Whistle To the Earth, You Guys Really Know How To Play

Chapter 13

Chapter 12: Be careful behind! Hebrew! (Catching bugs)

Mawson has long discovered that it always protects the compound eyes of the abdomen, and the weakness of the insect-like animals is usually in the soft abdomen!


The tarantula was still showing its rock-solid forelimbs to Hebrew and Baker in the air, hissing in the mouthparts.

Mawson took out an armour-piercing arrow in a handsome and neat manner, and put it on the bowstring. The wrist of the front hand, the elbow of the back hand, and the straight shoulder formed a straight line.

He narrowed his eyes, turned slightly to the side, aimed at the compound eyes of the blood tarantula, and used the muscles of his right hand to pull the bowstring inch by inch with 700 kilograms of force.

Just when the tarantula stood up again and raised its forelimbs, a compound eye shot at it quickly!

-call out!

Where the arrow flies, the air vibrates for a while, and the twisted path of the air being quickly drawn by the naked eye can be seen!

Under the cover of the dark night, the tarantula didn’t even notice a deadly arrow flying towards him, until the sound of breaking through the air reached his eyes, and the eight compound eyes were shot four by the stainless steel arrows.


The compound eyes burst open, blood splattered!

“Hey! Hey! Hey—”

The tarantula was knocked to the ground by a huge impact, and its eight claws were waving wildly towards the sky, and a loud cry from its mouthparts!

But it hasn’t died yet, the vitality of the alien beasts is extremely tenacious, otherwise, after so many years of fighting with humans, it will not force humans to lose large areas of land and the lives of hundreds of millions of soldiers!

In the beast tide every five years, in addition to countless deaths and injuries from other animals, human powers have also fallen a lot, not to mention ordinary soldiers! However, the reproduction power of the alien beasts is much stronger than that of the human beings, and the number of cultivation and rejuvenation has grown up again in four to five years, and under the command of the high-level alien beasts, it will attack the human kingdom.

The blood tarantula still has four compound eyes intact. It rolled for a while and still failed to get up. The ice wall had long been taken down, and the haunted house in the amusement park was destroyed by the tarantula’s struggle and tumbling motion, leaving only one with the word “Haunted House” “Sign.

The collapsed haunted house raised a cloud of dust.

At the end of the dust and mist, Mawson stood in the air like a **** of death, stepping on the ice board made by Bobby, stepping on an ice block and walking above the tarantula. His expression was cold and solemn, and he took out an armor-piercing arrow again. Shoot arrows and draw bows in one go!

The stainless steel arrow once again broke through the air with the force of ten thousand jun.


The sound of the arrow entering the flesh is unusually clear.

This time, the tarantula could not die anymore.

The team members all shouted excitedly: “Good job!”

“Boss! You’re so handsome!” Hebrew also yelled with excitement, without realizing that a white cobweb was about to fall on him behind him.

Mawson said anxiously: “Be careful behind! Hebrew!”


The Hebrew couldn’t dodge and was hugged by one head, but Baker suddenly turned back into a small bird and burrowed out of the cobweb neatly.

But Hebrew was not so lucky. He was **** with a strong cobweb, and at the end of the web was the male spider that had escaped!

The male spider had already left. Hearing the female spider’s call for help, he turned back. Although the wife wanted to eat herself, the female spider might have been conceived. The instinct of biological reproduction defeated everything.

The male spider was lying prone on the tree trunk. After determining the position, Mawson took out an armor-piercing arrow and shot it at the male spider!

The male spider leaped down at the moment the arrow was shot, and jumped in front of the Hebrew.

Hebrew was cutting the web with a dagger, but it was useless for eggs.

“Choo Choo Choo!”

Baker turned into a horrified bird again, and the wind blade shook like no money, and hit the male spider’s shell with a “ding, ding, ding,” collision, and they were all ejected away!


The weakness of the tarantula lies in its compound eyes and joints, and its shell cannot be easily broken.

Hebrew looked pale and watched as the male spider lifted up his sharp forelimbs, with an icy cold light shining from the peak, facing the Hebrew head, and fell heavily!

At the moment of the moment, an arrow galloped and missed the stab!

It’s Mawson! The huge impact caused the fatal thorn to change its direction and stab it on the concrete floor.



Tian Jun and Kerry arrived just in time, and Kerry carried a heavy eight-rowed alloy shield and flew the male spider to the top. Tian Jun wielded a sledgehammer and hit the spider’s mouthparts.

The male spider was smaller in size and not as powerful as the female spider, and was suddenly topped by a huge shield, and then knocked to the ground by a double-headed hammer.

Mawson jumped down from the air, bent his knees slightly, and landed steadily!

Tian Jun shouted: “Captain! This male spider has just reached Tier 4, so I can solve it with Kerry!”

Kerry is an honest man with a very rough appearance. He shouted loudly: “Captain! I and Tian Jun can solve it, you can help Hebrew, I seem to see the spider web entangled his hair!”

Mo Sen, who was planning to end the male spider’s life, smiled and said, “Okay! With the addition of this male spider, we can go back and hand in the task!”

The Hebrew was trapped in the spider web and shouted: “Boss! Gail! Don’t say, come and save me!! My hair is stuck! Ah! I don’t want to be bald! My hair has just grown!”

Gale also rushed to the scene and followed Mawson to help Hebrew cut the web.

The cobwebs on my body are almost processed, but the ones on my head… a bit difficult to deal with.

Mawson frowned and said disgustedly: “Tsk, your hair has to be cut and it’s completely stuck.”

Hebrew collapse: “No! My hair! Please save my hair! They are just children!”

The voice did not fall.


Gail lifted the dagger blankly, and with a click, Hebrew once again saw a large bunch of fine golden hair fall out of his eyes.

Before I had time to be sad, there was another cry:


Mawson watched Gail start his hand cleanly, and he also swiped cruelly, and another bunch of slightly curly blond hair fell off.

Hebrew lost his newly born hair, heartache was unable to breathe, his blue eyes rolled over, and he passed out!

The battle with the male spider over there is also over. Tian Jun and Kerry are holding their weapons, sitting on the ground and panting, breathing out a mouthful of white mist in the cold night.

The two were the closest to the tarantula, and now they were covered in the smell of tarantula juice, embarrassed.

Other people are more or less dirty.

Tian Jun got up and said, “Captain! Let’s pack up and go back! I don’t have enough space, whoever collects the tarantula corpse.”

The battle is over, now is the most relaxing moment for everyone.

However, the danger has not completely faded away!

In the bushes behind Tian Jun, wind and sand blew across, and a small crossbow and arrow shot out in the dark corner!


Shout out! Unprepared Tian Jun was shot in the knee, and he suddenly fell to his knees.

A group of people came out from behind the bushes.

A short man holding a new-style acrylic alloy bow and crossbow against Tian Jun’s head, even if there is a spiritual barrier at such a close distance, he will be shot in the opposite direction!

There are men and women in this group, all from the Sentinel Academy, and there are several familiar faces among them.

Judd walked out of the shadow slowly, pretending to smile smartly: “It’s been a long time, my friends.”

The author has something to say: Hebrew: How to break the hair volume is getting scarce, wait online, very anxious!

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