Chapter 278: The silent scream of the Flaming Scorpion
Meanwhile, in the deep Underworld, the strong Scorpion King was walking the dark corridors in light steps. His fourth week of training Mathyas has just started!
"I'm one week away from seeing my queen," he said quite satisfied to himself. "What do you say? He asked his Flaming Scorpion. But The Flaming Scorpion said nothing!
Sarcos's Flaming Scorpion was upset and was kind of quiet as he did not want to talk to him at all! He spoke to Sarcos briefly after he awoke from the dome, but then he just stopped suddenly. He stood in his mind motionless ignoring all his thoughts!
"I don't mind you fought me in that dome!" Sarcos tried to talk to him many times. But the Flaming Scorpion did not say anything...or even move a muscle...he looked upset and buried in himself!
" grumpy then! "Sarcos shook his shoulders but was worried about him. Sarcos was not sure what was going on, the part of his soul was just there not doing anything! Even when he hunted, the Flaming Scorpion did not get engaged...he let Sarcos change into his scorpion form and eat but was still stuck in the same place...
Sarcos sighed and walked into Miriam's room. He knocked on the door and came in...Mathyas was already giving breakfast to Miriam with a sweet smile on his lips. Sarcos had to agree he really looked a bit like a vampire with his pale face, long black hair and red eyes. "I should not leave Sienna to him..." he thought disturbed. He glanced at Xander, who was watching Mathyas under the window as a big Black Panther resting after his hunt.
"This week we will train together..."Sarcos noted to Mathyas and went to the training grounds. His head was full of thoughts about Sienna. "She was suffering here because of me and now I had to stay here to train the traitor...He betrayed my trust, the word of a king and tried to kill my queen...Well, he was sick...Halfway sick, he got magic!"Sarcos's thoughts screamed in his head. They were mingling and tangling so much, that the invincible scorpion could not concentrate well, so he took a deep breath..."Enough of you, gloomy thoughts, come back when this week is over, then I will need you to help me decide!" he sent the thoughts away and cleared his mind. He started to practise his moves by himself, waiting till Mathyas would come. Training always kept him sober, it allowed him to concentrate his magic and strength abilities as one.
Sarcos felt his power levelled up enormously, he felt he was more powerful than ever before even though he missed his Flaming was as if Crystal's power exceeded the power of the Scorpion and merged him into a new person..."I'm a new would my father call it!"Sarcos chuckled bitterly....he heard Cosimo talking in that dome way too well...
Mathyas finally made it to the training ground with a curious face...He knew training with Sarcos would be harder than ever before and that he was still not strong enough to match even Ramse with Xander...
Mathyas felt pathetic when he found out how weak he was without his magic and wanted to change it badly. He understood now why Ramse was always keen to level up just not to stay behind the other strong kings...
"Come, let's see where you at !"Sarcos threw a light sword to the Mathyas.
Mathyas did not catch it and the sword dropped to the stony ground...the ringing noise made Sarcos annoyed somehow..."Don't be so clumsy..." he growled.
"I did not train the catching swords yet," Mathyas noted calmly. He stared into his little brother's face and felt strange...Sarcos seemed different to him!
"Just pick it up and let's train," Sarcos said a bit impatiently.
"Sure."Mathyas picked up the sword and took the best fighting position he could. He was watching Sarcos's moves as a chess game...
Sarcos fought with his past friend and felt his heart was still full of rage and resentment. He did not know if he was more upset with himself or Mathyas! Sarcos felt so stupid, he trusted him! The more he looked at him, the more he felt sorry he was even thinking of leaving Sienna to him... "I was so clueless! Even Ramse and Xander got him right and I did not. I saw his heart but my guilt blinded me...that should never happen again!" Sarcos was raging at himself even more as he trained Mathyas holding his strength back just not to kill him yet!
"Why are you frowning?"Mathyas asked a bit curiously." Do you despise me that much?" he chuckled.
"Kind of..."Sarcos bit his lips as he smashed his sword with Mathyas's one.
"Don't blame yourself!"Mathyas chuckled..."She was fine after all!"
"Thanks to your father!"Sarcos called enraged and felt the piercing pain in his heart." His father almost became her lover!" that thought made Sarcos sick..."My poor beautiful Sienna was so desperate, she would mate with his father willingly just to get away from him!"
"And?"Mathyas grinned cheekily.
"I just want to kill you so much!"Sarcos hissed, "But it is still not a big enough punishment for what you did!" he called upset as he kept attacking Mathyas.
"Well, Miriam will do the job. "Mathyas grinned." I wish to be dead every time I have to carry her around the garden..." he chuckled a bit darkly.
"So are you pretending?"Sarcos asked with a visible disdain.
"No, I do like her more, she is just so bloody heavy I feel as if my hands will fall off!" Mathyas noted.
"Hm..."Sarcos was thinking."Maybe I should hang Miriam on his neck next time, but that will probably kill him for sure....or should I ask her crocodile to gnaw on him a little...but that will be too obvious..." he sighed in his mind..."Nothing is cruel enough for him!"
"Stop frowning and think about your queen, her kisses which make you forget everything..." Mathyas chuckled. He saw how much was Sarcos suffering within himself and it made him feel kind of more powerful.
"Why did she kiss you?" Sarcos was grumpy about it and lashed at Mathyas more ferociously.
"I ordered it to her..."Mathyas chuckled. It felt so nice to taunt Sarcos...
Sarcos swished him to dust." Kiss the ground now instead!" he bit his lips and went to find Ramse...
The Ape King was talking with Miriam and Xander when Sarcos barged into the room. Ramse saw that Sarcos looked enraged so he sent Miriam to check on Mathyas, to make sure he survived the fight...
Sarcos waited till doors closed behind Miriam and then he unleashed the beast..."Why was Mathyas kissing my Sienna?" he stormed at the Ramse suddenly.
"Well, I ordered her to let him touch her lips to wake the man within him." Ramse nodded, "But with the passionate kisses, he ordered her and forced her to do it..."
"How dare was he!"Sarcos raged.
"Are you jealous now ?" Ramse asked him a bit mockingly."You told her to mate with him!" the Ape King's eyes were on fire from deep anger. "Her second son with Mathyas will rule the Sand City... bla bla bla... "Ramse mocked the letter he hated to read at the time...Sarcos was way too enraging to him at that moment, so he just wanted to let him eat his own words fully!
"Where is my letter?" Sarcos looked at him suspiciously.
"Burnt! "Ramse smiled with dark satisfaction.
"What? How dare you?"Sarcos stared at him in unbelief.
"But I left a piece for Sienna."Ramse shook his head satirically pretending to be innocent.
"What?"Sarcos looked at him in disbelief.
"Come back in seven days..." said Xander in a honey-sweet voice, purring in dark satisfaction. He wanted to vent on Sarcos too! The Black Panther came to stand next to Ramse. His dark eyes sparkled brightly in deep anger.
"So she doesn't cry her eyes out...."Xander frowned at the Scorpion King.
"Good.""Sarcos sighed with relief. He saw they were right."So, she did not see it," Sarcos asked to confirm.
"She did not..."Ramse nodded.
"Thank you..."Sarcos bit his lips. He messed it up, but Ramse with Xander did their best and he suddenly understood that.
"You are welcome."Said Ramse."Don't worry too much...Sienna still loves you."
"Yes, a lot...."Xander nodded."I bet you can't wait to see her and that is why you walk around like a grumpy lion in the cage." he noted.
"We feel the same, we understand you Sarcos," Ramse said calmly."This Underworld is enraging by itself."
"Yes, I just want to slaughter Mathyas and go free every new morning." Xander noted."
"I'm also getting crazy in here..." Sarcos shook his head."I have too much power within myself and I need to let it out..." he sighed.
"Well, Sienna will surely help you with that next week..."Ramse said a bit jealously. "I wish I could see her so soon too..." he grinned painfully.
"Calm down, Ramse."Xander licked his lips. "Don't make me taste for her!"
"Hey, she is my queen."Sarcos furrowed his brows.
"Well, we have a deal, so deal with it," Ramse smirked at him.
"Shh. Let's finish it here first." Xander tried to calm them down."How do we try if Mathyas changed or not?" he asked.
"Hm...hard question. "Sarcos nodded." His heart looks better but his thinking is a mystery to me..." he said.
"He is unpredictable..."Ramse noted.
"Sarcos is as well. "Xander added.
"What? Hm, are right, leave it to me..."Sarcos nodded and went away thinking...