Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 102

Chapter 100: “Good Morning, Doctor Jiang.” Ended

“Knock Knock.”

It was quiet.

“Knock knock.” Pale knuckles knocked on the wooden door again.

“Who!” A drunken shout finally came from the door.

For a moment, an alpha opened the door, but his expression became extremely frightened when he saw the person in front of him, as if he had seen a ghost to kill.

The next second, “Pfft”, the sound of the blade submerging into the flesh, blood spurted out.

Yu Shuang stood outside the door with an expressionless face. The incandescent lamp behind her made her **** face gorgeous and terrifying. She took out the fruit knife and stabbed it again without a pause. With a click, the door closed.

The screams continued from the door, and then became faint again.

Half an hour later, Yu Shuang changed into a set of clean clothes and walked out.

“Pop”, the voice-activated light goes out.

There is an artificial lake in front of the government building in District 7. Since two suicides happened in front of the government building in District 2, it seems to echo the sound of the horn, and other districts have also happened one after another, so now Security guards are stationed.

Yu Shuang did not push hard, she sat on the bench by the lake for a while, the sun was warming her all over, then she stood up, the same knife, and stabbed it neatly Alpha’s body also swiped cleanly across his neck.

Although the carotid artery was not accurately cut, it was very deep, and the back of Yu Shuang’s head slammed on the hot floor tile, and blood gushed out from her neck.

It’s not that painful… much more comfortable than having a baby.

The sun was shining brightly, and her pale face was dyed golden.

She kept her eyes open, tears rolled down with blood, she was quiet for a moment, she suddenly screamed with all her strength: “Pain…pain…pain…pain!!”

She thought she was yelling, but in fact, no one heard her voice.

Tears were quickly drying on her face, she thought, if there is an afterlife, I hope to be reborn in a place where I can often see the sun, she does not want to stay in a dark room anymore .

But if it’s still this world, forget it.

The noon sun was dazzling, ordinary people looked up and squinted, unable to hold on for two seconds.

She lay in a pool of blood, staring at the sun, unable to rest her eyes.

This year is destined to be an unprecedented turbulence.

The arson incident of the centralized fertility center in District 7 and the subsequent series of events were never expected by the leaders. They were shocked and unbelievable, and stopped the news time of all centralized fertility centers on the same day , and comprehensively improve the treatment of the maternity center, the bedding and meals are newly upgraded, the guards have also been replaced, and they are no longer rude to them. In addition, playgrounds and other outdoor activities have been added, and you can watch some variety shows every day. or movies.

But everyone knows it well, this is just self-deception and falsehoods.

Because of the situation, the fertility center in District 7 has not been rebuilt, and other fertility centers have not yet enforced the abandoned omega, but they have not released people.

Alpha saw a surge in suicides, beta and omega protests continued, student strikes, worker strikes, and several group and organized break-ins into centralized fertility centers were eventually forcibly suppressed.

2 months later, a documentary swept everyone’s homepage, 12 omegas from various districts who had suffered abuse and violence, and 5 omegas who had gone through the **** of a birth house collapsed Telling about my own experience, this is also the first time that everyone knows the real situation of the birthing center, which makes people angry, sad and tearful.

Three months later, the 7th district government first appeared on the bright side with the voice of “protecting omega”.

4 months later, the 13th district issued the first anti-domestic violence local regulations of the 2nd star.

In the same month, an authoritative media published an article – “Should a centralized fertility center really exist?” 》

The District 2 organization where Jiang Yunshu and others belonged increased from 45 to 227 in just 4 months, and the number of people assisted by the Omega Relief Foundation also increased from 8 to 49.

They opened a door, more and more people were awakened little by little, and more and more like-minded people.

Although the road is difficult and confusing, they believe that all efforts will not be in vain, and one day, the sun will shine on every corner.

“Above!” When Mu Qing was full of energy, he said loudly, “The meeting is over!”

Bai Tang stood in the audience and applauded with the students.

“White sugar,” Teacher Wang stopped him, “Are you free at night? Stay and let me see the ppt for you?”

“Ah, I thought! But…” Bai Tang was embarrassed, “I’m sorry, teacher, today is my alpha birthday, so I have to go back early… I’m sorry.”

Yes, today is Jiang Yunshu’s 33rd birthday.

Bai Tang was wearing a goose-yellow down jacket standing at the Fengqi school gate, his neck shrunk from the cold, and after waiting for a while, he glanced at the car that was turning at the intersection.

He immediately stretched out his hand from his warm pocket and waved frantically. After the car stopped, he opened the co-pilot’s door and sat up, leaned over and hugged Alpha.

Jiang Yunshu hugged him, tightened his arms, and laughed, “Why are you so clingy every day?”

Omega buried in the alpha’s chest and rubbed it in a mess, and her hair was up, probably trying to rub to generate heat, he asked: “Don’t you like it?”

Jiang Yunshu kissed Bai Tang’s forehead, “I like it.”

There were footsteps outside the door.

Brown Sugar ran over and waited at the door. The moment the door opened, she rushed up excitedly and stood up and threw herself at the master!

Brown sugar tilted head: ?

Jiang Yun held the brown sugar’s forelimb expressionlessly and carried it in, “It’s not going to change.”

A ruthless owner held up his mobile phone and patted it with laughter.

About going home and opening the door to educate Brown Sugar, there are so many videos on White Sugar’s phone that I can make a collection.

Sugar started to make the chocolate mousse cake that she was optimistic about yesterday, and after a while, Jiang Yan’s father Yunshu walked into the kitchen, washed his hands carefully and started cooking.

“Tomorrow Saturday,” Jiang Yunshu said, “I have a day off, do you want to go somewhere to play?”

“Okay!” Bai Tang said, “I want to go skiing! Just two weeks ago, a new square opened in the north of the city, and there is a snow world park.”

Jiang Yunshu cut carrots, “Are you skiing?”

White Sugar turned her head and looked at Jiang Yunshu with bright eyes, “Dr. Jiang, you are so powerful! Surely you will!”

In Omega’s eyes, their own alpha is omnipotent.

“…I haven’t skied.” Jiang Yunshu’s premonition is not very good, after all, his sense of balance is somewhat ordinary, it should not be… body funny.

White sugar is very cheerful, as long as he is with Jiang Yunshu, even if he falls into a ball, he will be very happy, “It doesn’t matter, let’s try it together!”

Omega’s legs were weak, but he was still in high spirits. He took out the birthday crown that he had prepared early in the morning from the cabinet, disregarding the alpha’s refusal, and put it on Jiang Yunshu’s head semi-toughly.

33 years old, 3 blue candles and 3 pink candles were inserted into the white sugar. With the accompaniment of brown sugar, the two clapped their hands and sang the birthday song.

In the background of the wall, the same Jiang Yunshu and White Sugar are sitting on the sofa, each holding a cake in one hand. From the first year of looking at the camera, to smiling at each other, to the last smiling and kissing, the afterimage of brown sugar appears in the photo anywhere.

The date is written on the back of the photo. Jiang Yunshu is 30, 31, 32 years old, and Bai Tang is 22, 23, and 24 years old. No accident. After tonight, the seventh photo will appear on the photo wall.

“Dr. Jiang!” Bai Tang fixed the phone on the shelf in front, “Left, sit a little to the left!”


Unfortunately, Jiang Yunshu thought so too, so the two bumped into each other.


They looked at each other wordlessly for a few seconds while laughing.

“What…” This inexplicably hit Bai Tang’s laugh, he bowed his waist, tears came out, and he had to finish, “Next time, next time I kiss your face!”

“Okay,” Jiang Yunshu negotiated very well, “I’ll kiss you next time.”

The cake was very small, the two of them ate just right, and the white sugar took a bite, “What wish did Dr. Jiang make?”

“I can’t say it,” Jiang Yunshu smiled helplessly every time he asked, “It won’t work if you say it.”

But they both know it well, because their wishes must be the same.

Sugar and alpha exchanged a chocolate kiss and he said, “Then who will grant our birthday wishes? God?”

Jiang Yunshu jokingly said, “Make a wish elf.”

Sugar pouted and laughed for a while, then he calmed down, took a deep breath, stood up slowly, and said, “The sugar wishing elf has come to fulfill your wish.”

Omega’s face was a little red, he took two steps back, and under the faint candlelight, under the surprised gaze of alpha, slowly knelt down on one knee, took out a small red velvet box from his pocket, Open with shame.

A pair of rings.

“Jiang Yunshu,” the omega was very nervous, his throat was constricted, and he was a little afraid to look into the alpha’s eyes, but his eyes were red and he didn’t look away, but said solemnly and seriously, “I I will prepare a glass of water at the head of the bed every night, I will protect you and hold you to sleep every day, I will accompany you through every susceptible period, I will love you and treat you well for the rest of my life. I also want to take 76 more pictures and hold them The photo of the cake, I want to have you in every photo in the future…”

The sugar was a little choked up, he paused, and continued: “I want you to be with me forever, okay?”

Jiang Yunshu’s eyes were hot again, he stretched out his hand without hesitation and agreed, “Okay.”

Subsequently, item 5 appeared in the bear notebook: two-way honesty, mutual support, and shared responsibility.

, Tears flowed down, but despite this, Bai Tang still did not let go of Jiang Yunshu’s clasped hands.

The weak sunlight shone in through the occasionally blown curtains, and sprinkled a golden hue on the bed.

Jiang Yunshu slept until he woke up naturally, stretched his body comfortably, he subconsciously embraced the warm person beside him, and slowly opened his eyes.

Omega was lying on the snow-white pillow, revealing her smooth shoulders slightly, when Alpha woke up, her eyes suddenly turned up, he smiled and gave Jiang Yunshu a forehead kiss and said, “Doctor Jiang, early install.”


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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