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I’ll Save You

"You are quite strong, But this makes saving you even more rewarding," The man smiled regenerating the hand that was cut off by Kanae and healing the cut made on his neck.

'Upper rank 2,' Kanae read the words etched across the man's eyes.

"I think I should introduce myself, My name is Doma, I am the founder of the 'Eternal Paradise Faith' and part of the 'Twelve Kizuki' holding the position of Upper rank two," Doma bowed as golden fans appeared in his hands out of nowhere.

"Why did you kill these people?" Kanae asked, she knew that demons couldn't sustain themselves without human flesh and blood but the man in front of her didn't seem to be doing it just for food. 

"My My, You make me sound like a bad person, I didn't kill them, I am saving them by consuming them and making them a part of me so that they can live in me happily without worrying about anything," Doma placed a hand on his chest as his expression also looked a lot gentler.

"So, Would you let me know your name?" Doma asked seeing that Kanae wasn't speaking.

"Flower Pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps …Kocho Kanae," Kanae assumed a battle position.


"A pillar? No wonder you are strong, I like you even more now," Doma smiled as his fan brushed alongside Kanae's katana creating sparks since he appeared in front of her wanting to attack.

Kanae jumped in the air as Doma swung the second fan towards her torso in a horizontal slash. She brought down a slash on Doma's neck twisting her body and katana making it hard to guess the trajectory of the attack.

Flower Breathing Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo


"You've gone for my head twice in such a short time, Do you hate me that much?" Doma laughed as he was pushed back a little but he wasn't damaged, Kanae jumped back still vigilant.

"…I do not," Kanae said as she had stopped her breathing since she noticed something was amiss, she felt like the air in the basement was extremely cold, and with the way Doma was talking a lot trying to stall her.

"Ah, Did you notice it already?" Doma looked sad since Kanae had caught on to his Blood Demon art.

"Now I can't save you without hurting you," Doma smiled as he swung his fan in horizontally sending razor-sharp ice shards with a few ice lotuses toward Kanae.

'He wanted to incapacitate me by freezing my lungs,' Kanae thought as she dodged the ice shards. She had felt the room was colder the moment she stepped in but to think it was like this, The real reason Doma was doing this was…

'He wants to eat me without wounding me, just like how he had done to the others,' Kanae looked at the bodies of the women none of them had wounds on them aside from the one Doma was eating before.

'I need to get closer wasting time will be to my disadvantage,' Kanae dashed towards Doma wanting to end the fight faster.

Reaching Doma Kanae performed a flurry of nine consecutive strikes that were aimed at his neck from different angles and directions - Flower Breathing Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility

"Getting close is the logical choice even more so when you have strong attacks," Doma smiled in a carefree manner countering the slashes with his own fans creating an ice shard to meet each strike – Barren Hanging Garden.

Kanae wanted to attack more but Doma didn't give her the chance to do so, he quickly created a large wave of cold air and used his fans to scatter it – Freezing Clouds.

"I would be really happy if you do not resist," Doma said as he saw that Kanae was running away from the freezing air's range.

"You wouldn't be," Kanae spoke causing Doma to halt in place.

"What?" he spoke incredulously.

"I am saying you won't be happy because can't be happy nor would you be sad ...You do not feel anything, do you?" Kanae continued seeing all emotion from Doma's face fade away.

She has met demons who were regretful of their actions, they were sad to take another's life but couldn't do anything about it since they were made into demons against their will.

And of course, she had met demons who had no remorse for the lives they took, for the families they destroyed, because if given the chance they'd do it all over.

She had slayed them, since that was the only way to save them from their suffering or stop them from killing more innocent people. She knew that it is hypocritical to think that she was killing someone to save others. But she didnt mind being called a hypocrite as long as she can save more people and avoid the tragedy that happened to her.

But Doma was different from all of the previous demons she had faced, his words and actions seemed to not make any sense to her. 

He talked about saving them but he was just killing them, He wasn't forced to do so since his survival didnt depend on it, and neither did he seem to be killing them to grow stronger like other demons.

He didn't feel any happiness nor did he feel sorrow. Such a person was…

"Is that pity I sense in your eyes? You really are a wonderful woman," Doma spoke covering his face with his fan, Cold wind gathered in front of Doma taking shape of the upper halves of two women as they opened their mouths blowing out cold winds – Cold White Princesses.

'I need to get to the open area or I'll be frozen,' Kanae moved back to the stairs after exiting the room but the cold wind was approaching her at a tremendous speed. The area of the basement was already limited and will be a bad place for her since she would be easily cornered.

"You wanted to know why I killed those humans, right?" Doma's voice rang in the corridor as he created a blizzard of long-ranged razor-sharp ice shards shaped into lotus petals – Scattering Lotuses, He sent them toward Kanae at full speed.

'I can't dodge all of them,' Kanae was in a pickle seeing so many shards coming at her and swung her katana to deflect as many as she can using rotation sword slashes – Flower Breathing Second Form: Honourable Shadow Plum.

She opted to protect her eyes and other vital areas so that she can still fight.

"I only targeted females so that a strong one shows up, and look at this, one really did, I am very happy that it worked out," But Doma rushed forward through the icy wind at a speed way faster than before and aimed to cut her chest diagonally.

Kanae quickly used her Katana to block the attack as the ice shards made small cuts on her hands and legs.


"Ugh," Kanae fell to the ground on the first floor after she was blown back by the attack. she heard her right forearm crack and her left leg had layer of frost around it making it immobile. Doma aimed the frost on her leg when he clashed with her before, it seemed to be his plan and it worked since Kanae has to deal with the numerous ice shards and Doma himself.

'He is getting impatient, it is likely because the sun is about to rise,' Kanae thought looking through the open doors, she quickly tried to stand up as her eyes widened. 

But it was hard to do because of the layer of frost on her leg, the cuts on her body ached as well and she felt coldness trying to seep into her body.

"I can't delay it any longer," Kanae was shocked as Doma reached in front of her, he swung the fan to cut into her abdomen and the fan was moving upwards wanting to rupture her lungs.


But Kanae was shocked to see Doma's hand cut off stopping the fan to go any further inside her abdomen.

'That is the ...waiter from the tea shop,' Kanae was wide-eyed seeing the person who attacked Doma again with a horizontal slash aimed for his neck.


"I was wondering who was hiding here but you really are fast and strong as well, But it means nothing now." Doma smiled looking at the man in front of him while holding the katana that was halfway through his neck while his own blood splashed all over his red top, if he didn't use both his hands his head would've come clean off, but now Doma had gripped the katana strongly bending the blade. 

'A swordsman without his sword won't be able to do anything,' Doma was about to attack with his legs but the man simply let go of the katana which wasn't what he had thought, Demon slayers were a corporation filled with swordsmen.

They can only fight against demons with the help of the blade and don't use physical attacks since they won't be able to kill the demons. So getting hold of a demon slayer's sword was basically making them useless.

'I'll kill you quickly,' It is normally quite a hard thing to do but Doma did it by using himself as bait, he let the guy swing at his neck and then trap it with his hands. he was probably the only one who would do such a thing among the demons.

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