When I Abandoned the Protagonist

Chapter 23

Chapter 21: Small Waste Destined To Be Abandoned (1)

Su Mingxiu was thrown directly into the new world by the impatient system.

The moment she opened her eyes, she felt a chill immersed in the bone marrow, and then a rustling white fell from the eyelashes, fell into the bottom of her eyes, and was melted and disappeared by her temperature, leaving only Very shallow water marks.

As far as you can see, there is a huge piece of mysterious ice.

The wisps around the black ice exude a tangible chill, and white fog clouds flow out of the ground, and the ground and dome in contact with it are all connected by this ice blue.

Just standing at such a close distance to breathe, the heat she exhaled instantly turned into frost, and her hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes were frosty white everywhere.

But her body seemed to be accustomed to such a cold, and the chills penetrated her heart, and she couldn’t make her move half a step.

Instead, he saw his half figure through the ice surface.

The figure was wearing a gray ink-stained robe, and the shades of black were wild and scribbled.

Su Mingxiu couldn’t help but leaned closer, as if trying to find out the difference between the appearance of this world and the previous one.

The movements changed, and the shadow cast on the mysterious ice gradually became clear. At the same time, Su Mingxiu saw with sharp eyes that there was another person frozen in the depths of the ice layer—

Before I see it clearly, a familiar voice is already connected in my mind.

[Host successfully launched…world storyline loading…]

Innumerable amounts of information flooded into Su Mingxiu’s mind again.

This world is very similar to where she came from. It is also a small world of cultivating immortals. It’s just that since a thousand years ago, the world has gradually lost its vitality and aura has become scarce, and no one in this world can open it. Ascend the ladder.

Therefore, this world has become a country abandoned by the immortals. For the next thousand years, no matter how amazing and talented people are, those who come from such a small world will not be able to ascend to immortality.

Su Mingxiu, the elder Lingyu of Jianzong, and a recognized genius in the cultivation world. He cultivated to Mahayana eight hundred years ago, but he also failed to survive the calamity. It caused her cultivation to go backwards for more than three major cycles, and she also suffered from illness.

Everyone sighs that she is also trapped in the laws of this world and abandoned by the fairy world, and is destined to perish under the rules—

The truth of the failure of transcendence, only she knows.

This elder Lingyu, who has practiced ruthless sword art since childhood, has a secret, and she hides a person in her heart.

On the eve of the calamity, Su Mingxiu, the sweetheart, is also facing a breakthrough. It is just a simple golden elixir to raise Nascent Soul, which is supposed to be foolproof. Convenience happened to be plotted by the enemy, and Yu Tianlei made a mistake, almost destroying his soul.

If Su Mingxiu, who was in retreat, sensed her dangerous situation, and traveled across four continents from thousands of miles away, she would have lost her love on that day.

Rao is so, she is still one step behind.

The soul of the sweetheart is damaged, even if only half of the body is damaged, it is difficult to walk on this longevity road.

Cultivation of immortals is to go against the sky, how can Elder Lingyu be reconciled?

When she transcended the calamity, she gave birth to a demon, and she was defeated by the demon, and her vitality was greatly damaged.

But she doesn’t care, she will raise it for a few days, then she will send out the sword sect to kill the enemy, and then go to the depths of the north, looking for Xuanbing, who has not changed for ten thousand years, to preserve the body of her sweetheart. , and then fetched many treasures of heaven and earth to warm and nourish the soul of the other party.

Five hundred years have passed—

Just a thought.

She started looking for crooked ways.

Another hundred years.

Elder Lingyu finally found a prescription: just find a baby girl who was born at the same month and the same day as her sweetheart, and has similar spiritual roots. Roots, seize their golden pills, such nine people’s talents, even an old man who is half-in-the-earth in the mortal world, can become a cultivator genius overnight, not to mention just repairing the body of a cultivator?

So on the second day, Sword Sect’s Lingyu Mountain Cave House was opened, and disciples were widely accepted.

Three hundred years later.

The protagonist of this world, Guimian, is the last healing herb chosen by Elder Lingyu for his sweetheart.


In addition, her cultivation has been stuck in the Qi refining stage, unable to advance.

She had no intention of choosing this waste material for cultivation, but… this return to sleep, looks very similar to her sweetheart when she was young.

One more point.

This Guimian is different from all the mortals in this world. She was born with no understanding of the seven emotions, and it is difficult to distinguish the six desires. That celestial mass of humanoid mud.

Seeing this, Elder Lingyu became more and more certain that this Guimian was destined to make medicinal herbs for her lover.

[The storyline is live! Release the ultimate mission: The church returns to sleep with seven emotions and six desires, helps her to cultivate to the golden elixir stage, and then takes away her golden elixir and root bone, and rebuilds the bones, blood and spiritual veins for your lover. 】

Su Mingxiu pressed her fingertips to her forehead, and an unnamed fire grew in her heart, and she had an intuition.

This is so, Su Mingxiu looked at the ten thousand years of mysterious ice in front of her, still wished she could cut it down with her sword, so that this so-called ‘sweet man” could be turned into the nourishment of heaven and earth aura—

“Evil heretics.”

What if the person in this mysterious ice is resurrected?

Bearing such sins, if she was the way of heaven, she would not tolerate such sins.

, there is no benefit in the reshaping of your own soul.”

But as soon as its voice fell, a crisp sound was heard.

Su Mingxiu didn’t know when to call out the sword of life from the spirit platform, the fingertips moved slightly, the sword tip hummed, and suddenly it divided into two, two divided into four…

In the blink of an eye, eighty-one identical magical weapons appeared in the ice and snow, and the tip of each sword was directed towards the piece of ten thousand years of mysterious ice.

The system’s frantic voice suddenly coincides with the movement of Jian Luo:

[Ooc behavior is prohibited! 】


Su Mingxiu heard the ice cube hit the mountain wall, and wrapped the sword around her fingertips, slowly returning to the system: “After 800 years, my thoughts are like crazy, I want to see the face of my lover again. Can you call it ooc…”

While speaking, she inadvertently looked at the face of the beauty under the ice, wanting to see what kind of person could attract a Ruthless Sword Master.

But her eyes turned, and the slender long sword that was originally wrapped around her fingertips sensed her mind and trembled like a trembling.

The person under the ice is clearly the face she is most familiar with.

It was her first love face.

It also looks like Yu Yinglan in the previous world, even with her eyes closed, she still has a sense of vulnerability.

Thinking of the fact that in the world setting, Guimian looks similar to this woman, Su Mingxiu squinted her eyes and laughed in anger, she lowered her eyes and asked the system:

The system is noncommittal: “Which one to kill, which one to save, and which one to love, you can choose carefully.”

“What if I don’t choose?” Su Mingxiu asked deliberately.

“Then I’ll choose for you—” The system seems to have a disease called “Su Mingxiu ptsd”, and is haunted by her behavior in the last world that affected the plot direction, and now in this thread In the world line, she vowed to prevent all her exploiting the loopholes.

It was a straight-forward, unwavering mechanical voice, but Su Mingxiu could hear the inexplicable sense of pride in his words:

[Want to know how the 5 ooc values you accumulated in the last world will affect your completion of tasks in this world? 】

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