Wizard: Starting With the Knights Breathing Method

Chapter 48: White Wolf Kills in the Dark

On Levi’s palm, a numb and itchy feeling began to pervade.

Judging from his previous assassination attempt, this should be a snake’s venom, which needs a corresponding antivenom. However, in this world, there is no such thing.

He forcibly directed the black mist in his body to push the venom out of his system and hurriedly found a clean water source to wash away the sound. Fortunately, the wound wasn’t big, and he could feel the toxins being flushed out of his system.

In his heart, he could see that the mist-like snake was chasing the venom out of his system.

He quietly ate in the alley and bandaged his hand. Taking advantage of the darkness, he decided to leave the immediate area.

The assassin should have been poisoned as well, but he was sure that just a little venom wouldn’t kill an intermediate Knight like him.

However, now that he was certain that his assassin suffered serious injuries, it would be the best time to deal with him.

In the lonely mansion, Bernard staggered and pushed the door open. He hurriedly closed the door and locked it. He was shot in the back by an arrow, which almost pierced through his heart.

“H-he’s a good archer. Damn it! The intelligence didn’t mention this!”

Bernard didn’t expect that, despite how cautious he was being, he would fail in his mission and narrowly escape with his life.

“H-hah, it’s fine. He’ll die shortly from the poison. Even if he does not die, he’ll be crippled, and I’ll be able to kill him in the future,” Bernard forced out as he endured the severe pain.

He pressed down on the arrow’s tail, pushing the arrow out through his chest, and the pain almost made him faint.

The arrow can only be taken out this way. Otherwise, the barb of the arrow will tear out his internal organs.

“That damned brat! I’ll kill him when I get my hands on him,” Bernard sneered.

However, he was injured. He had to lay low and recover.

However, he noticed something strange slithering through his heart. Sure enough, this was the telltale sign of poisoning.

‘Snake venom…’

Bernard felt his heart drop to the floor. He forced himself to calm down, knowing that agitation would only cause the toxins to reach his heart faster.

Even if it is a small amount of poison, once it enters the heart, the consequences can be imagined.

“O’ Lord of Shadows, please bless your loyal believer.”

A burst of black air emerged from his heart, pushing the poison away from it.

Bernard felt as if he was walking on thin ice.

He lay motionless on the floor as blood was forced out of his system to the point where he turned unrecognizably pale.

He got up, bandaged his bleeding wound, and drank a healing potion.

“I escaped,” Bernard sighed. “The Lord of Shadows is looking after me.”

Right at this moment, his door was broken into, and a burly figure with violent steam all over his body came into view. A figure with a white wolf mask entered the room and stood before the now-petrified Bernard.

“H-how is this possible? You should be dead!”

Levi simply replied with a quick arrow.

Pierce, pierce, pierce, pierce.

Four arrows shot through the air, pinning Bernard down by his four limbs.


Bernard screamed out in excruciating pain and glared at Levi with a shocked expression.

Levi raised Frostmourne and brought it down upon Bernard.

Slash, slash, slash, slash.

Levi cleanly sliced all four of Bernard’s limbs, and blood gushed out of his limbs like a geyser.

“You… what do you w-want? kill me…” Bernard was forced out.

Levi stepped over Bernard’s body.

“Tell me—who hired you to kill me? If you give me a good answer, I’ll end your suffering. You don’t want me to crush your family jewels, do you?”

“Y-you’re out of your mind…!”

In the next moment, Levi brought his foot down.

“S-stop! Stop! Stop it! Argh! Stop! Please! I’m begging you! I’ll tell you everything!” Bernard yelled as tears shot down his face, his family jewels crushed underneath Levi’s boot.

“I-I don’t know!” Bernard forced himself out through the pain clouding his mind. “We’re given a task through a broker, and only he knows who employed us to kill you! H-he’ll come tomorrow morning. Please, I swear by the Lord of Shadows. k-kill me!”

Bernard no longer had any fight in him. He just wanted it to be over.

Even if Levi spared him, he wouldn’t be able to live with his limbs and jewels gone.

Levi swiftly chopped Bernard’s head off as he begged. He then dismembered Bernard and threw his body into the fire. 

Levi rummaged through his mansion, and soon he found a locked iron box in a dark room underground.

He easily cut through the locks and chains using Ripple, and a golden light shone as he opened the box, almost blinding him.

And inside the box were layers and layers of gold coins.

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