Wizards' Chronicles


"Haha! Come on, try and hit me!"

I sprint away from the guards, laughing as they clumsily swing their magic-infused spears. Their weapons glow, the spearheads crackling with energy as they aim for me, but their efforts are futile. I leap, duck, and dodge their attacks effortlessly, weaving through the crowded marketplace like it's a playground.

"Stop running, you fool! Do you think you can get away from us?!"

One of the guards bellows, his face flushed with anger.

I glance back with a smirk, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Catch me if you can!" I shout, my voice full of teasing.

"Damn it! Soldiers, surround the area!"

The guard commands, his patience clearly wearing thin.

Well, time for some magic.

I raise my hand and summon a glowing blue circle in the air before me. A trail of ice begins to form, spiraling upward, creating a smooth, icy path.

"It's skating time!"

With a quick leap, I land on the ice road and propel myself forward, gliding effortlessly above the ground. The world below becomes a blur as I zoom through the marketplace, leaving bewildered townspeople in my wake. The wind rushes past, and I can't help but laugh. There's nothing quite like the thrill of skating on ice, especially when it leaves everyone else scrambling to keep up.

"It's that boy again!"

Someone shouts from below.

"You troublemaker! My fruits will get wet again!"

Another yells, shaking a fist at me as his apples tumble from their baskets.

"Sorry about that!"

I call out, not meaning it at all. They hate me anyway, so what's the harm in a little more chaos?

Caelumora may be a large kingdom, but to me, it often feels small, suffocating even. No matter what I do, people treat me like a nuisance. So, why not live up to their expectations? If they're going to label me a troublemaker, I might as well give them something to talk about.

I pick up speed, twisting and turning, the ice path widening beneath me. The people below scatter, eyes wide in panic. I revel in their shocked expressions, they're priceless.


I glance over my shoulder, seeing the guards far behind, struggling to keep up. Too slow, as usual.

But then, just as I'm about to celebrate my escape, I collide with something or someone—soft.

A high-pitched scream pierces the air.

I stumble backward, my ice road cracking beneath me as I regain my balance. My eyes widen when I see her, Charlotte, holding a basket of freshly baked bread, her face twisted in fury.

Oh no… Not her.

"Kiraaaa! You ruined my bread!"

She shouts, her voice laced with pure rage.

Charlotte. Of all the people to bump into, it had to be her. She's an S-Class wizard from my guild, the Arcane Brigade, and definitely not someone I want to make angry. I feel a shiver run down my spine as her fiery eyes lock onto me, and I can already sense the magic building in the air around her.

She steps forward, her grip on the now-smushed basket tightening. Flames begin to flicker at her fingertips.

"Charlotte, I—I didn't mean to—" I start, trying to find some way to defuse the situation, but the guards' shouts are getting louder. There's no time to stick around and explain.

"Too late, Kira."

Her voice is low and dangerous, a sure sign that I've crossed a line. Heat radiates from her, the temperature around us rising fast. Her bread isn't the only thing getting toasted.


I yelp, turning tail and skating away at full speed.

Behind me, I hear the roar of flames as Charlotte releases her temper on the unfortunate street. Her magic is powerful, too powerful for me to face head-on. I've dodged a fireball for now, but I won't be so lucky next time.

"Get back here, Kira!"

She screams, but I'm already out of reach, disappearing into the winding streets of Caelumora.

Dodged a bullet… or rather, a fireball, I think to myself, chuckling nervously. That was too close.

Suddenly, just as I think I'm in the clear, a hand grabs the back of my collar, yanking me out of midair. The world spins, and everything goes dark for a split second. When my vision clears, I'm standing inside the Arcane Brigade guild house.

Great. Teleported straight into a lecture.

In front of me stands Ren, the captain of our team, arms crossed and his ever-present sword resting at his hip. His face is the definition of disapproval, and I know what's coming.

"Really, Kira? Stirring up the marketplace again?"

Ren's voice is calm, but his eyes are cold. If looks could kill, I'd be dead ten times over.

I shrug, offering him my best sheepish grin.

"It wasn't that bad. Just a little ice skating."

Ren raises an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. He's always the responsible one, the one who has to clean up after my messes. It's a wonder he hasn't thrown me out of the guild yet.

"You're lucky I'm the one who has to deal with this," Ren says, shaking his head. "If it were up to Charlotte, you'd be fried already."

Speaking of Charlotte… I gulp, imagining her fuming somewhere nearby, probably plotting my demise.

Before Ren can continue, another voice cuts in.

"Well, well, if it isn't the fool."

Tiara, the elven swordswoman and fellow member of the Arcane Brigade, steps into view, a smirk on her face. Her long dark hair flows behind her, and her emerald eyes gleam with amusement.

Tiara and I go way back. She's one of the few people who actually tolerates me, though she's never shy about reminding me how much trouble I cause.

"Impressive," She says with a chuckle. "You've really outdone yourself this time, Kira."

"Thanks… I think?"

I reply, not entirely sure if that's a compliment.

Ren sighs, clearly done with the banter.

"Alright, listen up. We've got a mission."

My ears perk up at the word 'mission.' I lean forward eagerly, my troubles momentarily forgotten.

Ren pulls out a map, pointing to a village in the northern forests of Caelumora.

"Strange creatures have been attacking the villagers. We've been tasked with investigating and stopping the attacks."

Tiara leans in, her playful expression turning serious.

"Sounds like we've got our work cut out for us."

I glance between Ren and Tiara, waiting for the inevitable.

"And… I'm coming with you?"

Ren gives me that flat, unamused look again. Yep, I'm definitely coming.

"That's right, Kira. You just need some... guidance, that's why Tiara and–"


A chilling presence enters the room.

I don't even need to turn around to know who it is. The temperature in the room spikes, and a familiar, terrifying voice speaks up.

"That's right, Kira. I'm coming. I wouldn't miss the opportunity to keep an eye on you."

Charlotte steps forward, arms crossed, her eyes boring into me with a fiery intensity.

Oh no. I'm doomed.

"You're coming on the mission too?"

I squeak, my voice barely above a whisper.

Charlotte doesn't answer right away. Instead, she steps closer, grabs me by the collar, and pulls me down to her level. Her forehead presses against mine, and I swear I can feel the heat radiating from her.

"If you mess this up, Kira, I'll personally make sure you're toast."

"I'll behave! I swear!"

I blurt out, my hands raised in surrender.

Ren clears his throat, cutting through the tension.

"We leave at dawn. No excuses."

The room falls quiet, the weight of the mission settling over us. Tiara, as always, breaks the silence with a smirk.

"Let's grab a drink before we head out."

I follow Tiara to the guild's bar area, eager to escape Charlotte's murderous gaze.

The bartender, a woman named Alice, raises an eyebrow as we approach.

"Causing trouble again, Kira?"

She asks, her tone teasing but familiar. Alice is also a wizard, but I don't know why she's not doing missions anymore.

"You know me. Trouble's my middle name,"

I reply, taking a seat.

Tiara chuckles, grabbing one bottle of wine and sliding one bottle of milk over to me.

"You nearly got roasted today. Again."

"Don't remind me."

Alice laughs softly, wiping down the counter.

"One of these days, Kira, you're going to push Charlotte too far. And when that happens, I won't be able to save you."

I slump down in my seat, my head resting on the counter.

"I really need to stop getting on her bad side."

Tiara raises her glass in mock sympathy.

"Good luck with that."

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