When Your Pain Becomes Mine

Chapter 168

Chapter 168: Chapter 168.

You still don’t know?
In the living room of Sun’s place.

Wandering in the living room while holding his phone in his hand, Gyeonhui raised up his head and looked at the clock.

It was already about 1 in the morning.

Biting his lower lip, Gyeonhui suddenly wore his jacket.

“What? What are you doing?” Falling asleep, Ojae was surprised and asked him.

“Can you fall asleep in this situation?” Gyeonhui said while furrowing his eyebrows.

“I’m sorry, I stayed up all night long yesterday…” Ojae yawned sleepily and looked at Gyeonhui again. “Are you leaving?” Ojae asked.

“I can’t just stay at home like this.”

“No… Are you going to go out and find her by yourself?” Gyeonhui nodded.

“Where to?”

“I don’t know, but I have to do something.”

“Okay. Let me go with you.”

“You should stay here.”

“What do you mean? We need to do this together.”

“She might come back soon like a miracle as if nothing had happened at all.”


“Please stay here. You’re the only person I can trust.”


“Thank you.” Gyeonhui tried to leave, turning his body.


At that moment, Gyeonhui collapsed while grabbing his shoulders and screaming.


His body collapsed and hit the door with a loud sound.

“What… What’s wrong?!!”

Ojae panicked and hurriedly came to Gyeonhui. Biting his lower lip, Gyeonhui looked at his shoulder in terrible pain.

It was similar to when somebody beat him with a stick.


“Is it her pain?”

Gyeonhui was barely conscious and nodded at Ojae.

“Sun… I have to find her soon…”

Biting his teeth tightly, Gyeonhui stood up again.

At that moment, his cell phone started to ring.

When he saw the numbers on the phone, he saw that it was an unknown number that he hadn’t seen before.

It started with number 031, so it looked like a public phone or home phone, not a cell phone.

Gyeonhui knew that something went really wrong with Sun and slowly picked up the phone.

“Who is this?”

“Do you remember the pain that you just felt?” The man over the phone asked him like he was sure about the pain.

Gyeonhui’s face subsided.

“Who the hell are you?”

“You don’t need to know. Just know that I’m a person who knows your secret.”

Hearing him say ‘secret,’ Gyeonhui frowned. The man knew about Gyeonhui’s secret about how he can feel Sun’s pain.

“Was it you who kidnapped Sun?”

“Hmm… kidnap…? That sounds about right. Anyways, long story short, prepare 10 million in cash.”

“What? 10 million?”

Hearing that tremendous amount of money, Ojae’s eyes grew big in panic.

“I don’t think that I need to tell you this, but you had better not call the police if you want to see your girl again alive. I’m sure it’s big money for you, so I’m giving you an hour to prepare the cash. I’ll call you after an hour. ”

“Hello? Hello!?”

Gyeonhui called him hurriedly, but the phone was already hung up.

“Damn it… ah…”

After that, Gyeonhui’s face worsened because of the throbbing pain in his shoulder.

“What do we have to do now? Should we call the police again?”

Gyeonhui saw that Ojae was holding the phone in his hand. Gyeonhui shook his head.

“Prepare the cash.”

“… 10 Million… How…?”

“Do everything you can.”

Even for a millionaire like Gyeonhui, it wasn’t easy to just have 10 million in cash right away.

“I will… however…”

It wasn’t easy to supply 10 million in cash ordinarily; it was hard to do it. He had to suffer a lot of loss.

“It’s fine. Just have them ready.”

After reading Ojae’s mind, Gyeonhui answered him in advance. Ojae nodded with a hardened face.

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to find her.”

“How? You said you’re not going to call the police.” Ojae asked him in wonder.

“… Because we have a clue…”

Gyeonhui looked down at his phone with a serious expression.


On the freeway.

Gyeonhui was driving while holding his own shoulder with a firm expression.

“Trade everything you can as soon as possible. Send the stocks and bonds to the brokers.

I know I’m losing a lot of money, but just do it. We’re running out of time.”

When Ojae hung up the phone, he turned his face and looked at Gyeonhui.

Gyeonhui nodded and only focused on driving the car.

“How’s your shoulder?”

Hearing Ojae’s question, Gyeonhui looked down at his shoulder.

He still had terrible pain in his shoulder, but at the same time, he was relieved because it meant that Sun was still alive.

“Who the hell kidnapped her?” Ojae asked like he couldn’t understand the reason.

“We don’t know. The only thing I know about him is that he knows who I am and what my secret is too.”

“There’s only three of us.”

“Yes, you, me, and Dr. Seo.”

“I’m sure Dr. Seo wouldn’t do that, and you’re not the one obviously…”

Ojae raised his face up and felt that Gyeonhui was looking at him quietly.

“It’s not… me….never. Do you not trust me?!”

“I do because I know that you have too much of a big heart to do so.”

“Right, but I don’t know I like what you just said.”

Ojae wasn’t satisfied and tilted his head in frustration.

“Who did this…”

Gyeonhui was also wondering, but he soon shook his head. What matters now was not who did this. It was how to save her securely.

When Gyeonhui took the exit from the interchange, his car soon reached a dark and lonely road.

The road looked even darker and dangerous because only a few street lights were on the street. Gyeonhui saw a public phone booth in the distance.

“I think… that’s the one…”

Ojae asked nervously while swallowing his saliva.

Instead of answering, Gyeonhui nodded.

He had asked the telephone company about the location based on the phone number from the man and was finally able to find the location of the public phone booth.

“You’re amazing. How did you think of finding the phone booth in such chaos?”

Hearing Ojae, Gyeonhui was lost in thought.

“When I broke up with Sun, I had confirmed every call I had to see if she had called me.”

“Oh my…”

“I wondered what number she would have used to call me. Whenever I received some strange numbers, I thought it could have been her, so I tracked them down and found out that I could also find the locations of public phone booths.”

“All of them…? You’re… amazing…”

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