Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 24 – Part 5 – Episode – Callorahine

Third Person Point of View

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The young girl possessed an extraordinary talent, surpassing that of her peers on a planet where strength and intelligence were highly valued. From the moment she was born to her coming of age, her brilliance outshone all those around her.

Throughout her formative years, she received praise from adults, with some even suggesting that she could be the future leader of their species. However, unlike her peers, she remained modest, accepting their compliments with grace and dedicating herself to continual improvement.

Preferring solitude, she set out on her journey alone until her first day at school, where she met a kindred spirit who would profoundly impact her path and change her fate. This fortunate encounter marked the beginning of a transformative friendship, reshaping her perspective and shaping her into the person she was meant to be.

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"Hello there!" chirped a young volgendur, her voice filled with excitement.

Callorahine, the other young volgendur with blonde locks, initially regarded her with a neutral expression, which softened into a friendly expression. "Um, hi?" she responded, slightly perplexed by the sudden interaction.

Realizing they shared the same class, the young volgendur extended her hand in introduction. "I'm Elna!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Both merely eight years old, Callorahine possessed a maturity beyond her years. She hesitated for a moment, observing Elna's outstretched hand before reciprocating the gesture with a handshake. "Callorahine," she stated succinctly.

Elna beamed at her newfound acquaintance, vigorously shaking her hand. "What a cute name! Let's be friends!" she declared, her eyes shimmering with hope.

Caught off guard by the proposition, Callorahine's eyes widened in astonishment. It was the first time someone had extended such an offer, leaving her unsure of how to respond.

"Um..." Callorahine hesitated, caught between the magnetic pull of companionship and the unease of the unfamiliar. The prospect of friendship felt both intimidating and alluring, particularly since she had yet to establish any connections. After a brief internal struggle, she tentatively nodded. "Okay..."

"Eee! Yay, let's be friends forever, Hine!" Elna exclaimed joyfully, engulfing Callorahine in an unexpected embrace, once again catching her off guard with the demonstration of affection.

"O-okay..." Callorahine stammered in response, her uncertainty still evident as she navigated this new terrain of friendship.

— ○ ● ○ —

Years passed, and the inseparable pair grew into fifteen-year-olds, their bond unbreakable despite facing numerous challenges that tested their friendship. Through thick and thin, they weathered storms that could have torn them apart, each trial only serving to strengthen their connection.

Initially uncertain of herself, Callorahine gradually flourished under Elna's guidance, shedding her shyness and emerging as a figure of popularity among her peers, mirroring Elna's rise. Together, they became beacons of assistance, always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need.

However, their harmonious existence was disrupted when a new arrival, a "man," descended upon their planet. Despite having observed them from a distance, neither Callorahine nor Elna had ever encountered one in person. The presence of this unfamiliar entity stirred a mixture of curiosity and apprehension within them, challenging their preconceived notions and leaving them uncertain of how to proceed.

"...He's a man," Elna's voice held a mix of curiosity and uncertainty as she observed the unfamiliar figure basking in the attention of their fellow volgendurs. "We've read about them and how to handle them in theory, but what should we do? We're not of age yet to seek pregnancy."

Callorahine also turned her gaze towards the man, contemplating their next course of action. "You're right. We're not at that stage yet. However, observing from a distance and learning from how others of our species interact with him could prove beneficial, Elna."

Elna frowned at the practicality of Callorahine's suggestion. "So pragmatic, booo~"

A soft chuckle escaped Callorahine's lips as she affectionately tousled Elna's hair. "Don't be like that. Our time will come. But for now, let's focus on our studies and aspire to become formidable and esteemed valkyries."

— ○ ● ○ —

Later that day, Callorahine accompanied Elna to her residence. Upon arrival, they were warmly welcomed by Elna's mother and two sisters.

"Welcome home, Elly!" Elna's mother greeted, enveloping her daughter in a loving embrace.

"I'm back, and Hine came with me," Elna replied, reciprocating the embrace as she greeted her mother and sisters.

As the eldest among her siblings, Elna took on a maternal role, nurturing and caring for her sisters with unwavering devotion. Together, they retreated into the comforts of their home, engaging in lively conversation over snacks. Callorahine observed the familial dynamic in silence, feeling somewhat out of place amidst the familial warmth.

In this society, where fathers were largely absent and relegated to the role of mere donors, it was the mothers who held sway over the household, steering the family ship with strength and resilience.

In sharp contrast to the nurturing atmosphere of Elna's home, Callorahine's household was characterized by an unyielding pursuit of perfection. Achievement was paramount within the walls of her home, and anything less than flawless was considered unacceptable. Callorahine's two older sisters had fully embraced this mindset, rising to the esteemed ranks of official volgendurs, their accomplishments serving as a testament to the family's relentless pursuit of success.

Left to navigate the high expectations of her mother and siblings on her own, Callorahine often found herself overlooked and neglected. Her mother's absence, consumed by her responsibilities, left little room for maternal care, while her sisters, engrossed in their own endeavors, remained largely indifferent to her presence unless she managed to distinguish herself in some exceptional manner.

Familial love was a foreign concept to Callorahine, a distant notion that seemed to elude her grasp within the confines of her own home. It wasn't until she formed a bond with Elna and her family that she experienced the warmth and affection she had longed for.

Unlike her own family, Elna's household was a sanctuary of love and openness, where emotions were freely expressed, and physical affection was abundant. In their company, Callorahine discovered the beauty of genuine connection, finding comfort in the unconditional love and support they offered each other, a stark contrast to the cold and distant atmosphere of her own home.

"Hine? Everything okay?" Elna's mother asked, her concern evident as she studied Callorahine's expression before giving her a playful poke on the forehead. "You seemed lost in thought. Dinner will be ready soon. Will you join us, dear?"

Blinking back to the present, Callorahine's smile faltered momentarily before regaining its composure. "T-thank you for the invitation. Yes, I'll stay. Thank you," she responded, her words tinged with a hint of awkwardness.

Elna's mother returned her smile warmly. "Wonderful. Come along then, dear. We'll prepare dessert together," she said, gesturing for Callorahine to follow her into the kitchen.

— ○ ● ○ —

Later that evening, Callorahine found herself convinced by Elna to have an impromptu sleepover, providing a welcomed break from the solitude of her own home. With the likelihood of her mother and siblings being away, the idea of spending the night elsewhere was met with little resistance.

"Hey, Hine," Elna's voice called out, drawing Callorahine's attention as she descended from her bed to the pull-out mattress on the ground where Callorahine lay.

Turning to face her friend, Callorahine met Elna's gaze, anticipating her question.

"How many children do you see yourself having in the future?" Elna's question caught Callorahine off guard, prompting a moment of contemplation.

"Um, I'm not quite sure... I haven't really thought that far ahead," Callorahine admitted, her response tinged with uncertainty.

Elna's smile remained unchanged as she shared her own aspirations. "I'd love a big family, maybe around twelve?" she suggested, her words eliciting a stunned silence from her friend.

"T-twelve!? I-isn't that a lot!?" Callorahine's incredulous outburst reverberated in the room, prompting giggles from Elna.

"It is, but I reckon it would suit me just fine," Elna replied, her laughter bubbling up. "I intend to work for a long while, accumulating money before starting a family. And who needs husbands anyway, unless you're competing for the throne? But hey, maybe I'll set my sights on becoming the queen!"

"Can you see yourself as queen?" Callorahine inquired, her tone tinged with doubt, unsure of her friend's grand ambitions.

"Mmm! With hard work, anything is achievable! Besides, I'll have my family and you by my side to support me," Elna stated, her smile exuding confidence.

Callorahine was momentarily taken aback by Elna's unwavering confidence before a smile tugged at her lips. "You're quite the dreamer, aren't you?" she teased, shaking her head in amusement. "But okay, count me in. I'll help you achieve your dreams. I'll make sure you ascend to the throne and assist in raising your twelve children when the time comes."

Elna's sudden embrace wrapped around Callorahine, flooding her with warmth as her friend laughed with joy. "Yay~ I knew my bestest friend in the whole universe would help me~ I'll be there for you too. If you ever find yourself in trouble, just call out to me or my family, and we'll come running."

A soft smile graced Callorahine's lips as she returned the hug. "Thank you," she murmured, her voice filled with gratitude.

In Elna and her family, Callorahine had found a sanctuary, a beacon of hope within the darkness that often clouded her life. Their kindness and support had touched her deeply, leaving an indelible mark on her heart. She vowed to treasure their friendship forever, never forgetting the warmth they had brought into her life.

— ○ ● ○ —

As the years passed, Callorahine and Elna blossomed into accomplished twenty-seven-year-old official volgendurs, their bond strong despite the tests of time and shared trials. However, on this particular day, Callorahine's heart was heavy with worry as Elna and her squad failed to return from their mission, leaving both Callorahine and Elna's family in a state of anxiety.

A senior volgendur approached Callorahine with urgent news. "Callorahine, the queen has ordered you and your squad to proceed to the planet H-Nitaol to provide backup for Elna's team."

Surprise lit up Callorahine's eyes, quickly replaced by concern for her friend. With determination, she accepted the mission, promptly informing her family of the situation before setting off for the designated planet.

"Leader, you're letting your emotions cloud your judgment. Elna and her team are capable and resourceful. They'll manage just fine," a fellow volgendur reassured Callorahine, attempting to quell her worries. "Our presence is likely just a precaution. You know how they tend to linger a bit longer than necessary on their missions."

As the spaceship raced through the vastness of space towards the planet, Callorahine's unease lingered, despite her volgendur companions' attempts to reassure her. "I understand, but... it's unusual for them to be absent for so long. They usually stay for a day or two, not an entire week," Callorahine expressed her concerns, her voice tinged with exhaustion. "Please inform me when we are approaching the planet. I will attempt to contact her once more."

Retiring to her quarters, Callorahine activated the communication device, her fingers trembling slightly as she dialed Elna's frequency. With each unsuccessful attempt, frustration gnawed at her, mingling with the growing dread in her heart. "Come on, pick up, Elna..." she urgently whispered, her voice barely audible over the hum of the ship's engines.

Descending upon the planet H-Nitaol, the spaceship revealed a harrowing scene of destruction to Callorahine—a landscape consumed by fire and buildings turned to rubble.

"Leader, it seems a significant conflict has occurred here. What are your orders?" The volgendur's voice trembled with fear, reflecting the same dread that gripped Callorahine's heart.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Callorahine surveyed the devastation before her, memories of her cherished moments with Elna flooding her mind. With resolve hardening her gaze, she issued her commands. "Split into two teams. Search for Elna's team and report your findings immediately. If you encounter any survivors, notify me at once. Move out."

Urgency fueled their actions as Callorahine and her squad dispersed into the chaos, determined to uncover the fate of their comrades and bring hope to the desolate landscape.

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As Callorahine pressed onward, scouring every nook and cranny of the devastated cityscape in search of any sign of Elna's squad, her mission was suddenly interrupted by the appearance of a massive creature, reminiscent of a T-Rex, bursting from the ground with a thunderous roar that echoed through the air.

Her eyes widened in shock as she witnessed the terrifying sight before her, but before she could respond, her attention turned to her squad members, who charged towards the creature with unwavering resolve.

Then, pandemonium erupted. A deluge of flames consumed the area, destroying everything in its path. Callorahine watched in horror as her team was swallowed by the inferno, the ground beneath them collapsing into a fiery chasm.

With lightning quick reflexes, Callorahine summoned her powers, creating a multi-layered ice wall to protect herself from the scorching attack. The barrier held strong against the creature's devastating breath attack, saving her from certain doom.

As the horrifying truth dawned upon Callorahine, her mind raced with the possibility that the creature before her was responsible for the annihilation of Elna's squad. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she watched the beast lumber towards her, its massive form bearing down upon her with ominous intent.

With instinct guiding her movements, Callorahine tapped into the depths of her power, unleashing a torrent of icy energy that blanketed the entire planet in a frozen shroud. The creature, momentarily ensnared by the sudden chill, struggled to break free from its icy prison.

Seizing the opportunity, Callorahine sprang into action, her spear a blur of motion as she launched an attack upon the creature's flesh. Rage surged through her veins, obliterating any semblance of reason or restraint as she unleashed her fury upon the beast, driven by the singular desire to avenge the loss of her beloved friend and comrades.

As Callorahine slowly regained consciousness, she was met with a horrifying sight—bones, blood, and guts scattered in a gruesome display. The aftermath of her frenzied attack was a brutal shock to her, and she struggled to come to terms with the devastation she had caused. Fighting back the urge to retch, she steeled herself against the rising revulsion and continued on.

With grim determination etched on her face, Callorahine pressed forward, her footsteps echoing in the eerie silence that hung heavy in the air. As she paused to check on her squad, her heart sank at the sight of her comrades' charred remains, destroyed by the creature's ferocious assault.

Gently, she reached out to touch the neck of one of her fallen companions, only for it to crumble beneath her fingers, disintegrating into dust. A shudder ran through her, her lips trembling with unspoken grief as she pushed past the anguish.

With a heavy heart, Callorahine rose to her feet once more, her resolve unwavering as she continued her search for answers, hoping to find some shred of hope amidst the despair.

— ○ ● ○ —

As Elna's familiar voice crackled through the communication device, a surge of hope flowed through Callorahine's veins, momentarily dispelling the darkness that had consumed her soul.

[Hine…Hine…] The faint whisper of Elna's voice echoed in her ears, igniting a spark of determination within Callorahine's heart.

[Elna?! Where are you?!] Callorahine's voice rang out, desperation lacing her words as she strained to make contact with her friend. But instead of a verbal response, she felt the gentle pulsing of the communication device, a beacon guiding her towards Elna's location.

With renewed vigor, Callorahine dashed through the rubble-strewn streets, her senses heightened as she navigated through the debris and devastation. The sight of fallen buildings and lifeless corpses served as a grim reminder of the tragedy that had befallen them, but amidst the despair, the flicker of hope burned brightly in her heart.

Driven by the prospect of reuniting with her dear friend, Callorahine pressed onward, her determination unwavering as she raced towards the source of the pulsing signal, clinging to the hope that Elna's voice had ignited within her.

With a surge of urgency, Callorahine hurried towards the distress signal, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and hope. As she reached the small open area in the middle of the rubble, her eyes scanned the surroundings until they found a figure partially concealed beneath the debris.

Determined, she rushed over and, with a strength born of desperation, lifted aside the rubble to reveal Elna, gravely wounded and barely holding on to life. Callorahine's breath caught in her throat as she beheld her friend's mangled form, horror and anguish etched upon her features.

"Elna!" Callorahine's voice echoed with anguish as she knelt beside her friend, gently cradling the remaining half of her body. Tears welled in her eyes as she took in the extent of Elna's injuries, a profound sense of helplessness washing over her.

Despite the pain and suffering etched upon her features, Elna managed to summon a weak smile at the sight of Callorahine. Her voice was barely a whisper as she spoke, her words laced with pain yet filled with undeniable affection.

"You came... I'm glad you're here... Hine," Elna's voice, barely audible, carried a sense of gratitude and farewell.

"Stop talking, I'll apply our healing pill, just give me a moment," Callorahine's voice trembled with urgency, her hands reaching for the healing remedy, but Elna's words stopped her in her tracks.

"...It's no use. I tried before, but it didn't work... I'm already gone, Hine. I just used the last of my strength to stay alive, hoping someone would come... I'm relieved it was you," Elna's confession cut through the air, her tears reflecting the pain in Callorahine's heart.

Callorahine felt as though a dagger had pierced her very soul as she grappled with the devastating reality of her friend's impending end. Paralyzed, she gazed at Elna, her emotions swirling beneath a mask of numbness.

"Hey... Hine... can you promise me something?" Elna's voice, frail amidst the chaos, jolted Callorahine out of her daze.

"Anything!" Callorahine's reply was impassioned, tears streaming down her face as she awaited Elna's final request.

"Please take care of my family... If I can't return to them, I want you, who's practically another daughter to my mother, to look after them. I want my sisters to become responsible Volgendurs, and for you to carry my dream instead," Elna's words, filled with unwavering trust despite her resignation, stirred a sense of duty within Callorahine.

"I will! But...your dream...?" Callorahine's voice trembled with confusion, her mind struggling to grasp the weight of Elna's final wishes.

"...To become queen and have children. I won't...insist that you have twelve like me, but...go become queen and make our planet a better place. I want everyone to be happy there, they all deserve it," Elna's voice trailed off, her eyelids drooping as exhaustion overtook her.

Panic seized Callorahine's heart as she gently shook Elna, desperation lacing her pleas. "Please stay awake...please keep talking to me...don't leave me yet, Elna...!" But as Elna's eyes closed, a serene smile graced her lips, her body growing cold and still.

Tears blurred Callorahine's vision as she cradled her friend's lifeless form, the weight of loss settling heavily upon her soul. In the silence that followed, she whispered her farewells to Elna, vowing to honor her friend's wishes and carry her dreams forward, even as her heart shattered with grief.

— ○ ● ○ —

As days passed like a never-ending torment, the planet of Svlalria grieved for its fallen heroes. Together with the solemnity of funerals and ceremonies, Callorahine stood as the lone survivor of the ill-fated mission, her heart heavy with grief and guilt.

Even though she was honored with medals and titles for her bravery, they felt insignificant compared to the weight of her sorrow. The memory of her fallen comrades, their lives snuffed out before her eyes, haunted her every waking moment. Yet, it was the loss of Elna and her squad that cut the deepest, a wound that festered with each passing day.

The anguished cries of grieving families echoed through the air, their sorrow a tangible presence that weighed heavily upon Callorahine's heart. Among them, Elna's family bore the brunt of her anguish, their shattered hearts a mirror of her own.

In particular, the sight of Elna's mother and her two younger sisters, their faces contorted with agony at the news of their beloved daughter and sister's demise, seared into Callorahine's memory with painful clarity. Their cries of anguish reverberated through her soul, a haunting reminder of the irreplaceable loss that had befallen them all.

Along with the sorrow and hopelessness that consumed her, Callorahine clung to Elna's final request. To ascend to the throne and fulfill her friend's vision of a brighter world—a promise she would uphold regardless of the sacrifices.

In the weeks and years that followed, Callorahine devoted herself to her studies, tirelessly working towards her goal. She poured herself into every endeavor, motivated by the memory of her dear friend and their unspoken agreement.

But her responsibilities did not stop there. Alongside pursuing her aspirations, Callorahine took on the role of surrogate older sister to Elna's grieving family, fulfilling Elna's desire to care for them in her absence. She showered them with love and attention, taking them on outings, buying them gifts, and ensuring their well-being with dedication.

There were moments of uncertainty and hesitation, especially when faced with Elna's mother's tearful gratitude, but Callorahine remained steadfast in her determination, resolute in her commitment to carry out Elna's legacy.

And as time passed, Elna's family found solace and comfort in Callorahine's presence, their bond strengthened by shared memories and shared grief. Together, they forged a new path forward, united by their love for Elna and their shared determination to honor her memory in all they did.

As time went on, Elna's younger sisters flourished into strong individuals, each forging their own paths in life. The youngest sister immersed herself in the world of research, driven by her thirst for knowledge and the pursuit of new discoveries. The other sister ventured into the realm of politics, using her voice as a catalyst for change.

In the course of their different pursuits, Callorahine remained a constant presence in their lives, offering support and guidance as they navigated the complexities of adulthood. She made sure to check in on them regularly, ensuring their well-being and providing a shoulder to lean on when needed.

Together, the three sisters continued to visit Elna's mother, their bonds strengthened by shared memories and a deep-rooted love for the woman who had shaped their lives. Despite her advancing years, Elna's mother remained a source of wisdom and warmth, her presence a comforting constant in their lives.

However, fate had other plans in store. Elna's mother, burdened by a common yet treatable disease, chose to keep her illness a secret, unwilling to burden her daughters with worry. In the end, she quietly slipped away, her absence going unnoticed until concerned neighbors raised the alarm.

Upon receiving the news, Callorahine and Elna's sisters were devastated by the loss of their beloved matriarch. Together, they mourned her passing, finding solace in each other's presence as they bid farewell to the woman who had been the heart and soul of their family.

Throughout the rhythmical pattern life, Callorahine once again found herself at the mercy of fate's cruel hand. The loss of her beloved sisters, bonded by love and cherished memories, left her drowning in a sea of grief and sorrow.

Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, the researcher embarked on a fateful mission to study a new material, only to meet an abrupt end alongside her squad. Their lives were snuffed out in an instant, leaving behind lingering memories and unanswered questions.

Two years later, tragedy struck once more, as the political realm claimed another victim. Elna's sister fell prey to the schemes of a mad adversary, her promising future cut short by senseless violence.

With each heartbreaking loss, Callorahine felt the immense weight of failure bearing down on her, a burden threatening to consume her very being. As she stood beneath the glimmering stars, enveloped by the chill of winter, she grappled with the haunting presence of guilt and regret.

In the hush of the night, accompanied by the vast expanse of the cosmos, Callorahine found herself alone with her thoughts, her heart heavy with sorrow and uncertainty.

Under the cold, starry night sky, Callorahine's whispered words lingered in the air, a delicate echo of her inner turmoil. "Have I failed you, Elna...?" she questioned, her voice barely audible in the vast emptiness of the night.

With the passing of Elna's family, Callorahine felt the weight of loss pressing down on her, a heavy burden that threatened to engulf her in its darkness. In the absence of those she had cherished, she found herself adrift in a sea of loneliness, her once vibrant world now shrouded in silence and sorrow.

Reflecting on her own fractured family ties, Callorahine's heart ached with the bitter sting of abandonment. Her own sisters, distant and estranged, had long since drifted apart, their paths diverging into separate realms of existence. Even her mother now stood at a distance, her presence a mere shadow of what it once was.

Their absence at the funerals of Elna and her family served as a stark reminder of the rift that had formed between them, a gaping chasm of indifference that further deepened Callorahine's sense of isolation.

Alone beneath the watchful gaze of the stars, Callorahine grappled with the harsh reality of her solitude, longing for the warmth of familial bonds that had long since slipped through her fingers. In the darkness of the night, she found herself at a crossroads, yearning for a sense of belonging that seemed forever out of reach.

With a solemn vow echoing in the quiet of the night, Callorahine's determination solidified like a beacon of hope within the darkness. "I'll do it, Elna," she murmured, her voice tinged with resolve. "I'll become queen, and I'll build a future filled with love and compassion."

As a solitary tear traced its path down her cheek, Callorahine embraced the weight of her newfound purpose, a burden heavy yet undeniably noble. With each step forward, she carried with her the memory of those she had lost, their presence a guiding light in the tumultuous journey ahead.

Turning her gaze upward to the vast expanse of the starry sky, Callorahine offered a silent prayer to the heavens above. "Please watch over me, wherever you are now, Elna, everyone," she whispered, her words a heartfelt plea for guidance and strength.

And with a final glance back at the spot where she had once stood, Callorahine summoned forth her resolve and vanished into the night, ready to embark on the arduous path that lay ahead. Though fraught with challenges and trials, she knew that she would persevere, fueled by the promise she made to her dearest friend.

Thus began Callorahine's journey, a journey marked by both triumphs and tribulations, yet guided by the honor the memory of those she had lost and forge a brighter future for herself and her people. And though the road ahead may be fraught with uncertainty, Callorahine would press on, her spirit unyielding, her heart filled with hope.

— ○ ● ○ —

Seventy years had passed since Callorahine made her silent vow that fateful night. During that time, she had immersed herself in the breadth of knowledge offered by her planet's educational institutions, mastering each one. Her goal? To prepare herself with the skills and wisdom required to fulfill her pledge effortlessly.

Seated at her desk, surrounded by a deluge of documents, Callorahine hardly paused, her relentless efforts approaching their conclusion. However, her concentration was shattered when the door to her chamber creaked open.

Lifting her eyes, she saw one of her loyal followers, a woman thirty years her junior. "Ah, Aykilca. What brings you here?" Callorahine asked, a smile touching her lips in greeting.

With an outburst of energy, Aykilca approached, placing a stack of papers on Callorahine's desk. "You've done it, Miss Callorahine! The petition for the restoration of H-Nitaol has been approved! Our efforts to rebuild can begin in a month, once the necessary funds are secured!"

Callorahine's smile widened as she locked eyes with Aykilca. "Is that so? I'm overjoyed. Finally, we can begin..." Her expression then softened into a somber contemplation.

Over the course of seven decades, Callorahine held onto a burning desire to restore the very planet that had taken the lives of her former comrades, including Elna and her team. However, she knew all too well that the ruling queen would oppose such a plan unless she rose to a higher position within their species' hierarchy, armed with greater knowledge. As a result, she devoted these years to shaping her legacy.

Her work was relentless, fueled by the vision of creating numerous monuments in honor of those who had lost their lives on that desolate world. Returning to the site time and time again, she fought a solitary battle against its native horrors, methodically wiping them out of existence.

"Shall I start then?" Aykilca asked, her excitement evident, earning a laugh from Callorahine.

"Of course, go ahead," she replied, watching as Aykilca left her chambers. Left alone, Callorahine stood up, gazing out the window. "Soon, I will carve your memory into the very essence of that world, ensuring that none will forget... any of you."

Settling back into her chair, Callorahine doubled down on her efforts, determined to bring her current aspiration to life. While her ultimate goal, shared with Elna, was still a work in progress, she remained focused, knowing that with each difficult endeavor, she was getting closer to making it a reality.

For in the passing of a few hundred years, as the cycle of succession unfolded once again, Callorahine would position herself to take the throne and become queen of her people.

— ○ ● ○ —

Two centuries had passed since those pivotal events. Under Callorahine's leadership, H-Nitaol had undergone a transformative process, rising from the ashes of devastation into a beacon of hope. Establishing their own outpost on the revitalized planet, Callorahine and her colleagues took on the role of overseers, managing the influx of inhabitants from all corners of the cosmos.

However, accompanied by the bustling activity, Callorahine was preoccupied with a looming event: the impending start of the next succession cycle. In just two decades, the arena of power would once again ignite, marking the beginning of a battle royal for the throne.

Traditionally, the reigning monarch would select their heir. However, the current queen had a penchant for spectacle and chose to turn the succession into a grand exhibition. Candidates vying for the throne would need to demonstrate not only their intellectual prowess but also their physical strength—an unprecedented twist to the age-old tradition.

Through the years, Callorahine had witnessed a revolving door of subordinates, some leaving for other endeavors, while others meeting their fate on dangerous missions. Yet together with the comings and goings of personnel, one steadfast figure remained—Aykilca, her loyal companion from the very beginning.

"Lady Callorahine, here are the documents you requested!" Aykilca announced with a hint of excitement, placing the papers onto Callorahine's desk.

Looking up, Callorahine sighed, her worry apparent. "I've told you to take a break, Aykilca. You're six months into your pregnancy. Please, go and rest," she gently reprimanded her devoted subordinate and friend.

Aykilca chuckled softly. "I know, I know. This will be my final task, Lady Callorahine. I'm on my way to start my leave, and don't worry, my replacement is ready. She's just as capable as me!" Pride emanated from Aykilca as she confidently placed her hands on her hips.

"Go on already, for god's sake!" Callorahine playfully urged as Aykilca giggled and departed for her well-deserved leave.

Meanwhile, the newest member of their planetary community had brought an abundance of joy, especially among the female population. Possessing a remarkable vitality characteristic of his species, he had swiftly impregnated numerous women in a remarkably short span of time, his stamina seemingly boundless.

Among those blessed by his touch was Aykilca, who had sought him out several months prior, feeling that the time was right for her. Now carrying twins, she embraced her impending motherhood with the same fervor that had characterized her dedication to duty. And just as she had supported Elna in her time of need, Callorahine stood by Aykilca, rejoicing in her friend's happiness and offering unwavering support.

In Aykilca, Callorahine felt the presence of Elna's spirit, offering her comfort and igniting a protective instinct. Their shared vivacity and zest for life deeply resonated with Callorahine, leading her to embrace Aykilca as a trusted ally.

However, she was mindful of Aykilca's individuality, recognizing that she was her own person, different from Elna in many ways. While she looked out for Aykilca with a sense of kinship, she refrained from imposing undue expectations influenced by memories of her fallen comrade.

As she went into the details of the upcoming throne succession, a mix of confidence and apprehension coursed through Callorahine's thoughts. The possibility of a fierce battle for the crown loomed large, a test of skill and resilience unlike any other.

Despite having faith in her own abilities, there was a lingering concern—a fear of encountering unforeseen obstacles or unfamiliar adversaries in her quest for supremacy. Nevertheless, she refused to give in to doubt, understanding that time was on her side, allowing her the chance to hone her skills and strengthen her resolve.

"Let's dive back in," she whispered to herself, rising from her seat with a smile etched upon her features. Ready to face the challenges ahead, Callorahine set out on the difficult path that lay before her, undeterred by the trials that awaited.

— ○ ● ○ —

Time, unyielding in its progression, bore witness to the merciless hand of destiny. Ten years after Aykilca's twin daughters were born, tragedy struck in an unexpected manner. A malevolent meteor, carrying destructive creatures called "Byramites" from another dimension, hurtled toward their planet with devastating force.

Aykilca, accompanied by her daughters and a group of guardians entrusted to their care by Callorahine, found themselves entangled in the catastrophic event. Despite their formidable strength, they were outnumbered and overpowered by the relentless onslaught of the Byramites, whose numbers swelled to the hundreds of thousands. In the ensuing chaos, they fell to the overwhelming tide, their courageous efforts ultimately proving futile.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, the ruling queen mobilized their forces to eliminate the Byramite threat. However, despite their determined efforts, the toll was catastrophic—fifteen thousand lives lost, a devastating blow that significantly reduced their species' numbers. Adding to their sorrow, the loss of their only male, whose demise was surrounded by scandal, left a bitter taste in the mouths of all who mourned the fallen.

In the unfolding of the throne succession, Callorahine found herself in the middle of a chaotic battle, a grand arena emerging in a separate realm for the contenders to clash. Eighteen hours had passed since the beginning, the relentless struggle testing the determination of all who sought supremacy.

In the heart of the succession, only three remained standing, their resolve slowly diminishing within the carnage that surrounded them. For Callorahine, the passage of time had done little to ease the weight of grief that burdened her. The loss of Aykilca and her twin daughters, compounded by the enduring mourning for Elna, lingered as poignant reminders of mortality's cruel grasp.

Though her heart ached with the burden of sorrow, Callorahine knew that she could not afford the luxury of distraction. In the heat of battle, focus was crucial, with each moment demanding her undivided attention. Though her mind occasionally wandered, ensnared by memories of those she had lost, she steeled herself against the tide of emotion, determined to persevere in the face of adversity.

Darting with precision to evade a colossal claw aimed her way, Callorahine immediately countered, tapping her opponent's arm, and ensnaring it in an icy technique. Whirling around, she beheld her enemy, Marjana—a formidable opponent whose ferocity matched her own, albeit tempered by a lack of strategic prowess.

Confident in her superior intellect and skill, Callorahine remained undeterred by Marjana's raw power and infectious charisma. With a calculated strike, she incapacitated Marjana's arm, rendering her defenseless. Before Marjana could utter a retort, Callorahine's decisive kick sent her reeling, clearing the path for her final attack.

With spear in hand, Callorahine unleashed a barrage of ice shards, each one honed to perfection, pelting Marjana with lethal precision. As the shards found their mark, Marjana's defeat was sealed, her form crumpling under the onslaught.

[Contestant Marjana out!] cried the announcer, the declaration ringing out across the battlefield, signaling Callorahine's win over her powerful opponent.

In this dimension, a unique rule governed the battles: when a combatant endured enough damage, they were removed from the dimension, ensuring no fatalities occurred. This rule provided comfort to all participants.

"Just one more," Callorahine murmured quietly as she turned, catching sight of a massive arrow hurtling towards her. With a furrowed brow, she deftly manipulated her spear, slicing the projectile in half.

In the same instant, her opponent appeared in front of her, a clenched fist aimed straight at Callorahine's face. Reacting quickly, Callorahine intercepted the blow, grabbing the assailant's hand and skillfully redirecting her momentum, simultaneously immobilizing her opponent's arm with a freezing touch.

Gracefully landing on the side of a nearby structure, she locked eyes with her enemy, who smirked defiantly. "Screw you and your ice, Callorahine," the woman jeered.

"You have to do everything to achieve victory, Kjersti. But no hard feelings," Callorahine retorted.

"I know that already!" Kjersti exclaimed with fervor, launching herself toward Callorahine. Swathed in swirling darkness and wind, she unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks at her opponent.

At the same time, she conjured a colossal ballista, trailing behind her as it unleashed a volley of arrows directed solely at Callorahine, bypassing Kjersti's body entirely. Yet, before they could find their mark, Callorahine seized control of the darkness enshrouding the projectiles, freezing them in their tracks with a combination of her own darkness and ice.

With a decisive headbutt, Callorahine sent Kjersti reeling, following up with a series of ice slashes from her spear, each strike finding its mark upon Kjersti's body, though she remained defiantly standing.

Callorahine locked her gaze on the injured Kjersti, her expression tightening. "It seems like—" Her sentence was abruptly cut short as Kjersti's eyes rolled back into her head, and she began to plummet toward the ground. Just before impact, she vanished, whisked away from the dimension.

[Contestant Kjersti out!] announced the voice of the arena. [The winner of the throne succession... is Callorahine!!]

Victory was now hers. Callorahine found herself incredulous as she touched down on the ground, gradually being extracted from the dimension. Standing upon the platform in front of her people, with the queen approaching, she still struggled to grasp the reality of her victory.

The dream—Elna's dream—had finally been realized. Yet, Callorahine knew that this was merely the beginning. With tears threatening to spill from her eyes, she stared resolutely ahead, fully aware that the journey was far from over.

As the queen approached her, a gentle smile gracing her lips, she then turned her attention to the assembled multitude.

"Seal this moment in your memory, engrave it into your eyes, into the depths of your souls, Callorahine. Henceforth, this will be a familiar sight for you. They are your people now. Guard them, treasure them, and lean on them when the hour demands. You, from this day forward, wear the mantle of queen," the queen conveyed, her hand offering solace as it rested upon Callorahine's shoulder.

With a solemn nod, Callorahine acknowledged the weight of her newfound responsibility. She couldn't afford to waver before them, for as their leader, as their queen, she must epitomize unwavering strength.

"Yes... I will safeguard them all," she affirmed, her gaze then drifting upward toward the heavens. 'Elna... are you watching? I've achieved it... I'll fulfill our dream...'

— ○ ● ○ —

Two thousand years had passed since those pivotal events, and Callorahine had risen to the esteemed position of queen, beloved and revered by her people. The previous monarch had gracefully retired, spending her remaining years in tranquility before passing a decade ago.

Throughout Callorahine's reign, numerous challenges had arisen, yet her leadership had garnered widespread admiration. Then came the unexpected overture from Phumera and her organization, proposing a partnership instead of conquest—a proposition that intrigued and puzzled Callorahine.

"A partnership? I must inquire, why refrain from... asserting dominion over us?" Callorahine queried, her tone laced with suspicion.

Present at the meeting were Callorahine, Phumera, Elanor, and Yve. In the room's corner loomed Magnum Tenebrosum, a silent and ominous presence.

A smile graced Phumera's lips as she spoke, "Trust in us. Magnum Tenebrosum's foresight is infallible. This alliance will yield greater benefits for both our factions than mere conquest. So, what say you, esteemed queen?"

Callorahine gazed at Phumera, feeling a mix of apprehension and curiosity as she considered the implications of the unexpected offer. Despite her hesitations, the idea of a partnership seemed more appealing than the looming threat of outright subjugation.

"Very well, I accept your proposition," Callorahine conceded, though a lingering unease remained.

As both parties sealed the agreement with their blood and clasped hands, Phumera's smile widened, casting a disconcerting shadow over the proceedings.

"You've made the wise choice, Queen Callorahine," Phumera remarked, her tone cryptic yet assured. "In the days to come, expect deliveries of supplies and the arrival of my operatives to aid with your current challenges."

With a nod of farewell, Phumera, accompanied by Magnum Tenebrosum, Elanor, and Yve, made their exit. Callorahine's eyes widened in disbelief, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Before she could voice her concerns, Phumera offered a cryptic reassurance.

"I understand your apprehension," Phumera acknowledged, her words laced with enigma. "Rest assured, Elanor will be among those dispatched to assist. Until we meet again, Queen Callorahine."

Left alone, Callorahine could only watch in silence as her newfound allies departed, the weight of uncertainty hanging heavy in the air.

"Can I truly trust my instincts?" Callorahine pondered, her mind filled with doubt. "Am I leading my subjects in the right direction, Elna? I can only hope," she murmured, her voice carrying a hint of uncertainty even after two thousand years had passed. Despite her lingering doubts, she knew that her duty as queen compelled her to press on.

"I can only hope that this alliance does not bring about discord in the days ahead," she sighed heavily. Little did Callorahine know, the future held unexpected twists and turns that would dramatically alter her world—for better and for worse. Along with all the uncertainty, one thing was clear: change was on the horizon for her and all those who lived within her kingdom.

— ○ ● ○ —

As the new millennium dawned, Callorahine's rule became undisputed, earning the respect and admiration of her entire populace. Yet, along with this stability, a momentous turning point loomed on the horizon—one that would irrevocably alter the course of her life.

Rumors had recently reached Callorahine's ears that one of her subordinates had returned from a distant planet, bringing with them a man from a foreign species. This individual was chosen to be the father of her people, with the task of fathering offspring among the women of her planet.

Anticipation surged through Callorahine as she awaited the arrival of this mysterious newcomer in her throne room. Pondering the kind of person they might be, she reflected on the many men she had encountered during her reign.

While she had refrained from intimacy with any of them, her position as queen granted her the privilege of choice in matters of matrimony. Thus, she held onto the hope that the chosen man would not only fulfill his role in reproduction but also serve as her partner and husband, ushering in a new era for her kingdom.

As the grand doors to the throne room were pushed open, two of Callorahine's trusted aides led the long-awaited visitor into her presence. Standing between them was a man with short, snow-white hair, a slender frame, measuring around five feet ten inches in height, his gaze a piercing shade of yellow.

When their eyes met, a powerful energy surged between Callorahine and the newcomer, a connection that defied explanation. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, and for the first time in her illustrious reign, Callorahine experienced a sensation she had never known before—a stirring of emotions that resonated deep within her soul.

Echoes of Elna's words reverberated in her mind, as if speaking directly to this profound encounter. "When you find the one, it will feel like the world slows down, you feel a deep connection with them!" Elna's voice echoed. "They're like those characters in the romantic tales I love. I hope to experience a love like that one day! Perhaps when I ascend to the throne and encounter the right man, I'll make him my husband!"

In this moment, Callorahine couldn't deny the truth of Elna's words. The stranger before her stirred feelings she had never dared to imagine, igniting a flame of possibility that flickered within her heart. Perhaps, against all odds, she had found not only the progenitor of her people but also the partner she had longed for—a love that transcended duty and defied expectation.

"We have returned, Madame Callorahine, and we have brought a person we believe to be the next father to our species," the subordinate announced. She then turned to the man beside her and prompted, "Introduce yourself, for you stand in the presence of our queen."

Startled from his reverie, the man named Fajin blinked several times before regaining his composure. "I-I'm Fajin! I hail from the planet Jetoxiorium! It's an honor to meet you, Madame!" he exclaimed, offering a respectful bow.

"Jetoxiorium? The planet renowned for the Falixians and their unique innate ability of 'Fulfrusion.' Curious, as that world lies quite distant from the location of your mission. Care to elaborate, Ondine?" inquired Callorahine, her curiosity piqued by this unexpected turn of events.

Ondine, the volgendur to the left, nodded in agreement. "We picked up a distress signal nearby, and since our mission was complete, we decided to investigate. To our surprise, we found this lone Falixian stranded on a nearby planet, his spacecraft destroyed from a crash landing."

Taking a moment to assess Callorahine's reaction, Ondine went on, "As far as I know, we've never had a Falixian as the father of our next generation. But given his remarkable abilities and powers, we deemed him a suitable candidate for the role."

Callorahine pondered Ondine's explanation, her eyes fixed on Fajin. "Certainly, having a Falixian in our lineage is unprecedented. Very well, you may leave. I will speak with him shortly," she declared, prompting the two volgendurs to quickly leave the chamber. Alone with Fajin, Callorahine prepared to have a conversation that would determine the fate of her people for generations to come.

But suddenly, Fajin declared, "I love you!" catching Callorahine by surprise as she looked at him in amazement. "It's as if fate has intervened! Will you do me the honor of becoming my life partner?"

A swift declaration of love followed by a proposal for marriage, all within moments of meeting. This rapidity took Callorahine by surprise. She sat there, considering her response, unsure of what to say but knowing that she had to reply soon.

"...Let's proceed with caution, shall we? Are you aware of the implications and responsibilities that come with your current position?" she asked, her tone gentle but probing. Fajin confirmed his understanding, recounting the advice given by the volgendurs about his destined future.

"Very well, then. I will give you the chance to adjust to your new circumstances. If your feelings withstand the test of time, then come back to me about this. But if they fade, know that our paths diverge without consequence, understood?" she stated, composed yet firm. Fajin responded passionately, confirming his understanding and agreement.

After instructing the guards to escort Fajin from the throne room, ensuring his safe passage to his quarters, Callorahine found herself alone in the solemn chamber. Placing a hand over her chest, she couldn't ignore the rapid beat of her heart, a sensation she hadn't felt in quite some time.

In the solitude of the room, Elna's words echoed in her mind once more, reminding her of the intricate web of emotions that had entwined her life. With a heavy sigh, Callorahine attempted to steady her racing heart, grappling with the complexities of love. For her, love had been both a cherished gift and a bitter loss, intertwined with the memory of Elna and her family, who had shaped her understanding of affection.

Familial bonds had always been a cornerstone of her existence, providing solace in uncertain times. However, the prospect of romantic love remained uncharted territory, a daunting prospect to navigate alone. With resolve, Callorahine braced herself for the journey ahead, acknowledging the profound impact of Elna's legacy on her path forward.

— ○ ● ○ —

Five years flew by in the blink of an eye, a whirlwind of time that swept Fajin into the role of fatherhood multiple times. To Callorahine's surprise, he consistently returned to her side, dedicating himself not only to his children but also to her companionship. What astonished her even more was Fajin's unwavering devotion, his commitment to her alone in a world where others had engaged in various dalliances and relationships.

Intrigued by his faithfulness, Callorahine couldn't help but voice her curiosity. "How long do you plan to continue in this pursuit?" she inquired, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and uncertainty.

Fajin's arms enveloped her from behind, his presence a comforting warmth against her back. "Until you return my feelings, Callorahine," he declared softly, his breath caressing her ear as he spoke. "Though I've fathered many children, none have stirred my heart as you have. It is you whom I love above all others," he confessed, punctuating his words with a tender kiss upon the back of her head.

Callorahine felt her cheeks flush even brighter as she kept her gaze averted, grappling with the surge of emotions within her. Despite the uncertainty clouding her mind, she couldn't deny the depth of her feelings for Fajin. Over the years, their shared moments had slowly chipped away at the barriers around her heart, allowing her to embrace vulnerability in his presence.

Turning to face him, her timidity evident, she sought refuge in his embrace, her words barely audible in the middle of the rush of emotions. "Y-yes... I accept... please be my husband," she stammered, her embarrassment palpable.

Fajin's joy was undeniable as he lifted her off the ground, a radiant smile adorning his face. "Wait, really!?" he exclaimed, his disbelief mirrored in his wide-eyed expression.

With a shy nod, Callorahine confirmed her decision, her heart pounding with a mixture of trepidation and anticipation. Fajin's elation knew no bounds as he spun her around, his jubilant shouts echoing through the chamber. In that moment, any lingering doubts or fears melted away, replaced by the certainty of their shared future.

He tenderly set her down, wrapping her in another loving embrace before meeting her gaze. A silent understanding passed between them as they drew closer, anticipation lingering in the air. Callorahine's heart raced with nervous excitement, her eyes closing in anticipation of his kiss.

With a gentle touch, Fajin's lips met hers, a soft caress that ignited a rush of emotions within her. In that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still, the world fading away as their hearts beat as one. For Callorahine, the sensation was a balm to her soul, a profound happiness that she hadn't felt in an eternity.

As they parted, Fajin's words hung in the air, punctuating the charged atmosphere between them. "Let's... get married within the year. I want to try having a child with you," he proposed, his voice filled with hope and longing.

Blushing furiously, Callorahine found herself in agreement, her own desires mirrored in his declaration. "M-mmm... I feel the same way. I think... it's long overdue for me. I want to start a family too," she confessed, her words muffled against his chest as she sought solace in his embrace once more.

— ○ ● ○ —

Six months after their tender exchange, Callorahine and Fajin were joined in matrimony, a momentous occasion in the annals of their world. It had been an era since Callorahine took the throne as queen, leading her people. While some may have been surprised by the delay in her marriage, the enduring companionship between her and Fajin had assured them that this day would come.

Accompanied by the joyous celebration, another revelation emerged, sparking whispers of excitement among the gathered guests. Callorahine, radiant in her bridal attire, displayed the unmistakable evidence of new life within her, her burgeoning belly a proof to the miracle of creation. Congratulations and well-wishes flooded in, accompanied by murmurs of anticipation and speculation about the potential of the unborn child.

With each passing moment, the realm eagerly awaited the arrival of the newest member of their royal family. Only time would unveil the destiny that awaited the "princess" of the world, yet in the hearts of her people, hope blossomed, envisioning a future as bright and illustrious as her mother's legacy.

As the echoes of the ceremony faded and jubilant celebrations swept across the planet, Fajin's tender gesture brought a sense of warmth to Callorahine's heart. His words, filled with sincerity and affection, resonated deeply within her.

"I'm happy. I'm glad we're together now..." he murmured, his voice soft yet filled with conviction.

Before Callorahine could respond, another voice, hauntingly familiar, seemed to whisper from the depths of her memory. It was as if Elna herself stood beside her, gently posing a question that pierced through the joyous atmosphere.

"Are you happy?" the voice inquired, its tone a nostalgic echo of the past.

Tears welled in Callorahine's eyes as she turned inward, grappling with the emotions stirred by the haunting question. With a heartfelt nod, she acknowledged the overwhelming happiness that swelled within her. "Mmm... I am. I'm very happy right now too..." she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

As they stood together, overlooking the exuberant festivities, a sense of contentment washed over the newlyweds. Yet, unbeknownst to them, dark clouds loomed on the horizon, portending a tempest of chaos and sorrow that would soon shatter their idyllic bliss, plunging Callorahine's life into turmoil once more.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Mom, please, I really need to focus," Sonja pleaded urgently, feeling her mother's embrace tighten around her.

Callorahine chuckled softly, her voice filled with warmth. "Oh, sweetie, you know I just want to love and protect you," she said, enveloping her daughter in a comforting hold.

Sonja released a small sigh, her tone tinged with affectionate exasperation. "I know, Mom, but I really need to focus on my studies," she replied, gently attempting to extricate herself from her mother's loving grasp.

A decade had swiftly passed since Callorahine and Fajin's wedding, marking the growth of their daughter, Sonja, into a bright and robust young woman. Despite the passage of time, their familial bond remained unwavering and steadfast. However, a shadow of tension lingered within their household, stemming from Fajin's unorthodox method of impregnating other women.

Instead of conventional means, Fajin had adopted the practice of bottling his "essence," offering it to women in search of conception. While this approach allowed him to fulfill his paternal obligations, the weight of past indiscretions cast a veil of guilt over him, a silent turmoil that he carried within.

"By the way, where's Dad?" she inquired, momentarily diverting her attention from her studies.

"Oh? He's out fulfilling his duties. He'll be back shortly," came the response, accompanied by a tender kiss planted on her daughter's head.

"Do you intend to adopt his methods in the future, or will you leave that to Dad to handle? You don't appear particularly concerned about it, but Dad seems uneasy," Sonja inquired.

Callorahine lapsed into silence, pondering the question. She had indeed been contemplating this matter, grateful to her daughter for broaching the topic. Interestingly, Fajin had also hinted at this idea, confessing that it had lingered in his thoughts for some time, yet uncertain whether Callorahine herself would be receptive to it.

"It's okay, sweetie. Trust us to handle it, okay? Just focus on your studies," Callorahine reassured her daughter before gently stepping back.

"By the way, we're planning a little family trip to a different planet soon, so get ready to be excited!" she announced with a touch of anticipation.

Sonja beamed at her mother and nodded eagerly. "Okay, I can't wait for it!"

— ○ ● ○ —

The long-awaited day of their trip arrived, and they set off to a planet that had been taken over by Phumera. However, thanks to their alliance, they were able to enjoy various privileges and freedoms. This particular planet was well-known for its stunning views and natural beauty.

Callorahine's family chose a spot that offered them a magnificent panorama of vast forests and winding rivers, perfect for their picnic.

"Hmm... it looks like we forgot the forks and spoons. I'll go get them," Callorahine said, lightly tapping her forehead in frustration at her oversight. Her daughter and husband said their goodbyes, and she quickly made her way back to their spacecraft.

[...Relinquish...relinquish it to me...!] a ghostly voice echoed around her, causing Callorahine to jump. However, she shook her head and chose to ignore it, continuing on her path unfazed. Although she was intrigued by the mysterious voice, she decided not to dwell on it, focusing on her task at hand.

After a few minutes, Callorahine returned with an extra bag, and they began their meal against the backdrop of the breathtaking scenery. Sonja, always enthusiastic, went into various topics related to the flora and fauna below, having meticulously researched the planet prior to their visit.

"By the way, did you hear a voice earlier, honey?" Callorahine queried, leaning affectionately against Fajin.

"...A voice? What voice? I didn't hear anything," Fajin responded, his brow furrowing in confusion at Callorahine's question.

Shaking her head dismissively, Callorahine reassured, "Never mind, it must have been my imagination. I've probably been overworking myself lately. This vacation is much-needed."

"Are you two even listening!?" Sonja interjected, pivoting back towards her parents, hands planted firmly on her hips, a playful scold evident in her tone, eliciting chuckles from her parents.

In the middle of their joyful day, an unsettling feeling lingered in the depths of Callorahine's mind. Little did she realize that this outing would be the last excursion she would have with her beloved family, a memory destined to be cherished for a lifetime.

— ○ ● ○ —

On what appeared to be an ordinary day for Callorahine, fully absorbed in her duties as the queen, the stillness was shattered by a cacophony of explosions echoing outside her office window. Hurrying to the scene, she was met with a sight of disorder and destruction.

Several buildings lay in ruins, some frozen over, while others tottered on the verge of collapse. Taken aback by the scene, Callorahine wasted no time and promptly teleported outside, ascending to the rooftop of her building for a clearer view.

What she beheld was reminiscent of stories from ancient times. In the distance, towering Schneeglacierbär, creatures with magnificent snow-white fur, loomed menacingly. Among them, the leader unleashed torrents of ice, causing chaos and further devastating the already ravaged cityscape.

Accompanied by the mayhem, Callorahine maintained her composure and swiftly took command, instructing her volgendurs from her elevated position. The weight of responsibility rested heavily on her shoulders, but she refused to succumb to panic, determined to remain level-headed in the face of adversity. However, deep inside, concern for the safety of her people and her beloved family ate away at her.

As her orders were carried out, she observed her unharmed volgendurs spring into action, flying to aid those in danger from the explosions. Others bravely charged towards the looming threat of the Schneeglacierbärs. Explosions rang out, and the clash of mighty forces reverberated in the distance.

In a strategic move, Callorahine summoned several clones to assist her subjects in need. Meanwhile, she herself flew towards the source of the danger, using her powers to create an army of ice soldiers to strengthen the battle against the encroaching Schneeglacierbärs. With determination in her eyes and resolve in her heart, she plunged into the fray, ready to defend her planet at any cost.

— ○ ● ○ —

Hours dragged on, marked by fierce combat and devastating losses. Callorahine, alongside her valiant volgendurs, had managed to repel the onslaught of the Schneeglacierbärs, but victory came at a heavy price. Many volgendurs had sacrificed their lives in the defense of their kingdom, further depleting their already diminished ranks. Despite the grief weighing heavily upon her heart, Callorahine knew she could not afford to mourn just yet, for her duties as queen demanded her immediate attention.

With a sense of urgency, she embarked on a frantic search for her family, scouring the chaos-ridden aftermath for any sign of their whereabouts. Minutes stretched into eternity as she combed through the wreckage, her anxiety mounting with each passing moment. It was then that a familiar volgendur named Natasha approached her, her solemn demeanor betraying the gravity of the situation.

"Follow me, Madame," Natasha whispered softly, a hushed tone that sent a shiver down Callorahine's spine. The queen's heart clenched with apprehension, knowing all too well the ominous significance of Natasha's somber tone.

Silently trailing behind Natasha, Callorahine's dread intensified with each step. As they entered the area where the fallen volgendurs lay, a cold knot formed in the pit of her stomach. Desperately clinging to a glimmer of hope, she prayed fervently to any higher power that her worst fears would not be realized, that her beloved family remained among the injured and not among the fallen.

Natasha led Callorahine into a tent, and inside, a heart-wrenching scene unfolded before her eyes. There, on the ground, lay her husband and daughter, covered in sheets, their pale faces illuminated by the dim light. The sight pierced Callorahine to her core, her body trembling as she knelt beside them and reached out to touch their still bodies. Each passing moment inflicted new cracks upon her already shattered heart, yet she clung desperately to the hope that this nightmare was not real.

Breaking the suffocating silence, Natasha's voice shattered the fragile illusion. "I'm sorry, Callorahine," she murmured, her words heavy with sorrow. "I tried everything, even after the volgendurs sought me out in a panic. I worked tirelessly for hours, but... they're gone." Her admission hung in the air, a final, devastating confirmation of Callorahine's worst fears.

A haunting wail echoed through the air, piercing the silence as Natasha stood outside the tent, unable to bear Callorahine's anguish any longer. Within the confines of the tent, heart-wrenching cries and desperate pleas filled the air, intermingling with the weight of unbearable grief. Callorahine's shattered voice reverberated with disbelief, as she pleaded for someone to shatter the cruel illusion of reality.

With each passing moment, Callorahine felt her grasp on life slipping away, her once radiant spirit fading into the depths of despair. The dreams she had harbored for Elna, the fleeting moments of happiness she had finally embraced, all extinguished in an instant by the merciless hand of fate. It was as if destiny had always harbored a cruel desire for her suffering, and on that fateful day, it claimed her family, leaving Callorahine forever changed.

— ○ ● ○ —

Thirty years had passed since the tragic day, yet Callorahine remained resolute in her role as queen. Time had not softened her grief, but instead, had coated her heart with a layer of coldness and caution. This transformation, however, was not solely her doing. Throughout those three decades, a haunting voice had plagued her, its insidious whispers coiling through her mind like a sinister melody.

Initially, she resisted, holding onto the fading embers of her resolve, and refusing to succumb to the voice's seductive call. But as time went on, its promises became more enticing, painting vivid images of a life reunited with her beloved family. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years until the burden of longing and desperation became unbearable.

Ultimately, Callorahine yielded to the voice's allure, embracing its guidance with a blend of hope and apprehension. In her quest to reunite with her family and rewrite the cruel script of fate, she was willing to journey into the darkest depths of the unknown.

Embracing the whispers of the voice brought about a profound transformation in Callorahine, and consequently, in the very essence of her rule. Once known for her warmth and compassion, she now governed with an iron will, her demeanor frosty and unyielding, more reminiscent of a tyrant than the beloved queen her people had known. Under her reign, an atmosphere of fear spread across the land, stifling dissent and prompting caution among her subjects, who dared not oppose her for fear of invoking her wrath.

Driven by the voice's directives, Callorahine implemented sweeping changes across her planet. She oversaw the construction of imposing ice walls to fortify her cities, serving as a stark symbol of her newfound obsession with security and control.

In a calculated strategy to maintain power, she formed alliances with the leaders of the Schneeglacierbär, orchestrating a deceptive conflict known as the "fake eternal battle" to manipulate the volgendurs and perpetuate the facade of unending strife.

Guided by the mysterious agenda of the voice, Callorahine embarked on interstellar voyages to distant planets, in search of specific males deemed to possess superior genetic traits. These chosen few were carefully selected, their genes identified as essential for the continuation of a new generation of powerful volgendurs. In her relentless pursuit of strength and dominance, Callorahine spared no expense in securing the future of her species, even if it meant sacrificing the autonomy of others along the way.

Harnessing the immense power of the voice, Callorahine orchestrated a dramatic transformation in the biology of her species. Through skillful manipulation, the voice increased the likelihood of male births from a mere 0.01% to an astonishing 30%, reshaping the core dynamics of volgendur society.

However, instead of ushering in a new era of equality and inclusivity, the appearance of males became a catalyst for further oppression and cruelty under Callorahine's reign. Upon the birth of the first male, she launched a ruthless campaign to eradicate them, deeming their existence as a threat to her rule.

For those daring to defy her decree and give birth to male offspring, Callorahine presented a grim ultimatum: silence or death. Fearing retribution or banishment, many chose to extinguish the lives of their newborn sons, their cries muffled by the chilling echoes of Callorahine's authority.

Those who chose to conceal their secret faced a similarly harsh fate. Cast into the desolate underground depths, they were condemned to a life of exile, forever severed from the society they once knew. Among them, a brave few who uncovered the truth and dared to question Callorahine's tyranny suffered an even harsher fate, stripped of their authority, and cast into the shadows, some meeting their end at the edge of the queen's blade.

— ○ ● ○ —

During the darkness of her own tyranny, Callorahine's consciousness was suddenly illuminated with a glimmer of clarity. The familiar voice that had guided her hand for so long was notably absent, leaving her isolated in a world of her own creation, free from its sinister influence. With each attempt to reach out, she was met with silence, forced to confront the consequences of her actions alone.

During her customary walk, the palpable fear emanating from her subjects struck her with a force similar to a physical blow. No longer did they approach her with open hearts and warm smiles; instead, their wary gazes spoke volumes, a testament to the chilling legacy of fear and oppression she had cultivated.

In this stark moment of clarity, Callorahine could not deny the monstrous reality she had wrought upon her kingdom. The very society she had once sworn to protect had been twisted and contorted by her grief-fueled descent into darkness, sculpted by the insidious whispers of a voice she had foolishly embraced. The weight of her sins pressed down upon her, a burden too heavy to bear, yet she knew there was no turning back.

Hurriedly, she made her way back to her room, feeling a surge of panic overwhelm her. Sinking to the floor, tears streamed down her face in silent torment. "What have I done...? This is not the world Elna, Sonja, and Fajin had in mind," she murmured, muffling her words with her hand.

After a few moments of weeping, she stood up, her expression still dark, yet a faint glimmer of resolve flickered in her eyes. She knew she couldn't simply erase everything she had done; she was too deeply ensnared. Whatever this "voice" was, it had taken advantage of her vulnerability to control her.

However, she doubted anyone would believe her explanation. So, she decided to take a different approach. Walking to the window, Callorahine pressed her hand against the chilly glass. "It will be a daunting journey, but I will make things right. I will bring this entity to its knees with my own hands... I only hope... it will be enough, and that someday, someone will join me in this quest."

From that moment on, Callorahine held onto a singular ambition: to take down the entity responsible and to atone for her actions.

— ○ ● ○ —

In the vast expanse of the empty void, where the distant glow of a blazing orange orb cast an eerie light, Callorahine stood, her presence resonating with a profound sense of purpose.

Emerging from the shadowy depths, a figure approached, its silhouette gradually taking shape. "So, everything from that point onward was a carefully orchestrated charade to deceive Pilinalis, wasn't it?" the figure inquired, its voice echoing through the empty expanse.

Turning to face the newcomer, Callorahine recognized Aaron Toole, his demeanor a mixture of solemnity and understanding. With a determined nod, she acknowledged his observation.

"Yes," she confessed, her voice carrying a weight of conviction. "I came to the realization that the actions I had taken under Pilinalis' influence were irreversible. However, I also understood the incredulity my people would harbor towards my claims of an unseen force compelling my actions," she elaborated, a bittersweet smile playing on her lips.

Her gaze quickly shifted downward, the weight of her confession evident in her tone. "That's why... I orchestrated everything. I tirelessly worked to alter Pilinalis' desires, subtly enough for her to comply without suspicion. Though her demands remained inherently cruel, I manipulated them to lessen their harm," she admitted, a hint of remorse coloring her words.

"Originally, there was no direct route to the surface once those banished were consigned underground. Yet, I persuaded Pilinalis to create passageways, framing it as a 'game.' I proposed that such a scenario would add an element of entertainment, similar to a cat-and-mouse game. Additionally, I made alterations to other aspects of our endeavors, ensuring they aligned more favorably with my interests," she explained, turning her gaze back to Aaron.

A smile graced her lips as she continued to fix her gaze upon him. "I am relieved that the Resistance managed to resurface this year. I have watched their struggles with anticipation over the years, witnessing their repeated defeat at the hands of Phumera. But finally, their victory has come to fruition. Thank you, outer god," she expressed with gratitude, bowing respectfully.

"We didn't do much. Hell, we only came here to stop the war... do you think the volgendurs will listen to me or the Resistance once this is all over?" he inquired, his gaze locked on hers.

Callorahine found herself uncertain, but after a moment's contemplation, she replied, "If... you refrain from destroying Sonja, the artificial god I created in the image of my daughter... then they will likely accept her as their new ruler."

A weighty silence settled over them, enveloping them in its embrace. Aaron waited patiently for Callorahine to speak, knowing that this would likely be their final conversation. Finally, she lifted her weary gaze to meet his.

"...Reincarnation, it's real, isn't it?" she whispered, her voice barely audible. Aaron nodded silently, acknowledging her question.

"...With the things I've done, I doubt I'll be reborn into a good home. I expect to be placed in an even worse situation than before," she confessed, her voice tinged with resignation.

Before Aaron could reply, they both felt a presence behind him. Without hesitation, the entity lunged towards Aaron, causing ice to rapidly spread across the ground. However, Aaron remained unfazed, simply snapping his fingers. The entity crashed and tumbled between them, coming to rest at their side.

[Damn you, outer god! My plans... my plans were supposed to go off without a hitch! If you weren't here, I—!] Pilinalis exclaimed, her voice seething with anger as she glared at Aaron and made another aggressive move towards him.

To her surprise, her claws simply bounced off him as if he were made of gelatin, incapable of causing any harm. Confusion clouded Pilinalis' face as she tried to attack him again, only to be met with the same futile outcome. After several unsuccessful attempts, she finally stopped her attacks, her rage now intensified.

"I am the one who holds sway over this place, Pilinalis. Whatever you do will have no effect on me or anyone I choose to protect," Aaron explained calmly, earning another resentful glare from the entity.

"So, why did you do it? Please don't let it be a tired cliché of being inherently evil or desiring to commit evil deeds," he implored, eliciting a chuckle from Callorahine.

"I myself am unaware of your motives. Please enlighten us," she added, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Pilinalis, accepting her inevitable demise in this dimension, released a heavy sigh. Like a stubborn child, she flopped onto her back, her eyes fixed on the void above.

[As Saerstials, we encounter little competition within our universe, and even across other universes,] she began, her voice reverberating through the empty expanse. [We do as we please, regardless of the consequences. Some of us have developed a semblance of conscience, and dare I say, empathy, along with other emotions,] she explained, turning her gaze to the side.

[It started as mere amusement, a way to relieve my boredom. But over time, I grew curious... curious to see if anyone could truly challenge me,] she confessed, her voice tinged with a mixture of arrogance and longing. [I have orchestrated similar schemes on countless planets, subtly pushing entire societies and species to the brink of extinction, only to divert attention by blaming Phumera and her organization, or weaving other intricate falsehoods,] she concluded, her admission weighing heavily in the air.

Her gaze shifted back to Aaron, a sly smile dancing on her lips. [Who would have thought an outer god would be the one to take me down?] she remarked, a touch of amusement in her tone.

Aaron shook his head in response. "I didn't do it. Callorahine had been planning your defeat for a long time now. She just needed our help to do it, even if it was a coincidence. You should be directing those words to the person you've been 'controlling' all this time," he explained calmly.

Pilinalis locked eyes with him for a moment before turning her attention to Callorahine, who met her gaze unwaveringly. Finally, Pilinalis spoke, [Fuck you. I should have questioned why you kept making changes to the things we already did, but your justifications were entertaining, so I let them slide. Screw you.]

Callorahine's smile widened at Pilinalis' words. "That's precisely why I chose to alter them in such a way—to manipulate you in my favor. In the end, victory is mine," she declared confidently.

Pilinalis clicked her tongue in frustration before rising to her feet, fixing her gaze on Aaron. [We Saerstials will never truly disappear. Even if you 'kill' me right now, I will return in due time. Whether it's in ten thousand years or a million, I will be back,] she declared defiantly, her voice laced with confidence.

Aaron regarded her thoughtfully, weighing his options. He silently tapped into his powers, peering into a specific future for a particular individual, a smile slowly spreading across his face. "Oh, don't worry. I know certain individuals will eventually seal you permanently. I could do it now, but... I believe that outcome in the future will be far more entertaining for them," he remarked cryptically.

Pilinalis furrowed her brow in confusion at his words, but before she could voice her question, Aaron extended his right hand in the form of a gun. "Boom," he uttered softly, and with that, Pilinalis shattered like glass, her existence extinguished for the time being. Yet, Aaron knew deep down that she would undoubtedly resurface in the future.

With the settling of the dust, Aaron redirected his focus to Callorahine, who seemed even more fatigued and despondent than before.

"I'll... make my way then... to whatever awaits me in the afterlife," she whispered, her eyes fixed on the ground before lifting to the fiery orb in front of them.

"What makes you believe you'll be reborn into a life of suffering?" Aaron asked, causing Callorahine to look up at him, only to see him smiling warmly at her.

"What do you mean?" she asked, her confusion evident. She had expected to endure torment for the chaos, disorder, and pain she had caused her people and others during her rule.

"I am the ruler of the omniverse. I have control over what happens within it, and if necessary, I can exert my influence... You understand what I'm suggesting, don't you?" he explained, maintaining his steady gaze on her.

Callorahine was visibly shocked as she continued to stare at Aaron, her eyes widening in disbelief. After a moment of speechlessness, she managed to find her voice again. "W-what do you mean? N-no, I mean... why? I did so much... destruction, killed so many people, and made them suffer the entire time... I don't deserve any of it," she stammered, her voice tinged with incredulity and self-condemnation.

Aaron released a sigh and shook his head gently. "All I'm going to say is that I understand. If I were in your position, I would have most likely done the same thing. That's why..." he trailed off, gesturing behind her once more, prompting her to turn around.

As Callorahine obeyed, her eyes widened in disbelief. She was rendered speechless, unable to articulate the overwhelming surrealness of what lay before her.

Callorahine was engulfed in a tight embrace as the figure rushed towards her. "Hine! Hine! I've waited so long! Let's go, let's go!" exclaimed Elna, holding her friend close.

Confused by the sudden turn of events, Callorahine returned the embrace, still grappling with her bewilderment. "W-what do you mean, go... go where?" she inquired.

Elna pulled away, her smile radiant. "Everyone's waiting..." she replied cryptically, tilting her head to reveal Elna's own family—her mother, two sisters, and...

Callorahine's eyes widened in astonishment as tears streamed down her face at the sight of her late husband and daughter standing alongside Elna's family. The realization washed over her, a flood of emotions overwhelming her as she took in the surreal scene before her.

Sonja and Fajin hurried to join the group hug, along with the rest of Elna's family, surrounding Callorahine in a comforting embrace. Aaron observed quietly, a feeling of peace washing over him as he witnessed her reuniting with her loved ones.

"Mom...! I missed you so much," exclaimed Sonja, her voice filled with emotion as she held her mother tightly.

"...We've been watching you the entire time. You did your best, but now... it's your turn to rest. Leave it to the rest of them and the Resistance, honey," Fajin murmured, planting a gentle kiss on the top of Callorahine's head.

"You did good, Big Sis, you really did," chimed in the second oldest sister of Elna's family, her words echoed by the youngest sibling.

Once they had all expressed their sentiments, Aaron interjected gently. "Go. You can't stay here forever. I've already ensured that all of you will live in a peaceful world and be reunited. This is the most I can do for you now. Let the rest of us carry on with what we need to do," he urged, his tone gentle yet firm.

Callorahine released her family from her embrace before rushing over to Aaron, enveloping him in a heartfelt hug. "Thank you... I can never repay you," she whispered, tears still streaming down her face.

Aaron returned the hug, patting her back reassuringly. "Don't worry about it. Go, be happy," he replied softly.

"Can you... pass on a message to my artificially created daughter...?" Callorahine asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Aaron nodded silently, prompting Callorahine to whisper the message into his ear. Once she had finished, she pulled away from him.

As they all began to walk towards the burning orange orb of flames, their forms began to glow and phase out of the dimension. Before they disappeared completely, Callorahine made sure to look back at Aaron one last time, offering him a grateful smile and silently mouthing, "Thank you," before vanishing.

"Sleep well, Callorahine," Aaron whispered to himself as the world erupted in flames, casting an intense glow over everything in its path.

— ○ ● ○ —

Back in the outside world, reality, the vibrant orange pillar of energy continued to expand, growing stronger with each passing moment, until it reached its peak and burst into the sky, its radiance piercing the heavens.

All eyes were captivated by the spectacle as a solitary figure emerged from the brilliant burst of energy. Motionless and silent, it descended gracefully to the earth, landing on two feet, its gaze fixed on the sky above.

As the figure stood within the aftermath, the various ice constructs created by Callorahine began to swiftly melt away—the towering walls, the formidable army, and all the other manifestations of her power over the years.

The figure on the ground was Aaron, his eyes locked on the heavens above as he silently offered a prayer for the safe journey of Callorahine, Elna, and all those who had embarked on their new life beyond. With a heavy heart and a sense of solemnity, he watched as the remnants of their legacy dissolved into the earth, a poignant reminder of their enduring impact on the world.

With a calm expression etched on his face, Aaron once again summoned his lance, gripping it tightly as if fixating his gaze on something beyond this world. Squinting with intense concentration, he drew the lance back, preparing to unleash its formidable power.

In one swift, fluid motion, he released the lance, sending it hurtling through the air. With unstoppable momentum, it tore through the atmosphere, traversed the vast expanse of space, and zeroed in on a specific target on another planet.

Before anyone could comprehend the gravity of the moment, Azathoth abruptly teleported to their location, accompanied by the members of Daybreak and a multitude of citizens.

"It's rather ironic, don't you think?" mused Azathoth. "A boy once deprived of hope, facing overwhelming odds... now becomes the beacon of hope for an entire universe. The fire 'she' ignited, coupled with Aaron's power and will, grants them the opportunity to fight against the destiny Phumera seeks to impose upon them. It's similar to a wildfire, spreading uncontrollably and consume everything in its path."

A rare smile graced her lips. "Much like Aaron's defiance against his father's expectations, he now leads the charge alongside the Resistance, challenging that very fate. Without a doubt, they'll blaze through this thorny path."

A hush descended upon the gathering, the world around them melting into insignificance as all attention focused on Aaron. In a flash, the spear appeared once again in his grasp, a feat that left onlookers in utter amazement. With a decisive gesture, he raised it high, igniting the Eternal Flames, a breathtaking spectacle that held everyone's attention.

A deep resonance stirred within the souls of those present, an unspoken recognition stirring in their depths. A collective shiver of awe swept through them as Aaron pointed the lance towards the Artificial Goddess Sonja.

"It's your turn," his words carried a weight understood only by her, cutting through the silence like a knife. In that poignant moment, Sonja, for the first time in her brief existence, felt tears welling in her eyes, a flood of emotions overwhelming her.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

About two hours passed since those events. I immersed myself in the task of restoring order, meticulously repairing the damage and reinstating equilibrium. In the aftermath of the upheaval, the elders and officials were compelled to step down, paving the way for a new wave of leadership. Fresh, vibrant volgendurs ascended to power, inserting vitality into governance.

At the same time, Sonja ascended to the throne, her coronation facilitated by Natasha and Shanata, who worked covertly to support her reign from the shadows. Along with the upheaval, I also focused on assisting the Schneeglacierbär in their recovery efforts despite the extensive harm inflicted upon them. Though the road to restoration would be challenging, this marked the beginning of their journey toward recovery.

Furthermore, I offered my assistance to other smaller species, helping them regain a semblance of normalcy with the chaos. However, the most significant transformation came in the form of weather patterns. Experiencing extremes at both ends of the spectrum, I used my powers to temper the climate, restoring balance. From then on, they would enjoy the warmth of normal summer heats and endure the chill of standard winter colds, ushering in an era of climatic stability.

Currently in Callorahine's office, the air buzzed with a mix of anticipation and solemnity as Sonja, accompanied by Natasha and Shanata, familiarized herself with her new surroundings. Sensing the weight of the moment, I chose to give her some space, quietly observing alongside Azathoth while the rest of our team ventured out, free from the need for secrecy.

As Sonja explored, I couldn't shake the gravity of the task ahead—the delicate matter of conveying her "mother's" final words, despite her artificial nature and the complexity of her existence.

Earlier, I took the opportunity to address some urgent matters with the other inhabitants of this world. The newfound freedom extended not only to our team but also to the males of certain species, now liberated to roam openly. I made sure to inform them of the revised probability of male births, ensuring transparency and understanding within their communities.

Furthermore, I offered a glimpse into Callorahine's harrowing ordeal, painting a semi-realistic portrait of her struggles against the malevolent forces that sought to control her. Despite the moral dilemmas she faced, she remained steady in her resolve to protect her people, ultimately sacrificing herself to ensure their survival. It was a somber tale, one that highlighted the sacrifices made in the pursuit of freedom and peace.

"Sonja," I began, my words heavy with the weight of the conversation ahead, "we need to have a talk." The room descended into a profound silence, every gaze fixed on me, eagerly awaiting the revelation that lingered in the air.

"Your mother... she confided in me to deliver her final words to you," I continued, the solemnity of the moment hanging in the air. The atmosphere seemed to thicken with anticipation as I paused, allowing the significance of my words to settle in.

— ○ ● ○ —

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