Why A Dimensional Chat Group?

An Unusual Occurrence

Kyouka smiled looking at his puzzled back and went back to the kitchen to continue her preparations for tonight's dinner.

Upstairs, Yuu placed his bag down next to his desk and took out the books from inside to do the homework he was given in school. It was easy and Yuu was done in 20 minutes.

After finishing his homework Yuu went to take a shower and then change into a plain white oversized full-sleeved shirt with black sweatpants underneath.

Yuu looked at the clock and it was about 5 p.m. there wasn't much to do so he laid down on his bed and listened to some music while scrolling the internet.

'Where should I go next time?' Yuu thought while looking at various photos of tourist attractions from all over the world.

Thinking of this he opened Instagram and looked at his account. This was his own official account named Yoshi Ichi. He had nearly 10 million followers on here.

Looking at the last post was of a drawing he made during his trip to Miho no Matsubara in Shizuoka, a nice black sandy beach with pine trees.

There was even Mount Fuji in the drawing and it had 8 million likes as it has been out for a week or so.

-I love how this account has nothing to do with manga.

-All you'll find here are drawings of different places around the world. And they are breathtaking, makes me want to visit these places.

-Like we have the luxury to do that, I wonder how Yoshi-sensei has the time and patience to visit these places and create such art.

-You know Yoshi-sensei is WAAAAAY busier than any of us.

-You guys are getting distracted we are here for the Man- damn that is a great view, I'll visit the place I live quite near.

-Who's the one getting distracted now?


-I relate to that, I also came here in hopes of seeing more about the manga but got lost in the beautiful drawings, and now I always check if there is an update on any new drawing forgetting what I came here for.


There were hundreds of comments and it had become a joke in the community that Mangaka Yoshi Ichi's official accounts have nothing to do with his manga but rather it was travel logs marked with drawings and sketches showing where he has been.

After scrolling through his phone for half an hour Yuu stood up from his bed and went down to the living room, he could already hear the sound coming from the TV while he was in the hallway.

Walking into the living room Yuu saw Yuuka watching some k-drama on the TV and Shizuka looked pissed.

"You finally came out of your room," Yuuka noticed Yuu as he sat down on the sofa.

"I was doing something," Yuu said.

"Fufu, I wonder what you were doing," Yuuka smiled teasingly putting her legs on Yuu's lap.

"Just my homework," Yuu looked away, she was wearing a fitting red t-shirt and black shorts that only reached her mid-thighs exposing the rest of her beautiful legs. Her hair seemed wet indicating she just took a shower not too long ago.

'She has really long legs,' Yuu scratched his cheek trying to not look at Yuuka as she smiled contently at his actions.

"Yuu we are going in the backyard for training," Shizuka spoke suddenly making Yuu look over.

"But didn't Shizuka-nee just come back from work?" Shizuka was still dressed in the clothes she was wearing at school and she didn't even take her socks and tie off yet.

"Do you think I am old? I have tons of stamina, since you missed the morning training today we'll compensate for it now," Shizuka looked like she wouldn't take no for an answer here.

"Alright then," Yuu nodded and stood up putting Yuuka's legs aside making her a bit unhappy.

Both Shizuka and Yuu went toward the backyard after leaving the living room. The house had quite a big backyard with trees and grass and in the corner of this backyard, there was a small dojo.

Yuu and Shizuka entered the dojo which had a size of 900 sq feet in area, it was enough since only they used it.

"Here," Shizuka threw a bokuto towards Yuu which he caught easily without any issues.

"We aren't doing kendo?" Yuu was a bit puzzled since Shizuka would normally do kendo while wearing full protective gear and they'd do spars with bokuto without any protection only once every two weeks.

'But there is still a week left till the next one,' Yuu knew that Shizuka was someone who followed the rules she sets, especially in martial arts training.

Shizuka took off her black vest and tie, untucking her shirt before she stretched a little to get ready. Yuu also stretched to get ready as it seemed Shizuka won't be saying the reason for this and to be honest...

"You ready Yuu," Shizuka gripped the bokuto with both her hands keeping it in front of her chest.

'She doesn't really need to say it,' Yuu knew he would help her no matter if he knew the reason or not. He'll find out about it when she calms down anyway.

"Yes," Yuu also held the bokuto tightly as Shizuka lunged at him at full speed bringing down an overhead slash on Yuu's head.


Yuu used his bokuto to hit the oncoming slash knocking it off course towards the left. If it was someone else the match would be over since the power behind the slash would make it hard for the person to stop themselves which would leave them open to the opponent's attack.


But Shizuka changed the trajectory towards Yuu's torso without any effort but the latter stopped it and moved back to create some distance.

'If a normal person is hit by that their bones with be broken,' Yuu breathed deeply defending against Shizuka's relentless attacks that came from all over the place.

Shizuka's biggest power wasn't her power but her speed and precision.


"Why are you just defending? Is it hard to keep up with me?" Shizuka asked stopping for a bit as Yuu hadn't attacked a single time in the 10 minutes they've been sparing.

"You're just too good Shizuka-nee," Yuu spoke while still being on guard while Shizuka was standing normally.

"Look at you trying to make me lower my guard with praises," Shizuka laughed as she went for the attack again with a sideways slash which was blocked by Yuu as he stepped back.

But Shizuka didn't let up and ran forward attacking him again.

'It is hard to focus with them moving about,' Yuu didn't know where to look since Shizuka's chest kept jiggling along with her moments coupled with the sweat that made her shirt stick to her body. Yuu could clearly see the black bra through the white shirt.

'It would be in my best interest to start going on the offensive before I get hit,' Yuu didn't want to get hit by one of Shizuka's strikes just because he was distracted by her breasts it won't be a pretty result if he got hit.

This has never happened before as Shizuka always wore the kendo uniform when they did this normally and that prevented such a situation from happening. But not today and it seemed like a big problem for Yuu.

Seeing Shizuka run up to him Yuu went forward instead of moving back like he was and sent a straight kick which surprised Shizuka as she quickly stopped it with her bokuto.

But this resulted in her momentum being broken as she was pushed back and Yuu moved forward slashing downwards which was met by Shizuka who didn't back down and the two were in a deadlock for a split second before Shizuka tried to kick Yuu's right calve, which resulted in him moving backward breaking the deadlock.

In these spars, Shizuka and Yuu weren't limited to the sword but were also free to use their arms and legs. Yuu was mainly used to defending while Shizuka didn't like using her fists much during a sword fight and preferred to kick her opponent with her long legs.


Taking advantage of her speed Shizuka wanted to close in the gap but Yuu attacked with a horizontal slash that was heading for Shizuka's right shoulder, she ducked underneath it and thrust her bokuto forward towards Yuu's abdomen.


But it only cuts through the air as Yuu sidestepped the attack and brought down a downward slash that stopped just before hitting the wooden floor as Shizuka moved out of the way.

"Can we call it a day," Yuu asked.

"Maybe after 10 more minutes," Shizuka said as she rushed in again to attack and Yuu could only sigh.

After 15 minutes both Yuu and Shizuka were sitting outside the dojo covered in sweat, Shizuka looked like she was fully exhausted.

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