Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 115

Chapter 115: Arcadia (3)

The Undefeated Flag

We’re planning to revise about 2-3 parts of this content. For now, I’ll just post what I’ve written and later note where I’ve made changes.

I apologize for the lack of depth due to not thinking it through.

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On January 9th at 3 PM, some of the content was revised.

The revision started from Arcadia (1).

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The Undefeated Flag.

One of the symbols of the Emperor of the Empire and one of the three divine treasures possessed by humanity.

It was created in the early days of Arcadia, during a time when it took the form of a tribal confederation.

This flag, with its mix of silver and black, is said to bear the image of the saber-toothed tiger, symbolizing Makairodous, the founding king who laid the foundations of the Empire and was known as the first ruler of Arcadia.

Originally a prince of the nation of Arcad, he experienced the tragic devastation of his homeland at the hands of the Goddess of Life and is said to have poured his sorrow out to the Dragon’s Priestess, the Goddess’s agent.

What he wished for was the Goddess to lift the curse, but once a Goddess’s curse is laid, it can’t be easily removed. So, the Undefeated Flag came to be as a substitute.


Under the shimmering silver flag, the army commanded by its leader will never falter, becoming a strong force that remains unyielding in any situation.

The entire army is said to move as smoothly as the commander’s own limbs.

If the Crown of Immortality symbolizes the ruler, the flag represents the commander guiding the army. Armies defeated under the Undefeated Flag are few and far between, with the only notable defeat being to the ancient Elf-Dwarf coalition against the Darkness Army.

Of course, some people mockingly refer to it as the “Defeated Flag,” but that’s just a minority opinion.

The fact that this flag has faced dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of battles with just a single defeat is proof of its might.

In the lengthy history of humanity, the Undefeated Flag, like the Crown of Immortality, has briefly disappeared from records. It’s suspected that this disappearance coincided with the time when the Demon King led the Demon Clan to invade the world, prompting him to view the flag as a threat and steal it.

For the Demon King, who almost conquered all living beings on earth, to see it as a danger indicates the tremendous power this banner wields.

Humanity and its armies will never be broken under this flag.

– From the Encyclopedia of Legendary Weapons.

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The King of Makai swung the flag lightly in his hand.

The spear-like staff was lighter than he expected, causing a look of surprise to cross his face.


“I designed the staff to be usable like a spear. And the flag itself is quite sturdy, so it should block even standard arrows.”

Wrapping the flag around oneself could prevent arrows from piercing, though it might still sting a little.

“This strange energy… it’s reminiscent of a crown?”


Is he referring to that crown I once gave to humans?

“It’s a bizarre energy that I can’t quite explain, but it feels familiar, almost like the crown I used to hold.”

Ah, so that’s what he’s talking about. Since he was the prince from Arcad, where that crown was passed down, it makes sense he’d recognize it.

“You can sense the energy?”

“It’s hard to explain, but it’s a weak sensation, like something I can vaguely perceive. It’s really tricky to explain…”

Hmm. He’s sensing energy even though he’s not a mage or an elf or dragon born with magic? How curious.

“Are you sensing mana?”

“Mana? You mean the power mages use?”

“Yes. If that crown you mentioned is the one I know, it was crafted by a Dragon’s Priestess, just like me, so they might have similar energy.”

Upon hearing this, a flicker of bewilderment crossed the King of Makai’s eyes.

“Excuse me, but… how old are you?”

“What’s with the sudden age question?!”

“Well, you see, that crown has been passed down through my ancestors for generations. It’s hard for me to believe that a Dragon’s Priestess made it…”

Wait, is he seriously suggesting that this Dragon’s Priestess created that crown? No, that’s not exactly right! I did make it, but that was ages ago when humans were just stepping out of their primitive stage!

“There’s more than just me when it comes to Dragon’s Priestesses. The Goddess sends us to oversee the world, so innumerable Dragon’s Priestesses have existed till now.”

At that, the King of Makai nodded, a hint of understanding in his expression.

“Indeed, she chose to appear and select the hero, so it can’t have just been one.”

At that, the hero gave a slightly awkward smile.

This guy… He knows my identity, doesn’t he? But still plays coy…!

“Ahem! Along with the flag, I shall also give you this.”

I cleared my throat and conjured several books.

The Art of War, 36 Stratagems. A military manual explaining six strategies that can be used in varying types of situations, complete with anecdotes.

You know, the classic military guide often referred to as the 36 Stratagems of Retreat.

Of course, I adjusted the content a bit to fit this era, rewriting the idioms into simpler terms.

“This book contains the principles of troop movements. It should be a useful reference for maneuvering your forces.”


The King of Makai examined the book with keen interest.

In an age where the concept of military tactics doesn’t even exist, a book explaining strategies through stories would surely be a treasured prize.

And lastly,

“Here, take this too.”

“What is this…?”

I handed the King of Makai a large leather pouch.

Inside the pouch, roughly the size of a child, was…

“It’s a potato. Grows well even in barren soil.”

Yes, the ultimate emergency food item.

Of course, there are many downsides too! But these are specially modified potatoes, which grow faster and are more resilient to pests and diseases!

“Since they thrive even in poor earth, they’ll do well here as well. If you make good use of these potatoes, feeding your people shouldn’t be an issue.”

“What a peculiar fruit.”

“It’s not a fruit; it’s the root of a plant. New shoots grow from the eyes of the potato if you plant them, but don’t forget to remove the sprouts—they’re toxic!”

There are other concerns too, like their high water content making them heavy to transport, and the extra effort required to harvest them since they grow underground.

But honestly, having something to eat in this barren land is a lot better than having nothing!

Besides, you can plant these in sunny spots as you roam around, and just dig them up for food later!

“Anyway, I present you with this flag, the military manual, and the potatoes. I hope these help ease the sorrow of Arcad.”

Hmm, maybe I should fetch that second prince still running around like a headless chicken and make him apologize…?

I’ve noticed he’s been getting thoroughly spanked by nature lately… Hmm…

I’ll find some time to chase after him with the hero later.

“Thank you! So the Goddess of Life wasn’t merely a cruel deity.”

“Well, the foolish one was at fault first.”

And I didn’t expect him to be wandering for decades!

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“Hmm? What’s that over there?”

“Oh! You’ve returned! Did you bring back a lot of meat?”

As the retainer entered the tent, he displayed a large piece of meat to the King of Makai.

“I paid a good price for it. Phillio picked out the best cuts.”

“Huh? Then where’s my money?!”

“Who cares about your kingly pocket money? Anyway, you were saying something about a flag?”

Hearing the retainer’s words, the King of Makai laughed like a child and replied,

“Isn’t it magnificent? The Dragon’s Priestess made it for me!”

“Honestly… You’re like a little kid. Don’t let the Dragon’s Priestess indulge your every whim. If you keep that up, you’ll never hear the end of it. You still have the mind of a child, you know…”

“Aha ha.”

I could only chuckle softly.

Is he hiding his true nature even from this close retainer? Or does he act childlike around this elderly guy?

Either way, it certainly piques my interest.

“Alright, make sure to relay the meat to the lady. Also, tell her to prepare to welcome a distinguished guest.”

“Wouldn’t it be better if you told her yourself?”

At that suggestion, the King of Makai’s face tensed up a little.

“But… the lady is secretly quite the terror. Maybe because she’s half-human… Especially at night…”

“I don’t want to hear about your personal life. And please call her the queen, not some weird title like ‘lady.’ The kids have taken to calling her ‘lady’ instead of ‘queen’ because you keep using that term.”

“Isn’t it amusing?”

“Not at all.”

Hmm. Is the queen a beastman?

Well, she did use the crown as collateral to save this land, but there’s no way it was easy for her to get along with the tribes already living here.

So, in situations like this, a marriage alliance would be the simplest solution.

“My wife is pretty, kind, and good at household chores, but the issue is she turns terrifying at night. Ugh…”

“What are you saying in front of our guest?!”

As the retainer shouted, the hero covered my ears. Well, I get what he’s trying to say, but I already know everything, alright?

Does he think that just because my body looks like a young girl, my mind is too? Especially since he knows my identity?!

“Then I will guide the guests to the visitors’ tent and deliver the message to the Queen. Don’t get too absorbed in your work, and come at the right time.”

“Alright. I’ll leave it to you.”

“Well then, this way, you two.”

Thus, we followed the retainer as he led us to another tent.

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“I can hardly believe I’m meeting the legendary hero. How astonishing!”

The wife of King Makai was, as expected, a beastman with horse-like features, almost human in form with just horse ears and a tail.

Hmm, we have both centaur-type horse beastmen and horse-girl-type beastmen… The variety is rather wide.

“And what a cute hero you are! I heard you could take down gigantic monsters with a single blow. Oh my my.”

But why the mix-up? Why do they think I’m the hero?

“I’m sorry, but the hero is over there. I’m the Dragon’s Priestess.”

“Huh? This one’s the hero? Well, that seems rather flimsy to me?”


“Doesn’t the Dragon’s Priestess seem much stronger than the hero? Am I just imagining things?”

Oh, um… It’s not imagination. I am indeed stronger than the hero.

But to realize it so quickly—could this be some animal instinct?

“And you also have such an adorable companion! But remember, my hands aren’t food, so licking won’t get you anywhere!”

A horse beastman being licked by a beast god? Where’s the dignity in being a deity? You’re still technically a beast!

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