Originally, he should have taken on the role of an absolute man and a slayer who should give everyone the final moment in the midst of the overwhelming power of the void. However, his role has changed to something completely different on the stage of this final war in a huge variable that no one expected.

[Kuhh..... How dare a mortal do that!]

A weapon with destructive power so powerful that it can blow up a mountain range with just a playful wield, and a divine apocalypse that holds its divinity. .

Unstoppably emitting powerful power that could not be blocked by any means, Asura was struggling to defeat the enemy in front of him, but he could not achieve what he wanted.

Woo woo woo.

When it collides with the power of the void, it emits blue sparks and resists 9 class magic absolute defense.

Originally, even the dragon could only block it once, and all the mana was depleted, and it was a horse-level attack, but the infinite mana supplied by the heart of eternity blocks the enormous power of the void and continues to maintain the shield. was going out

Wow. Kwaaang.

[How... how can you block the power of the void with magic!]

Asura continues to wield her divine weapon, screaming in disbelief even while looking at an absolutely impossible situation. Even if the defense was breached just once, the attack was so powerful that it would not leave a trace, but Jaeyoung, as if not intimidated in the slightest, began to approach Asura one step at a time.

“I told you.... It's impossible to pierce a barrier with infinite durability no matter what you do?”

Woo woo woo.

The blue light rising from the eyes of the Gigantes that Jaeyoung is on board.

Concentrating the endless mana power supplied by Declen's last legacy and core power source, the heart of eternity, in one hand, Jaeyoung activated dozens of skills built into Gigas at the same time.

[Absolute Penetration]

[Magic Amplification]

[Add, Add, Add]

[Runaway Magic]

[Breaking the Limit]





Penetration Enhancement Overload... The moment when the magical storm reached its climax as all the skills with damage-increasing effects were stacked. Jaeyoung stretched out his hand right in front of Asura, who was swinging his sword as if desperate, and activated the skill.

“Mana Canon.”

and that moment.

A powerful storm raged with a huge roar that tore through the skies of Arcadia.



“This crazy...”

The ridiculous destructive power of the top-notch mana stone exploded with a laughably loud roar. Most of them were just staring at the scene with blank expressions on their faces from afar, but the reaction of the viewers who were watching Jaeyoung's video streaming was truly shocking.

-Mana Cannon? Wasn't that a 3 circle magic?

-yep. hit.

-But that kind of ridiculous power comes out with only 3 circle magic...?

A magical mana cannon whose attack power increases according to the amount of mana possessed by the caster.

However, since it was generally a low-circle magic, its attack power was not very high, so everyone was stunned by Jae-young's attack, which showed incredible and formidable power beyond the scope of understanding.

-Really... Does this make sense?

-and. Originally, I knew it was fraudulent, but this is too much


An attack with tremendous destructive power that can't even be measured.

And, as expected of those people, Asura, who was hit right in front of the attack, was gasping for breath with a distorted expression on his face.

[You bastard...!]

Asura's body seems to have dealt a significant blow, and gray energy is leaking out from here and there. However, Jaeyoung did not even give him a chance to deal with the damage and counterattack, and continued to attack.

“The Requiem of the Apocalypse.”


The corrupting power that pollutes and corrupts everything erodes the pure power of the Void.

“Time for Judgment.”


The sacred fire, which had dense and thick divine power, burned the Asura's divinity.

Muspelheim, the god of heaven. And the god of demons, the Deathbringer.

The two gods, possessing a mighty divinity that could overturn the entire continent of Arcadia with just one, were wielding their power to their heart's content and swinging at the enemy in front of them.

Aww. Jae-Young's blow accurately hit and cut Asura's body in half.

However, the body of Asura, who is immortal with divinity and not a normal human being, was rapidly recovering with gray energy instead of blood flowing.


No matter how much she recovers and recovers, Asura is destroyed again by Jae-young's continuous attacks.

No matter how powerful an Asura is with divinity and divine prestige, its resilience gradually slows down and begins to disappear as it begins to be contaminated and lost little by little by the magic and divine power that corrupts and burns its divinity.

[Stop it.....]

Asura's voice clearly showed her bewilderment.

In this menacing attack that shakes his very existence... and may even lead to death, for the first time he let out a terrified scream.

[Stop it!]


An explosion of gigantic power almost like a last-ditch effort.

The shock wave burst out in an instant, and Jaeyoung had no choice but to stop the relentless attack, but soon he muttered with a fishy smile.

“Is this your best? I was very nervous because it was the last time, but it’s cooler than I thought.”

[It can't be like this. It can't be like this...!]

Asura kept muttering to himself as if he couldn't believe that he had been defeated by a mere human. Looking at the current situation, which is so distorted from the existing order of things, he talked as if he was confused about something, but Jae-young cut off his words and asked back.

“Why can’t this happen?”

[I am... obviously... for the sake of the end of this world...!]

Asura, an existence created only to bring about the end of this world.

With no purpose other than that, Asura was unable to accept the situation in which she and the forces of the void below were defeated.

“that's right. It is true that you exist to bring an end to this world, and one day you may come to bring an end to this world.”

“But today is not the day.”

Woo woo woo.

As if preparing for the final blow, when the enormous power began to condense into Jaeyoung, Asura unknowingly backed away from the true sense of danger that he felt instinctively, and began pouring out all kinds of attacks at random.

[In the world... why the hell doesn't he die!]

Asura's attacks pouring in from all directions. However, while ignoring all of those attacks, Asura slowly prepared for the final blow and looked at Jaeyoung’s blow that flew right in front of his eyes, putting on a dazed expression.

“Let’s finish it now...”


The Deathbringer accurately penetrated Asura's heart.

The power of corruption was slowly eating away at his existence, but Asura was smiling.

It was as if that expression that had been terrified until just now had been a lie.

And he said

“Hey... you really have to admit it. Not empty words, he was a really great guy.”


“No matter how much it was lowered due to the balance adjustment, it is still set as the final boss that is impossible to attack in its own way, but it is overwhelmingly smashed like this? Even if being a wanderer in turbulent times is my job, it’s not like this.”

Asura muttered as if grumbling. Jaeyoung realized while looking at his mischievous smile. That this Asura right now in front of me is a completely different being from the one before.

“Activate Alice manager mode. Release all restrictions applied to my character.”

Woo woo woo woo.

At that moment, an unfathomable gigantic power began to emanate from Asura, who had only suffered one-sidedly until just now.

Woo woo woo woo woo.

Asura, the slayer and master of the Black Mist, ended the brilliant era of Arcadia that shook this world and turned many powerful deities into vanities.

His transcendent divinity began to weigh down everything around him.


The best developer who had fucked himself up until now.

Realizing that he had appeared in Arcadia through Asura himself, Jaeyoung asked with a distorted face.

“Are you sure you promised not to intervene in the final chapter scenario? Would this be foul play?”

Minsu, who had publicly announced that he would not appear in the form of Asura in front of everyone. That's why he nodded his head in agreement with Jaeyoung's question.

“ah. that's right. okay. It did. This is a clear rule violation. I keep getting all sorts of warnings and threats about it.”

Minsu's status window is flooded with strong warnings and threatening messages from Alice and Jack about breaking the rules. But he waved his hand away and erased the whole message.

“But... I was going to watch it from the outside, but no matter how much I think about it, it doesn’t seem like it. He fights against Asura, one of Arcadia's strongest and highest-ranking deity, but he tries to eat it raw like this by using all sorts of fraudulent methods? No matter how much you deserve to be the final winner, this is a very empty ending. is not it?”


“It’s not fun, it’s fun. It's the last scenario, but in this way, a great hero woven! I appeared and ate the evil Asura by myself. Do you think I will be satisfied with such a childish and trite ending?”

Min-soo breaks into this scenario, saying he doesn't like the ending. Seeing that maddening smile on his face, Jaeyoung looked at him as if it were absurd.

“Ha... I knew it from the beginning, but he's a really selfish guy.”

“that's right. I'm the kind of guy who always acts like a fool.”

“I don’t know how on earth a guy like that ever got to be a top developer or something.”

Min-soo smirks at Jae-young's vitriol. And he said right away.

“First of all... let's talk more than just the two of us quietly. Alice.”

[The streaming service has been forcibly terminated.]

With just a hand gesture, Minsu cut off the real-time video broadcast on Arfandia. And he said to Jay.

“Tell me frankly. As you think, this world will not perish. Whatever it is, this war will be defeated by the void, and I can't end the game that was going well in the first place.”


“you're stupid? Are you going to end this giant company that makes tens of trillions of dollars a month because of just one scenario? Of course, in the distant future, it could be for unavoidable reasons, but not now. It was just a threatening word for the purpose of motivating me to participate hard.”


A crazy statement that would not be strange if other users heard it, blowing bubbles and burning down the company to cause a riot. However, his next story was even more beyond imagination.

“Ah, but don’t worry, the 15% stake wasn’t a joke. That's probably because I plan to hand it over to you normally after this scenario is over. In fact, there is no one else who can give it to you, even if you want to give it to someone else. You have to stand out in moderation. If you do so overwhelmingly well alone like this, you don’t have a choice, you have a choice.”

“...what the hell is this plan?”

“Don’t worry, there is no such thing. But instead, there are conditions.”


Minsu smirks at the word that there is a condition.

And he pointed to Jaeyoung and said.

“you. As you may have already noticed, your profession is also included in one of the many ridiculous settings I have created, right? Not considering the balance itself... the fact that he is a character that shouldn't even exist in the first place with truly fraudulent performance.”

Miracle probabilities that make the impossible possible.

And this Arcadia, which changed with that probability, was chaos itself that deviated too much from the existing flow. That's why Minsu looked at Jaeyoung and said.

“I have to take responsibility and clean up all the poop I packed before leaving. Just agree to delete the character. If you do that, you will get a 15% stake in Arcadia with the official end of the final chapter scenario. You become a majority shareholder in a megacorporation that is growing and will continue to grow.”

A proposal that might bring wealth, power, and even honor in one hand.

However, Jaeyoung did not hesitate to respond to that suggestion.


“Why...? Is this a reasonable proposal?”

An offer that no ordinary person could refuse. However, for Jaeyoung, that 15% stake was absolutely not an attractive condition.

“I have enough money to spend until I die, and my reputation has become so famous that everyone in the world doesn’t know about it because of the shitty scenario you created. I have no interest in power in the first place, and I have no need for it either.”

Since he already had everything, Jaeyoung had no intention of releasing the character he had worked so hard to develop because of that stake, but there was another reason that was more important than that.

“Besides... I don't want to accept a proposal from a fucking bastard like you, even if I die.”

Jaeyoung has no intention of wanting to dance to the rhythm Minsu wants.

That's why he overcame the power of the void that was oppressing him with overwhelming force and fixed the two divine weapons again.

“You'll regret it...?”


Jae-young shows Gigantes his middle finger and feeds him a huge and bulky taffy. Asura looked at him and smiled. And soon, a strange cutting sound was heard.


A fleeting moment when you can't even react.

The end of Asura, which passed in that short moment, accurately penetrated the absolute defense that could not be penetrated until now and cut off Gigantes' right arm.

“Then I have no choice but to force them to do so.”

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