Why A Dimensional Chat Group?


"I knew you were worried about it, so I got some people to sort it out, It is all settled now 'Kay? They can't do anything now," Shizuka winked at Yuu.

'Though it didn't go as initially planned, The result is what matters,' Shizuka kept that to herself since there was no need to tell Yuu about it.

"I see, did you tell Mom?" Yuu asked as he hardly showed any reaction to the news.

"I told Oba-san this morning, I would've done it sooner but I asked them to be through about it, Aren't I awesome?" Shizuka grinned widely as she looked at Yuu who didn't say anything and just looked at the ocean waves crashing into the shore.

"Sigh* At times like these I wished you acted your age," Shizuka shook her head as she took out a cigarette and lit it.

Shizuka could already emulate what Yuu was thinking about currently, It was along the lines of, 'If we didn't have such connections then what would've happened to them because of my mistake?'

She knew he was thinking along this line right now, Yuu was mature and he was also very hard on himself. So it was obvious he was still blaming himself till now even if the situation was blown over.

"Shizuka-nee I thought we agreed on you not smoking?" Yuu said turning his head towards her. The two made the deal a year ago, although Shizuka had cut down on smoking, but she still couldn't quit it completely and would have some from time to time.

"Come on, this is my first one of the day, I deserve at least this much for all my hard work," Shizuka whined.

"No, this isn't the first time today," Yuu said as he approached Shizuka, his face inches away from hers. Shizuka, a tall woman standing at nearly 5 feet 7 inches tall, normally wore heels, but she wasn't today.

"W-What are you doing?" Shizuka asked, feeling a little flustered as she saw Yuu's face up close, his body almost touching hers. Her back was against the railings, and she couldn't move in her current position.

'I-Is he...' Shizuka froze as Yuu leaned in further, his breath tickling her neck. She could feel her face heating up, and her body trembling slightly.

"Shizuka-nee, you have a habit of applying perfume after you smoke, and from the scent, it seems like you applied it just a little while ago," Yuu said, standing straight and looking at Shizuka, who appeared annoyed.

'Argh, this kid is so frustrating,' Shizuka thought to herself. She had to admit that what Yuu said was correct - she had applied perfume before leaving the school, and she had smoked during the first period in the counseling room.

But the reason she applied the perfume again was different, and she saw no reason to tell him that.

"I'll take that," Yuu said, plucking the cigarette from Shizuka's lips and walking towards the nearest trashcan.

'Ugh,' Shizuka thought to herself, feeling a little frustrated. The touch of Yuu's finger on her lips, coupled with the sensation of his breath on her neck, This was going to replay in her mind on a loop. And she couldn't do anything to stop it.

'I am a grown woman, I need to be better than this,' she told herself, trying to shake off the embarrassment. She turned around, leaning against the railings and taking deep breaths to calm down.

Yuu, meanwhile, returned after disposing of the cigarette. He stood next to Shizuka, closer than before, his arms touching hers.

"Yuu, you know you shouldn't get this close to girls you're not interested in, or they might misunderstand you," Shizuka said seriously. She knew that Yuu wouldn't do it on purpose, but she couldn't help feeling a little flustered by his actions.

"I see," Yuu said, not moving even an inch. He seemed to ignore Shizuka's comment about being mistaken for a high school student.

"Seriously, you should try to act your age a little," Shizuka said with a heavy sigh. She knew that it would be hard to see Yuu getting all flustered and blushing like a teenage boy, well thinking about it won't really suit him either.

"I will," Yuu said simply, as Shizuka looked at him.

"Don't look at me like that, Shizuka-nee. You know I won't make a stupid comment just to get hit," Yuu said, shaking his head.

"It looks like my teachings haven't been wasted," Shizuka nodded contentedly.

As they stood in silence, the sounds of the city below filtered up to them. The distant hum of traffic, the cries of seagulls, and the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore all combined to create a peaceful atmosphere.

"The view here is spectacular during sunset, too bad there's still a lot of time left until then," Shizuka said, looking out at the city below. It was still an hour and a half until sunset.

"I've seen it before, but I prefer this view more," Yuu said, resting his chin on his left hand.

"Is that so?" Shizuka asked, smiling at him and shaking her head.

'It looks like my recent actions have made them uneasy,' Yuu thought to himself, watching Shizuka. He could also sense that his family was worried about his recent behavior. This also seemed to be the reason why Shizuka brought him here to break the news about the yakuza group to him.

But he had to be careful, even though it had nothing to do with the yakuza group.

'I don't know how much time I'll be given to prepare for the mission, so I need to stay alert,' Yuu knew that there were dimensional chat groups that sent their participants to other worlds without giving them time to prepare, or with only a small window of time like half an hour or 15 minutes.

If he was caught unprepared in such a scenario, the chances of him failing the mission would increase. And the dimensional chat group was his only lead on the danger that his family was in.

'I don't really care if I don't have the chat group. The chances of the enemy being stronger than what humans can handle are also probable,' Yuu thought that it was better to get stronger rather than hoping that the enemy was weaker.

This world might seem normal at first, but Yuu was a person from another world reincarnated into the body of a human. And if that wasn't strange enough, he had been given a chat group that could send him to different worlds.

So it wasn't a stretch to think that he might not be able to face the opponent that was after his family. That was why he didn't want to lose the chat group - losing it would be like losing his chance to save his family from the danger they were facing.

But it seemed like his actions had caused even more distress to his family, worrying them further when that was the last thing he wanted to do.

'As Hachiman said, this isn't the correct way to do things. I should have realized it sooner,' Yuu thought to himself, recalling the advice of his friend Hachiman. He also remembered that Hachiman had told him to ask him for help if he needed it.

'I'll help him if he ever needs it, though I didn't know he had also experienced something like this,' Yuu wondered if Hachiman's family had been attacked or targeted by someone. Hachiman's words suggested that something had happened before.

'Should I send someone to investigate? No, it might be better to send a few in order to keep a lookout as well,' Yuu made up his mind.

As Miyamura had said, these two were not on the same page - they weren't even in the same library at this point.

Yuu stood next to Shizuka, thinking about what to do next and how to do it without worrying his family.

"Alright, let's head home now," A few minutes later, Shizuka spoke up, and Yuu agreed.

The two made their way to the bike at a normal pace.

"Yuu, why don't you drive on the way back?" Shizuka suddenly asked.

"I'm still not comfortable riding a motorcycle," Yuu shook his head. The bike in front of them was a Yamaha XSR700, a custom version that Shizuka owned, but Yuu's refusal had nothing to do with the bike or his ability to drive.

"You got your license during the break. Come on, stop being like that," Shizuka smirked, playfully hitting Yuu's back. In the end, she convinced him to drive the bike while she sat behind him.

"Come on, focus on the road," Shizuka said to Yuu as he drove back home.

"It's hard to focus on the road with you sitting behind me," Yuu said with a tired sigh.

"Oi Oi, is it because I'm sitting behind you?" Shizuka asked with a laugh. She was holding onto Yuu's waist, and her body was leaning against his. It was hard to avoid given that they were on a bike.

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