Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 981 - The weight of the soul (4/5 finale)

Gamma “shot” line storm is one of Will’s cards as the strongest fourth-level perfect creature in the universe!

He has many tricks at the same level as the gamma “shoot” line storm. Above the gamma “shoot” line storm, he also has a trick called a black hole.

When he was fighting against the nine-tailed demon fox Kalian, because of the use of only the third-level peak strength, the “Zhou Tianxing God’s Dark Seal”, which can condense a black hole, was broken by the other party.

But what if he uses the fourth-level cultivation as a means?

But that makes no sense.

Not to mention the question of whether it can succeed and hit the enemy, even if it is really used, it is useless in front of Lilina, who has the power of fate.

He is very clear about this.

The previous Gamma “shot” line storm was just an attempt to attack it. He had no delusion that he could do any damage to Lilina.

“Have your tricks been exhausted?” Lilina asked.

Looking at the confidence in Liliana, Will smiled.

Under normal circumstances, the existence of the power of destiny is absolutely crushed to the fourth-level perfect creature, and it is impossible to lose.

The question is whether Will is a general fourth-level perfect creature?

Under his supervision, without his permission, Lilina’s strength can never be closer!

Still want to control the power of fate?


Since Will allowed Lilina to transcend the fourth level and control the power of fate, it proves that he has 100% victory!

“Do you know what is the power of fate?” Will asked.

“What do you want to say?”

Lilina frowned. She was a half-step fifth-level strong man who controlled the power of fate. She also needed a fourth-level person to explain to her what is the power of fate?


Without waiting for Lilina to answer, Will went on to say, “I have had a doubt from a long time ago. What is the trajectory of the power of faith?”

“I control the power of faith. I use the power of faith. I have a deep understanding of the nature of the power of faith, especially after I have reached the fourth level.”

“But there is a problem that has always troubled me, that is the trajectory of the power of faith.”

“How did the power of faith move to me?”

“Now I know it, it is because of the power of destiny.”

“The power of destiny has never been mysterious. It has always been around us. Just like fire and electricity, people used to regard flames and thunder and lightning as the power of gods. Words are nothing more than tools. “

Lilina was startled, “You also control the power of fate?”

Will continued: “The power of destiny can also be called the power of cause and effect. What should it do? You should understand it well?”

Lilina looked at Will in horror and asked again loudly, “Do you really know the power of fate?”

Will still said, “One of the basic abilities of the power of destiny is to ignore the process and reach the result.”

“People want to go to a place, it takes physical strength and time, and after using the power of fate, the side can directly consume physical strength, ignore the process, and do not need any time to reach the destination directly.”

“Does it sound like moving instantaneously? Is it similar to a time-out?”

“The effects look similar, but they are too far apart in nature!”

The reason why Lilina was able to stand still and attack Will at the same time just now, the reason why the Gamma “shoot” line storm can be dissipated without success, relying on the basic ability of the force of fate to reach the result!

She wanted to cut Will’s arms, what should she do?

Under normal circumstances, it is rushing up to fight Will, and you come and go for various moves, and then find a gap to cut Will’s arms.

After using the power of fate.

The process of fighting, dismantling, and finding gaps are all omitted, and the result of directly cutting off your arms!

The same is true for the gamma “shot” line storm!

Gamma “shot” line storm is very powerful, as long as it hits the enemy, will it dissipate?


So Lilina used the power of destiny to omit the process of “shooting” the gamma line, hitting the enemy, and exploding, and directly reached the result of dissipation.

So gamma “shot” line storm dissipated silently.

In front of the strong man who has the power of destiny that can omit the process and reach the result, the existence without the power of destiny is just like being hit by dimensionality reduction.

However, the power of fate is powerful, but because Lilina is only a half-step fifth-level state, she can only use the basic ability of the process of omission of fate, so it is not particularly invincible.

Although it occupies a great advantage in the battle with Will, it can not kill Will as easily as pinching an ant.

After all, even if you can omit the process, you ca n’t do what you ca n’t.

Is it possible for ordinary people to spend the whole life to reach the edge of the universe?

For things that cannot be done, even if the process is omitted, it is still impossible.

However, Lilina still has the power to kill Will, which was originally only a tiny one-hundred-million chance. After using the power of fate, you can turn that one-hundred-millionth chance into 100%.

Even if there is an in-depth study of the power of fate, even if you know the role of the power of fate, if you do not have the power of fate, Will can’t defeat Lilina.

The question is, does he not?

Will opened his arms and proudly said: “Everything in the Wizarding Planet can’t be concealed from me. There is no secret in front of me about what you do and think about? The elves have explored the advancements they have found for hundreds of millions of years The method has indeed been obtained, and done. “

“Impossible!” Lilina screamed silently. “Even if you know the method of the fifth level of the realm and the skills to consolidate the power of fate, how can you succeed without faith in the kingdom of God?”

Will looked at Liliana calmly.

Through his eyes, Liliana saw the photon elf, one of the three elves of the fourth level hidden in a deeper belief in the kingdom of God.

In that kingdom of God, not only the photon elves exist.

There are hundreds of millions more? Ten billion? Hundred billion? Trillion? … that is too many to count, and countless figures.

Many of those figures are elves, and besides elves, there are many humans, monsters, orcs, dragons, sea monsters, etc.

He even saw a lot of familiar figures in it. Isn’t one of them exactly the figure of his original guide, Rep?

Rep, who was also a teacher and a friend, led him into the wizarding world. Rep, who had been killed under the attack of the elves, did not die! Instead, they live in the kingdom of faith built by the photon elves!

However, that existence was no longer known by Will.

Believe that all existence in the kingdom of God has been infected by the power of the photon elves, and has become a tool for providing the power of faith.

“The power of destiny can be said to be the superior energy of the power of faith. The process of cohesion of the power of fate requires a large amount of power of faith.”

“But the power of belief in a single fourth-level perfect creature is limited, and it does not have the power to consolidate fate. What should I do?”

“That can only be ingested from outside.”

“What is available from other people is the power of faith. Although it is essentially the same as the power of faith, the difference is huge.”

“To gain the power of faith that can be refined into the power of destiny, the faith foundation of the provider of the power of faith must be exactly the same as himself!”

“And the conviction of the provider of the power of faith during this period cannot be changed, nor can it die.”

“After the provision of massive foreign belief power, the first trace of destiny power can be refined.”

“But condensing the first trace of destiny power is just the first step. The next step is to reconstruct the soul of faith with the power of destiny.”

“This is very difficult, which is equivalent to changing all the building materials without destroying the hundred-story building.”

It is too difficult, too difficult, too difficult to reach the fifth level!

The time it takes to educate sentient beings and condense faith in the kingdom of God is beyond measure.

Why did the elves that ruled the wizarding planet suddenly disappear? Didn’t even leave a trace? That is because all the elves have been incorporated into the kingdom of faith!

After the belief in the Kingdom of God is built, the accumulation of the power of faith also takes time.

Because the power of faith needed to refine the power of fate is too much!

The power of faith has accumulated enough, and the power to condense the first trace of fate is also incomparable.

The photon elf has lived from the mythical age hundreds of millions of years ago to the present. The accumulation of the power of faith has long been enough, but it has always been stuck in the condensation of the first trace of fate.

After condensing the power of the first destiny, if you want to reach the fifth level, there are countless steps to be followed, and each step takes time in units of ten thousand years.

Don’t look at Lilina is now a half-step fifth-level realm, she wants to be a real fifth-level powerhouse, and it will not necessarily succeed in another 100 million years.

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