When Fire meets Earth เมื่อไฟพบดิน

Chapter 6: Six

Arya stared at a nearly unconscious Thornin on the bed. She didn't even know where to start from. There was so much blood. The skin on his back was shredded.

And he was in so much pain. She sobbed, this was all her fault. He had gone there to defend her and ended up being whipped.

She knelt beside him and held his hand.

"I am so sorry"

The door opened, she looked and it was Lord Adisorn.

"My lord."

He walked closer to the bed and took in the sight. She heard him curse underneath his breath.

"Arya, get me water and a wash cloth." he instructed.

"Yes, my lord." Arya immediately went to get the items.

"Tan, take the carriage and go get the doctor immediately." he instructed the servant who had come with him.

"Yes, my lord." the servant replied.

Arya got the water and washcloth.

"Get me a knife."

She brought a small knife to him.

Lord Adisorn took off his jacket and he was wearing just his inner shirt. He climbed on the bed and using the knife, he gently tore it off Thornin's body.

Thornin groaned in pain.

"It's okay, Your Lord is here." Lord Adisorn told him.

Lord Adisorn took off the torn jacket and using the wash cloth, he wiped away the blood and dirt.

Thornin thrashed on the bed in pain.

"Arya, hold his hand." Lord Adisorn instructed.

She nodded and knelt beside Thornin holding his hand tightly.

By the time he was through, the doctor had already arrived.

He immediately went to work, giving Thornin a sedative to make him sleep through the pain. He disinfected the wound and wrapped it.

"will he be okay?" Lord Adisorn asked the doctor.

"He will be fine, he just needs rest, I will leave my assistant here to change the wrappings. If there is any problem, he will instruct your servants to call me."

"Thank you doctor." Lord Adisorn thanked him.

"It's nothing, Lord Adisorn." the doctor left after giving further instructions to his assistant.

"Arya, you should have some rest." Lord Adisorn told her.

"Thank you Lord Adisorn for everything." Arya appreciated him.

"It's nothing, Thornin is very dear to me. I am sorry this happened. I will let the lady know you aren't a servant."

"Thank you my lord."

"No more thanks, now take some rest."

Arya nodded.

He smiled at her and left the room.

Lord Adisorn walked angrily to the main house.

The boys and Lady Amara were having dessert in the front room. They weren't aware he had come back.

"Father, you are home! Is that blood on your shirt?" Nam asked noticing the blood.

"Father, what happened did you get into an accident?" Phayu asked.

Lady Amara and Akkhi looked at him in concern.

"It's not my blood, it's Thornin's" he informed them.

Lady Amara's face twisted into a frown.

"Oh that nobody, I am sure he reported to you." Akkhi sneered.

Lord Adisorn slapped him so hard he fell.

"Why did you slap him?" Lady Amara asked.

"How dare you whip Thornin, what gave you the audacity?" Lord Adisorn yelled angrily.

"He is a servant and he disrespected me. He had to know his place."

"You mean after you made derogatory comments about his wife?"

"And what if I did? He is just a nobody, a servant."

"He is my servant, not yours and if it's with this behavior, you hope to inherit my estate, I hope you change."

"Adisorn, Thornin is a servant, why do you always take his side over your family?" Lady Amara asked as she confirmed Akkhi.

"It's not just about Thornin, it's about justice. His wife isn't a servant, you had no right to send her on chores and even hit her."

Lady Amara looked down chagrined, her husband was really angry.

"The both of you better pray that Thornin survives this, otherwise I would personally take the both of you to prison for attempted murder." he yelled at Akkhi and Lady Amara.

"Phayu, come with me." he told Phayu as he left the room.

"Yes father." Phayu replied and followed his father out.

"Oh! That damn nobody is so annoying." Akkhi yelled.

"To think your father yelled at us because of him." Lady Amara added angrily.

Nam went to her to calm her down.

"mother, your health, you shouldn't get so angry." he told her.

"Leave me alone, did your father care about my health when he yelled at me because of that servant."

"Mother, but you know Akkhi was wrong today, he provoked Thornin and then he whipped him"

"shut up, you weakling, how can I provoke a servant?" Akkhi yelled.

Nam kept quiet in fear.

"It's okay Akkhi, once that servant gets better, your father anger will pass. But I will deal with that fool in ways your father wouldn't be able to trace it back to us."

"I trust you mother." Akkhi replied with a wicked grin.

Nam looked at his mother and brother in horror. He wanted to say something but he was afraid of their anger. He could only hope Thornin would get better.


Lord Adisorn looked at Phayu.

"where were you when all this was happening?" he asked.

"I was out with my friends, I came back after everything was over." Phayu replied.

"And what did you tell your brother?"

"What could I tell him father? Akkhi is my older brother, mother supported his actions. Besides Thornin is just a servant, other homes do worse to their servants." Phayu replied.

"and would you do the same to a servant?" Lord Adisorn asked.

"No father."

"Then don't turn a blind eye to it." he advised.

"How is Thornin father?"

"Go to his room if you want to know" Lord Adisorn said in a dismissive tone.

Phayu was wise enough to know when he had been dismissed.

"Yes father." he replied and left the room.

He went back to the front room, just Nam was there.

"Where is mother and Akkhi?"

"They went to their rooms."

"I am going to check on Thornin, are you coming?"

"Yes, I am coming." Nam replied.

And together, the brothers went to the servant quarters.

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