Woman with the tiger eyes in the Beast warrior's World

Chapter 303: The stubborn tiger

The glorious night of celebrations started in the Sand City! After the games, Sienna sat with Sarcos at the huge banquet on the Forum. They were sitting on the golden thrones next to each other inside a lavish Royal Gazebo. The whole city was beautifully decorated and everyone was eating and drinking. The singers were singing, and the acrobats were entertaining people on the streets.

Sienna watched people dancing and pulled Sarcos's hand. "Do you think we can dance?"She whispered to him a bit longingly.

"No, I should not dance at my own celebration. I need to look like a serious King." He smiled. "I will organize some music festivals just to dance with you, hm?"He offered quite pleased that she wanted to hold him even closer and dance.

"That's not fair." Sienna scrunched her face..."Why don't you just make a gold statue of yourself to sit at your place so you can have fun with me?"She smiled cheekily.

"You are so wild!" he shook his head in disbelief at her idea..." Well, you might go dance with kids," he chuckled..."If you are not shy..." he pointed at the group of kids and females dancing together to keep the kids happy...

"Sure I will, "Sienna looked at him cheekily and stood up. Sarcos watched in awe how Sienna went to join the kids to dance! The kids and their mothers were very welcoming and took Sienna between them with sweet giggles...The drum music was fast and she was dancing with them in big circles...

For Sienna, it was a completely new experience to be so close to people suddenly...She watched the happy female faces entertaining their kids and understood that she was responsible for them, that they were Sarcos and her people and it was their duty to take care of them well. To give them the opportunity for a safe and happy life and a bright future.

"I should go between people more often..." she nodded for herself in her mind as she swayed in a fast dance.

"My Queen is so cute..."Sarcos sighed as he watched Sienna have fun with his people and felt warm in his heart. He felt a bit stupid for keeping the protocol rules his father established and after some time he went to pick Sienna up.

"I think it is my time to dance with you..." He grabbed her hand tightly in his with his eyes shining in dark passion.

"Sure, my King," Sienna smiled gently at him. She thanked the mothers and kids for a lovely time and went dancing with Sarcos between the couples...

Sarcos's body was hot and his presence intoxicating to Sienna's senses, she felt so happy dancing in his arms, almost as if it was just an amazing wild dream...

After a long night of fun, where the Scorpion King broke the traditional rules because with his sweetheart Queen was no point in restricting himself to looking like a golden King statue after all, Sarcos decided to leave the celebrations and take Sienna back...She was a bit flushed in the face from fast dancing and tired but she wanted to walk through the celebrating city with him holding hands. Sienna felt the cooling breeze and felt so happy and alive...dancing made her hot and she was so excited to have Sarcos next to her...

But as they entered the atrium of the Sand City Castle, the loud ringing of swords and cheering hit their ears...Sienna noticed the group of guards forming a circle as they were watching a fight in the middle of it.

Sarcos furrowed his brows and went with Sienna to check it out. It was not unusual for fights to break out but it was strange on the celebration day as this one, especially in his own castle...

"What is this?"Sienna called enraged to see Bran and Ziran fighting again!

"We have to finish what we started dear Queen!"Ziran called to Sienna brutishly because his big tiger-man ego hurted.

"I'm just self-defending. He attacked because he was still grumpy, please forgive me, my Queen..."Bran bowed in front of Sienna as he dodged Ziran's attack...the tiger was out of his mind!

"Ziran, why are you doing this?"Sienna called upset in disbelief, he did not even bother to stop as he talked to her!

"I need to show you that I'm worthy of your trust..."Ziran growled slashing his sword at Bran.

"I did not stop you at the games because I do not believe in you, but because I know that you will never give up! I do not need dead bodyguards, so think nothing of it!"Sienna called to him firmly. This man's ego was way over the moon and back...

"Ziran!"Sienna called upset."Will you stop now?" she looked in disbelief as he just kept attacking Bran and her heart throbbed painfully. Ziran was out of order!

"Don't you dare to disregard my Queen Ziran!"Sarcos said firmly, on which all the warriors present just froze!

Sarcos looked at Ziran who seemed to swallow hard. He overdid it and Sarcos got involved...Bran just stood next to Ziran waiting. He was not in wrong, so he was calm.

"You both were ordered to stop killing each other because you did not keep the rules of a friendly fight. You were irresponsible! The wellbeing of my Queen is the utmost priority and your duty to guard her is foremost over your petty arguments."Sarcos said firmly to them..."So don't let me catch you fighting to death again!"He looked at them so kingishly that Sienna's knees started to wobble..." He told them off so well!" She thought as she held onto Sarcos's arm and walked with him inside the castle's main building feeling so proudly happy with him in her heart!

"Thank you!"Sienna kissed Sarcos's cheek cheekily as they passed the Throne Room. "For what?"Sarcos asked gently.

Sienna just pointed with her head to the atrium.

"Sure, anything for you, my love."Sarcos smiled and lifted her into his embrace as they approached the big stairs. Sienna listened to his heartbeat cuddled up in his arms, so she closed her eyes for a sweet moment and relaxed breathing in his presence... She was quite happy the day was over and she could be just with him.

Sarcos smiled as he felt she just fell asleep in his arms as he carried her, so he hurried up. He took her to her room, put her on her bed and covered her with warm blankets carefully, but Sienna felt his warmth was gone and awoke.

"What are you doing?"Sienna sobered up a little.

"You seem tired my love. Have a rest tonight."Sarcos smiled gently and kissed her forehead. Sienna felt his warm lips on her skin. Her blood started to go faster and her being tingled in expectation. She wanted what was hers right now!

"Are you trying to avoid your punishment?"Sienna sat up abruptly and stared into his sparkly eyes. He was looking way too good to just go to bed! 

Sienna wanted to have that strong muscles holding her waist and she wanted to hoover her face over his hard abs. She wanted to tease him till he begged her to stop!!! "I will show him punishment!"She thought very wildly.

"Ahh, of course not."Sarcos looked at her a bit surprised. It looked as if his gentle care made her angry somehow! She was seeping with a wild energy and he was keen to see what she would do. 

"Let's not keep what has to be done for later. "Sienna stretched her hands to him. "I will punish you right now and then I want to hear no more of it!"She said in a demanding voice as a true Queen.

Meanwhile in the Crystal City...Sharchan ditched the hibernation for now and went to Tyrell to plot the trap on Marco...

"We need to do something definite..."Sharchan held his chin thinking aloud in Tyrell's office...

He was so grumpy Marco won over him in the fight and was worried about his dragon...

"I heard he dropped Sarcos to Sand City, so do you think he is fixed?" Tyrell bit his lips not sure what to do ...

"Who cares...he is still a chimera. If it got out once, it can happen again..."The revengeful Snake King hissed.

"Should we not talk to Sarcos about it first?" Tyrell bit his lips..."To find out if he was the one to fix him..."

"Did Sarcos forbid us to kill Marco?"Sharchan asked.

"No," Tyrell shook his head.

"So? We can do whatever..."The Snake King hissed.

"True...as long as no one will find out..."Tyrell's tiger purred in dark satisfaction." So, what do you propose...?" he asked.

"A trap in the tower..."Sharchan noted. "An empty tower with spikes and nets to entangle his wings!" the snake within Sharchan replied wickedly because he was jealous of Marco's wings...

"I see you got inspired by Crodius's ditches..."Tyrell clicked his teeth uncomfortably...

"Sure..."Sharchan grinned painfully at the embarrassing memory. It was kind of grinding his proudness under his scales...

"Ok, that can work, but how we do lure him in? He might be careful not to trust us..."Tyrell was thinking aloud how to entangle Marco into entering their trap...

"Not if he gets a hot letter from Sienna with a sweet date..."Sharchan giggled wickedly...his snake loved scheming..."He receives a sweet letter and the trap and I will go to his date and mate with Sienna after he is dead..."He chuckled viciously.

"Don't forget about me..."Tyrell licked his lips thinking about Sienna in his arms...

"What about Bran?" Tyrell asked.

"What about him?" Sharchan shook his shoulders. 

"He is way too loyal to Marco, "Tyrell noted.

"And? "Sharchan stared at him surprised that he was worried about someone so insignificant in his eyes.

"What if he became the new Eagle King and will claim Sienna for himself?"Tyrell noted.

"He is not a chimera, but we can deal with him later..."Sharchan nodded...

"Ok, "Tyrell said satisfied.

"Let's go to the armoury and start building, we should have it ready before Sarcos with Sienna will come."Sharchan grinned...

"Sure brother."Tyrell nodded excitedly and went to prepare the place for their amazing deadly trap...

Meanwhile, in the Eagle Mountains, blissfully unaware of the plots for his life, the strong Eagle King was hurling as the blue comet through the air. He landed in his bedroom and fell unconscious. His warriors just let him rest because he seemed exhausted.

Marco lay in his bed not knowing of the world while the long dream played in front of his eyes suddenly;

Marco saw himself lying as the half-dragon half-eagle on the cold stony floor within Sienna's treasure cave complex. His soul was already passing through the rocks and watching himself dying when the two figures caught his eyes...

Marath and Thyasse went around Sienna's treasure caves, it was a great shortcut, so they used it. Marath felt a faint magic presence within the rocks, so he went to check it out. He moved the heavy boulder with ease and saw an unconscious dragon-eagle chimera lying in there...

"It is him?"Thyasse asked surprised.

"He is dying..."Marath looked at the creature...

"Was not Sarcos supposed to save him?" Thyasse watched him pitifully...

"They did not figure out how to use my antidote..."Marath shook his head...

"Can you save him?"Thyasse asked curiously.

"Do you think I should?"Marath looked at her.

"Well, Sienna loves him, he is her mate still."Thyasse bit her lips.

"That is true, and?" Marath asked thinking.

"Will she not be sad if he dies?"Thyasse bit her lips. She was a bit puzzled by Marath coldness towards Sienna's mate.

"She will!"Marath noted cheekily."But most people will die eventually..." he noted.

"So, are you helping her then? You said to protect her heart no?"Thyasse tried to help her kind sister-in-law carefully...

"Yes, I did."Marath was pleased by Thyasse's thinking. She was getting kinder and he liked it...

"So, how do we save him?"Thyasse asked and looked at him with her big wild yellow eyes. The more time she spent with her mate more puzzling and complicated he seemed to her. 

"Do you think I can?"Marath asked her tilting his head funnily. He was acting like a joker sometimes...he was breaking subtle lines between serious and crazy which was confusing to her...

"You can do anything, no?"She looked at him trusting...

"Almost anything..." he smiled pleased in her trust in him.

Marco watched in a dazed dream as Marath put a spell over him...and his soul was falling into his body...as if someone sucked it in by strong force...

He tried to take control of his body, but it was not working...he could not open his eyes however hard he tried...but he could still hear them two talking...

"Will he remember it?"Thyasse asked gently.

"Only as a dream..."Marath chuckled.

Back in the Sand City Ziran was very upset. He felt like a slave, who could not even decide when to die! He felt angry and humiliated. He started to resent Sienna for stopping the fight...

"Don't be so grumpy...She did not do it only for you but for me too. I did not want to kill you in there...it would be stupid for you to die during the games."Bran chuckled stabbing Ziran's heart even more as he was preparing the needle and thread..."So, let me sew you up! You need to be ready to protect our Queen tomorrow. "Bran sat down to stitch skin at Ziran's back...

"Stitching tigers is your speciality..."Ziran chuckled bitterly as he pulled his bloodied silken shirt off his back and ripped open all the wounds which were stuck in it...

"Well, at least your face looks better this time. I tried not to aim at it..."Bran nodded...

"You were still restraining!"Ziran raged.

"Sure...I do not want to disappoint my Queen by killing you or making you look ruffled..."Bran petted Ziran's head...

The brutish tiger was thinking he would explode!

Bran was provocating Ziran with being overly friendly as he was piercing the tiger's skin with the needle and thread...Ziran was so angry, that he did not feel the pain much at all...

"Hurry up! I need to go out..."Ziran clenched his jaw suppressing his anger.

"No need. I have a deer for you waiting. I should help you out after I ripped into you...you need to heal fast!" Bran said caringly. He was mocking the injured tiger! Bran lost respect for Ziran as he saw him to be rude to Sienna before...

"I'm not going to guard the Queen...!"Ziran bit his lips.

"But it is your duty...she is counting on you!"Bran furrowed his brows surprised. Ziran seemed more reckless and childish than he thought...

"You can do a better job for sure...!"Ziran growled.

"That's true!"Bran noted."But she likes you too. You are friends, no?"Bran asked as he finished stitching the tiger's back.

"Not any more...I don't need friends who humiliate me publicly!"Ziran bit his lips...

"Ahh, shush..she wanted to keep you alive...and you did not keep the rules! Everyone saw it...you are so petty...!"Bran shook his head.

"I need to be alone for a while..."Ziran breathed out to let the pressure in his chest go!

Bran watched as Ziran dressed up in new clothes and took his sword...He felt the tiger was decided.

"Any message for the Queen?"Bran asked.

"Yes...Tell her I will fuck her hard for this when I become the King..." he chuckled crazily and left smashing the doors loudly.

"In your dreams..."Bran shook his head..."If you become the King I will fight you to death for real before you get your hands on her..." he bit his lips and watched from the stony carved window as the burly tiger walked out fast from the castle atrium...

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