Chapter 295: The end of the Underworld
The late morning sun over the Tiger Castle saw as Sienna awoke next to Tyrell after a rather very hot night... He cuddled her naked body in the bed...inhaling her scent and feeling right at home...pretending to sleep...just to be with her longer in the bed.. he was kind of fooling his workaholic himself on purpose...
"Good morning, my love..."Sienna turned to him and muffled into his shoulder.
"Yes, my love..."Tyrell's hand wandered down the Sienna's body rather naturally.
Sienna giggled and reached for some grapes from her night table. She munched a few and kind of watched Tyrell's hand caressing her body.
"What are you thinking about?"She asked him curiously.
"Sienna, do you know what day it is?" He asked her seriously.
"Maybe...end of one month today?" She asked him excited...
"Yes...Sarcos will be back tomorrow..."He nodded a bit resentfully. It really sucked he could not keep her for longer with him!
Sienna felt her heart flinch with excitement and longing...but noticed Tyrell's face saddened a bit, so she turned under him a little and touched his cheek..." Don't be sad, I will ask Sarcos to come to Crystal City with me. We all should spend some time together and celebrate...."She kissed him slowly.
"I would like that."Tyrell nodded. He took Sienna's hand and held it in his.
"You should go wait for him to Sand City with Voltoire and Bran..." He noted...
"I will send Lord Ziran to stay with you too. He is your bodyguard after all."Tyrell explained to her his plans.
"Yes, my love..."Sienna smiled at him cheekily." Did you know that Bran has beaten Lord Ziran badly?"She giggled.
"What?"Tyrell furrowed his brows...He saw some bruises on Ziran's face but he thought it was from rough training.
"Yes, for being rude to me..."Sienna nodded eagerly. "But we settled it already. He apologised really nicely," she chuckled..."I had to teach him how."She said a little proudly and nibbled on the grapes from her night table.
"Maybe you should keep both of them close then..."Tyrell noted..."Leander is still out at sea, so you need men you can trust." He nodded his head...
"Sure, my love..."She smiled..."I have Sid in Sand City too...and Rem."
"Yes, but Bran can fly..."Tyrell noted...
"That is surely an advantage...he is my strongest bodyguard now..."Sienna turned under Tyrell and bit into his shoulder..." I want you on top of me again..." she pressed him on herself. Tyrell felt the fire in her and kissed her deeply. She tasted so fresh after that grapes. He just entered her body again and the hot fun continued...
Meanwhile the same late morning in the Underworld, the shocked sun watched as Mathyas tried to wake up snoring Miriam by shaking her hand. It was hard because she always slept like a wooden log!
"Miriam, wake up, wake up!"Mathyas called to her with unusual urgency.
"What?"Miriam finally opened her eyes and stared into his pale face.
"Miriam, wake up and go look into the mirror!" he said firmly.
"Why ?"She asked still a bit sleepy.
Miriam shook her head and stood up. She felt quite good after her sleep, so she shuffled to look into the mirror with Mathyas who was pulling her by her hand excitedly.
Miriam blinked her eyes in unbelief as she stared at young herself! She looked around 30, her hair were long black and shiny again!
"What?"She touched her non-existing wrinkles..." Is that me?"She looked at Mathyas in pleasant shock.
"Yes, Sarcos's knee balm..."He noted."But keep it secret. If someone asks, you say it was the Queen-like life..."He smiled kindly.
Miriam was kind of happy, kind of sad...Well, her body did not hurted anymore and she felt so good, but those wrinkles held her memories... but she looked good, so she just got ready. Mathyas brought her one of looser Sienna's dresses..."You will fit it now."He smiled. He helped her to dress and brush her long black hair.
"This is the best reward ever!"Miriam nodded excitedly and went out with Mathyas. She walked with him in the cold sunny garden feeling her young-like steps...till they saw Sarcos sitting under the three watching the clouds...he was kind of waiting for them, kind of thinking. The big Black Panther was resting on the tree and Ramse was also stretched on the big branch thinking about Sienna... Actually, all of them were making plans on how to get to her as early as possible...
"King Sarcos, good morning!" Miriam waved to him...
"Good morning. Are you happy Miriam?" The strong Scorpion King looked at her...Ramse and Xander were shocked...but understood that Sarcos was something else...
"Yes, thank you so much," she said gently.
"You know what to say, yes?"Sarcos smiled at her.
"Yes, the Queen-like life."She chuckled.
"Good."Sarcos nodded."Xander told me you like to start again, so I was thinking of giving you some more time..." Sarcos nodded...
"Time? "Miriam listen in awe..
"Yes, you are 30 again, don't you recognize yourself?"Sarcos lifted his eyebrow cheekily.
"Not entirely ..." Miriam shook her head."Thank you, my King..."
"Now, the month is ending tonight, I will see you in the Throne Room with your King in 10 minutes," Sarcos smiled and went.
Mathyas and Mirim walked slowly to the Throne Room. The three Kings watched them walk inside hand in hand. Miriam was worried about Mathyas and the pale lizard thought he was just going to pick up his long death sentence.
"Well, at least Miriam was going to live happily..."He thought.
Mathyas stood in front of Ramse. Sarcos was sitting on his big Lizard Throne, with his feet over the armrest nonchalantly and Xander stood next to him. Xander's eyes were sparkling in the dim room, he watched him as a hungry cat mouse...
"Here we go...!"Mathyas thought as he decided to face his death sentence as a man.
Ramse towered over him and looked into Mathyas's red eyes..the burly Ape King's look was cold and cruel...
Mathyas could see Ramse loathed him...
"I decided to let you live. You will be King again tonight."Ramse bit his lips...
Mathyas opened his eyes wide in disbelief."What? Is he joking?"He thought a bit frantically."How could he ever let me live after what I have done!"His mind went to a standstill!
Ramse looked at him as if he felt his surprised thoughts."Your heart is right now and I will fulfill Sienna's wish by letting you live because you changed! So stay fair and kind to live for long...."Ramse grinned with silent threat in his eyes and glanced at Sarcos.
"Thank you, thank you to all of you."Mathyas bow his head. He felt grateful and happy for his new chance of life.
"Well, it was hard work." Xander stood up and came next to Ramse.
"Sure."The Ape King stared at him. It suddenly felt so weird to him when he realised he would be free to go from there that night!
Sarcos stood up and went over too."Come, we have the last training to do." He nodded to his past friend...
Mathyas felt the gentle pressure on his hand. He felt a wave of excited frantic energy. He hardly managed to turn when Miriam was suddenly hanging around his neck!!!
Miriam hugged Mathyas strongly. He felt she was going to break all the bones in his body...She was not so big anymore but enormously strong for a female..."I'm so happy my King...You are going to live...!"She kissed his cheeks joyfully.
Mathyas kissed her on the lips gently."Thank you, Miriam...You helped me a lot." He picked her up into his embrace and took her to the training grounds to watch..." You were my best training Queen!"He smiled at her.
In the garden, Mathyas seated Miriam under the gazebo and went to train with Ramse, Xander and Sarcos.
"Fight well, my King..."Miriam clapped her hand. She was so happy!!!! All her work paid off...
The noon passed over the Crystal City. Sienna just finished her romantic brunch with Tyrell in Sala Terrena and then they went for a walk together. Tyrell held her hand as they walked in the chilly garden. Sienna looked around and breathed deeply.
"I will miss you my strong tiger."She leaned onto Tyrell's strong shoulder.
"I miss you too...Just be careful when you go, ok?"He stopped and kissed her lips gently.
"Sure, I'm always careful."She smiled."Kind of!"She chuckled.
"Ahh, my sweet little Sienna, "Tyrell shook his head and took her back to her room. He made sure she was wrapped up properly and then they went downstairs to the atrium of the Tiger Castle. The huge Sea Eagle and Vulture with Lord Ziran were waiting already.
"Have a good flight, my love."Tyrell kissed Sienna one last time.
"I love you so much."Sienna teared up a little. This partings just sucked! Sienna would prefer if they all lived together but it was not possible because they were Kings...She was kind of worried about it because she could not imagine how they all would function as a family with kids like that...
Tyrell watched as Sienna lifted into the sky with strong Bran. Ziran with Voltoire flew behind them. The burly Tiger King felt his heart clenched, but his workload was so full he would not be bored till Sienna returned to him again...Tyrell sighed and went back to work."So much for the life of the King..."He sighed...
Hight in the sky Bran was satisfied carrying his Queen, Voltoire was huffing and puffing under Ziran, he was so much heavier than lean Hector or his little Queen. Ziran watched strong Bran in front of him."I will have to practise more while in Sand City and level up again..."He thought.
Sienna felt a little sad but content and her heart was ringing with excitement. She hoped Sarcos would return with Marco and all her mates would be fine...
Just before dusk approached the Underworld, Marath and Thyasse returned!
Marath seemed relieved to see that Mathyas still lived. The now Black Lizard King was training swords with Ramse and Xander. Miriam sat in the gazebo and clapped her hands to support Mathyas.
"Is it you, Miriam?"Marath looked at the female in Sienna's clothes.
"Yes, sir Marath, I was Mathyas's training Queen."She smiled politely.
"Did not you make it far from selling apples?"Marath chuckled...
"Look, Thyasse, Miriam, was helping out here."Marath chuckled. He knew her from before...
"Thyasse felt a little jealous."You look very young somehow. How is it so?" she asked her.
"The Queen-like life."Miriam nodded eagerly. She would rather not mess with Thyasse again...
"Well, thank you for helping then."Thyasse nodded nonchalantly and turned to watch Mathyas.
Marath stood with Thyasse next to the training grounds and watched the Kings spare with his son.
"Hm, so much better," Marath nodded.
Thyasse felt her eyes are tearing up and her hands were shaking. She looked at Mathyas and squeezed Marath's arm tightly.
"My little boy is healthy again."She whispered in relief to him.
Mathyas saw them waiting and glanced at her."I missed you, mam." He called to her happy to see her again. "Let me finish the training, I will be right with you!"
"Just go."Ramse let him off.
Thyasse hugged her son."You seem more strong Mathyas." She stared at him in awe.
"Yes, the Kings were training hard with me," he nodded.
Thyasse glanced at Xander and Ramse. They seemed tough."Do they really like each other?" she doubted in her thoughts.
Ramse noticed she was staring at him and took Xander around his shoulder.
"Let's go hunt, Cutie." He chuckled.
Xander glanced at Thyasse and swallowed hard.
"Sure, hun." He rather go.
Sarcos looked at them shocked. Thyasse looked at Sarcos and bit her lips." Even he probably doesn't know their secret!" She thought.