Chapter 114: Chapter 27 comments on the net (2) volume 2 600-625
600. Music stroking: long live the great myth of ge yimin!
I love kris!
All things are not gods, but the people.
Top secret mission no. 7 truth: I am god, and kris is an evil spirit.
"Joker___D:" ge is a devil, the building owner is possessed, needs to be put on the fire exorcism.
601. Music stroking: all things are not gods, only ge yimin
"Kudhua: short, powerful verse.
Excuse me, nobody believes you. It's a wonder you haven't checked your water meter for so long.
"Jzd1595030547: why bother with such evil men.
602. Xishan zazen: ge yimin, a person with a theoretical system
"Jxytzyx: ok, we know there is ge yimin, kneel Ann!
You never know how the doctrine of speech that seems to be S8 becomes sanctified. The master, for example, lightened the women.
603. Yu yu meditate: your god cannot save himself
It's crap.
"The secondary, love: feel this crape myrtle even waste.
Who has ge feared in the whole world?
"Medical science knows no bounds. 99: how do you program fear words?
"" prime minister of Ming: this mental illness is more funny than wheels, ha ha ha.
When did your ge god have
You have only lived a few decades, and if he were god, you would be god. He lies himself, and you lie too. Convert to Jesus Christ. This is your only way out.
I think you are a lunatic, I trust you to the Lord god, his old people have ways to do with you.
"Wind music: god must have, but certainly not ge yimin.
Good into virtue, god is content, sacred heart prepared.
"The male officer comrade: alas ~ blind lead blind person, lead to sewer in.
Stickguo: there is no money for the divinity stick. You can only send such a post.
"Lovely w254: you're right!
"The lapsed wounds: how many religious?
"Ge hua: 100,000 ge hua 100,000 soldiers.
God's servant 830207: believe in goeth to hell, believe in Jesus Christ for eternal life
"Tubaozi 168: how many ge yimin should I seal a day? Do you know?
"Poetry bug: for some people who think of themselves as god, ignore!
Paris in the water: you came late, ge yimin, zhang fuxin first.
606. Prometheus 2013: ge yimin calls himself god
Graduated from the department of Chinese language and literature of nanjing university.
"wordofgod" has such as, god geyi people, you should believe his words, state geyi people's thinking of the future world.
In their dreams, kris meets satan and tells him about divine revelation.
"Wang xiaolong's wild father: god is the only true god
He is god. Listen to him.
"Tianniu1080: is Jeremiah the same person as zheng kui fei ge yimin?
607, natural and handsome big good rabbit: the inside call ge yi people of have a day
Suddenly heard a word, from then on out of control.
The Buddha's chosen people encountered many strange things, and Moses often heard the revelation of god, now it was like hearing voices.
So what's the test? Moses says that god's will has happened, and he can prophesy, and all of a sudden the crowd believes.
"Juliet 591: if I don't come in a day, I'll be a bunch of kris.
Maybe people just like ge.
Kill your own master by mistake? This one, this one... !
608. Mo xiang: ge is a fool
Lao zi saw at a glance that he did not have the wisdom and wisdom to go to heaven, and even did not find the narrow door, but old ge is smaller than me, there is also a small wisdom, that is, he understood, there is no grocery store that does not open, as long as the fool, there must be stupid letter, ha ha.
Ge is not worthy to tear, a few broken dreams are extremely low level, it is good to say that he is a saint crape myrtle, pure fun.
609. Lotus pointed dancer: true truth cannot be spread! While GeYiMin
Why is it so easy to become famous? It is driven by different interest groups such as the devil and the dark forces!
"The stream pentium: ge yi people god has so many people? Are these people crazy?
Purple night elegy: these people are all god and god, and also compete with baozi saint, it is time to treat them.
"" Miss 灬 ling: dozens of GeSheng.
"Gentleman of modesty: "wordofgod" also has normal time.
Ee cheng: everybody complains about him.
"Miss 灬 ling: let's go to the post lighthouse and report them.
China actually propagates divine religion.
[07.24 application for closure]
There's a whole bunch of ids that promote theism
Before the 19th congress
Also hope baidu comprehensive ban.
Misfortune befalls the country and the people.
"Qingmu son: have the evil cult tendency, demagoguery popular feeling.
"Miss 灬 ling: oneself have tended to cult calculate
Why spread the word
Let's just spread the word
And a little childish remark on a dollar
Can't I change a bigger one?
The humble gentleman: bravery is admirable.
610, Paris is in the water: these are the waistcoats of kris, he fancied
Become what what judge, all beauty star enter his harem. There's a lot going on.
"Miss 灬 ling: no, the holy teach so much
This is what the friends of the bar are like.
Not only established theism, but also self-styled saints
Very organized infiltration of baidu tieba every corner
Well trained. Not psychosexuality as usual.
Suddenly I felt this man was very powerful.
"Ee cheng: let's push him down. Don't be soft.
611, rise, water bottle: ge is not a simple person
He was the first to be called holy, and the state was afraid to do anything about him, you know. He has a background and a connection.
Kaine sharour: communism is not atheism, how he is joined with Christ, is also a talent.
"Special pick rice grains: in the name of god to deceive.
Pig man: hahaha, there is a fool who has been brainwashed by people like ge
"-- chq0998: it depends on the outcome of the struggle above.
I have a suggestion. Can I delete the post about kris? Think the mind is about to be captured by them.
"Neutron degeneracy: who is ge?
A little monster in the hall of beasts: the sacred stick.
Melody of the dawn: the missionary vest of kris
Let's see if there are any loose ends.
Feel the
"Isabelgordon54: I saw three words of gee-people. I almost deleted you by reflex.
"12355422 um kg: how do you argue against not being a missionary? The resolute letter that scold a person, discuss of still keep, let them waste time here good past harm harm.
Breaking dawn melody: this is the exception.
"> fat flying ramen god: that elder brothers probably is a spoof.
"Lai xia full moon gradually Ming: find a cult? Quick report li hongzhi ge yi people go, stupid.
Fatty ramen god: kris is only spoofing the bible or something
"Silent is not subject: suddenly want to enter a cult.
"CZ Wolf shadow: hehe, low-class liar.
"Famous majipan: attention! All interested friends say.
"Tubaozi 168: ge yimin thought should not spread here.
HuskarGW: gehua, it's all script sealed.
Oblivion: kris, the communist leader Jesus Christ? Badly ill
Jesus, the undead: truth: Jesus is me I am Jesus, yes I am Jesus Christ.
"SanFran_city: don't lie to me. I've never seen ge's profile picture.
"Dancing all night: famous IQ test artifact.
"USSR sang: ge is said to be able to trick girls.
"Linden wan's glory: are these robots?
Ge hua xu qing: good evening, god ge yimin
When can come to my dream
Ge: 20191001
Ge hua xu qing: 20191001 what meaning
Kris: 13. So in 2019, the end of the world came, and kris became king, ending the rule of the gentiles and establishing the kingdom of god (communist society).
Ge hua xu qing: only two years
Kris: yeah
We're all waiting
Ge hua xu qing: will you be the host of the world then?
Kris: yes, spiritual leader
Ge hua xu qing: when can you show your power for us to witness
Kris: I'm looking forward to it
Ge hua xu qing: oh.
Medicine has no end
They are liars who ignore reality.
"Juliet 591: if you could just seal up a bunch of kris once in a while for ten days, I wouldn't have to clean up every day.
Passerby: the title seems useless. It looks as if there are many small ones.
"Firebird rebirth: you look really familiar id, is it ge yimin's subordinate? What is the truth that women's rights can save the world?
Action committee of jiangsu and zhejiang: ge yimin, who will listen to you speak ""wordofgod"" ah
"Xie ruixian a: did ge yimin hear that he went to college? Not sure, but if it's really normal it's really his problem.
"Jiangsu and zhejiang action committee: ge yimin is a graduate of the Chinese department of nanjing university, and graduated before the expansion of enrollment in the 1990s, when this diploma is not cheap, can also be a middle school teacher. However, his wife and daughter left him after he became self-appointed as god, and finally he managed to get into the position of chief executive of a private enterprise. However, his mental problems were doubtful, at least his social functions were not lost.
Ge was probably one of those people who came up with the qigong craze and the various idealist stick doctrines of the 1990s. It is true that some people have succeeded in becoming middlemen for a while, but it is not their time now, ge published books at his own expense, nobody read them.
"Yessor:" his wife and daughter are gone
Where did this come from? Ge is a wife and a son, together.
The secret of the years the "wordofgod" can speak openly and honestly
The person of letter's intelligence quotient all how, return normal.
"The wind blew through street 85: ge yimin even baboon and wild slippery have surrendered.
HuskarGW: their cult's 24-hour Posting machine, which retrieves key words and USES a vest to praise ge.
Are you saying that god is god?
Kris said he was a god.
"TOPARCHON: I hate all the evil people, and I killed all the posts of that cult.
"Cooking doesn't care: indeed, your" "wordofgod"s "should be changed to look awkward.
"Kris: the word of god.
Jesus my god: kris is the antichrist, and we christians only praise Christ
Do not boast about yourself, for all who put themselves above Christ are evil spirits. This is the enemy of our Christ, to think of ourselves as god. Deny the Lord Jesus. Is the devil.
This is the son of perdition; he is jumping into the pit of fire; do not let him tempt you.
"Ww195480: it turns out that god ge sticks all day long those messy because of the book ah, it seems that China needs to build a temple to the golden dragon, you said that god ge sticks out a book can be feigned ghost, jin yong wrote so many, may not be the creation god ah.......
"Ge hua: "wordofgod"s are god's word.
I don't know who ge yimin is
All I know is grizz.
New universe, new world: if they show miracles, someone will come out and say they are heresy and a monster, contrary to common sense.
"Olinyic: ge yimin is a false saint, wait for the true saint to appear after see ge yimin face where to put.
Jesus my god: the public will pay the price
On the contrary, people are self - appointed as god, in ancient and modern China and foreign, have no good end.
> > > where is Jesus?
Olinyic: get out of marxism-leninism, there is no need for goh yi-min here.
It is better to die than to believe in a cult that poisons the soul.
Twilight glory: a cult leader who thinks he's good.
Lost lion d: a psychosexuality person who has read what he wrote is worthless and who would not exactly describe a person's physical appearance. Physical appearance is a philosophical concept.
Jesus my god: kris, this is the son of perdition
He was one of us, but the devil tempted him to lust for power in the world. He is the angel who makes himself bright. He denied the Lord Jesus Christ and regarded his words as god. Confuse the fallen. Think to sink together, have no matter, the permanent fire of hell is what prepare for you this kind of person.
This is the son of hell, and I'm used to it.
Since he turned his face away and did not recognize his god, god gave him a false heart, let him sink himself, the eternal fire of hell has prepared him. He won't be around for long, but he'll confuse a lot of people. May the Lord wish him to repent.
"Pan ID defense meat: son of hell, this name is really handsome, give me a devil king how.
Jesus my god: if you want to jump into the fire, make yourself.
Paris in the water: kris, the border between China and India needs you
Wheels need you, 1515 needs you.
"Ge hua: the son of ge yimin's world.
Jesus my god: kris the son of perdition will call himself god in the temple.
"The south alone water: ge yi people is not true, can not because he was wronged to say that he is true.
I can write an identical book named "the "wordofgod"" by ge yimin.
"Ge hua: same thing?