Chapter 9: Nine
The next morning Arya bid Thornin goodbye and started with the first step of her investigation.
She made her way to the main house.
"Yes, what do you want?" one of the guards asked her.
"I want to see Lady Amara." she requested.
The guard looked at her like she had grown two heads overnight.
He looked left and right before leaning close to her.
"Is there a problem, should I send someone to get Thornin?" he whispered.
Arya was touched at his concern.
"No, everything is fine." she assured him.
"Okay, come with me" he told her still looking unconvinced.
He took Arya to the dining room where Lady Amara was eating breakfast.
Lady Amara looked at Arya with deep displeasure.
"Yes, how may I help you?" she asked.
"Please ma'am, I wanted to ask you for a favor." Arya told her.
"You may go." lady Amara told the guard who bowed and left.
"So what is it?" lady Amara asked.
"I would like to apologize for everything that happened that day."
"Really? So you agree it was your fault?"
"Yes ma'am, you are right, I should be working as a servant and not lazing about like a princess."
Lady Amara looked at her suspiciously.
"So why isn't your defender husband here to apologize as well?"
Arya smiled at her sweetly. "My lady, you know Thornin, he feels guilty that he can't face you. But he is really sorry."
"He hit my precious son."
"He is really sorry ma'am."
"So what do you do intend to do now? Continue lazing around?" lady Amara asked.
"No, my lady, that's another reason why I am here. I wish to work as your personal servant."
"i already have one. Pim does well."
"But I can do so much better. I was brought up in society and I know all the proper etiquette. I believe I can do better ma'am."
Lady Amara looked at Arya thoughtfully. It was true, Arya was brought up in society and knew all the etiquette she was constantly trying to teach Pim.
Besides, taking Arya as a servant meant she would be able to gloat at Lady Warawut, Arya's mother.
"I will give you a test trial, three days and if you don't do a good job, you will be sent to the washroom."
"Thank you my lady."
"You will work here from morning till evening. But I will call on you should I have an event. Is that understood?"
"Yes ma'am" Arya replied.
"and don't even think of killing me like you did to that girl. I assure you that you will die painfully."
Arya made a shocked face. "I assure you that I would never think of such a thing ma'am."
"Good, come up with me. Your work starts now." lady Amara said and stood up.
Arya hid a small triumphant smile. She had known Lady Amara would take the bait.
Lady Amara was a narcissistic woman and Arya knew that she would never miss an opportunity to embarrass Lady Warawut.
But that was none of Arya's business. She was in the house now and she could find out the truth for Thornin. It was the least she could do after all he had done for her.
Pim came into the house. She glared at Arya when she saw her.
"Good morning, my lady." she curtesied.
"I won't be needing your services today Pim. Arya here will be replacing you."
"But my lady...." Pim tried to protest.
"No buts, meet Lada for your new duties." lady Amara said dismissively.
If looks could kill, Arya would have died from the intense hate glare, Pim threw her way.
"Yes my lady." Pim said reluctantly and left.
Arya had not thought about Pim when she made this plan. But it was good it happened this way, Pim had been the one to expose her to lady Amara that day, so this little revenge was good.
"Arya, are you coming?" Lady Amara asked bringing her out of her reverie.
"Yes ma'am, I am on my way." she replied.
Arya didn't do much the first day apart from arranging lady Amara clothes and jeweleries.
When it was evening, she was dismissed. She went back to the servant quarters hoping Thornin hadn't heard about her new job yet, so she could tell him herself.
Her hopes were dashed when she opened the door and saw an angry Thornin waiting for her.
"Hey, how was work?" she asked tentatively.
"What were you thinking?" he asked.
"What do you mean?" she feigned disbelief.
"Arya, you went to Lady Amara to ask for a job? Why?"
"I just wanted to help out with the finances."
"Arya, I took on extra shifts so I can take care of us. I know all of this isn't what you are used to. But I am trying my best here."
"Thornin, I am not complaining. I know you are doing your best and I appreciate it. I just want to help"
"But I didn't ask for your help." he told her.
"You said you wanted me to leave the room." she pointed out.
He raised his hands up in exasperation.
"I meant go out to the market, the library, the townsquare, not go work in the main house."
"Look, I think you are getting worked up over nothing. It will be fine."
"Arya, you didn't hear what he said about you. I don't want you where Akkhi would have access to you." he told her.
Arya looked at him, he really did care about her. He was a good man and before the one year ran out, she would find the truth for him.
And then she would tell him his box of stones was enough to set him up for life and he could stop being a servant, she owed him that much.
Arya stepped closer to him and held his hands.
"I promise you, I will be fine. Akkhi won't do anything to me."
"I don't like this Arya."
"I am really sorry, forgive me?" she gave him her best puppy eyed look until he folded.
"This isn't over." he said grudginly.
"Let's eat dinner." she told him with a smile.