What If Naruto Had The Six Eyes & Limitless Curse Technique

Chapter 35: Tension Rises

The Following Morning...

Once Naruto had risen and prepared for the day, Iruka informed him of an impending mission with his team...

On his journey, he encountered Rock Lee, "Hey, Lee." Naruto greeted.

"Ah... A fine morning to you, Naruto..." Rock Lee responded.

"So, did Granny Tsunade check out your injuries...?" Naruto questioned.

Rock Lee's gaze fell to the ground, a wistful expression on his face...

"Is everything alright, Lee?" Naruto inquired again, noticing Lee's downcast demeanor.

Before Lee could respond, two young individuals hurriedly approached them, Udon and Moegi, who happened to be Konohamaru's close companions.

"Naruto-chan..." Moegi and Udon both called out to Naruto.

"What's the matter?" Naruto inquired.

"It's regarding Konohamaru..." Moegi explained.

"What's going on with Konohamaru?" Naruto asked.

"He's in some trouble," Udon replied.


As Tsunade made her way to the scene, she took in the sight of two ninjas stationed outside the Hokage's office, obviously rattled by the situation.

"What's the ruckus about this early? It's starting to give me a migraine," Tsunade voiced, nearing the entrance.

"Lady Tsunade..." Shizune tried to offer some clarification, but before she could get a word further, Tonton, her pig sidekick, sprung from her hold and trotted towards Tsunade, who instinctively caught it.

"Oink oink, oink oink oink. Oink oink oink, oink oink oink oink oink oink oink. Oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink. Oink oink oink!" Tonton chattered.

Tsunade cast a glance back at the two ninjas. "It's just one kid… what's the big deal?" she queried.

"Yes..." One of the ninjas confirmed.

"Send him away..." Tsunade commanded.

"But he's the 3rd Hokage's grandson!" One of the ninjas countered.

"It doesn't make a difference whether he's the grandson or the great-grandson. Don't forget I'm the 1st Hokage's granddaughter!" Tsunade retorted as the two ninjas exchanged a wary glance.

"Maybe a bit of tough love will wake him up. Now get to it." Tsunade ordered.

"Yes." The two ninjas echoed and nodded.

But before they could make a move, Naruto made his appearance, "Hold up, hold up..." Naruto interjected, rushing in with Udon and Moegi.

"What's the matter, Naruto?" Tsunade questioned.

"Granny Tsunade, this is about Konohamaru, let me have a go at talking him round first, I'm positive he'll hear me out..." Naruto suggested.

"You're acquainted with him, are you?" Tsunade probed.

"Yep...Just let me try first and if I don't manage, then you can give your method a shot, I swear... " Naruto proposed.

"Alright, But I'm pressed for time... " Tsunade warned as she, followed by Shizune and then the ninjas, vacated the area, leaving only Naruto and Konohamaru's two friends behind.

Naruto sauntered up to the large wooden door, Udon and Moegi waiting anxiously behind him. He knocked gently, leaning closer to the door as if trying to hear any movement from inside.

"Hey, Konohamaru, you in there? It's me, Naruto!" he announced in his usual upbeat tone. "You've got everyone outside worried, you know."

There was a moment of silence, before Konohamaru's voice came through, muffled and shaky. "Go away, Naruto-chan! I don't want to talk to anyone."

Naruto frowned a bit, but his voice remained steady and calm as he responded. "I get it, you're upset. But you can't just hole yourself up in here. That's not what your grandpa would have wanted."

Konohamaru's voice was louder this time, tinged with anger and frustration. "She's not right for the job! She can't replace Grandpa!"

Naruto chuckled lightly, his posture relaxed as he addressed Konohamaru's concerns. "Well, you're partly right. She can't 'replace' your grandpa. No one can. But she can carry on his will and protect the village, and that's what being a Hokage is all about."

Konohamaru was quiet, perhaps taking in Naruto's words. Seizing the opportunity, Naruto continued, "Remember what your grandpa taught us? The Will of Fire? It's about protecting the village and everyone in it. It's not about who wears the hat or sits behind the desk."

"But she didn't even want to be Hokage at first!" Konohamaru retorted.

Naruto chuckled again, "Well, it is a pretty tough job. Who would want to take on all that responsibility without a second thought? The fact that she thought it through means she's taking it seriously. That's a good thing."

There was silence from the other end, the only sound being the soft rustling of papers. Naruto seized the moment to add, "We all miss your grandpa, Konohamaru. But he'd want us to keep moving forward. He'd want us to support Tsunade because he cared about the village more than anything else."

A moment passed, then the sound of a lock being undone echoed through the hallway. The door creaked open slightly and Konohamaru's tear-streaked face appeared in the gap. "You really think so, Naruto?"

Naruto flashed his trademark grin, ruffling Konohamaru's hair affectionately. "Absolutely, buddy. That's the Will of Fire."

With that, Naruto stepped back, allowing Konohamaru to step out from the office, a spark of understanding in his eyes.

As Naruto spotted Tsunade entering the Hokage office, he called out to her. However, they noticed that the office was quite dusty and in need of cleaning.

So, they decided to seek assistance and tidy up the place before carrying out their conversation. In the meantime, Tsunade only grabbed an essential file from the office and moved to a different location to continue her work.

"Let's grab some food, shall we?" Naruto suggested, taking the lead as the group of young shinobi followed him.

Meandering through the bustling streets of Konoha, Naruto was determined to show Konohamaru that their village was flourishing, life was moving on as normal despite the Hokage's transition.

"Look around, Konohamaru," Naruto started, pointing at a group of shinobi training nearby, "Our village is still standing tall. Your grandpa did a great job as Hokage, and now it's Granny Tsunade's turn to safeguard our home."

Konohamaru remained quiet, but Naruto could see the wheels turning in the young boy's head, his eyes sparkling with understanding and aspiration. After all, Konohamaru was always sharp, one who respected the Hokage's role and understood its importance.

Finally, they reached Ichiraku Ramen, Naruto's go-to place for food. As they settled in and ordered their meals, Naruto seized the chance to delve deeper into their conversation.

"Being Hokage means representing the Will of Fire, protecting the village and its people," Naruto elaborated, with a strong determination. "Your grandpa did it perfectly, and Granny Tsunade will too. It's not about who they are, but what they bring to the village."

Konohamaru thought quietly, his eyes fixed on his ramen bowl. Then, he looked up at Naruto, his eyes shining with resolve.

"You're right, Naruto-boss," he agreed, his voice echoing a newfound determination. "Grandpa would want us to back Granny Tsunade. That's the core of the Will of Fire."

Naruto's face brightened at Konohamaru's words, giving the boy a pat on the shoulder. "That's the spirit, Konohamaru!" He cheered, his voice full of pride. "Just remember, we're all in this together. We're all upholding the Will of Fire."

With those words, they dug into their meals, the atmosphere lightened and the burden of their situation seemingly lifted. Naruto couldn't help but feel proud of Konohamaru.

He knew it was hard for the boy to accept the change, but he was heartened to see Konohamaru beginning to comprehend and come to terms with it.


The Following Day...

The eagerly anticipated ceremony for Tsunade's ascension as the 5th Hokage was upon them. This was the day she would formally take on the mantle as the leader of the village.

The entire village gathered to witness the 5th Hokage, Tsunade, standing with the iconic Hokage headgear and an unwavering resolve. Jiraiya and the village elders were present behind her in support.

"Starting from today, I am the one calling the shots in the village hidden in the leaves; I am the fifth Hokage..." Tsunade declared. The villagers responded with enthusiastic cheers...


The next day, Behind the Hokage Desk...

As Tsunade settled into her role as the Hokage of the leaf village, she found herself confronted with a multitude of tasks, both old and new...

To address some of these matters, she had summoned Naruto to her office...

"To be honest, I'm a bit surprised," Tsunade began, scribbling away on a piece of paper. "With the final exam being suspended, some thought that no one should be promoted this time around."

"But I've heard that the late Third Hokage held your matches in high regard. It seems he intended to recommend you for Chunin. The lords of other lands who watched the fights, as well as the proctors, shared his opinion."

"In this case, it's not my place to dispute their judgment... So, from now on, I expect you to act in a manner that is worthy of your new headband..."

"Congratulations, as of today, you are a Chunin!" Tsunade announced. Naruto only smiled. His hard work had finally paid off...


After getting The news of becoming Chunin , Naruto met with his best friend Shikamaru and afterwards planned a celebration dinner for all of his friends...

Everyone congratulated Naruto for becoming Chunin.


The Following Day...

Sasuke was propped up in his hospital bed. Sakura was attempting to engage him in conversation, but his mind was elsewhere. He was grappling with the reality that no matter what he did, Naruto always seemed to be one step ahead. This was a constant source of frustration for him...


At the stronghold of Orochimaru...

Orochimaru found himself in a sorry state, already wounded and further weakened after battling against Naruto, Jiraiya, and Tsunade. Nevertheless, he was undeterred. Four Sound ninjas stood before him, waiting for orders.

"Now's the moment... Make your move to the Hidden Leaf Village immediately!" Orochimaru commanded his subordinates.


At Konoha Hospital...

Naruto made his way to Konoha Hospital, eager to show Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi his new forehead protector, a symbol of his promotion to Chunin.

His first stop was Kakashi's room. The usually aloof Kakashi offered Naruto a warm smile of congratulations and shared some words of wisdom with him.

Next, Naruto headed to Sasuke's room.

Sasuke was in a state of shock, still grappling with how easily he had been bested by Itachi. With Naruto growing stronger at every turn, Sasuke could only feel a simmering rage.

Upon entering the room, Naruto greeted his teammates, "Hey, Sasuke, Sakura... What's up..."

Sakura rose from her stool and waved back at Naruto, a bright smile on her face. Sasuke, however, remained silent and unresponsive to Naruto's arrival.

Naruto sauntered over to Sasuke's bedside, an easy grin spreading across his face. "You holding up okay, Sasuke?" he inquired, noticing the brooding expression on Sasuke's face.

"Better? With you constantly in my space? Not likely." Sasuke retorted, his tone icy.

Naruto cocked his head to the side, bemused. "What's that supposed to mean?" he asked.

Sasuke merely shrugged, his gaze returning to the floor. "Nothing..." he muttered.

Finally, Sasuke spoke, his voice low and filled with an edge, "So, you got promoted to chunin, huh? Is it because of your talent or because you're the Fourth's son? Or maybe because you have two Legendary Sanin on your side?"

Naruto's smile faltered for a moment but he regained his composure quickly, adopting a teasing tone, "Well, Sasuke, aren't you just a bundle of joy today? Jealous much?"

Sasuke ignored the teasing and continued, "I fought against Gaara too. If the Konoha Crush hadn't happened, I would've won. So why not me? Why only you?"

Naruto shrugged, his carefree attitude untouched by Sasuke's bitter words. He knew Sasuke well enough to understand his frustration. "Well, I guess it's because I'm just that good," he answered, his tone light.

Sasuke, however, was not amused. "Then prove it," he challenged, "Fight me. One on one."

Naruto's grin widened at the challenge. "Sure thing, buddy. But remember, it was you who asked for it," he said, his voice full of determination.

[A. N: Thanks for reading, drop Powerstones that will help a lot and drop reviews if you like the story and add to your library]

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