Chapter 3: Chapter 2
Chapter 2
My colleagues peeked and whispered confused at my indifference. By now, they were used to me always crying or being on the verge of crying after going into that geezers office. However, I really am tired.
All this straggling for pay that is someone's pocket money somewhere.
The murmurs are annoyingly pronounced in the small office.
"What's with Davina today?" One of my colleagues said
"Yeah she's not crying. Maybe her proposal was finally accepted?" Another one replied
"Hers? Never. That geezer seriously has it our for her. I'd bet my salary it didn't happen."
"Maybe she just wants to act strong"
'I can hear you.'
I sighed and get seated, looking over what little belongings I had on my desk.
Mr. Henry walked out of his office and looked over everyone as if one were looking at their pathetic last hopes.
"Chidi." He called out
Chidi sprang and immediately responded "Yes sir."
"Remove Ms.Osula from the daytona project. She will no longer participating"
Gasps echoed in the room.
"Sir?" Chidi asked looking confused.
"Ms. Davina Osula has just turned in her resignation letter."
'Don't laugh. Davina don't laugh. 3..2..1...'
"WHAT?!" They all yelled.
It was expected, of course. I was their 'wheelbarrow' after all.
By wheelbarrow, I mean I was the one they dumped their work load on and took credit for.
I stood up with a fake bittersweet smile.
"Thank you so much seniors for guiding me through me work and helping me were I fell short. It has been such an experience."
Then I gave a deep bow
'See you never, good for nothing bastards.'
"First Douglas, now Davina?!"
"This can't be! We're going to be....understaffed!"
Douglas, the only normal human being that existed in this toxic work environment.
He is a chill guy, offered help when he could. Unfortunately for me he got tired of the ill treatment way faster than I did.
He was qualified anyways.
"Davina! Are you being serious? You're Joking right?"
"No ma'am I think it's time I broaden my horizon"
"Of course.. You got a job! Where?"
I kept quiet.
I'm sure everyone ones wondering.
The job! Does not exist.
'I'm just tired mehn.'