Woman with the tiger eyes in the Beast warrior's World

Chapter 281: Marco versus his revengeful beast

In the dusky Oasis between the Crystal and Sand City, the huge Sea Eagle was gobbling a deer hungrily...His strong beak was ripping the pieces of raw meat almost frantically trying to sate. Marco felt strange. His insides were burning hot, he felt as in the fewer, his mind was getting clouded at times... He felt almost savage and was not sure what was going on, so he stopped to rest in the Oasis before going to pick up Sienna the next morning. 

He changed into his human form as night eloped around him, laying in the soft sand to cool off, Marco looked at the shining stars."I will see you soon my Sienna. I hope you will come with me this time..." he thought longingly...

"Yes, for her last mating surprise.." the dragon within him chuckled.

"What are you talking about?"Marco shook his head.

"That someone is dying and you will be not able to hold me hidden for much longer..." the dragon chortled in wild laughter..."I will pay your kindness hundredfold!"

"How?" Marco asked a bit curiously.

"What if I set you on flames when you mate?" The dragon taunted Marco.

"How would you do that?" Marco furrowed his brows worriedly. "I was thinking that you love Sienna the same as my eagle...." he asked surprised...

"Well, she is hot, but I hate you more for holding me in, so you have to pay...You can get some other mate in the future...I will choose."

"You better not dare!"Marco said coldly.

"I can do whatever I want..." the dragon chuckled."I want to burn and burn and you can't stop me.." he laughed wildly in his head...

"Shush. "the Sea Eagle grunted..."I love my Sienna and I will mate her as much as I can." he licked his lips."We will not settle on anyone else!" he said firmly.

"You will be sorry then..." dragon hissed.

"Why are you so vicious?"Marco wondered.

"Me? You are the butcher! I was kept in for too long and now is my time for revenge..." the dragon laughed..."But ok, I let you mate her one last time...our sweet little queen." he laughed wildly..." I will take over your body and till you come back to your senses, it will be done...You can hug her ashes as you blow them in the wind..." the dragon was burning in crazed up laughter.

"Shut it! I will never let you hurt our mate!"Marco stood up. He felt boiling from his rage. He bit his lips and changed into a huge Sea Eagle. He flew as high as he could and then changed into his human form in the air falling into the dark Oasis lake waters. They looked like a shiny dark mirror with subtle reflections of stars on its surface. Marco reached the deep lake bottom and held onto a big stone under the water. Watching bubbles from his breath going up in a twirling dance.

"What are you doing?" the dragon called to Marco somehow worried ...

"Drowning...I rather die than let you hurt my Sienna..."Marco said coldly to the dragon...

" Your revenge will die with us both..." the Sea Eagle laughed manically in Marco's head...he felt twistedly happy about Marco's decision.

"Ok, ok..you won...Don't kill us, I did not even live yet!" the dragon felt scared suddenly.

"I don't trust you..."Marco felt his body giving up the last bubbles of breath.

"On my word, on my dragon word, I swear not to hurt our mate! "The dragon hissed as Marco's body sank deeper into the rocky bottom. The crunchy pebbles and sand twirled around as an early grave making the dragon freak out.

"Good."Marco nodded dizzily and pushed himself back to the top from his last strength. He felt his air was gone...and the shiny stars were still far away on top of the quiet dark water...

Marco hardly managed to get out of the lake. His muscular body was lacking oxygen and he was gasping for breath, he felt as if his lungs were stuck together and he could not take in air enough however hard he tried... He scrambled into the soft sand and fell sweetly unconscious...

"Stupid eagle..you will pay me for this too..." dragon thought as he fell into the darkness.

Finally back in the tall Snake Castle, Sienna was sleeping on Sharchan's shoulder. He was so hot and she felt so close to him. Her tired body did not feel like parting away from him at all!

In the middle of the night, Sharchan awoke and looked at Sienna with lustful eyes, he was about to wake her up to mate her gently when the falcon with Sarcos's mark landed on the window. Sharchan furrowed his brows and retrieved the letter...He read it in the light of shiny stars biting his lips hard and glancing at innocently sleeping Sienna. He walked around frantically for a few moments, looked into the starry window, and went in fast strides to Marath's room...

Sharchan almost ran through the dark corridors till he came to the Black Lizard's room. The Snake King knocked on the door very lightly not to awaken Thyasse."Marath...he hissed and waited in the darkness....

Marath came out in a few seconds dressed in black silken trousers and light kimono.

"What is going on Sharchan?" he asked curiously." If you can't sleep you have a lovely queen to keep you company...no?" he grinned at him...he could smell Sienna's scent on Sharchan and it was making him a bit wild.

"I need your help..."Sharchan hissed...

"With the queen? "Marath grinned...he was in a good mood that night...

"Yes," Sharchan nodded...

"Do you want to watch or join in as well?"Marath chuckled...

"No, I don't need help with that..."Sharchan shook his head as he realized what Marath was talking about in his frantic mind...

"Here," he pulled Marath to the starry-lit window and showed him Tyrell's letter...

"Aha," Marath smiled, "That is why our eagle is so strong and hot!" he noted.

"What now? Will you help me to kill him?"Sharchan asked.

"How do you want to kill him?"Marath licked his lips.

"Accident?"Sharchan asked still unsure...

"Will not the little queen be upset?"Marath looked at him curiously...

"Well, maybe, but it will be for her good."Sharchan bit his lips...

"Ok, so if you kill off Marco, and she will eventually get over it, what is stopping Sarcos from killing you and Tyrell?"Marath asked seriously.

"Nothing!"Sharchan bit his lips...

"Exactly," said Marath, "So calm down. Act as if you know nothing...I will have a look at him tomorrow..."

"Thank you," Sharchan noted."You will have a favour with me." he sighed in relief.

"Sure, we are family after all."Marath grinned."Now, go to your little queen and make her happy before Marco comes, if you don't need help with it!"Marath chuckled wildly and went to his room to lie back next to Thyasse. He cuddled his Snake mate on his strong shoulder and smiled at the ceiling..."There is not a boring day where the little queen is! My poor brother-in-law...He got bigger kill than he can eat...!" he chuckled in his mind.

In the dark corridors, Sharchan took a deep breath and walked back to Sienna's room. "I will see what Marath will do and then do the trap with Tyrell if Marco still lives." he thought. He opened the door to Sienna's room quietly and slipped in. He gave the waiting falcon some water and wrote his Snake mark on the tiny piece of paper he ripped from Tyrell's letter. He attached it to falcon and sent him back...

Sharchan burned the rest of the letter over the lighted candle in the window, so he did not smoke out the room, but Sienna still awoke dizzily. "Sharchan, I smell something is burning."She sat up in the bed frazzled...She got quite a good nose for the smells...

"It is nothing, my love, "Sharchan smiled gently as he blew the dark ashes from Tyrell's letter to the wind."I'm just putting some candles on for us." he smiled seductively. He lit a few more candles and stood them around the room. 

Sienna felt he wanted to spend time with her because Marco would come in the morning. She felt quite touched by this romantic Sharchan and her heart melted at the sight of him.

Sienna watched his naked chest in the shimmering light, his handsome face and shiny yellow wild eyes...His long copper hair and sexy lips...

"You are so handsome.." she sighed and took some grapes from the table to refresh her dry mouth. Their sweet taste helped her awake a bit more. She drank some water and put some balm on her lips as she was watching him..."So do you have any plans for now?"She asked him a bit cheekily...

"Well, I always have some plans."Sharchan noted..."The question is, if you will help me out with my plans, hm?" he smiled at her seductively.

"All yours." she smiled as she watched him drop the rest of his clothes and come closer to her bed. Sharchan touched Sienna's cheek, going down her neck and breast..."This nightgown is way too thick..."He complained at the soft garment. He loosen the ribbons and let them fall down Sienna's chest. He kissed her passionately as a starving beast and pulled her deep into the bed. "I will have my midnight snack right now..." he rasped and took her gently...

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