wielding wind in Marvel

Chapter 13: my thoughts part one

Hey guys, I've decided to start a series called My Thoughts, where I'll occasionally talk about my plans, things I'm considering, or just topics I feel like chatting about—sometimes related to my novels and fanfictions, sometimes not.

You might have noticed I haven't been updating chapters as frequently. That's because I'm currently stockpiling chapters to release on Patreon. As for my DC fanfiction, I haven't updated it because I'm now entering the comic arcs, and I'm taking time to read through them carefully to plan out the next arc properly. On the other hand, the Marvel fanfiction is being updated occasionally, but since I haven't reached the comics yet, I'm planning to speed things up. Originally, I intended to cover all of Phase 2, but I've decided to cut it down by skipping Thor 2 and Iron Man 3 so we can reach the comics sooner.

Now, onto something else that's been on my mind. I love creating stories, and sometimes, new ideas for novels and fanfictions pop into my head. Most of them stick around for a while before fading, but some refuse to leave. Lately, I've been thinking about two fanfiction ideas that I won't be writing anytime soon, but I still can't shake them.

One of them is another Marvel fanfiction. When I first started Wielding Wind in Marvel, I debated whether or not to make Luke a mutant. Ultimately, I decided against it because mutants are such a major pillar in the Marvel universe. Any major event involving mutantkind could reshape the entire landscape of the world, and that wasn't something I wanted. I wanted Luke to roam freely across the Marvel world, similar to how Nika does in my DC fanfiction.

But in this other fanfiction idea, the main character would be a mutant, primarily going through X-Men events while occasionally crossing over into other storylines. I even thought of a unique mutant power for him—though it's not exactly a traditional mutant ability. It's complicated, but it would give him some deeply personal story arcs while also making him powerful—really strong, but not outright overpowered.

As for my other fanfiction idea, since I'm already working on a second Marvel fanfiction, I thought—why not make a second DC one too? That got me thinking about the original version of my DC fanfiction.

In the original version, the main character wasn't reincarnated as Flatline (an established character) but was actually an OC. I think she was supposed to be Catwoman's niece, though I have no idea if Catwoman actually has a niece in canon—so I'm not sure if she truly counts as an OC.

Anyway, instead of having Rogue Sun's powers like Nika does in my current DC fanfiction, she would have Venom. And instead of Damian Wayne being the love interest, it was originally supposed to be Dick Grayson. So, I figured—why not revisit that idea and actually develop it properly?

If I do go forward with these new fanfictions, I need to establish how these MCs will be different from each other.

• The MC of my Venom fanfiction won't be like my other two (Nika in DC and Luke in Marvel). Unlike Nika, who is very knowledgeable about DC (though I intentionally made it so she doesn't have future knowledge of the arcs), and unlike Luke, who barely knows anything about Marvel, this MC would have only casual knowledge about DC.

• The MC of my X-Men fanfiction would be an ordinary person. He isn't reincarnated, meaning he would have zero knowledge about the Marvel world. He would be thrown into it completely blind.

• Unlike my current MCs, who generally try to be good people, the MC of my Venom fanfiction wouldn't be naturally selfless or heroic. She wouldn't go out of her way to help everyone, but she also wouldn't be like those fanfiction MCs who screw over everyone just to get what they want. Instead, she'd do whatever she wants—helping people that are in front of her, playing the role of a casual hero for fun.

• The MC of my X-Men fanfiction would be a mutant loyalist. He wouldn't be outright racist toward humans, but he would put mutants first, prioritizing their well-being above all else. If doing something horrible was necessary to protect mutantkind, he would do it—even if he personally hated it.

So, that's where my head is at with these two fanfiction ideas. I will write them at some point, but not anytime soon.

And before anyone asks—yes, both of my DC fanfiction ideas happen to have a female MC, while both of my Marvel fanfiction ideas have male MCs. There's no specific reason for this—it just happened that way.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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