Woman with the tiger eyes in the Beast warrior's World

Chapter 312: Restless tiger & sneaky snake

The new morning in the Tiger Castle caught Sienna snoozing off heavily on Tyrell's hard shoulder. He was making love to her a few times that night and she was properly exhausted.

Tyrell looked at his sleeping mate and smiled sheepishly. He was keeping her awake almost all night. Her hair was tangled and stuck to her face as she slept. Tyrell recalled pulling them a few times as he mated her. It was so exciting for him.

He fixed Sienna's hair gently but she awoke and stared at him dizzily.

"You! You naughty tiger...let me sleep. I'm all sore!"She mumbled and closed her tired eyes again.

Tyrell smiled and went on to kiss her neck...her sleepy scent was so intoxicating to him, that he kissed it and licked it slowly continuing to her lower back. Then he started pressing her excitement spots firmly.

"Ahh, no more for now! I need a shower."Sienna finally awoke groggily. He was starting to annoy her."Why doesn't he go to work and let me sleep?" she thought. "Work, I have a lot of work, the book!"She remembered and sobered up suddenly.

She rolled off the bed straight from Tyrell's lips and landed on the floor with a soft thud.

"Good morning my love, are you running away from me?" he looked at her cheekily.

"Good morning," Sienna glared at him."I'm going to shower. You made me all sticky!"

"I'm sorry my love, I will fix it for you. I was just trying to make you well, but it looks like it was not enough. "He looked pitifully at her.

"What?"Sienna furrowed her brows as Tyrell leapt from the bed and picked her up. "I will bathe you by myself..." he kissed her gently on the top of her head.

He took her to the bathroom and sat her on the toilet till he made her a nice warm bath. Sienna watched in a daze...She did not sleep well, so she was a bit grumpy, her insides were sore and stinging and Tyrell looked way too excited and caring as he went to make her that bath. 

When Sienna went out from the toilet, Tyrell was already in the bath waiting for her."Come in my love. "He smiled gently and reached his hands to pull her in. 

Sienna let him help her and sat in his lap. The water was warm and nice and he even added some strawberry-scented bubbles. Sienna inhaled the fragrance and felt happy. But then Tyrell started to move and washed her back gently pressing on her sensitive spots again.

"Ahh!" Sienna moaned almost involuntarily. She wanted to relax, but he just smirked and was running his hands on her bum suddenly. Sienna felt a wave of anger arose within her."He does not let her rest even a bit!" she thought upset. She took a handful of bubbles and smashed it onto his face. Tyrell puffed the bubbles with his mouth and wiped his eyes with his free hand chuckling.

"I'm so happy you want to play again!"He smiled cheekily and pushed her into the water! Sienna felt that he was lifting her legs onto his shoulder and the water ran over her face. She just covered her nose quickly when she felt Tyrell was lifting her while holding her back and pressing her sore private parts onto his face. She shrieked and hugged his head as she was sitting on his shoulders suddenly!

"Please do not stand up, please do not stand up!"She shrieked as he started kissing her sex but she felt as he did. Sienna grabbed tightly onto his head and screamed as Tyrell stood up and carried her on his shoulders back to bed. He smashed her all wet into the covers still licking her.

Sienna felt the cold air react with the water on her body and suddenly the only hot object in the room was her sex-crazy mate...She touched his head gently as she gave in to the pleasure she started to feel. His tongue was gliding over her sore inside and she felt as he reached and pushed soft oil inside of her to soothe the soreness. It made his finger slide inside her effortlessly and Sienna was suddenly cuming on his hand...

Tyrell grinned as he watched her face panting in ecstasy. It was the most beautiful morning picture for him...

"You! Ahh, "Sienna moaned as she opened her eyes with her body still twitching.

"Want some more?"Tyrell looked at her seductively.

"I'm so done. Thank you! Later, please. We have a work to do!"She gulped but was not sure what she really wanted. 

"Sure."Tyrell smiled cheekily. He went to grab a wet towel and started to clean her up. Then he dried her properly and gently applied some more healing oil on her sore insides. He was very gentle this time and Sienna lay with her legs open and rather stared at the ceiling. It felt a bit embarrassing but when she glanced at him her heart melted. He was her sweetheart. His long white hair was coming into his concentrated forehead and Sienna must agree her mate was way too handsome! She watched his muscles shining in the soft sun peeking from the windows and the scene was just ethereal.

"Thank you, my love."Sienna sighed when he was finally done. She was not sure what he was doing so long in there but was way too tired to rush him. Sometimes was better to just go with it...

"Anything for you." Tyrell leaned to her and kissed her on her lips gently.

"Please help me dress up."Sienna smiled and stood up holding onto his warm hand.

Tyrell was about to start helping Sienna dress. He kneeled and held her silken underwear for her to step into as she held onto his strong shoulder when Sharchan barged into her room as if coming home! The Snake King smelled fresh from the outside air and Sienna turned her lips to him as he passed her. He slapped her naked bottom but after a quick peck on her lips, he sat down behind the table watching Tyrell dress her up.

Sienna felt her heart shiver as she looked at him. She felt so vulnerable with her mates in the same room suddenly and gulped. She noticed Sharchan's gaze and the idea of both of them in the bed flashed in her mind! She rather closed her eyes tiredly. She was sore and was afraid Sharchan would read her mind again!

But when she opened her eyes again, Sharchan stood right in front of her! He was touching her cheek gently. "You look tired, come eat my love," he said gently.

Sienna felt her heart squashed."Did he read my mind again or not? He did not look as if he did. Good!"She thought as she went to sit at the table, but it was so uncomfortable for her sore parts!

"I will eat on my cushions."She smiled at Sharchan tiredly.

"Sure, whatever you like!" he nodded eagerly but glanced at Tyrell who was also dressing up with furrowed brows. Tyrell smiled sheepishly at him and brought Sienna her tray with oat porridge and fruits which already waited at the door. The chefs had it ready for the Queen as she bathed.

Sharchan sat on the cushion opposite Sienna and watched her eat. Tyrell continued to dress and Sienna kept glancing at him. Sharchan watched her carefully.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked her.

"Not much."She reddened up."But I had a nice night."She glanced at him sweetly to protect Tyrell.

"Hm," Sharchan looked at her inquisitively." Would you go dancing today?"

"No, I need to work on that book. You promised to read it together and I have to copy more pictures."She bit her lips.

"Sure, "Sharchan nodded. "We work and we go for a walk later on."He noted seriously.

"Sounds great, "Sienna nodded and finished her breakfast quickly. Then she spread her painting stuff on her table and took the book and the legends.

"I see you later my love."Tyrell kissed Sienna's lips and squeezed her bum as he left work in his office. "Do not forget about your promise." he licked his lips as he smiled at her in the door.

"What promise?"Sharchan looked at Sienna hungrily when Tyrell left.

"I do not recall any. Tyrell is making stuff in his head," Sienna smiled under her nose and shook her head."He is wild somehow.."

"Well, you do look so tasty..."Sharchan smiled at her seductively.

"Sit!"Sienna looked at him firmly."I need to draw or my head will explode, so give me my time, ok? This is important!" she looked fiercely at him and Sharchan just got a flash of angry Sienna in his golden cage..."So sexy..."His snake sighed in his head.

Sharchan sat next to Sienna reading the boring text from the page she was copying over and over again but did not find any clues in it at all. He kept glancing at her but Sienna was concentrated on drawing the outlines of the Butterfly Princess and ignored his gazes.

"Wait! Make one more..."Sharchan just took the unfinished paper from under her hand!

"What are you doing?" Sienna looked at him and watched shocked as he drew some lines over the Butterfly Princess's face.

"You are so rude!"Sienna shook her head..." And that is horrid!" she glanced at his artistic expression over her paper." You do not need to do that if you do not think she is pretty!"."She shook her head in disbelief at his childishness...

"What? I just want to try if it turns into ashes. It is a scientific experiment." Sharchan looked at Sienna innocently.

"What?"Sienna stared at him speechless. He was...well, one of a kind for sure...

"Well, I dare if anyone will burn it in my pocket..."Sharchan folded the messed-up picture into his pocket and smiled satisfied...

"Now, I have to do it again..."Sienna just shook her head with soft resentment at asking him to help..." That was such a stupid idea..." she thought."Who is more distracting than him?" she chuckled in her mind hopelessly...

"You can draw fast anyway! This one will be even better than the one before. "Sharchan grinned satisfied.

"You are just unbelievable! Do not snatch more pages from me!"Sienna gave him a fierce look and continued drawing.

Sharchan watched Sienna for some time till she managed to finish that page...She went on to start another page when he leaned to her suddenly.

"Ahh, wait..." he looked into her face seriously

"What...?"Sienna stopped startled.

"You have something here...Don't move!" he reached for her face...

"Is it a spider?"Sienna whispered almost tearing up.

"No. Wait! let me help you!" he said looking concentrated on her face.

Sienna stayed so stiff just looking at him when the sneaky Snake King just kissed her lips passionately!

"What?"Sienna muffled into the kiss.

"What...? Your lips asked me to kiss them."Sharchan rasped nonchalantly as he kept kissing her.

"You are such a trickster!"Sienna shook her head smiling. She could not be even angry at him!

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