Woman In Irish Linen Shirt

Chapter 20

Chapter 20:

I have always carried that pen with me, but it has been a long time since I saw the person who received the gift.

I originally thought that Miss Pan De would appear until Thursday at the latest—my wishful thinking was lost, and the people at their level would definitely not know her specific itinerary, and it would be easy to get rid of her if she rashly talked about it.

I sent her a message before the last meeting on Friday: “You can’t be found anywhere.”

It was already half past six by then, which happened to be between work and personal time. I didn’t get a reply after the meeting. I had some points in my mind, thinking that the pen might not be used next week. This week was very busy. I didn’t talk about the original job. I took the lead in Tai Chi in our department with BCG Fang and even Kevin. I really have no time to be distracted by the tasks given by the big boss. Because I couldn’t see myself, I just tried it, without much hope.

Just when I was blowing my hair, my phone shook. I was a little scared when I was holding the phone, but when I opened it, although it was also a green icon, the message did not come from the logo of the two bubble conversations that I was afraid of. There was only one phone receiver on the icon—

“Miss Pan De sent a picture”

Miss Pan De: “Occasionally you need to look up at the stars.”

Her picture shows the interior of a craft brewing bar near the city hall. It turned out that I was still talking about work outside. I looked at the time and it was half past eleven.

Although the time was embarrassing, I couldn’t help but type, “Don’t forget the light pollution. All I can see when I look up is beer, no stars.”

The two small hooks following the sent message turned blue in an instant, and she was holding her mobile phone.

Miss Pande: “Then you haven’t thoroughly looked for ‘anywhere’. I’m behind the beer.”

I have to return it quickly, because I didn’t close the read receipt, she should have noticed that I saw it. But how should this come back? I am very bad at this. I should say that no one is good at this. As long as I can meet and talk about work, I will never use email. Everyone should be the same in this respect. Is it because I am not good at understanding words? Why do her words look so playful?

But since I can’t know the expression, I can’t guess too much.

I squeezed for two minutes and only squeezed out an emoji. The last message turned blue when I wanted to type it. I quickly typed in: “Over-enthusiastic customers and over-simple beer, great Friday.”

Miss Pande: “I hate craft beer.”

She returned so fast! Without waiting for me to say anything, the next message has arrived: “The customer has gone. I’m dealing with over-simple beer.”

I was a little surprised. She was indeed chatting with me—at midnight on Friday. I replied: “Why don’t you throw away the things you hate?”

She immediately sent a picture. I paid attention to the quantity and the ex-factory brands, and I couldn’t help sighing for their luxury: of course, the inventory of the store is also amazing. The craft beer niche is the niche but the output is small, and the owner is obviously very well-connected. Miss Pande should be busy signing and depositing the wine list at this moment. I was thinking that she must have just completed a meeting with a very pompous potential client.

“Do you like ordinary beer?” I mean the industrial product that is different from craft beer, which is the kind that you can buy when you just walk into a store. Because the cost is very low, of course the raw materials will not be “overly pure”.

Miss Pande: “For example? IPA? Pearson?”

What beer brewing process may this be discussing? I typed: “Budweiser, Heineken, and so on.”

She returned quickly: “Correction: I hate beer.”

“Beer” is even capitalized.

I replied: “Respectful. You know beer better than I do, but you hate it more.”

Miss Pande: “You made a mistake about causality. Perhaps it is because I know more that I hate beer more?”

“No.” I typed quickly, “You hate it first, and then you learn more. A respectable consultant, like I just said.”

Miss Pande: “Haha.”

Her “haha” ends with a period. It must be the kind of “haha” that reads the sound-the “haha” of the sound is equivalent to “this is not funny at all.”

She didn’t give me time to think about it. The content of the new message is: “You guessed it right. What do you want as your prize?”

“Can I go ‘anywhere’?” I replied immediately. The two small gray tick marks at the back of the message immediately turned blue, and it was too late to withdraw.

Only then did I realize what I had posted. At first, I just wanted to try to echo it from end to end. After all, this is the news that started the conversation today—it would be too frivolous to look at it alone. Does their straight daughter speak like this? Or do I think too much, but people don’t want to go elsewhere? I was a little confused, and I was hesitant to quote my initial news for explanation.

Miss Pan De: “Can you find my “anywhere”?”

Ok. She got it.

I tried to recall all the words I knew. The advanced vocabulary of the SAT and GRE vocabulary didn’t work at the moment. In the end, I could only dryly press the letters starting with Y: “Yes.”

I quickly added: “If you are free.”

She has read it.

Thank goodness this is not a meeting and chat—no, it is impossible for me to make such a low-level mistake in a meeting and chat. Why should this software be developed to reduce the wisdom of the function that has been read? I don’t think anyone will do this kind of thing except the bad guys who want to squeeze all the remaining productivity.

Miss Pan De: “You can ask directly. What kind of prize should be?”

Ask you what! Ask if you want to go out with me!

I feel the energy and blood are going up my head. At this time, the gap between whether English is a native language or not is reflected. For native speakers, the expressions that are natural and righteous, we acquired learners will more or less think of those fixed collocations. Sometimes thinking more is a good thing, thinking more possibilities will allow you to get more extended information—sometimes it simply reduces your intelligence, just like the read function. I finally picked out a word that was completely unrelated to Romantique and asked her out: “If I ask directly, I might be rejected, but that will never happen to the winner. Anyway, I would be honored if I could arrange a meeting. .”

Miss Pan De: “Anything our colleagues did not do well?”

I quickly changed my words: “It’s not the kind of meeting, I meant to come out and play together.”

Miss Pan De: “So you are asking me out.”


I typed and said: “I mean, I don’t mean to be an uninvited guest at your friends gathering. But if you are free, I will be very happy to spend Saturday with you.”

This wording avoids both the business meeting and the concept of dating.

Miss Pan De: “I have no plans this Saturday.”

Is this agreed?

Miss Pan De: “You can think about the prize again.”

I climbed up along the bar: “What shall we do tomorrow?”

Miss Pan De: “How about badminton?”

I didn’t agree with it somewhere, and immediately responded.

She sent no more news. My mind was still messed up, so I simply awoke the computer from hibernation, and looked at the emails sent to me by the boss tonight and the materials for the meeting next week—I wrote 20 pages of slides this week, all of which were after dinner. What is done before going to bed is truly endless. Before going to bed, I went through the chat records with Miss Pande again. At the moment, I was very calm and found that it was not as bad as I felt at the time.

But the fact that I wanted to see her was exposed.

I asked her today for absolutely no reason. If there is no specific reason, I will give her the pen tomorrow, which will be very abrupt. Not only will it be difficult to deliver this thing, but it can also make the situation very embarrassing.

I swear I will never send instant messages to partners at midnight on Friday.

Soon after daybreak the next morning, I started rummaging through the cabinets. The second bedroom was turned over and messed up even more. When I closed the door, I really wanted to pretend that it was not part of my house—because everything was moved to the second bedroom that day, the living room looks relatively tidy now, although I haven’t had time to sweep the floor yet. . It is not the most completed area in the home, but if it claims to be the living room of a woman living alone, it can already be bought.

The most complete place in my house is the cloakroom. I put the sportswear that I just turned over on the carpet, so that when I change clothes tomorrow at the latest, I can’t help but pack it up, but once I start to pack it, I might drag the floor and finish the tidying of the second bedroom by the way. —Yes, the more you scrutinize it, the more you feel that this plan is perfect. Sure enough, you still have to have an attitude toward work.

The color of my quick-drying clothes is very monotonous, black, white and gray are switched back and forth. The problem is the jacket I wear before entering the stadium. I’m doing shoulder stretching exercises, and I don’t know what to do. Is there such a coat in my spectacular collection? It’s very new. I didn’t wear it in front of Miss Pan De. It’s a little more casual. The most important thing is that the fabric should be very informative, so that I can use it…

My eyes swept across the row of suits in the corner.

Miss Pan De drove to the door of the apartment and waited for me. When she proposed, I was curious about what car she would drive, so I didn’t even think about rejecting it. Very few people here buy private cars. The price of a car ownership certificate fluctuates between S$50,000 and S$100,000, and taxes and fees that are higher than the car price are all reasons for persuasion. On the other hand, Singapore is small and public transportation is very difficult. Developed, if there is no just need, generally will not buy a car. The company has a car. All I know is the boss and two colleagues. They have several children.

She was waiting at the door. The sun is very big today, I quickly walked over: “Why are you waiting here? It’s too hot, are you okay?”

“Just got off the car.” Miss Pan De shook her head disapprovingly.

She held one arm and looked at me for two or three seconds before saying: “You look radiant. Blazer is very good-looking.”

“Thank you!” I couldn’t help laughing. Miss Pan De has always been so pleasing to the eyes, and I can’t help but praise her automatically and spontaneously: “And you, more charming than I remember.”

If I want to, I can praise her thirty consecutive sentences without breathing, but today I am a bit more sincere than usual.

Just a little bit.

She opened the trunk and asked me to put the racket and clothes with hers. I subconsciously put the racket and the racket together, and the clothes and the clothes are next to each other-Miss Pande is standing next to me, and she tilts her head and makes a little nasal noise when she sees this scene.

“Why are you laughing?” I was a little puzzled.

“Nothing.” She looked at me, “I’m just looking forward to it.”

“Uh, about playing badminton?”

“No.” Miss Pande said, “About today.”

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