When Heartthrob Omega Wears Into the Present World

Chapter 17

Chapter 16 – Play Hard To Get

Lu Ci had a crying scene today, which was Ah Qin’s emotional outburst after he learned that his father and brother had died on the battlefield.

Bai Hua called people aside, talked about the precautions for releasing emotions for a long time, and almost asked Chi Shuang to demonstrate it to her.

Lu Ci walked aside alone, brewing emotions.

Bai Hua called Chi Shuang over, “It’s a bit difficult to control this emotion, if she can’t act out in a while, you can set an example for her.”


After everyone waited for a while, Lu Ci came back, “Director, I’m fine.”

“Okay, let’s try it first.” Bai Hua called everyone to get ready.

Lu Ci felt an eager gaze, turned his head to look over, and saw Chi Shuang winked at her, gestured with his mouth, and said “Come on”.

Lu Ci unconsciously raised the corner of his mouth, and held back the next second.

“Come on, get ready, start!”

Following Bai Hua’s order, a tribal soldier stumbled into the tent, “Princess, princess…”

“Have you found my father Khan?”

The soldier fell to his knees with a plop.

“Found two headless bodies, possibly…”

“who is it?”

The soldier was trembling and didn’t make a sound for a long time.

Ah Qin grabbed the man by the neck and lifted him up, “Say it!” A terrifying aura burst out suddenly.

“Yes, King Khan and… the eldest prince.”

“Impossible, my father and brother have experienced hundreds of battles, they are the bravest gods of war on the grassland!” Ah Qin pushed the soldiers away and rushed out of the tent.

Outside the tent, all the soldiers surrounded the two corpses, weeping together.

Ah Qin pushed everyone away, looked around with round eyes, “Don’t cry!”

“Princess, this is, this is the soft armor of King Khan, and the… big prince’s sword.”

Ah Qin looked at the thing in the man’s hand, the veins on his forehead stood out, but he still refused to believe it.

She went to the corpse and knelt down, grabbed the white cloth covering the corpse with her left hand, and threw it away.

“Head, where’s the head? Where’s his head!?”

Ah Qin’s eyes were red, his eyes were about to burst, “Where’s his head!”

“Report, princess, princess, King Xiang hung the…heads of King Khan and the eldest prince on the city wall.”

Ah Qin’s vision froze, and he bumped into the weapon rack beside him.

“Prince Xiang!” Ah Qin paused, her eyes were so red that she was about to bleed, her left hand grasped the blade of the gun, and a line of blood dripped slowly from her palm.

Bai Hua was pleasantly surprised by her acting skills, and suddenly frowned, “Did you give her plasma?”



Chi Shuang rushed over immediately, followed by Bai Hua.

Bai Hua grasped Luci’s hand and gently opened it. There was a scratch about one centimeter on the center of the palm, and the bright red blood was slowly flowing down. There was a wound!

“What’s going on? Why don’t you speak!”

Lu Ci was still immersed in emotions, and she didn’t hear Bai Hua’s “snap”. After a while, she saw that the wound was bleeding, and she felt pain in her hand after a while.

Chi Shuang glanced at the gun, the blade at the tip of the gun was sealed, but there was a little unsealed edge, Chi Shuang rubbed it with his fingernail, and there was a white scratch, very sharp.

“Director, it’s okay, I accidentally scratched it.” Lu Ci frowned, feeling Bai Hua firmly hold her hand with the gauze, and took a light breath.

“Go and sterilize her.” Bai Hua turned her head and glanced at Chi Shuang. She passed Lu Ci’s hand into Chi Shuang’s hand, then picked up the gun and looked at it, “Who sealed this blade? You guys?” How do you work?” Yuan stared angrily.

Chi Shuang took Lu Ci’s soft hand, but didn’t dare to hold it too hard, and brought her back to the tent. Qiu Ling and others also swarmed over.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, you don’t need to make a fuss, it’s really okay.”

“Go and do your work first.” Chi Shuang called out and dispersed the crew.

“What happened? Was it pierced by a gun? Did it go deep? Do I need a tetanus?” Qiu Ling asked all the time.

“No, no, just rub some medicine and you’ll be fine.”

“Is the injury deep? Will it leave a scar?” Qiu Ling worried.

“No.” The deer said.

Chi Shuang dipped a cotton swab in alcohol and carefully disinfected her. As soon as Lu Ci reacted, she stopped.

“I’ll do it myself.” Lu Ci wanted to withdraw his hand.

Chi Shuang held her fingertips and refused to let go.

Lu Ci looked at Chi Shuang, then at Qiu Ling, “Sister Ling, you guys should go get busy too, I’m fine.”

“Oh, I’ll ask the doctor to see if you need an injection in this case.”

After everyone had gone out, Lu Ci withdrew his hand forcefully and let out a soft cry of pain.

Chi Shuang glanced at her, as if she was about to speak, but suddenly heard footsteps, squinted her eyes, and realized that someone was coming, Chi Shuang turned her face to the side, putting on the look of keeping strangers away.

Lu Ci looked at her suspiciously, why did this person change his face so quickly.

Bai Hua walked in, “How is it? Has the wound been cleaned? Has the medicine been applied? Is it serious?”

“Chi Shuang? What did I ask you to do?” Bai Hua saw the two of them like this, and then saw Lu Ci covering his hands, and immediately aimed the cannon at Chi Shuang.

Chi Shuang frowned, “I don’t want to…”

“What don’t you want? Don’t want to touch her? Is she poisonous and you don’t want to touch her? Can she eat you?”

“I…” Chi Shuang hesitated to speak.

“Am I spoiled by you, and I can’t fix my bad habits? Hold her hand, hurry up.” Bai Hua ordered seriously.

“Director…” Lu Ci felt something was wrong.

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Chi Shuang? Hurry up!”

Chi Shuang held Lu Ci’s hand reluctantly.

“Would you be gentle? Do you understand pity and cherish jade?”

“Gently wipe her with disinfectant, then apply medicine, wipe off the blood on the side, and then put on a band-aid.” Bai Hua stood behind Chi Shuang, staring at her step by step.

Chi Shuang looked at Lu Ci without hiding the smile on his face.

Luci’s eyelids twitched.

this woman…

Lu Ci just wanted to withdraw his hand.

Bai Hua patted Chi Shuang, “You hurt someone, do you know that? Blow!”


Relying on the fact that Bai Hua couldn’t see her face, Chi Shuang took Lu Ci’s hand to her lips, blew gently, and lowered her head, pecking her fingertips lightly on the pretext of looking at the wound.


“Director, there is really no need…”

“Don’t worry about it, just tell me if you feel uncomfortable.”

“No, I don’t feel any pain anymore, I’m fine.”

“You don’t have to speak for her, she just needs to be cleaned up.” Bai Hua said angrily.

“I do not…”

Seeing Chi Shuang raised the corners of his mouth, Lu Ci was so angry that his forehead twitched. Is this what you people on Earth call playing hard to get?

“Okay, let’s put a Band-Aid on it.” Bai Hua said.

Chi Shuang obeyed.

“Well, fine, then you can rest here with her for a while.” Bai Hua turned around and took two steps, then turned back, “Be gentle with people! Don’t make a straight face!”


When Bai Hua went out, Lu Ci glared at Chi Shuang viciously, “You did it on purpose!”


“Be careful next time, don’t hurt yourself again.”

“Okay?” Chi Shuang rubbed her head.

Lu Ci looked up at her, and the tiny light and shadow fell in her eyes, like countless small stars, and each star reflected himself.

Lu Ci turned his head away, his heart seemed to be stroked softly by a feather, it was a kind of throbbing that he had never felt before.

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