What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 10. Beginning of Chuunin Exam

Uknown Inn


Morning has already come. The three figures eat breakfast and discuss their plans for the day.

"Chunnin Exam will be held every three hours from now on. I, with Shin, will help Sandaime, and Esdeath will handle outside threats. When exams begin, I'll patrol in shadow so nothing unexpected will happen to us." Jiraiya says.

'Bro, are you sure you're going to use that? Not only does it need long channelling to release it, but we don't know the side effects of using that power on your body.'


Kiyohime watches her Danna-sama daily training.

They are right now in the forest where Satria trained before in Tokyo and have come here with Kiyohime's teleportation magic.

Satria is entering his Calamity Rider form and channelling something in his hand.

"It's so hard to gather Fatalis energy, Damn'it." When Satria tries to gather the energy, it explodes, making the ground have a large hole.

"Danna-sama!!!." Kiyohime ran to Satria to check on his wound. "You okay, Danna-sama? We should stop this and treat your injury." Kiyohime worried about him.

"Of course, I'm not okay, Hime; I've messed up again, huh? It's so damn hurting." Satria was lying on the ground with an injury to his body.

'Failed huh? Okay, let's end the training today.' Fatalis sighed. 

Flashback End

'I only use that when there is no other way. We need to seal them immediately. The First and Second Orochimaru summon right now is not at their prime because he knows they can break his jutsu without difficulty.'

Satria looks at Jiraiya.

"You already prepared a sealing tag or sealing jutsu for stopping First and Second? They may not be in their prime but are still formidable opponents." Satria wants all the preparation for defeating their enemy perfectly ready.

Jiraiya grinned. "Don't worry, my friend, I've already prepared all of them." He assured him, then looked at Satria with a serious face. "You sure let Naruto fight the Suna Jinchuriki? From what I know, that kid is their secret weapon." He said it because worried about his grandson.

Satria nodded and smiled at him. "You must trust Naruto. That kid will surprise you, Jiraiya. The Suna Jinchuriki Gaara will become one of his important friends in the future who will have an important role in the future." He tries to make Jiraiya not worry about his grandson.

"I may have just recently known you, Shin-kun, but my gut tells me to trust your word," Jiraiya said with a smile at him

"Then my job is..." Esdeath asks if she wants to fight the first and second Hokage, but Shin says her technique can't affect them.

"You fight the invader, and Orochimaru summons someone who will try to break Konoha's wall. Try to help Konoha Shinobi; if they ask who you are, tell them you are Jiraiya's friend." He answered her.

She nodded and was excited for the fight.

"Then let's watch the final day of the Chuunin Exam," Jiraiya says to his new friend:

Then Satria heard people tag him in dimensional chat.


Man with gender equality: "Hey, how's your day, guys? @Shin @Sage @Ice."

Shin: "We are fine. We will watch the final day of the Chuunin Exam."

Evil Spirit: "What is the Chuunin Exam?"

Pervert Sage: "Chuunin Exam is the final day of competition in my world where Genin can be promoted to Chuunin and improve relations between ninja villages while maintaining peace between villages too. Here you can show your skill, so the client will be interested in hiring you for future missions and the opportunity to show your village power."

Evil Spirit: "Interesting, can you livestream?" This group has that feature, right?"

Shin: "Sure."

Shin Open Livestreaming

Evil Spirit: "Ara, thank you."

Man with gender equality: "I am interested in how ninjas fight. This must be fun."


Konoha Arena


The last day of the Chuunin Exam will begin. From the spectator seat, many people will be excited and shouting for participants in Chuunin Exam.

Participants are all already present except Emo Duckhead.

Then showing an old man with a red hat and kanji Hokage sitting and waiting for an important guest

"Sasuke hasn't been found yet?"

"A team of several Anbu has already searched all over, but they have found nothing."

Then the man whispered to Hokage.

'Maybe he's already in Orochimaru's hand. If that's the case, we may never find him.'

"...I understand." He hopes that is not the case with the last Uchiha.

Not that long ago, the guest came with a blue hat with 'Kazekage' written on it and a veil covering his mouth, accompanied by two men

"Well, well, Lord Kazekage." Sandaime Hokage greets him.

When the man shows up, a certain red-haired boy looks at him with a hateful glare at this new presence.

"You must be tired having come all this way." Third Hokage says to him.

"No, I'm glad the arena is in the Leaf Village." Kazekage has responsibility for him. "Luckily, I'm still young, and I feel bad when Hokage-sama is the one who must travel to another village. Why not just choose a new Godaime and retire?." Kazekage asked him.

Hokage can only laugh at that.
"Please don't treat me like an old man; I can still do this job for another five years." Then he got up from his chair.

"Now then, I guess it's time to begin."

Two figures watch from the spectator seat: a white-haired boy and a blue-haired woman. Yes, it's Satria and Esdeath.

Jiraiya is still watching from the shadows, waiting for the unexpected.

"That Orochimaru." He watches a new figure who sits close to Third. "WoW~ Look at that red boy glaring at him. The hate must be real." Satria is looking at Gaara.

"Hoo, So that Orochimaru and that red-haired kid look like they are not mentally stable," Esdeath says.

Then Satria watched the Third Hokage stand up from his seat and make a speech.

" Everyone, Thank you very much for coming to the Hidden in Leaf Chuunin Exam. We will now begin 'Final Round' matches for the eight who made it through the preliminary rounds! Please watch until the end!" After the speech is done from the spectator seat, all the spectators are shouting from their seats and can't wait for the tournament to begin.

'I can't believe it. Right now I'm watching a Naruto match. This incredible.' Satria is so excited right now because he will watch the legendary fight between Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuuga Neji in real life.

Now in the fighting place, the referee will explain to the participants of the Chuunin Exam about the rules and many other things.

"Okay, we have some changes in the tournament, and there will be a new opponent for you guys. Here, check who your new opponent is." The referee showed them the new list. 

Participants check on the new list of their opponents. Then suddenly a blonde-haired boy asked questions to the referee.

"Wait, I want to ask something."


"Sasuke is still not coming? What happen?." Naruto can't find his rival anywhere.

"If the competitor does not arrive by the start time of his match, he will be disqualified." The referee replied to him.

Naruto gulped and worried about his friend. 'This makes no sense; with his character, he will come even if he has to drag himself. Where are you, Sasuke?"

When Sasuke mentioned The red-haired boy only makes evil smiles. Who knows what he's thinking?

"Listen, you all. The terrain is different, but the rule is that there is no rule the same as preliminary. The matches will continue until one or the other dies or surrenders." The referee explains the rules.

Naruto and other nervous people heard this.

"But if I judge, it has been settled. I will stop the match right away. Arguments will not be allowed. Understood?."

The participant only nodded and silently replied.

"Okay, so the first match is Uzumaki Naruto vs. Hyuuga Neji. Just those two remain, and the rest go to the waiting room." All participants left the arena except Naruto and Neji.

Finally, the first match of the Chuunin exam will begin.

To be Continued.

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