Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 961 - In the name of love

At their feet is the kingdom once called the Cairo Empire.

Why was it?

Because the battle took place in the Cairo Empire!

Centered on the capital of the Cairo Empire, there is a deep pit of thousands of kilometers.

There is also a deep ditch that is one kilometer wide and tens of kilometers deep, causing the Cairo Empire to fight in half from the beginning to the end-the aftermath of the Star Sword.

Earthquakes, landslides, floods … Countless disasters are rampant across the Cairo Empire.

After a fierce battle between the two third-level strongmen, this powerful country that had been extremely prosperous before, fighting against the Allied Alliance Army, with a population of more than 2 billion, has been reduced to ruins.

Cairo Empire Architecture? It’s almost destroyed.

People living in the Cairo Empire? It’s almost dead.

The battle of the third-level strong is so powerful that the aftermath of the attack can easily destroy a country covering an area of ​​15 million square kilometers.

I hope that the country will not be destroyed unless these two third-level strongmen fly into space and fight.

Why did Kalian do this?

Karen hates humans only a little less than Will, and for her, humans are the targets to be eliminated sooner or later. When fighting, just pay attention not to smash the eastern continent, do n’t destroy the ecosystem. Okay.


You die if you die. What do you have to do with her?

But this is not the case for Will.

The foundation of Will’s belief is humanity. He must love humanity, he must protect humanity, and he must fight for humanity.

Although Will’s love for mankind and the Cairo empire were extremely distorted, Karen knew that there would never be a fake at that time.

What’s more, many people in the Cairo Empire still have Will’s blood?

In the aftermath of the battle, the body contains Will’s blood, with Albert in the surname, and I don’t know how many billions are dead.

If he really has the strength far beyond Karen, he will definitely not let the aftermath of the battle run wild in the Cairo Empire. He will never let the Cairo Empire be destroyed so badly. He will never let the Cairo Empire die so many people.

So, now Will tells her to hide her strength?

Just played with her just now?

Who are you cheating!

Will looked at the Cairo Empire, which had turned into a ruin, and sighed: “Your idea really makes sense.”

“Just a few points.”

“The Cairo empire was indeed ruined very badly, and indeed many people died …”

He knows everything that happened on the earth, every building that was destroyed, and everyone who died.

He knew everything.

Despite the fierce battle with the Allied Forces for hundreds of years, the development of the Cairo Empire has not fallen, and the population has been steadily increasing. Now it has exceeded the 2 billion population mark.

However, in this war, the construction of the Cairo Empire for hundreds of years was completely reduced to ruins, and the population lost more than one billion.

If it had not been foreseen that he would fight Kalien, he had made various preparations two hundred years in advance, established countless defense facilities, engaged in acting again and again, and let all the first-level and second-level wizards be at any time. Prepare for rescue.

Even so, there are still too many casualties!

auzw.com But if there are not so many first-level and second-level wizards, in the aftermath of the fierce battle between Will and Kallen, I am afraid that the Cairo Empire will die.

I can still live a billion, perhaps it is a great luck in misfortune?

The premise is-

Will is only a third-level wizard, and his combat strength is only a line better than that of Karen, but he does not have the strength to crush!

is it possible?

Will is a fourth-level wizard!

As long as he wants to, he can give Karen a second!

Why did the Cairo Empire turn into this miserable picture?

If it is just out of curiosity, will the price be too high?

All this, Will did not want.

Will sighed and said, “Did you know? Humans are really a very wonderful creature. In desperate circumstances, even if they ate and ate their partners, they still have to live. In peacetime, they will be the Virgin.” My heart is overflowing, watching the dangerous growth that may destroy myself. “

“What do you mean?”

Kalian couldn’t understand what Will was thinking.

“My goal at this stage has always been very clear, that is to make humans stand on the top of this planet, but …”

With a wave of Will’s hand, thousands of screens appeared in mid-air. Different people on each screen were different, but they were all performing the same thing-human beings rescued aliens!

This happened only during this period of time. What happened before?

Looking at the people on the screen, Will was so disappointed, “The battle between humans and major aliens can be traced back hundreds of thousands of years ago. I do n’t know how many martyrs gave their lives, so we can face the aliens at this time. Big advantage … “

Will clenched his fists, “However, some people have forgotten the sacrifices of their ancestors. They sheltered aliens in the name of” love “and protected human enemies. They also stood at the commanding heights of the morals and pointed at the people who opposed them. abuse.”

“Know that we are still fighting the Allied Allies!”

“What if we don’t fight anymore? What if after a few hundred years? What if the aliens and humans are really equal?”

“Can humans get along with aliens peacefully?”


“By that time, it was not that humans were cruel to aliens, but that they became oppressed by aliens.”

“After that, a thought might arise among human beings-” Human beings have original sins against aliens, and humans should atone for aliens for their sins. “

“Ha ha.”

“They completely forgot how the alien races slaughtered us humans, and forgotten how hard it was for us humans to get to where we are today.”

“They all forgot.”

“Because they believe that the narrow” love “in their hearts can save the world and save mankind, but they don’t know that there is a saying” Lost human “sex”, lose a lot, lose the beast “sex”, lose everything. “

“Originally, I thought this was just something that existed in the novel. We must know that 10,000 years ago, we humans were still crawling at the feet of monsters and were treated as slaves by monsters.”

“When I was young, the Cairo empire was far from being an opponent of the orc empire. Humans were slaughtered and abused by the orcs indiscriminately.”

“These textbooks don’t write less, why is it like this?”

“What really scares me is that this kind of thinking is not a flash in the pan, it is better to say that it is gradually becoming mainstream.”

Will pointed to one of the scenes, and there was a scene that made him sad. His daughter Lirina was holding a **** cat girl, and the soldiers around him shot at the little girl in Lirina’s arms. Compassionate eyes.

In the human camp, his power position is second only to him. His daughter and goddess Lina, who is considered to be his spokesperson, is doing this kind of thing?

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