Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 972 - Bear the anger of the sea

The unprecedented war between humans and the sea clan began.

On one side are the veteran powerhouses on this planet, who lived from the mythical age hundreds of millions of years ago to the present, and rule the sea clan of the blue sea.

On the one hand, it has only risen for more than ten thousand years, and finally defeated all the aliens on the earth five hundred years ago to become the human overlord of the earth.

Who is strong and who is weak?

The number of strong?

Among the sea clan, there is a fourth-level strongman lurking, and there are a plurality of third-level strongmen. Although the second-level strongmen were killed a lot by Weier 3000, there are still double-digits.

As for the combat strength of the first-level strongman and the apprentice level below, there are countless Hai clan!

There are 10 billion human beings on the earth?

The number of Hai people is more than 10 billion?

Facing the Hai nationality, human beings are crushed, whether they are the number of top powerhouses or the number of ordinary people.

Geographical advantage?

Seventy percent of the entire planet is covered in sea water. How can humans fight?

The sea tribe can easily set off a huge wave of extinction of 100 meters, engulf islands, and lurking in the deep sea in case of danger.

Even human beings, even the first-level wizards, have to drop in strength in the 10,000 meters deep sea.

And the Hai people have reinforcements, that is elemental life!

The second-level strong storm lord who commanded hundreds of millions of elemental lives actually stood on the side of the Hai clan!

Tsunami? earthquake? storm?

Various natural disasters have continuously attacked the residences of human beings, as if humans were targeted by the entire planet.

Compared to the Hai tribe, which has various allies, humanity can only fight alone.

Mankind actually asked the wing clan in the sky city for help, but the wing clan actually said that they are neutral, and they will not help any party.

Magic technology?

Magic technology is the most proud thing of mankind.

It is precisely because of the various magic technology that mankind has created planes that can fly at supersonic speeds. In addition to manufacturing cargo ships that can carry millions of tons, they have built bridges tens of kilometers long …

The magic technology has changed human life in all directions and made human beings extremely powerful.

But the Hai people actually have magic technology!

And technology must be above humans!

Either way, the difference between humans and Hai people is too big!

From the beginning of the war between the human race and the Hai nationality, humanity has been ruthlessly suppressed by the Hai nationality.


Mankind has the Goddess of War and the Holy Emperor!

The goddess of war is extremely powerful, and he is invincible at the third level. How many times have he turned the tide in the war that mankind will lose, I do n’t know how many times he has saved humanity.

Even the incomparably powerful sea clan, even in the face of the siege of the multiple third-level strongmen, the goddess of war is still not afraid.

And the Holy Emperor …

The strength of the Holy Emperor may be weaker than the Goddess of War. In the war, it is not as active as the Goddess of War. It can be said that almost no shots have been made.

But the Holy Emperor is managed!

Under the management of the Holy Emperor, under the command of the Holy Emperor, and under the strategy of the Holy Emperor, the strength of mankind is constantly strengthening, and the gap with the Hai people is getting smaller and smaller.

Holy calendar 1800.

In the face of mankind’s fierce attack, the Hai tribe has been defeated in an all-round way.

Nowadays, the vast ocean, the Hai people actually have no hiding place.

This was unbelievable before!

Today, the remaining sea clan gathers around the sea temple, because all the sea areas outside the sea temple have been turned into human territory, and there is no place for the sea clan to survive.

“Are we defeated? We lost to humanity?”

“No, we can’t lose, we still have Poseidon, as long as Poseidon is still with us, we can’t lose.”

“Don’t say it, Poseidon united three third-level strongmen to fight against the human goddess Lilina, and the result was defeated. The other three strongmen died and Poseidon was seriously injured.”

“Why? Why is that goddess of war so powerful?”

The atmosphere of despair enveloped all the sea clan, they never thought they would fail, and they would lose to the humble life on the earth.

auzw.com But they are the same tribes who rule the sea!

“Aren’t we still having a reliance? Haven’t you heard that there is a very powerful existence above Poseidon?”

“You mean that? … It’s useless. It is rumored that the man suddenly disappeared after visiting the human emperor. I don’t know where to go.”

“How can it disappear? Did it fail in the battle with the Holy Emperor?”

“How is it possible? How could that existence lose? It should be a certain agreement with the Holy Emperor. After all, there is an elf who survived the mythological era next to the Holy Emperor. Maybe he knows some secrets.”

The destiny of the Hai clan’s defeat is doomed and cannot be changed.

“What should I do? What else can we do?”

“Come on, surrender. It’s pointless to continue fighting. It’s only surrender if you want to survive.”

“What are you talking about!

“What else can you do? Do you think we can win?”

“It is useless to surrender. Do you think those evil humans will allow you to surrender?”


“Oh, how much intelligent life once existed on the earth? But for thousands of years, there is only one human race that can” speak “on the whole earth.”

“Humans can’t tolerate even the companions who once fought against the monster together who live on the earth together. Will they tolerate us?”

Humans are so powerful and so evil.

Can’t win, can’t fall.

What should I do? Do you sit and wait to die?

Is the Hai tribe going to perish?

When all the sea tribes were desperate, the Sea Temple shook violently, and several phantoms radiated from the Sea Temple.

Those phantoms are the second-level strongmen of the sea clan who are still alive, and the sea **** who was seriously injured after fighting with the war goddess Lilina.

Faced with this vision, all the sea tribes immediately looked towards the sea temple, and they were all waiting for the sea god’s decision.

At this time, you can only believe in Poseidon.

Poseidon overlooked its people, and there was unspeakable sorrow in her eyes.

As a third-level strong man, he does not know how many tens of thousands of years he has lived and how many tens of thousands of years he has commanded the Hai clan. He once believed that it would continue like this.

did not expect–

It raised its head, and through the heavy sea water, it saw the human fleet, saw the clenched butcher knife, and saw the bloodthirsty double pupils of humans.

“War is death, death is death, we have no way back.” Poseidon said with tears.

“Ooooo …”

“how come……”

“Are we finished like this? Is there really no way?”

Hundreds of millions of sea tribes around were crying and desperate.

Even Poseidon said there was no way, what else could they do?

In despair, Poseidon raised his hands up and gritted his teeth: “Even if we die, we must pay for humans! We must take humans together and bury them together!”

“Destroy mankind–“

“Revenge for humanity—”

“perish together–“

Hundreds of millions of sea cries roared in despair.

In the end, Poseidon looked at the world with tears, watching its people.


“Let the anger of the sea!”

At this moment, all the sea tribes, like a salt block melted in water, merged with the sea and disappeared.

Whether it is the high-level third-level strong sea god, or the tiny and weak little fishman with only a hundred pounds of strength, all the sea clan surviving in the sea are integrated with the sea.

Almost at the moment when the Hai nationality and the sea merged, people were surprised to find that the sea actually had consciousness!

Do not!

Not just the sea!

It should be said that the water of the entire planet is conscious!

In the war between humans and the Hai tribe, humanity has indeed won, and humanity has wiped out the remaining ones of the Hai tribe.

But the war between mankind and the sea and water has begun!

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