What If… Harry Potter

12 What if becoming the Master of Death actually meant something?

Short one this time at only around 3,850 words.

Harry Potter had accepted his fate as he strode into the forest to face Voldemort and to sacrifice himself to save everyone. He wasn't sure why he was okay with that, though. Most of the people in the school and the wizarding world as a whole, hated or despised him, because he hadn't done more to stop Voldemort before now.

Harry came to a stop just inside the forest when he realized what the words on the golden snitch meant. He took it out of the moleskin bag around his neck and pressed it to his lips. “I open at the close.”

The golden snitch twitched and folded open to reveal the Resurrection Stone. Harry took it out and he knew exactly how to work it. He flipped it over three times and closed his eyes to ask for who he wanted.

“You've done wonderfully so far, son.” A woman's voice said.

Harry caught his breath and opened his eyes to look at the woman that gave birth to him.

“You don't know how proud I am of you, Harry.” Lily Potter's spirit said.

“You're really here.” Harry said and looked at the man standing next to her.

“Hello, son. It's almost over. It won't be much longer now.” James Potter's spirit said.

“Well done, pup.” The spirit of Sirius said.

“Sirius, I'm so sorry about what happened.” Harry said with tears in his eyes.

Sirius laughed. “Don't worry about that, Harry. You weren't responsible for any of that.”

“I was! If I hadn't fallen for Voldemort's trick...”

“You're only just nearing adulthood, Harry. Much older and wiser people than you made the wrong choices and put you in that situation.” Lily said. “Now it's all come down to this.”

“I know. I... I'll be seeing you for real soon.” Harry whispered.

“It's all going to be okay.” James said. “You just march on to your destiny and make sure you fully believe it's going to work.”

Harry looked at their face and smiled. “Will you stay with me until it's time?”

“Harry, we're always with you.” Lily said and her ghostly hand reached out and lightly touched his cheek.

Harry felt the fingertips on his face and he let the tears flow down his face. “Thanks, mum.”

Lily had her own tears as she nodded and waved at the dark forest.

Harry nodded back and he walked on towards his death with three floating spirits around him. His hand gripped the stone tightly and he felt resolve and determination fill him.


“I don't think he's coming, my lord.” Bellatrix whispered.

Voldemort looked sad. “I really thought he would.”

Harry Potter stepped into the clearing and several surprised sounds came from the Death Eaters and from Hagrid.

“Harry, no! What are yeh doin' here?”

Voldemort looked pleased. “Harry Potter... the Boy-Who-Lived... come to die.”

Harry stood there with no wand in hand and with no intention to fight. He stood there, not in defiance; but, in supplication. He knew this had to be done and he offered no resistance, either physically or verbally. It wouldn't work, otherwise. He had to willingly give up his life, just like Lily had, so he closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable.

“AVADA KADAVRA!” Voldemort yelled and shot the green beam of death at Harry using the Elder Wand.

Both Harry and Voldemort dropped to the ground at the same time, as if they were puppets and had their strings cut.


Harry opened his eyes and he was in a large white expanse. He was also naked, so he wished for clothing and it appeared. He quickly dressed and heard an odd whimpering. He went to investigate and saw a twisted baby-like thing under a bench.

“You can't help.” A familiar old man's voice said. “Harry, you wonderful boy. You brave, brave man.”

Harry turned around to face the headmaster. “What is it?”

“That is a part of Voldemort that was sent here to die.” Albus Dumbedore said.

Harry wasn't sure why that made him a little happy. “Where are we?”

“I was going to ask you that.” Albus said.

“It kind of looks like King's Cross Station.”

Albus looked around. “So it does. That's fitting I suppose.”


“Because you are at crossroads, Harry. A very important one.” Albus said. “As you no doubt have guessed, you and Voldemort have had a connection since that night in Godric's Hollow.”

“So, it's true then. I really am a Horcrux.” Harry said.

“Was, Harry. Voldemort himself took care of removing it from you.” Albus said. “You were the one he never intended to make.”

Harry thought about that. “I have to go back and finish it, don't I?”

Albus smiled. “Ah, that is entirely up to you.”

“I have a choice, then?”

“You've always had a choice.” Albus said and then he seemed to freeze as a pitch black scythe pierced his chest from behind.

“Pontificating old fool.” A menacing voice said and lifted the immobile Albus Dumbledore into the air and moved him off to the side.

Harry stared at the dark cloaked figure that he knew was Death.

“Yes, it's really me.” Death said and lowered his hood to show Harry his skeleton face.

“Okay. Wow.” Harry said.

Death laughed a rattling laugh. “I didn't expect you to be this accepting of my presence, Harry.”

“What do you mean?”

“You're not screaming and running away for one.” Death said and another bench appeared not far away. He let the scythe go, suspending it and Albus in the air like a fly on a pin. He walked over to the bench and sat down. “You're also not begging and pleading for mercy.”

Harry smiled and didn't need any prompting to go and sit beside the entity. He sat down and looked at the skull. “Even if I don't know what's going on right now, I wouldn't embarrass myself like that. That's something Malfoy would do.”

Death chuckled. “I can't wait to get my scythe into him. If anyone deserves to be pinned up like the old fool, it's Draco.”

Harry nodded and then looked over at his old headmaster. “Why do you have him pinned like that?”

“He lied to you, Harry. A lot.” Death said. “This last one, where he said you have always had a choice, was the biggest one yet.”

“What do you mean?” Harry asked.

“He set you on a path of destruction that led you directly to your death, Harry. You had absolutely no choice whatsoever in that.” Death clarified. “Even after his death at the hands of Snape, he still put things into place to ensure that outcome, including having Snape give you those specifically selected memories for you to come to the conclusion he wanted you to come to.”

Harry opened his mouth to respond, then thought about it. The memories really did lead him directly to wanting to sacrifice himself for the greater good. Then he did. He didn't even question it. He had walked right to Voldemort and gave himself up.

“Bloody hell.” Harry said, instead of the protest he was going to say.

“There's only one Horcrux left.” Death said and created another four foot tall scythe. “I want it, Harry.”

“And Voldemort?” Harry asked.

“He needs to die in front of everyone.” Death said and handed him the scythe. “You're going to need this.”

Harry accepted the thing and smiled. “Now I have something to fight with. Thanks.”

Death chuckled. “You've always had something to fight against for your entire life. It's about time someone helped you with that.”

Harry felt something burn into the back of his hand and he looked down at the symbol of the Deathly Hallows. “Does that mean what I think it means?”

Death pat the hand. “What do you think it means?”

Harry quickly went over the story of the three brothers in his head and what happened at the end. “I think it means more than what you will ever tell me it means.”

Death laughed a rattling laugh. “You are going to be my physical embodiment. My representative.”

Harry thought about that. “Does that mean I have the power over life and death?”

“Harry, everyone has the power over life and death. It's what you do with that power that defines you.”

Harry looked confused for a moment and then he smiled. “That's why you're okay with this. You know I won't abuse it.”

Death stood up and pulled him up to stand with the marked hand. “I seem to recall a lot of Death Eaters killing your friends and people you know.”

Harry thought back at the scene in the Great Hall and all of the covered bodies. “Can I exchange them? A soul for a soul?”

Death seemed to glare without eyes and then crossed his arms and tapped a bone finger on his chin. “Perhaps. It's an intriguing proposition. No one has ever asked for that before.”

“Is it too late for some? Have the souls been damaged or have they already moved on?” Harry asked.

“That's the funny thing about souls. You won't know until you poke them.” Death said and nodded at the scythe.

“I really don't have a choice, then. I need to go back.” Harry said with confidence.

Death nodded. “Like I told you, choices in your life's path have always been a lie.”

“Until now.” Harry said and the scythe faded away. “Will it always do that?”

“Whenever you need it, it will be there. Just as I will be.” Death said and took his hand again. He pat it once and Harry felt a jolt go through his body. “You are my chosen.” He pat the mark and another jolt went through Harry, like a heartbeat. “Go forth and reap what others have sown.”

Harry was about to ask what was going on when his hand was slammed with so much force that his entire body jerked and he was back in the real world.

“Is he dead?” Voldemort's weak voice asked.

Draco's mother was bent over Harry and her eyes were wide as she stared into Harry's emerald green ones. “My lord...” She started to say when a scythe sliced through her heart and came out of her back.

“No, Tom. I'm not.” Harry said and rose up to stand as he pushed Narcissa Malfoy aside and she fell to the ground, dead.

“NO!” Lucius yelled and tried to rush over. Several of the other Death Eaters caught him and held him back.

Harry flicked the scythe and the blood disappeared from it.

“I killed you! You're dead!” Voldemort exclaimed and raised the wand to cast another death curse.

“Thanks for holding that for me.” Harry said and the wand pulled out of Voldemort's hand and landed in Harry's left hand. “First thing's first.” He said and threw the scythe across the small clearing and the pointy end sliced right into Nagini's head and pinned the giant snake to the ground.

The scream of the Horcrux was loud in the silence and the writhing of the snake's body stopped as it died. The scythe disappeared and Harry transferred the wand into his right hand.

“Immobulus!” Harry shouted and waved the Elder Wand at everyone before they could react. “Hey, that actually worked. Cool.” He said and walked over to Hagrid to cut him loose. “Alright there, Hagrid?”

“H-Harry! You died! You died and I saw it!” Hagrid exclaimed.

Harry pat the big man's shoulder. “I was just sleeping. I needed a quick nap.”

Hagrid looked surprised at that.

“Help me tie up Voldemort. He needs to be brought to the castle to show everyone I've defeated him.”

Hagrid nodded and he used the rope pieces Harry took off of him to truss Voldemort up like a turkey.

Harry on the other hand, brought the scythe to his hand and started to pierce the hearts of all the Death Eaters and gathered their souls. He left Bellatrix for last and she looked shocked at all the death around her.

“You killed my godfather. He was your cousin. Your family.” Harry said and hefted the scythe. “Your soul isn't worth exchanging, it's so black. You're going right to hell.”

“NO!” Bellatrix yelled and the scythe cut off her head, then it went through her heart. The scythe glowed as it harvested her soul and sent it away.

“Nasty business, eh Harry.” Hagrid said.

“Unfortunately, it's also necessary.” Harry said and went to each body and took the wands. “Can you carry him for me? We might be attacked on the way and I need my hands free.”

“Of course, Harry.” Hagrid said and picked Voldemort up like a suitcase.

Harry smiled and led the half-giant man out of the forest. When they emerged, a lot of people saw them. Word quickly spread and everyone that was there to defend the castle and the remaining students, had gathered in the courtyard in front of the castle by the time Harry and Hagrid reached them.

“Is that really him?”

“They've got you-know-who!”

“Is it over? It's over, right?”

“We've won!” Someone shouted and everyone cheered.

Hermione and Ron rushed over to Harry.

“Great job, mate. I knew you could do it.” Ron said as Hermione hugged Harry tightly.

“Sure you did.” Harry said and Hermione let out a surprised sound.

“Harry.” Hermione let him go. “I thought we agreed...”

“Yeah, I changed my mind. Three betrayals is enough for me. I'm not going to wait around for another.” Harry said and nodded to Hagrid.

Voldemort was dropped onto the stone ground and he grunted in pain. He was lucky that he didn't have a nose, because it would have broken for sure.

“Everyone, listen up!” Harry shouted and the cheering and conversations came to an end. “This evil dark lord has ruined my life! He's ruined a lot of people's lives!”

“Yeah!” A bunch of them shouted

“Now I'm sending him to reap what he's sown!” Harry said and the four foot tall scythe appeared in his hand.

“Oh, my god!” Hermione gasped.

“No, I'm only the embodiment of Life and Death.” Harry said and hefted the scythe above his head. “Goodbye, Tom. Enjoy the rewards you so richly deserve.”

“NOOO!” Voldemort yelled just before the scythe cleaved his head in half and pierced the heart in a single stroke. The scythe glowed brightly and Harry felt a huge feeling of satisfaction.

A lot of people screamed, even when there wasn't any real blood. It was slow, like molasses, and only oozed out as the created body died.

Harry looked around at the people gathered there. “Now it's over.”

“You didn't have to kill him.” Minerva said.

“I didn't kill him.” Harry said and a few people made protesting sounds and shouted that they just saw him do it. “That was a magically constructed body using my blood. I told you all that before. I was just sending his broken soul to the rest of the pieces I've already sent on.”

Everyone looked confused.

“I'm not going to stand here to explain Horcruxes to you all. Hermione can do that.” Harry said and ignored several shouts. “I'm going into the Great Hall to save who I can.”

That made them all look confused.

“Harry, there's only dead people in there.” Hermione said.

“Not for long. Excuse me.” Harry said and everyone split apart to let him pass. “I can't bring everyone back; but, I'm going to try.”

“Harry, you're talking crazy again.” Ron said.

Harry's fist shot out and smashed into Ron's face. “Shut up, you jealous prat! I've never lied and I've never been crazy, despite how bloody often you've said I was!”

Everyone looked shocked, especially Ron and Hermione.

“I'm tired of your insults and backhanded compliments.” Harry said to Ron's startled face and walked on. “I'm done being friends with people like you.”

Everyone stared at Harry as he entered the castle and no one moved to follow him.

“Professors? What do I do with this?” Hagrid asked and lightly kicked Voldemort's corpse.

“Leave it for the Aurors.” Minerva said. “I believe they are going to have a lot of questions for Mister Potter.”

There was a woman's scream of surprise from inside the castle and that made nearly everyone run back inside to see what happened. As far as they knew, only Harry was inside.

Everyone was shocked to see a very alive Tonks snogging the hell out of Harry.

Tonks broke the kiss and gave him a very sexy look. “You've got the biggest balls of any man I've ever met, Harry.”

Harry blushed at the compliment and at his prominent erection from his very first snogging. “I'm sorry that Remus can't be brought back.”

Tonks looked sad for a moment, then she smiled. “He's in a better place right now and I know he'll wait for me.”

“He's not a werewolf there, is he?” Harry asked.

“No, and he's lost a lot of his irrationality and his tendency for poor decision making.” Tonks said.

Harry chuckled and walked over to Fred's body. “No wonder you don't mind him staying there.”

Tonks laughed and walked over as well. “Do you know the qualifications for that thing?”

“Nope.” Harry said and slid the scythe into Fred's chest and his unbeating heart. “I was told to just poke things and see what happens.”

“I am not making a joke about sex right now.” Tonks said and Harry blushed. She gave his cheek a kiss. “I'll do it later.”

“AHHHH! That bastard killed me! I'll kill him!” Fred exclaimed and Harry yanked the scythe out.

Everyone was shocked at there not being any damage from it.

“Huh? Harry? Are you dead, too?” Fred asked.

“Naw, I brought you back.” Harry said and Fred looked around.

“Blimey, I'm really in the Great Hall?” Fred asked and an inarticulate shout came from several redheads and then Fred was covered with crying family.

Harry ignored them and went to the next person he knew among the dead, Lavender Brown. She had fought bravely and she didn't deserve to be cut down before her life even started. Harry inserted the scythe into her chest and he tried to not blush, because she had a nice set of breasts that the scythe coud have cut into if it wasn't ethereal at the moment.

Lavender let out a loud scream and sat up to look around. “No! I died! I don't believe it!”

Harry chuckled and knelt beside her. “It's okay, Lavender. You're better now.”

Lavender blinked her eyes at him and then her eyes widened at the scythe in his hand. “Harry...”

“Yes.” Harry said and pat her hand. “Help me find the others we know. I want to try to bring them back first.”

“You really... I love you!” Lavender exclaimed and pulled Harry into a tight embrace.

Harry had his second snogging session of the day. His erection made a triumphant return as he felt Lavender's breasts press into his chest.

Lavender broke the kiss and glanced down at the thing poking her. “Is that a wand in your pocket or are you happy to see me?”

Harry's blush burned to a deep red and she smiled at him. “H-help.”

Lavender softly laughed and she stood up.

Harry looked up at her and he almost lost his breath at how pretty she was.

“I really like that look on your face.” Lavender said and took his hand. “Come on. More people need your help.”

Harry nodded and stood up before Lavender gave his tent pole another look.

“I like the look of that, too.” Lavender almost purred and then she helped Harry as they searched for the people they knew to try to bring back.

Colin Creevey, Fay Dunbar, Lisa Turpin, Romilda Vane, Morag MacDougal, and Anthony Goldstein were the only ones they could find that they knew or were second hand friends with. Harry brought them back first and each one was successful. They also had teary reunions with their friends and family members that were other students, namely Dennis Creevey and Emma Vane.

Then Harry got to work on the rest of them and the members of the Order of the Phoenix that had helped to defend the castle. Of the fifty people that had died during the final battle at Hogwarts, Harry successfully brought back thirty five of them. Harry didn't know if it was because they just didn't want to come back or if they were damaged in some way and couldn't come back.

Harry debated using the Resurrection Stone to check on them and ask, then realized it wouldn't matter, because if he couldn't get them to return while using the scythe, bringing them back to look at their dead body and asking them why they couldn't come back, would only annoy them. He didn't bother trying to bring Snape back. He deserved his fate for everything he had done.

Everyone stared at Harry with both fear and awe on their faces.

“Yeah, piss off. I don't care what you think of me anymore.” Harry said and felt someone take his hand.

“I think you're the best thing to ever happen to me.” Lavender said.

Harry thought about making a joke about her having to die to realize that, then he decided not to. The less he reminded her of that, the better. “I'm in the mood for strawberry ice cream. Would you like one, too?”

Lavender beamed a smile at him. “I would love to go out with you, Harry.”

Harry opened his mouth to respond when Kreacher popped into the Great Hall in front of him with two ice cream cones. “Thanks, Kreacher.”

“Master be master of more than elves.” Kreacher said and stared at the scythe. “Elves lost lives, too.”

“Oh! Good idea! Can you bring them here? I'll try to revive them, too.” Harry said and then ten house elves popped in with elf bodies in their arms.

“I'll hold that for you.” Lavender said and took his ice cream cone.

“Thanks.” Harry said and went back to work. To his surprise, all ten elves were revived and dedicated themselves to him for eternity. He was a bit too stunned to refuse, so he now had a bunch of house elves and no house to take care of. He looked at Lavender and both ice cream cones were half gone.

“They were melting.” Lavender lied badly and Harry couldn't stop his bark of laughter.

“Fair enough.” Harry said and accepted his half-eaten cone back. “Let's go for a walk.”

Lavender nodded and smiled happily as they walked out of Hogwarts castle holding hands. She didn't see Harry create the scythe and throw it at the figure that was trying to sneak away in the shadows.

Malfoy didn't even scream as his heart was pierced and he was pinned to the stone wall of Hogwarts.

“Things are going to be a lot better from now on.” Harry said and Lavender nodded and kept smiling.

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