What if the villainous aristocrat who is the middle boss remembers his previous life and gains knowledge of the game – I will never accept a future in


I told the servants to leave for a bit, and the princess and I moved to the balcony nearby.

"I thank you for taking the time for me."

"No, as a nobleman of the kingdom, it's only natural."

There is no way a nobleman would treat royalty in a casual manner, and I don't feel anything in particular even if she conveyed her gratitude.

"Don't you think it's beautiful?”

“Yes, indeed.”


I wait for the conversation to begin in response to the murmur she said as she gazed at the night sky.

I don't want to waste time like this when I have a busy day tomorrow. 

I was looking at the night sky for a while and the princess turned her head towards me.

Marquis Dicaman, I'm going to be frank with you, I need you to get behind me.”

"I don't think the princess, who is expected to be the next ruler of the kingdom and a powerful noblewoman, needs a new shield, do you?”

There is nothing wrong with asking for my backing since I am the rising noble and have the most momentum at the moment, but it is a little too early to ask for it.

I am sure my position is in jeopardy because of the king's and the prime minister's schemes, and I'm a little curious to know how their power is being reduced.

'You know I'm a girl, but you know I was a top candidate for the position of ruler of the kingdom, but recently I started to lose my edge.

It all started at that party, when I defended the partner of the Duchess of Ewell who saved me from the bandits.”

If You Know How It Happened, Give It Up.


How much easier it would be if I could say that. ......

As royalty, she must know the truth about the hero, and protecting the spawn of such a wicked person would make her position worse.

Even if she didn't know he was the descendant of a hero, if her position was in jeopardy, she would probably look into him as one of the triggers.

Well, either way, it's her own fault.

"I see. ......"

“I knew that the red-haired man who saved me was the descendant of a hero who lived in the past, and I knew that the deeds that made him a hero had jeopardized my country."

And there were no more excuses.

How could she be so foolish as to protect the descendant of a hero suspected of committing a crime at that party that was so vital to the country?

"Oh, wait a minute.

Hear me out.”

Perhaps she was thinking inwardly that I did not want to listen, but her face showed that she was a bit impatient as she began to string her words together.

The princess seemed to be aware that she was talking about something that would make any nobleman with a certain amount of knowledge about the situation want to flee.

The country and we have changed because of the previous Hero.

It may not be true that all the changes are for the better, but we have indeed changed.

Of course, hero is not only the good part, there were bad parts too, but that is in the past.

Isn't that how it should be?”

"It is indeed a story of a past .”

I nodded vigorously, as if my response was the same as the one expected.

'Then we should consider that Leon, the descendant of a hero, has also changed, right?

He has not changed from the hero in terms of his fighting ability, given his strength in saving me from the bandits, but he may have changed so that he can take a proper look at and think about the country, right?”

Calling the descendants of a hero by name, a thought that can only be thought to have its own wishes in it: ......

“If he had changed, why would you bother ......'

Did she fall in love with him after he saved her? No, I don't think the king would want to trust the country to someone who would be shaken by something like that.

If so, is it purely to bring him in to improve the kingdom or something?

"The kingdom is a lot better now than it was in the past, but some of the nobles are getting a little more arrogant, right?

That's where Leon, the descendant of a hero, would come in!”


“If the descendant of the hero is placed in a position of authority with independent power, not belonging to any faction, to punish the nobles as a check against those who cheat and abuse the people, the arrogance of the nobles will stop and the people will pledge their loyalty to the royal family!"

Are you insane?

Everything the princess said was idealistic if all went well.

Certainly, if there is a strong deterrent force against the nobles, the nobles, fearing that deterrent force, will not abuse the people and will not commit abuses.

But independent authority is too dangerous.

In the first place, only the royal family has the right to judge the nobles, and if they entrust this privilege to someone else, they may be judged regardless of whether they are a member of their own faction or the other faction.

If the royalty were to give up their authority, a precedent would be set, and this would lead to the collapse of the kingdom.

"In order to make that happen, Marquis Dicaman, will you stand behind me?”

The princess who asked me for a handshake had in her mind a wonderful ideal world, the kind of world that a child, still too young to see the reality, might aspire to.

I wonder if she was really talented.

"I'm sorry, but I must decline.”

"...... I see.”

I thought she would be stubborn, but this was an unexpected response.

“ I understand fully your feelings for your country, Princess Merdena Wengarten, but it is too risky to take advantage of the descendant of a hero."

"That, ......"

When I was about to explore the princess's thoughts a little, she lowered her hand to shake mine, and large tears began to well up in her eyes.

I know, I know,.......

I'm sorry I got you into this weird thing, I'm sorry. ......"

Shall I call someone ......?”

“No, just leave me alone. ......

"I will stop crying soon. "

Huh, what the hell have those people done? ......

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