Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 977 - Eternal paradise

“It’s time to leave,” Will whispered.

“What?” Phoenix looked at Will strangely and asked, “Are you going to give up mankind after seeing through the inferior root of mankind? Give up this planet? Wander into the universe?”

“What are you talking about? Based on your understanding of me, am I the one who can do this kind of thing?” Will depressed.

“Just because you know you won’t, it’s weird about what you say.”

“You misunderstood what I meant. I want to say …” Will looked up at the sky. “It’s time for me to disappear into the eyes of the world. I just need to guide people in secret.”

“It turns out that way.” Phoenix nodded.

“When people go astray or need me, I will use avatars to walk the world. They may be kings who rule the world, they may be poets who drink alcohol, they may be teachers who are downcast, they might be … Human beings are in trouble. When human beings encounter difficulties, they will fall to the great men to save the people and the fire and water. “

“Is there any difference?” Phoenix asked.

“The difference is that people will think that it is the power of human beings to overcome the difficulties. It is a great man who led the people forward. Everything is cast by human hands, not by the gods.”

“Does it make sense?” Phoenix was not optimistic.

“Maybe, maybe not, who knows if you don’t try it?” Will smiled.

In the conversation between Will and Phoenix, “Lu” Na who went to the Sky City to communicate with the Wings has returned.

As for the conversation?

Just looking at the overcast sky in the sky, hundreds of kilometers in diameter, almost as large as a province of sky city, she knew that this trip was successful.

As for how to communicate?

What is the reaction of the wing tribe?

What does it cost to get the city of the sky?

The earth is about to be swallowed by the ocean, the entire planet will be turned into water, and the entire race of mankind is facing the point of extinction crisis. Who cares so much?

People only need to know that “Lu” Na succeeded in getting the city of the sky in just a few hours, which is enough.

As for the demise of the wing tribe?

Is the city of sky robbed by violence?

so what?

People don’t care!

After that, you only need to dismantle the Sky City and take out the core of the inner psionic warship for analysis.

In fact, the city of the sky is so large, the area is enough to accommodate billions of people. .

The problem is that the city of the sky is a resume of the wing clan by its own standards, the air content? The size of gravity? Light? food? for drink? Wear it? use?

If you want to make a spaceship that can provide billions of human life for a long time, there are many things to consider, not so easy.

After dismantling and analyzing the city of the sky, mankind’s magic technology has made a leap in “sex” progress, and the construction time of the solar ark has been greatly advanced.

But the difficulty is still too great.

Previously, human magic technology could only barely achieve the point of manned aviation flight. Now, even with the template, want to create a solar ark that can live for billions of people in just one month?


However, after the goddess of war Lina joined, it was very different.

Lilina is accompanied by a level 4 elf and a level 3 peak strength. With a ready-made psionic warship as a template, there is no problem in creating a degraded version of the spaceship.

With the joining of Lilina, with the efforts of countless wizards, a solar ark was built.

In only one month, nine solar arks were built.

Each solar ark is more than ten kilometers long and can accommodate hundreds of millions of people. Nine solar arks can accommodate a total of 2.5 billion people!

Although the total population of Wizard Planet was more than 10 billion a month ago, after nearly a month, under the attack of the sea, the population lost 87%.

So nine solar arks are enough, and everyone can be loaded.

Nine solar arks carrying more than two billion people slowly took off.

People sitting in the sun’s ark look at the scene outside through virtual windows.

Once they lived on the wizarding planet, they were familiar with the incomparable homeland, the buildings built by people through the ages … Everything was engulfed by the ocean!


There is no more land on the whole planet!

There are oceans and seas everywhere, and large eddies hundreds of kilometers in diameter everywhere, and countless water tornadoes are running across the planet.

Tentacles formed by condensed sea water stretched towards the sun ark, trying to drag the sun ark down.

Each water tentacle has a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, and each root contains a force that can easily split a line.

Pulled by countless water tentacles, people in the Ark of the Sun clenched their fists nervously, and many people cried out with a wow.

Fortunately, the flight of the Sun’s Ark did not stop there.

When the Ark of the Sun flew into the cosmic space beyond the reach of sea water, people were finally relieved.

Although they were saved, everyone was not happy.

Because they lost so much!

People stared blankly at the water-blue “color” planet outside the cosmic space. The ripples of countless blue “colors” on the planet kept surging. It was thousands of high waves of extinction.

Looking down on the whole planet from the universe, it still feels pretty.

But people who have just fled from the Sun Ark from there know that the wizarding planet that used to be their home has turned into a purgatory that cannot hold any life.

“Is our home gone?”

“What if we beat the Hai tribe? Is it worth it?”

“Everything is gone. Are we going to wander through the stars from now on?”

When countless thoughts flashed in people’s minds, the sun’s ark began to change.

The indications of the nine solar arks gradually radiated red “color” light. This light was getting bigger and brighter. It didn’t take long for the nine solar arks to turn into small suns with a diameter of nearly 100 kilometers.

The nine small suns radiate infinite light and heat outwards. Apart from the size, they are not much different from the real sun.

However, the residents in the solar ark in the center of the small sun did not feel anything strange.

The heat emitted by the solar ark is based on the principle of opening a space portal to the interior of the sun on the surface of the spacecraft.

What does the interior of the sun look like?

Regardless of the other, there must be light and heat?

A door was opened to the inside of the sun, and boundless light and heat would surely flow out of the space door.

As for why this is done?

Definitely not for good looks!

The purpose is of course to evaporate all the sea water on the wizard planet!

Under the burning of nine small suns with a diameter of one hundred kilometers, like throwing a piece of red iron into the pool, the wizard planet immediately raised countless water vapor.

But not enough!

The Sun Ark is not willing to show burning!

Nine solar arks swooped toward the wizard planet, submerged into the sea, and flew out of the other through the planet.

Originally covering the entire surface of the planet, it seems that the endless ocean is rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But within seven days, all the seawater had disappeared.

The whole planet turned into a dry planet without even a drop of water.

Although the threat of the sea has disappeared, can such a planet live?

Too much water won’t work, but it won’t work without water.

And after this war, the atmosphere has disappeared, the ecosystem is completely destroyed, and even the rotation of the planet has changed.

But it doesn’t matter, everything will be fine.

The second-level wizards already have the ability to transform the planet, not to mention the third-level wizards.

Do n’t worry about the disappearing animals and plants, all organisms have genetic samples, and then it is enough for the second-level wizards of the life department to create according to the genetic samples.

Only, can do it can do it.

If you want to change the wizard planet back to the planet that could be used for human life, it takes time in years.

Humans still have to live in the solar ark for many years.

But everything is worth it, because from now on, the wizarding planet has become an eternal paradise that belongs only to human beings.

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