Chapter Ninety-Five Festering Faiths and Mixing Evils
Nelli walked down the path. It was time to check on the babies again. She had already started Master’s treatment plans for certain babies. Number three had taken to being starved well. She was losing fat, but otherwise healthy, no concerns yet. Master had her pick a few more healthy babies to cut off. They were doing about the same as well. She wasn’t concerned about the group that was currently starving. Master said it was an experiment to see how well they could take not getting their food. He said it would help him further refine the feeding plans.
He seemed more interested in the sick ones. Last she checked Seven was still getting worse. Her health steadily failed due to her illness. Master hadn’t said what the experiment with her was, but she could guess. She wasn’t being treated at all, just ignored. Nelli was certain the sick babies were being experimented on and she thought they should be honored. They were just babies after all and he found them interesting enough to use in his experiments.
Reaching the door to the nursery, she slipped inside and did a brief check on three and her starving friends. Finding nothing she needed to do something about. Seven was worse as expected. Might die in a few days.
With that she moved on to 14, who was being treated. Master had prepared a special solution for her and they gave it to her. So far they hadn’t noticed any improvement. Checking in on 14 she found she was just as sickly as yesterday. In fact she was a little worse. Nelli dutifully wrote down what she saw and gave her an injection of Master’s serum. It was only a dose a day, so it was easy to stick to her Master’s plan.
The next baby was number 22, she’d gotten sick when seven did and wasn’t in the best shape to start with. They had started warming her up and cut off her milk supply as per Master’s orders. Reaching the pod, she checked it, finding the environment quite warm. 22 seemed rather distressed but her sickness was less pronounced than what 7 or 14 were showing. Dutifully she did a quick health check and then turned up the pod's temperature. It started ticking up to the new temperature. Nelli recorded the results and gave them a second look before she was satisfied. 22’s distress was quite pronounced actually, she probably wasn’t enjoying the heat, but it was Master’s orders and she was just a baby anyway. She moved on.
There were two more babies that were being baked. She’d picked 23 and 26 both of them were quite healthy when she started them on the baking. Neither had been chilled or missed more than a feeding in a day. Perfect for what Master wanted. She found them equally distressed and fidgeting, but no worse than 22. Nelli recorded the results and then moved on to 38.
38 was on the far end of the room, so it wasn’t that out of the way. Master had her turn 38’s pod off, subjecting her to the chilling temperatures of the nursery. The girl was quite pale when she approached. Likely due to the cold, but she was still alive. Nelli did a quick check of her health, her vital signs were all low but seemed stable. Whatever Master gave her as a milk replacement didn’t seem to have any nutritional value though, since she was losing fat. Nelli did a quick measure and found it was like she was starving. Interesting. Once she had all the numbers down, she refilled 38’s pod with her milk replacement and left the room.
53 watched the little girl in front of her. She was one of the babies Master had brought in for her to watch. Not that she was doing anything, just waiting for them to die. They weren’t hers, which made them worthless. While she didn’t have any children... yet. They still needed to die for their sake.
She sighed, this little one was taking too long. She knew it was cold in here, but the little one was still alive. 53 looked around. Master didn’t seem to be watching and he didn’t say that she couldn’t bite them.
The growing girl suddenly moved, and her little fangs sank into soft delicate flesh. Without any resistance they pierced deep and released a special toxin. She withdrew, a smile on her lips and watched the little one die. It only took a few minutes for the baby-killing toxin to finish its work and the little girl took one last breath and stilled. She smiled. That was fun, she glanced at one of the others. It wouldn’t hurt to kill her as well, would it?
Lazily she moved, they were just defenseless worthless babies. Their mothers weren’t even watching them. So she was really just doing them a favor. 53 closed quickly enough however, the little one was trying to cry but nothing came from its throat. She giggled, that was so cute. It knew a predator was nearby ready to kill, but couldn’t even call for help. Then she grasped it and brought it close biting it in a swift motion. In moments it too was dead.
Just as she was about to go for a third, she heard the door open. Looking up she saw Master slipping into the room. “Hmm? Like biting the little babies do you?”
She nodded, “They were taking too long. I just wanted to see them die.”
“Oh I see,” he approached the one she bit first. Picking it up, he seemed to appraise it, “Hmm she seems salvageable. Don’t be afraid to bite them. I’ll give you babies to bite as much as you want.”
She felt herself light up, “You will?”
“Sure! They are worthless and I can learn a lot about them this way. Now I guess you need a name.” his tentacles stoked his face for a moment or two, “Akula, you are Akula.”
“Thanks Master!” then she turned to the last babies. There were three more, but two of them had her blood in them. She was curious what it was doing to them, so she ignored them and instead bit the last girl. It took her a little longer than the others to die, but she felt a little surge of joy when she saw the little chest fall and not rise again. A smile on her face, she gave Master the last dead girl and he left the room.”
She blinked, “Gah!” She completely forgot to ask, she was just so happy to see them dead. Next time, she would, she assured herself. Next time she would ask Master if she could eat them. They would need to be properly prepared though.
Nelli stepped into Master’s workshop. The first thing she noticed was three dead baby girl’s laying on a table, while Master was doing something. She walked up with the detailed report on the experiments, “So um what are you doing Master?”
He glanced at her, “53 bit these three. I’m doing a post-death analysis and then I’m going to revive them and let her bite them again. For optimum results, I’ll need them to have a little recovery time, so I’ll give them to her again tomorrow.”
She glanced at the girls, “53 did this?”
He nodded, “She did and just so you know. I’ve decided to name 53. From now on her name is Akula.”
“It suits her,” she frowned, “So why did she kill these three?”
“I’m pretty sure it’s her new instincts. 53 was so happy to watch them die. I suspect if she had a tail it would be wagging. I’m going to let her do what she wants and see how it goes. If she asks for more, I’ll give her some.”
“Understood,” she then gave him the reports, “Anyway here are the details on how the experiments are doing.”
He flipped through it, “Hmm, looks like 22 isn’t doing that well. Don’t bother trying to reserve any milk for her or the other two in that batch. I suspect they might be dead or close to it by the time you check on them tomorrow. If they are, bring them to me.”
She nodded, “understood.”
After a quick conversation and a lovely belly rub, she slipped out. Nelli had duties to perform.
Laki made her way up to the sister’s house. She would have to visit the brothel later but the Atarli Mistress had invited her up. Behind her Qerni was following along. Mostly to breed Mika, she was ready for it, but that was only a side thing. The Mistress wanted her for something. Laki wasn’t entirely sure what since the Atarli woman didn’t say what.
Reaching the door, she knocked twice and then Mika opened the door. She smiled widely, “... Hey Laki! Bring Qerni! Mistress wants me to breed?”
She pointed at Qerni and set them in a room, “Have fun you two.”
Laki noticed that Mika was looking a little dull eyed and watched how she moved as she went to grab Qerni. “Oh and Mika are you doing okay?”
Mika nodded, “Yep, Mistress ate my brain earlier. Very fun. Need sex now!”
“Okay, enjoy!”
She watched her pull Qerni into a side room and without even closing the door she helped him out of his pants and immediately put his dick in her pussy. Not even bothering with foreplay. It just slid in easily however. Curious she asked, “No foreplay?”
“Breeding, foreplay wasteful, this way pussy brain bruises more,” she responded.
Just then the Mistress showed up and commented, “I taught Mika to have sex without foreplay. I find it easier to breed the girls by skipping that. I also modified her pussy to maximize her pleasure response. That way she doesn’t need it and I improved her breeding stamina so that way she can breed for hours. It will really help with the tenderizing of her brain and the constant orgasms are going to do something really special to her tissues. Anyway, we are going to let those two breed. This way please.”
She nodded, watched for a moment longer and then made her way down the hall to the stairs. The Mistress led her into the basement and into a room. She noticed a bed nearby where young Rika was lying. Her brain was hanging out of her mouth and resting on her large swollen breasts, while her fluids leaked from her gaping pussy. Against one of the walls, she noticed several smaller beds with clear walls where a few babies were resting. On the other wall was what looked to be a kitchen. She noticed it had a stove, a few counters and cabinets. On the stove was a boiling pot of water, next to it on the counter was a second pot. While on the back of the stove was a large strange apparatus.
She glanced back to the Mistress, “So what are we doing here?”
“Baby harvesting. Rika is ready to give birth. I’ve determined that she had four little infants in her to harvest.”
“Oh? That reminds me, since you are eating their babies. How do you decide which ones are allowed to grow up?”
“Oh that’s easy. With Eren I ate the first baby to leave her womb and I repeated that with Mika. Mika has only one child now and I am feeding her properly and prepping her for brain cultivation. While Eren’s last child is the one I chose for brain cultivation and I’m experimenting on the other. As for Rika here, I only plan for the last one out to survive for brain cultivation. The other three are surplus and can be eaten or experimented upon. I already plan to have the first two that leave her womb eaten, “ she paused, “Which is why I pulled out the large baby cooker. I can cook two of them at once.”
“That’s a baby cooker? Why the special cookware?”
“Babies require very special care to cook properly, but there are a few different methods. Depending on what you want. In-womb and out of the womb. Although doing it in the womb requires being careful, as you can damage the mother’s fertility and genitals. The second isn’t much of a problem, but the first could mean fewer babies to harvest later. That is something to consider if you care about the long-term baby production of your female. Now with the in-womb method, you typically work the womb out of the girl but leave it attached. You want to keep the babies alive for the process and they die far too quickly after being detached from their mother. Once you have the womb out, you draw special runes. This part is critical for controlling mana flow and ensuring optimal results. After that you carefully drain the womb of fluids, and replace them with a special mix. The mix is very important, not only for flavor but the process as well. There are several ways to cook them in a womb, but the most popular is boiling. First you boil them for about an hour and then you chill them for two. If you did it right the babies inside will still be alive, packed with flavor and very tender. After a brief rest, they can be harvested and eaten.”
Laki didn’t know what to think about that one and then gave the baby cooker a second look. She was certainly learning a bit about what Atarli liked and how they raised babies. It seemed they treated them all as food, it was just a question of if they would be eaten or cultivated so that their brain could be eaten.
“I see, so where do we start with the... harvesting?”
“I’ll need the boiling pot brought over.”
She nodded and brought it over, “So what is this for?”
“Boiling Rika’s brain. I’ve found she responds very well to her brain being boiled. She enters this wonderfully happy state and that is going to make the harvesting go so much smoother.”
She set the pot down, next to Rika where indicated, but she wasn’t quite sure how boiling a girl's brain would help her give birth. The moment the pot was down, Rika proceeded to pick up her exposed brain and drop it in the pot. Laki blinked, then again it seemed Rika really didn’t mind her brain being boiled. Of course, she was likely raised to be that way and judging by the look on her face Laki felt she was really enjoying it. Sadly with her brain hanging out like that, she couldn’t ask the girl.
Laki wasn’t sure how she would feel about that, but she didn’t really like the idea of her babies being eaten. They were worthless, but they weren’t food. They were gifts for Master since he wanted them and she knew the only babies Master would eat were boys which she could not have.
As Rika started giving birth, Laki moved to catch the infants. “I don’t think I like the idea of my own babies being eaten.”
The Mistress giggled, “Well you weren’t raised to want them eaten and before you ask I’m not going to eat them. I presume they are gifts for your Master, yes?”
She nodded, “Yep. Master wants a steady supply of babies. Didn’t ask why, but I had my womb prepared to make plenty for him.”
The Mistress shifted, “Just so you know your Master would likely be experimenting on them and Amesis love deadly experiments. Often bringing babies and young kids to the brink of death. Even killing them, but they are masters of resurrection so your babies might get to experience death multiple times.”
“Oh? Cool!”
Mistress giggled, “Might be nicer to eat them you know, but it’s just a thought.”
She just nodded and pulled out the first baby, which the Mistress took. While she waited for the second Laki curiously watched as the baby was prepared.The Mistress dipped her in oil, rubbed it in, seasoned her and finally she was placed in the cooker. The little one was also wailing, but a quick lash across the throat silenced her. Laki smiled, she didn’t like crying babies. Thankfully Master had also taught her how to take that silly ability away. She planned to use it on hers when they are born too. Babies didn’t need to cry. How else were we supposed to ignore, neglect and abuse them if they kept complaining?
That thought still floating in her mind, she proceeded to help the Mistress with her harvest. The second baby came out smoothly and seemed quite healthy as well, but she was quickly prepared and placed in the cooker as well. Mistress even started it, and she watched for a moment as the cooker started moving and heating. As it was doing that, they helped the next two girls out of the mother’s belly. Girl number three was promptly taken to a crib, but the Mistress took a moment to feed the fourth girl.
Around that time, Rika finally removed her brain from the boiling water. An enchantment having kept it boiling and it was promptly placed into an ice bath that Laki brought over. There was a look of relief on her face. Part of her wanted to ask, but it wasn’t like Rika could tell her. Not right now with her brain hanging out like that. The Mistress prompted, “After being boiled for a while most girls relish the chill. It’s a nice relief for them and it prevents the brain from overcooking.”
“I see, I wonder what she would say about it?”
“Right now? Not much, her brain is quite heated, they don’t think well immediately after boiling.”
“Hmm I see.”
“Anyway her babies will be done cooking soon. Let’s eat and then we can talk. There are a few things I have concerns over.”
“Concerns? Like what?”
“Well for one, I’ve been hearing of sightings of a child eating serpent.”
She blinked, “Why do you care?”
“Cause they have a tendency to gorge on every child in town. Not much food left, if all the kids are gone, now is there?”
Laki had to admit there was a point there. As an adventurer, she knew a bit about them and what to look out for. The Serpents had potent mind abilities. They often would show up at a town during the night, when people are sleeping, when they are vulnerable. Allowing them to take control of the people. People would start waking up, already under its spell and would wake their kids. Strip them naked, clean them and take them to the serpent to be eaten. Beyond that she knew very little. No one really knew what happened after the first night, and the serpent usually stayed for a while depending on how many kids were in town. A larger town might have one lurking nearby eating the kids for months and the poor mothers wouldn’t remember much of anything after the serpent left. Only the moment they watched their kid be eaten and the first night. Nothing else. She had always been told to run, if she saw naked kids in the street being led by their mothers.
The priest entered the room and the local high priest smiled, “So are the sightings true?”
“Sadly yes, but it seems to be moving away from us. Northward, toward the elves.”
“Oh? Well in that case leave it alone.”
“What if it decides to visit one of our towns?”
The other priest laughed, “Not a problem, losing a few children isn’t a big deal. We can replace them. No point wasting fighters on it, if it’s heading out of our land. Just keep an eye on the thing. If it stops heading north, then we deal with it.”
“Understood sir.”
“Now about the local chastity priestess? Did you prepare what I asked for?”
“Certainly, we can move when you say.”
The other guy smiled, “Perfect!”