Winter's Promise

Chapter 50: Chapter 50: Goodbye, Sweet Lady

4th Month of 299 A.C. Winterfell

Lady Catelyn Stark

The things she had always feared happening had happened, Ned had died during a mad storming of the throne room miles from home, leaving her a widow and her children without a father, Arya had died murdered in cold blood, by people who were no longer alive. And now Benjen was dead, her Goodbrother who had made her feel welcome when she was just a young lady far from home. Her Goodbrother who had helped her and Ned fight through some of the difficult times in life, he was gone, dead, killed. One of Benjen's guards, Hallen had survived the fighting that had occurred just south of Winterfell and had returned to tell her the tale of his lord's death, and Catelyn had been horrified. The people she had feared returning had finally returned and now she did not know what to do about it. Robb and the King were in the south, they would not hear about any of this until it was too late, and she still needed to tell Wynafryd about all of it, Benjen had only touched on a small part of what had happened.

She looks briefly at her grandson as he sleeps in his cot, the same one all of her children had slept in, she closes her eyes a moment and then looks at her gooddaughter. "Benjen told you some of what happened to Edric Stark and his descendants but he did not tell you everything Wynafryd. And for that you must forgive him, you must forgive me as well, for I did not think you were ready to hear tell about the whole truth."

Her gooddaughter looks at her confused. "I am not sure I understand my lady, what do you mean? What more is there to this tale?"

Catelyn closes her eyes briefly and then opens them once more. "For this tale to be told properly, I must tell you what happened when I came to Winterfell and what I learned from my husband during the years we were forming our relationship. I ask that you remain silent as I tell you this tale, and then any questions you have you ask them then. Is that okay?"

Catelyn hates how scared her gooddaughter looks then, but she is impressed by the nod and the calmness in her voice when she replies. "Yes of course my lady."

Catelyn takes a breath and wonders whether or not her gooddaughter will look at her the same when she has finished telling her all there is to tell. Clearing her throat, she begins talking. "Now as Benjen told you, Edric Stark never became Lord of Winterfell despite his brother Jonnel dying before him without issue, that was, as Benjen said because he rebelled against his brother and killed him. Lord Jonnel was a loyal servant to the crown and could not abide by some of the rumours within the north about the King of the time. Edric who felt that he had the better claim through his wife rebelled and so the fighting began. At its end Jonnel was dead, and Edric was alive, and then the Blackfyre rebellion broke out. Edric fought for the black dragon, and died during the fighting, his brother Barth took over the winter throne and exiled his nephews and nieces to far distant lands, eventually in time his nieces married into northern houses. This you know, but there is more to it. More that Benjen did not think of telling you, and now perhaps I think we should have done."

She takes another breath, knowing that time is running out, she continues. "Edric Stark died in the north, his daughters returned and married into the north, but his sons fled into exile, they disappeared for all intents and purposes, but then one of them returned to the north. And something was discovered within Winterfell, that actually validated the claims of this Stark to the throne of winter. What it was none know, but it overrode the then Lord of Winterfell's claim, and there was something that the Starks of the time could not allow. So they hunted down this man and his family, they hunted them until they were left to just one. A babe, a babe who disappeared with the times only to reappear many years later." Catelyn closes her eyes as the sound of screaming fills her ears once more, from memories long buried. "The babe became a man, and that man caused many troubles for the Starks of Winterfell, he was there when the She Wolves of Winterfell fought and came close to claiming his title, but then he disappeared, because of the intervention of a prince and a marriage there, but he returned many years later and once more he came close."

She hears her gooddaughter whisper the name of that event that left them all scarred. "The purging."

"Yes, the purging. My husband did what he thought was necessary to deal with this threat, but it seems that it was not enough, for one the line still survives, or perhaps more of them do, and they are coming for Winterfell." Catelyn finishes.

"So what are we going to do my lady?" her gooddaughter asks. "We cannot just surrender the castle to them. They might have a claim, but they do not have the strength to retake the castle that was never theirs to begin with."

Catelyn sighs then. "They do though, for they have drawn a following within the more obscure reaches of the north. That they killed Benjen shows that they are at their strongest. They have the power of a company that my son and the King do not. And they are coming for us now."

That seems to catch her gooddaughter off guard. "You mean they are coming to Winterfell now?"

At her gooddaughter's words a scream echoes through the courtyard below and she says. "It seems they are already here. Get your son and come with me." Catelyn watches as her gooddaughter obeys her then, picking up her grandchild and walking with her, they walk in silence until they come to a room which she had never thought to use.

"What is there?" Wynafryd asks.

"Your way out of here." Catelyn says, opening the door and walking through, she breathes a sigh of relief when she sees Rickon and Shaggydog with old Nan and Ser Dorren there waiting for them.

Rickon runs to her then and asks. "Where are we going mother?"

Catelyn looks at her son and replies. "You are going to White Harbour, my wolf. You are going with Wynafryd and your nephew."

"Are you not coming as well mother?" her son asks.

Catelyn feels a deep sadness engulf her then, but she forces a smile onto her face. "I will join you in time my wolf, but I must make sure that everything is secure here. We cannot let the bad people get everything now can we?"

She smiles sadly when her son replies. "Of course not."

It seems her gooddaughter knows that there is more she wishes to say, for she comes to her then and asks. "My lady, is there something else?"

Catelyn looks at Wynafryd and at the bundle in her arms and whispers. "The passage here will lead you out to the eastern side of the castle, there will be horses waiting for you, get on those horses and ride as fast as you can for White Harbour. When you come to the fork of the White Knife you will find Torrhen there waiting for you, go with him and alert your grandfather to what is happening he will know what to do."

"Are you not coming with us?" Wynafryd asks softly.

Catelyn shakes her head then. "I will not give them a reason to come chasing after you. No, I shall stay here and do what I can to delay them."

Her gooddaughter looks at her a moment, before asking. "How long have you known that they would be coming?"

"For a moon at least. I had thought they would not be so bold, but I should have known better." Catelyn says softly, before turning to her son and saying. "Now Rickon, I want you to look after your goodsister and nephew, do you understand? You are the man in charge now."

Her son stands solemnly and says. "Yes mother."

"And do not let Shaggydog out of your sight." Catelyn reminds him.

"Yes mother." Her son replies, before accepting a kiss on the cheek.

Catelyn kisses her gooddaughter's cheek and then the top of her grandson's head before bidding them farewell, she watches as the company depart from the passageway and from the castle, as they begin fading into the distance, she can only hope she has given them enough time. Eventually, they disappear from view and she turns and walks back into the main castle. As she comes to the main hallway she sees Ser Rodrik there bloodied and waiting for her. "Ser Rodrik." She calls out, the knight looks at her before hurrying over.

"My lady." He says bowing slightly.

"How many of them are there?" she asks.

The knight thinks for a moment and then says. "There were around five hundred, but they have been whittled down. What are your commands my lady?"

Catelyn thinks for a moment and then says. "Let us end this now Ser. To the great hall." And with that she walks forward, knowing as she does so that this might be the last time she walks through the halls toward the place where the winter throne sits. She has had a very good life, she has had a love, she has had loves, her children are her pride and joy, and her only regret is that she will not get to see them grow. Still she knows that by doing what she is about to do, she is sparing them more heartache and suffering. The screams of the girl from so long ago echo in her head, and as the doors to the great hall open, she hears the screams reach a crescendo.

The doors close and a voice she has come to fear and loathe in her nightmares speaks. "So you have come. So nice of you to join us Catelyn Tully."

Catelyn looks to where the voice comes from and sees the darkest wolf she has ever seen sat in the winter throne. "My name is Catelyn Stark, and I came here to put an end to this bloodshed. None need to die, no more need die."

The man and his companions laugh at that. "Oh, there hasn't been enough bloodshed trout. Tell me, where are the girl and the boy? Tell me that and I might just let you remain as Lady of Winterfell."

"I do not know where they are." She replies calmly, though her heart is racing.

"Beron, kill the man." the figure says. And Catelyn watches in horror as a giant of a man walks towards Ser Rodrik who raises his sword but is too slow to prevent the axe that buries itself within his skull. As Ser Rodrik falls to the ground with a loud clatter, the figure asks once more. "Tell me where your son and your whore of a gooddaughter are."

"I do not know where they are. So please, stop this needless bloodshed. You have won, you have Winterfell, is that not enough?" Catelyn asks.

The figure stands then, and Catelyn finds herself looking at the giant figure as he walks towards her, he is clad in armour from head to foot, though his hair is brown and his eyes are grey, just like her Ned's were, but there is no warmth in them, there never has been she thinks. The figure stands before her and growls. "So long as my sister's death goes unavenged there will never be enough blood shed. Now tell me where they are."

Catelyn stares back defiantly. "Never."

The figure sighs, before drawing a dagger from his side. "Then die." She feels the blade cut into her and she screams.

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