Will I Always Be Weak?

Chapter 12. First Contact

I must have gotten lost admiring my gorgeous body! The changes were subtle, but still, it took a while to get used to. Unlike last time, I struggled with figuring out how to use this new body. I learnt that the flowers that grew only appeared on vegetable-like materials, so when I walked on stone or sand, nothing happened. After my evolution, it wasn't just my body that changed but some of my skills as well.



Name: Jasmin Belle
Race: Demon of the Garden of Misery
Title: Daughter of Misery 
Job: Gardener
Level: 14


Health: 3500/3500
Mana: 6000/6000

Strength: 45
Vitality: 45
Agility: 40
dexterity: 40
Intelligence: 60
Unused stat points: 0


Natural Element Nullification
Night Vision
Greater Inspect



Earth Magic

Pain Nullification

Race skills:

Soul Gardener
Gardeners Eye
Demon's Fear
Misery Flame Claw Strike
Misery Flame Tail Whip

Garden of Misery

Title Buff:
Blessing of

Bud of Misery


Demon of the Garden of Misery Description

This Race is unknown throughout the land; these demon's have only been told of in folktales. It's said that the demon's who are born through misery can be found wandering through what storytellers call the garden of the souls, planting misery into each and every flower that still has a taste of joy.


Bud of Misery Description

The second buff of the title "Daughter of Misery" It can only be obtained by choosing the right path of evolution. The buff is located in the left eye of the user and boosts all stats by ten as well as distance that can be seen. It also allows the user to become one with nature, transforming oneself into a walking plant of decay and sadness. Spreading misery directly into the land that they walk on. The eye will grow with the user.


Misery Flame Claw Strike Description

Skill rarity: Race, Abnormal

It costs 50 MP + 10MP/s

Engulfs the user's demon claws in hellfire imbued with the power of Misery. Each strike inducing fear into the enemies soul 

Evolution: Conditions not met


Misery Flame Tail Whip Description

Skill rarity: Race, Abnormal

Cost: 60MP + 15/s

Use your tail that is engulfed in misery and imbued with hellfire to strike your enemy. Each strike inducing fear into the enemies soul 

Evolution: Conditions not met


Gardeners Eye Description

Skill rarity: Race, Abnormal

Cost: 100 mana every minute the skill is active

Allows the user to see a few seconds into the future. The eye now allows you to see the soul of the target and the fear the soul has inside of it. The more fear in the target's heart, the easier it is to see the soul. If the soul is stricken with to much misery, the soul will turn black, crippling the targets will to fight.

Evolution: Conditions not met


Garden of Misery

Skill Rarity: Race, Abnormal Epic

Cost 200 MP per vine

Summons purple misery vines that encircle the user; the vines can be used in a defensive way or in an offensive way.

Evolution: Conditions not met


Soul Gardener Description

Skill Rarity: Race, Abnormal, semi-mythical

Cost: Nothing

Command word: "Bloom"

Allows the user to steal some stats and the skills of a defeated opponent. The user can preserve the souls of their defeated enemies to use to fight their foes at a later time. The souls preserved by the user are connected to the garden of misery; the garden of misery flows throughout the world. The souls will be more plant-based due to the effects of the garden; like a flower, they can now grow on there own with the help of the gardener.

Preserved souls 10/30

Evolution: Conditions not met


"What the hell?!" I scream. These skills are almost like they were made for me? Why in the world does my suffering effect the powers that I am given! Does this have something to do with the higher being that was watching me in the abyss when I first died? Do they have something to do with this? I am so confused and upset, but I have no right to complain; all my newly evolved skills are so good!

"All my race skills seem like they are supposed to be used together." I say to myself. My claws and my tail both implant misery into enemies' souls, and so do demons fears. My eye allows me to stay safe but also lets me to practically see how much health an enemy has by the tint of there soul. The darker the soul is, the closer they are to defeat. Also, is this garden of misery that the descriptions keep mentioning the same one I walked through during my dream? Is there some sort of connection?


A scream echoed through the forest. I was still busy looking through my skills when this ear-piercing screech came from a few hundred meters away. I looked in the direction of the scream, and a few seconds later, another scream came from the same place. It seemed like the screams were getting closer and closer.

"Why is there someone in the forest? especially at this time?" I ask

I just stand there pondering the question, and a few seconds later I see a young girl that looked no older than ten emerge from a bush. She had tears running down her face, and with my new gardener's eye, I could tell that she almost had no more will left. When her eyes locked with my own, I saw her soul turn pitch black. My aura must have effected her. She began sobbing and dropped to her knees, her hands covering her eyes. From behind her, a tainted wolf came jumping out from the way the girl came. The beast must have been the one chasing her; as it landed, it began to go for the kill. Before the wolf reached the girl, I activated my demons fear ability and watched the beast freeze. I made sure to only direct it at it so the girl wouldn't be effected too. The wolf began to tremble and whimper; I made my presence stronger, and the wolf's body completely halted. The beast yelled and fell to the ground; it was foaming from the mouth, and I could tell its heart had stopped beating; my presence was to much for the animal to handle. i walked towards the girl, and as someone I loved appeared in my thoughts, I reached out my hand towards her.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you."

"I promise"

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