What if the villainous aristocrat who is the middle boss remembers his previous life and gains knowledge of the game – I will never accept a future in



The conversation with Naamis was very difficult.

The conversation, more appropriately described as torture, lasted from the time I reported to Bosco and left for Naamis until midday the next day.

'Aaaaahhh ......'

Beside me, Noor, who was also burned out, was plopped down at his desk, not even touching the food in front of him.

"Khalil-sama and Noor are not going to eat?

This 'pork' is very, very good."


There was no sign of her usual excellent table manners, and she was eating the pork steak she had created by threatening the count's chef, stabbing it with a knife.

Apparently I was right to let the pig go, for if I hadn't, what I would have found on this table would have been a miserable pig's body to behold.


"Excuse me, please."

"I have an urgent message for Khalil-sama."

"Yeah, I'm on my way."

"Yeah. ......"

Bosco, who was not at my side in the case of Noor, called me to leave the place.

I felt a look from Noor, who was burning up, but I went straight to Bosco without looking at her. I'm sorry to betray her, but it's Noor's own fault if I trace it back to her.

"I am grateful to you, Khalil, but I do not intend to pervert my daughter, so if there is anything in the future, you will tell me immediately?

"...... of course."

Just before I left the room, I heard a very cold voice of Naamis.

By the way, it seems that Naamis found out about Noor's transformation into a queen from the maid who took care of her.

Would this be considered treachery and subject to purge?

"So, what is this urgent message?"

"Actually, I just received a letter from the royal family."


The letter from the royal family, the reply to the report on the red stone disease has already arrived, and is it about some kind of request or reward?

But there's nothing like that in my knowledge. ......

I enter the study, thinking about various things.

"......" zzzz


"Here it is."

The letter was written with the royal emblem and the name of Count Dickaman, and my hand was trembling a little with nervousness as I opened it.

''To the nobles who support the kingdom.

This year, too, the exchange meeting of those who will support the next generation of the kingdom is approaching."

The letter began with an invitation to a party to announce the next head of a noble family.

The party is held once every three years, and if a noble of a certain age does not attend, his or her future status as a noble will be in jeopardy.

'I see. ......"

The event is to be held a month later, and it seems that accommodation has been arranged so that I can stay in the royal capital for three days before the event.


"Partner required."

Since the purpose of this party is to meet the next nobles and create a relationship with them, basically, they attend with their fiancées.

"Would she come with me like a grown-up?"

It is easy to imagine the protagonist next to Duchess Nora Ewell on the day of the party.

I can't say for sure, since there was no mention of this party in my knowledge, but I have a feeling he won't be there even if I go all the way to the duke's house to pick him up before heading to King's Landing.

I'm almost certain she won't be there."

"Of course, I think so, too."

What about your partner?

What shall I do? ......

I would ask other noble ladies who have not yet decided on a fiancée, but I am going to pick up my fiancée, Lady Ewell, and if I am wrong, there will be bad rumors about me among the nobles.

I can't bypass it and ask another house to do it for me.

"......" zzzz

'Speaking of which, I've been wondering ever since I entered the study, why is Mina sleeping here?"

I had noticed it first when I entered the room, but had ignored it as harmless, and Mina was curled up asleep on the large sofa.

"She had been waiting all night in front of the study for Master Khalil to return, and when I checked on her this morning, she was sitting up and sleeping.

I thought she might hurt herself, so I put her down there."

"I see."

Basically, Bosco is working in this room with me, and I guess I put him in the study in terms of watching over Mina.

Wait, what? What about bringing Mina with me as a partner?

First of all, on the premise that Maria, my sister, is impossible due to age limit, and Noor is impossible due to the possibility of being found out as Berthona family, the remaining candidates are ......

"Bosco, what do you think of taking Mina as a partner?"

"I think it's a pretty good idea because it would be easier to be flexible in case of emergencies."

The problem is that it's hard to ask Mina to come to the party with you as a contingency plan.

The problem is that it's hard to ask Mina to go with me to the party in case I need to be prepared for anything.

"......" zzzz

And Mina herself would be uncomfortable ......

However, I'

"Get me a tailor."

"Yes, of course, Master."

I'll have to rely on Mina now.

Bosco leaves the study and it's just me and the sleeping Mina in the room.

"......" zzzz

She has a lovely sleeping face.

Since gaining knowledge, I have spent more and more time with Mina, and I have come to feel as if it were a matter of course, but if I think about it calmly, I don't understand why she supports me so much in her position as a maid.

I know it's work, but I don't know if I would wait in front of my room until I fell asleep because of my own judgment, which I wasn't ordered to do.

"I thank you, and I hope you will continue to serve me."

The sleeping Mina would not hear me, but I was still telling her that.

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