White Flower, Black Feather

Chapter 17: Scream of Terror

Scream of Terror

‘It’s my fault… all of this, is my fault…’ I’m making shushing noises. Just so she can feel the vibrations, she can’t hear us, but she likes to feel them. It was the best way for her to sleep as a baby…

Something that they didn’t felt like doing…

Jess got angry with me… for some reason… and was walking behind me, I was looking back all the time, just to make sure she was ok…

“This is my fault, I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” I feel the tears burning my face as they go down…

Some freak… flashed her… and I shoved him to the road, where a car hit him…

‘It’s my fault… it’s my fault… he needs to die… it’s my fault…’ I can only hug her and try to calm her down… she is shivering… ‘He needs to die…’

“Are you ok?” someone ask… I can’t see his face… I can only remember that he was ridiculously tall…

I tighten my hug around Jess… glaring at this person…

“Is he dead…?” that is the only thing I want to know from him…

“No, just a broken leg” he looks where the freak is laying… a freak that I can only see as a formless shadow… with other shadows around him… “The car wasn't going that fast-”

“He should die…” I cannot stop my mouth… and he reacts

“Don't say stuff like that…” but… he doesn’t seems to be angry about what I said…?

“My sister is mute and deaf!” why did I explained that to him…? “What else I can say about…?! About-?!”

He stops me with his hand on my head

“If he dies, then… who is going to be with her…?” I can only sob “Like this, he is going to be punished, and you will stay with your sister…”

I don’t like this… I don’t… want to admit how right he is… not only Jess… Max too…

“Am I in trouble…?” I feel so weak…

“No, there are cameras around here. I had them installed for another reason, but this seems like a happy bonus” he stops and looks to where the shadows are “Yes, you can kick him… yes, you deserve it!”

I look up to… I don’t remember… their… face, but… I feel like… their eyes told me… that this person, is like me…


A ray of light hits my eyes…

‘Ugh… what…?’ what happened…? ‘When…? It’s morning…?’

I don’t remember going to sleep…

‘Sta…? What?’ I have some scratches in the scales of my left arm… ‘When…? Status?’

‘What…?’ did I got this from a Digger…? ‘Helper…?’


‘What is happening to me…?’

-Upgrade required for that, sorry Miriam…-

‘…’ I look around… I’m on top of a tree… ‘Please… stop me from hurting people…’ I… am trying my best to not scream… to not think… about…

-Do I have your permission, to do what I think will work for that?-


-Then I’ll… see what I can do…-

‘That… is all I can ask for…’ I can see the waterfall from here, I’m south of it… ‘Water, food… I can’t let that monster be there… I have to kill it…’ I go down…

The sky is clear today… the river is still a bit higher than before… not much difference on the waterfall… the water is cold and calms my thirst…

‘Uh…? What did-?’ my muscles hurt…?


‘Status…?’ again…?

‘No… no, no, no-! OW!’


‘AAAHHH! UGH! What is wrong with-! OW!’

‘But… I can’t stop… I need to be strong…’



-I want to ask something, but as you are right now, the question might kill you…-

‘Then ask it when I recover… that message from… before, said “when I get better…” so… do it then…’

-Then… I hope you survive…-

‘Thanks…’ I turn away from the river… ‘I apparently already ate… time to hunt a monster…’ forwards…


The smell of boar is annoyingly intermittent… if I were to guess… I think it's trying to find me…

‘It doesn’t seems to get too close to where the Spawner should be…’ I have been feeling the boar making trails in the area… but now that I can smell monsters, it seems to have gone somewhere else… ‘Oh… the Sour cluster…’

I must be nearby then… but why the smell of monsters got stronger…?

‘A bit to the east, then slowly to the south…’ I look around… I don’t smell the boar at all in this place… ‘Have I… have I…’ how do I even call what happens to me…?

-It’s hard to tell, but I think you haven't-

‘Thanks… um…?’ there is a… familiar smell now… ‘What were those things called…? By the grave…’

-Death Essence Drinkers-

‘Right! Those… I cannot smell Grudge… that is good…’ but I have to deal with fliers now…? ‘It shouldn’t be… I have range magic now… oh, the void…’ focus…

My organ feels like at least twice the maximum amount that I had before… but…

‘My organ isn't… full… yet…? And the void still isn't filling… that… that is a lot of magic!’ I feel a bit happier now… ‘A shame that, both my projectiles and healing, are limited by my food… but I should be able to do a lot of stuff now…’

‘No!’ I shake my head… I’m still by the Sour trees… ‘Ow… it felt like I was about to… need to hurry’ head to the ground… ‘Nothing nearby… east and south, go… ow…’

I really feel like I’m out of time…


The smell of the Spawner is barely there… it’s more like an aftertaste… what I can really smell is rotten meat… and with my head on the ground I feel a lot of monsters to the… east…

‘I feel like I might climb a tree and I’ll see the flowers…’ I facepalm ‘Climb you idiot…’

-You were the one that said it…-

I feel like smiling at that message…

‘I’m like that a little too often…’ further ahead seems to be a clearing… and the branches of the trees are close by each other… ‘I can climb and might be able to get closer, by moving along the branches…’

I get closer to a Sturdy and move up…

‘It’s really quiet… I can feel them moving, but they aren’t making sounds…’ I get to the branches ‘Is that to protect… the… Spawner…’

‘Fuck…’ they are on top of each other surrounding the opening… ‘Thirty… fifty… ninety…? Maybe more…’ from here I can see Pests, Nets, Drinkers that aren’t making illusions (too many to count), three things that look like a stretched skin with insect legs below it… and… ‘What is that…?’

From the opening, a larger thing it’s coming out… the opening it’s stretching and pushing dirt away from it…

-This is bad…-

‘You think?!’

-This is a monster horde, the thing getting out, is on the higher end in the scale of what counts as an average monster…-

‘So I can kill it… if it’s alone?’ my instinct said no, twice…

-I suggest, that you don’t try to find the answer to that question…-


The thing is about the height of a human, with a long muzzle covered in stretched skin that doesn’t cover its fangs, or single compound eye on the middle of its reptilian skull. A collection of misshapen horns and tusks cover the top of its head and long, bare neck, the rest of its body has the same kind of black fur that covers the Pests

Its arms are needlessly long, with too many elbows and end in a singular hooked claw, while its legs are short, stocky, stumps. The lower jaw of the monster splits in two by the middle-


‘OW!’ it has a sonic attack! ‘Great! How I’m I supposed to kill that?!’ it stopped making that sound…? ‘What…?’

While the thing looks a bit unsteady, the sound made some of the Drinkers fly up and go north… the trees start shaking

‘This horde is going to attack the farms…’ I move down ‘I need… I need… to…’

‘EASIER SAID THAN DONE!’ I rush north…! The monsters start making sounds as I move ‘What do I do…?!’

The Drinkers are flying fast, do I hiss…?! Just catch up to them…?! Do I try to make traps to distract the horde-?!





The last command from the big monster reached Miriam’s hearing, even after she moved at her highest speed towards the flying monsters. Even if it wasn't too loud, this sound pained her and caused Miriam to stop thinking and her body started to angrily scream in pain

Unlike before, this time her body wanted to attack anything that got closer

So, her body moved south

Ska! Ska!


Two Pests that were faster than most of the others, and following the simple command to “advance” were the first victims of Miriam’s body. Both got paralyzed by fear and with bite and claw her body killed them

The noise her body had made, attracted more of the horde, and a Jumper was soon falling down towards her


Only to be impaled with a spear made of dirt




But that was a mistake, because all the monsters in the horde could detect her magic, and their leader gave the order to hunt her. Now, all the monsters had a purpose, beyond feeding on humans

Since her body felt pain, and was aware now of the vibrations of all the monsters moving towards her, her instinct made her body run north, overruling her sudden aggression, with the need to survive

And as her body speed up for a while, trying to stay away from the monsters that were chasing her

‘Eh…?’ Miriam woke up…

And stopped…


‘Why…? I’m… suddenly tired…?’

-Miriam! Keep moving!-

‘What…? Status!’

‘Crap! Did they got faster?!’

-You moved to them. Idiot!-

‘…?!’ I look up… I’m facing north? I don’t see any landmark that I remember ‘Ok, that sounds stupid, but not impossible…?’ there are vibrations coming from the south… ‘Need to keep run-!’


‘Fuck! One…?’ the vibrations don’t stop? ‘Oh?!’ the big idiot roars again! ‘Idiots! You forgot about-!’


‘OW!!!’ that was closer than the last time! ‘Ow! Ow! Bleh!’ some of the dust reached where I-!




‘Ah… I should be able to move now right?’

-Sure, eyes…-

‘…? Ia Stop?’ it’s hard to tell if I have a body part Imbued… ‘Thanks’ now I need to keep moving… ‘That attack couldn’t have killed all of them… but I should use this time, now that they are scared to…’ I look south… ‘Scared…?’

‘Ia! Imbue Eyes!’


In the confusion from the attack, the monsters lost track of the prey they had been following, that only lasted for a few moments before Miriam started to use her magic again

‘Earth Shape!’ she was exited to try the last idea she had, even if she had very little evidence that it might work… so she did something to get an edge

She used the dirt around her, to create a hollowed cone, whose narrow point had a hole resting on the stone that landed near her. She had made a megaphone aiming to the horde…

‘Ia! Imbue Fangs!’ she moved to the narrow opening and prepared a new spell ‘Ia! Sound! Vibration! Volume! Potency! Menacing! Terrifying! Mindless Fear! Face me and prepare to die!’

She inhaled



And managed to make her loudest threat ever


So loud, that her rushed structure, collapsed due to the pressure before she ended her hiss. But she didn’t care, it had accomplished what she wanted: making her attack better

Even if she had no idea, of how it had affected the horde of monsters


‘Hehehe! Ow…’ that was loud! ‘Ow… my throat…’ and slightly painful ‘That felt louder than when I evolved… hehehe…’




‘Ha…! Hahaha! I’m taking that as a good sign!’ I look at my broken cone… ‘Not a bad spell, I think. But for now I need to make… pitfalls? Maybe some walls to force them to go-!’


The trees to the north are calling me…?

‘Right, some of them went ahead-’

‘The farms!’

Run! Run! Move faster!


Fi’s parents had gotten her a Protector puppy, as a celebration for the upcoming festival and both Celia and Martha were in love with the little pup

The three of them were playing with the puppy, after a lot of begging and promises of working extra hard once they were back

That is why they were between the farms and the forest, playing with the pet even after hearing the sound of an explosion coming from it, as the result of one of the Rulers-



And were scared by the most terrifying sound, that two of them had heard in their life. Martha had already suffered something horrible in the past, and that is why-

“Get back here!” she was the first in realize, that the Protector pup had ran directly towards the noise, and moved chasing her friend’s pet “You two go back!” she called above her shoulder to the other two girls

That couldn't say anything due to the fear

Martha ran with all her strength, but even with that, she only managed to catch up to the dog once both of them were inside forest

“Gotcha!” she picked the barking puppy and looked around. She could still see the plain between the farms and that place


But the sound that the trees were making… terrified her, as she clutched the pup to her chest with her left hand

“W-we n-need to get out…” she started to walk backwards while looking at the trees around her, her other hand grasping the handle of the knife in her apron’s pocket. When something else made her shudder “…!” and freeze

A smell, the smell of rotten meat… that followed the monsters, that devoured her parents in front of her

Meanwhile, Miriam was rushing, pushing her slightly tired body, to get out of the forest, and barely maintaining her awareness in her hurry

She noticed how some Drinkers were dead in the ground, as she moved closer to the edge of the forest



And she killed those that weren’t, but once she could see the plains-


She saw something that nearly gave her a heart attack. The redhead that she had helped before, was standing right there, holding a puppy barking-



At a Drinker that was aiming its proboscis at the girl’s head, from her left side

Miriam’s threat, destabilized the monster, giving her enough time to rush forwards and lunge at it-

Just as Martha managed to get out of her stupor, caused by the memories of the death of her parents-

“AAAHHH!!!” and she attacked with her knife, at the terrifying snake that appeared in front of her





To Miriam, the wound felt like fire, the knife had cut her scales, flesh and bones, as if she was made of paper. A bit higher and she would have lost her left arm again, but she only was painfully aware, of how she was almost cut in two

‘Regrow!’ she dropped the dead monster and scrambled away, as she imbued her eyes to heal the wound

Martha just walked backwards looking at the scene in front of her. A legged snake had jumped to save her from a monster? She couldn't understand it and just stood there holding the bloody knife, until a loud notification caused her head to hurt, almost making her drop the barking pup


I healed my wound… I lost some blood… a lot of blood…

‘Ow… I can still feel where it was…’ the trees are rustling, I look at the girl

She look terrified… I have no idea of what she is mumbling…


‘OF COURSE YOU ARE ALIVE!!!’ the girl starts screaming while the puppy finally stops barking

I point at her, she stops. I point to the farms, she looks confused



She screams and runs away holding the puppy

‘Good…’ I feel some vibrations to the south… ‘They are moving slowly…? No… back and forth… ugh…’ I should still be able to fight… but I don’t think I have the time to prepare traps… ‘Mission complete?’ please…

-Yes, but it’s still calculating…-

That is a relief…

‘Ia Imbue Fangs… lets see if I can change the reward then… IA! Sound! Vibration! Volume! Potency! Creatures of this forest! Fight with me against the monsters!’ inhale! ‘Call For Help!!!’



Miriam’s hiss came out of her mouth again, the trees felt it first and they understood what her magic was trying to say

And they accepted, moving the air in that part of the forest, sending her message to the creatures that were nearby. The reward of that mission was voided, and there wasn't a guaranteed that the creatures were going to help…

But the trees agreed with her… creatures should kill monsters…

At that moment the forest got a message and the trees were informed, that they had made a big mistake

“HORDE!” Martha on the other hand, was terrified and screaming the word ‘horde’ as loudly as she could, as she ran towards her friends

Still in pain due to the notification she got

Fi took her pet back from her and all ran towards the river, warning the nearby farmers as they ran

Before they managed to reach it, the enchantment on the shelter under one of the farmer’s houses activated, and all the farms acting as decoys between those two cities, emitted their alert, making all the farmers run to their shelters

And warning the closest cities about the upcoming threat

Rather than making them split once they got near the bridge, Martha’s parents waved for them to get inside their house, the two parents that were running towards the girls from the other side of the river also saw that, and after some shouts, they ran back towards their homes

Worried but trusting the safety of the children to the old couple, they also needed to make sure the rest of their families were safe too


The trees are rustling loudly again… and now there is a weird sound coming from the farms…?

‘No time… for that…’ I place my hands on the ground ‘Wall of spears…? No, they have fliers, Jumpers, and the Pests can just run between them’ no idea of how strong my spears are… in comparison to the big ugly…

I’m starting to get tired… hungry is a given since I had to heal… I eat the monster I just killed…

‘Bleh… I guess I can grip its legs…? Might try to hit it with spears once is immobile…?’ if I can actually stop it… ‘Load four, might need to run… no, I just need to last for long enough, until humans get close… then, I can run. Ia Imbue Arms’

My arms sink in the ground, time to test this one

‘Earth Blade!’ as I pull my arms back I can tell, that these blades feel more usable that the first ones I made… ‘They feel… more reliable…? Well… I have more confidence in them… those modifications were a good idea… must be the magic boost that I got… too…’ relief…


‘AH!’ my blade splits a Pest in half! ‘WHAT?!’ did I just-!



‘Die!’ another one down! ‘Aaahhh!’ at least I don’t stop killing them when that happens!

I see… seven? Dead Pests… and about ten Drinkers… not sure of how many Drinkers were there already…

‘One impaled Jump-?!’ move!



As Miriam woke up, her demeanor changed and the Jumpers that had been observing her, noticed

And attacked

‘Earth Spear!’ the first one that missed died by her magic. As she jumped away from the second, she jumped back on top of it and stabbed it with one of her blades. The third one jumped as she was on top of the other- ‘Magic Slash!’

Her magic had imbued her other blade, and like with her claws, it extending the range of the weapon, cutting the monster in half

And bathing her in blood


Making her lose her awareness again, as more monsters rushed towards her. Dying by bite, cut and impalement

With Miriam gone, her body was ruthless, but it rarely tried to avoid attacks, choosing to return charges with blade and bite, making spears and spikes right on top of her for the Jumpers. Getting some bruises and scratches on her, becoming more tired and wasting more magic than required


‘AH!’ she woke up when her weapons became unusable due to the blood that soaked them ‘Launch!’ and used a spell to get distance from the monsters after scaring them. She landed badly, but wasn't hurt enough to stop fighting ‘Earth Blade!’ she sunk her arms in the ground and made new ones

She saw some Jumpers going back up to the branches above them, Pest being pushed forwards by the ones in the back, Drinkers with their illusions getting closer, while Drinkers without illusions, landed on corpses and started to make them, and behind them moving faster than expected, was the big one

‘As long it shuts up…’ she was tired, overheating and wasn't sure when she was going to need food, nor when her mind was going to give up again ‘Just to make sure… I don’t need to see the messages to get the benefits, right?’

-No, you don’t-

‘Good… maybe I can lead them away…?’

The monster that was commanding the horde was about to howl another time, but stopped and folded its right arm like a shield


Blocking a Launcher attacking from that side


The launcher fell backwards stunned by the impact-


And the monster destroyed it with one attack with its other whip-like arm


The attack of the Launcher distracted the horde enough, that didn’t noticed a dozen of wasps falling on them and hell broke lose

‘It worked! I got backup!’ at that moment she heard one word ‘Ah! What was-?!’ she moved to one side to avoid a Jumper

She couldn't attack that one, because a two tailed fox jumped on the monster and broke its neck, before carrying it away


As she saw that, the same boar as before, charged against the big monster, that used one of its arms as a shield again. The difference this time, was that the boar, used its tusks to swat away the countering arm of the monster

-Use that word you heard! It should help!-

‘Sure…’ she saw a bunny jumping on top of one Pest, to reach the branches of the trees above, the Pest died and soon after, a Jumper was sent flying away by a kick ‘Ia! Sound! Vibration! Volume! Potency! For allies! Kill the monsters! Empower!’


Miriam was temporarily fatigued, due to the massive amount of magic that she had used with that spell, but quickly jumped to attack with the other creatures

“M-magic!” and was detected by a few of the adventuring mages that were protecting the farms, waiting for the monsters

“You sure?” Andrew in front of him asked and the mage stuttered an affirmation, showing him his glowing focus

“Sounded like a snake…” Esp commented, he looked relaxed as he waited with the others, his bow prepared and trying to see the weird spectacle happening between the trees “You sure we shouldn’t go?” he looked at the priestess nearby

She and every other priest that had answered to the alert, had their symbols of worship glowing

“The forest will attack us, if we get closer…” Laura translated again what the rustling trees were saying

And everyone that could hear her, grimaced at her words… and waited…

‘The big one needs to die!’ Miriam realized, hissing to another wasp that aimed its stinger at her and making the wasp go against something else ‘And quick!’

As she moved closer to it, the Pests were less and less scared of her. The only creature that was interested on fighting it, was the boar, and by the glare she got from the creature, it was only trying to kill it, so it didn’t get in the way of killing her

Miriam took a moment to look around, the number of monsters was lower. So, as she decided to help the boar in killing the leader, she noticed something

Pests were similar to rats, mice and bunnies…

Drinkers looked like insects…

Jumpers looked like a fox that was slip open…

‘The Spawner uses animal parts to make more monsters!’

-How did it took you so long to figure that one out?!-


At that moment the monster managed to cause a deep gash to the side of the boar, and moved its arm back to slam it on top of if, as the creature squealed in pain

‘Earth Grip!’ but Miriam grabbed and pulled its arm into the ground, making it lose its balance ‘Earth Grip!’ she slashed a Pest away and did it again with one of its legs, making the monster fall on its back with a thud


Seeing that, the boar pushed forwards and gored the chest of the monster with rage, while Miriam aimed one of her Imbued blades to the head of the big monster

‘Vessel!’ that spell was used to separate the blade from her arm ‘Ia, Aim, Motion, Speed, Pierce! Blade Launcher!’


The spell didn’t pierce the skull of her enemy, but it did broke the neck and skull becoming the killing blow



When Miriam heard the notification, she knew it was over, so she hissed again and this time, the monsters around her fled disorderly in all directions

Most of the creatures that were fighting with her, choose to chase the monsters that fled inside the forest, none of them went to chase the ones that fled outside. The monsters that did got out died to arrows, explaining the why

The boar removed itself from the corpse and glared at Miriam

‘Venom Dart!’ taking a pink cloud to the face immediately


Due to the wounds and tiredness of the beast, it could only fall down to sleep. Some of the wasps moved towards the sleeping boar


But Miriam kept them away

A few tense moments passed before all the creatures either moved to eat a corpse, or moved away. The horned bunny fled once Miriam looked at it, while the fox stood away, observing her


‘Regrow’ its only fair that I heal the boar, it did the hardest job ‘There, we can try to kill each other in a few days… just not today’ I move to the monster

It smells just as bad as the other… but I do move to eat a part of it just in case… I also eat a Pest nearby, the way the wasps are looking at me is unnerving

‘The fox is pretty, but it kinda looks at me, like the wasps are doing it…’ food in ‘Mission complete?’


‘Moving south then…’ I need to hurry before the humans get closer… ‘I don’t have the time to fix the ground, sorry…! And I’m annoyed that the humans barely helped…’ the fox is just staring as I move… its smell is somewhat familiar…

-Did you really wanted them to see you?-

‘That…’ I’m paying more attention to the vibrations, and looking over my shoulder… ‘I don’t know…’ I don’t think they are following me… ‘Calculating?’

-No, but please go to a safe place…-

‘On it!’


The water on the river has a… bad aftertaste…

‘The fishes are doing their part… bleh’ I move away from the water and under a tree ‘I’m tired… and kinda don’t want to do this, but… Status-! Gah! That is a lot of screens combining!’

‘Oh… fuck… I’m sorry…’ that isn't what I wanted to happen… ‘I don’t remember… I only saw… when…?’

-Scream of Terror was the cause of dead for those 6 non-monsters. Miriam, it was an accident, aim to be better in the future, and it’ll be ok. A lot of boars have killed, for pleasure, many more things than you have by accident…-

‘I… still feel guilty…’ I keep reading


-It takes time and EP to Evolve Traits. You still want to kill the Spawner today…?-

‘I…’ I take a deep breath… I’m having a hard time trying to stay calm… ‘Yes… I don’t know how fast it can do, what it did today again…’

-Then, I’ll explain later-

More screens…

‘What…? Why did I got one that is related to blades instead of wind?’

-Two upgrades required Miriam…-

‘Why are they in a black color then?’

-I don’t want to answer that. Like with the question that I wanted to ask before: that information might kill you, as you are right now…-

‘Oh…’ just some more…



‘Ow!’ there is a blue fruit in the ground, I look up… ‘Oh…’ I see a flower that withers and turns to dust in a branch…

-The last person to complete that Deed was Diamond Volcano…-

‘Really?’ I swallow the fruit… ‘OW! UGH!’ if the previous one was mint this one is cinnamon! ‘Gah! You guys got the two smells backwards-! GAH!’


I feel weird! Every breath I take! Fills my organ and the void! It’s unpleasant!


‘Ugh!’ it’s over… ‘Aaahhh! I’m not taking one of those again!’

-Potions that do the same thing are worse…-

‘Bleh…’ worse than that…? ‘Fine… I… might… eat one of those in the future again…’ I focus in my magic… finally feeling my current maximum… ‘Still not enough to safely make an Eye Stone…’ of that, I’m sure…

I look to the tree that gave me the fruit, nod to it and give it back some magic…

‘Ia Stop, but you all really compared me to her…?’ that… being compared to someone that cute… is a bit flattering… ‘Hehehe’

-It was over 300 years ago, it’s natural that they could make a mistake…-




-Really…? The higher your level the longer you live…-

‘Why no one told me that?!’

-You didn’t ask…-

‘I…! Ok, it doesn’t makes her less cute, but what else do-?! OW!’ my head… ‘Ow…! I need… to buy… over two hundred points… after that…’

I shake my head…

‘Kill… the Spawner…’


The last thought in Miriam’s mind, was what her body started to do, as she lost her awareness again. Her body moved along the forest without thinking, ignoring everything…

And getting close to the Spawner as the sky was about to change colors…

‘What?!’ and waking up…

Only to see an even bigger monster getting out of it…

A monstrous furred mouth, surrounded by eyes, held over two meters high, by four yellow, chitin covered, legs. Above it all Miriam could see a pulsating brain, under a clear layer of chitin…


The monster roared, showing five tongues inside of its fang filled mouth

‘Easier than the last one…’ she told herself, pushing aside her fear ‘That roar didn’t hurt…’

-Not something I think you should test!-

‘I know. Ia!’


I managed to upload this week! Yay!

The things that Miriam got this chapter are subject to change. I’m sure I made a mistake somewhere…

But good news! I have a Patron!


And they are giving me a massive help!

Thanks you very much!

Have a good week!

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