What Are We??!

Chapter 38: Too good to be true

"Are you sure about this?" Asked Aiden the second Philip sat on the driver seat. He knew that his fear was misplaced but, he was genuinely afraid.

"Yes, I'm positive! Now sit back, relax. Pray we don't meet a traffic officer on our way there" Said Philip getting ready for their journey ahead mentally.

"Why?" Asked Aiden, confused and a low key thrill of excitement. It felt like they were doing something so bad that he wanted to shout in fear.

"I don't have a licence" Said Philip as a matter of fact as he drove off to the road leaving Aiden stunned.

"And how did that came to be?" Asked Aiden when he gained his ability to talk once more.

"I failed the test everytime I took it" Replied Philip as a matter of fact.

"Written tests?" Asked Aiden still confused on how that came to be.

"The driving part is the most challenging" Replied Philip casually

"But, you drive so well and you abide by every rule and law of the road!" Said Aiden in shock.

"I thought so too but, I just break in front of a stranger's scrutiny gaze and just blew the whole test up" Said Philip with a laugh.

"That's maddening" Said Aiden with a chuckle.

"It is. So, how about you catch up with your sleep and we'll be home in a second" Suggested Philip glancing over at Aiden who was barely awake.

He spent the whole night working to meet a deadline. Even Philip could feel how much Aiden was struggling and it hurt him too but, it wasn't his place to decide, he could only suggest.

Driving on an open road, with just you and your head, living your hidden desires from fast and furious, it was what he needed best.

The drive back was so short that Philip wanted to believe that Aiden used the long way so, they wouldn't reach his home fast enough.

They were already in the basement parking lot and Philip had already switched off the car but, Aiden was still deep in his sleep so, Philip decided to kill time with mobile games and that's when he saw Stanley's missed calls.

A human's habit is a scary thing indeed because, the minute he saw the missed calls his heart began to pound so hard that it was threatening to leap out of his body.

"So, you called?" Asked Philip straight away after calling back.

"Phil, what is this that I hear from Julia?" Asked Stanley instead, fifty shades of furious.

"And that is?" Asked Philip nonchalantly but, he was feeling something else.

"Something about you accepting an acting gig without my permission. That's not a good look to any professional artist" Elaborated Stanley as a matter of fact.

"That's really amusing coming from you" Said Philip with a dry laugh before he sighed in relief when he saw Aiden still deep in sleep beside him, "Tell you what? I'll forward to you the details and the contract. I'm going to make this work, trust me"

"What If the schedules clash with your series? And the first meeting with the cast is next week, Wednesday!" Said Stanley seriously. He was annoyed.

"And you waited till now to tell me that. Why?" Asked Philip, annoyed.

"That's how we used to work, remember?" Reminded Stanley pointedly.

"Listen here. That was before! I'm my own person now. I need you as my manager not this" Retorted Philip, pissed. Things changed between them. Not much but, it did! It's supposed to!

Stanley stayed silent for awhile before he cleared his throat, "Looks like you are really not coming back this time"

"If that's all. I'm hanging up the phone" Said Philip, bored out of his mind.

"Wait! Philip darling, wait!" Cautioned Stanley in panic.

"Should I start a countdown, honey? You got a second" Said Philip enjoying the power he was getting.

"That won't be necessary" Said Stanley with a scoff. He couldn't believe he was stooping that low.

"Get to it then, my boyfriend is waiting for his breakfast" Said Philip with a whisper when he saw Aiden twitching in his sleep.

"I... I'm going to divorce my wife" Answered Stanley with a sigh.

"Oh my God! And lose your straight man shield? Your future is hard, I can't watch" Replied Philip sarcastically with a pinch of drama.

"I'm making an effort here. Can't you try meeting me half way there?" Asked Stanley, pissed.

"And why should I? We have nothing left to be talking about raising white flags now. And if you can't get serious with Coraline then please, tell her now" Advised Philip seriously before hanging up on Stanley.

Life was really something. He used to be the one hoping for a second alone with the busy Stanley and now that he found someone? He's always just there!

"Your manager?" Asked Aiden suddenly, startling Philip half dying.

"Yes, it was. How was your sleep, baby boo?" Asked Philip changing the subject.

"Do you still... uhm, do you still, you know?" Asked Aiden cautiously as he sat up straight.

"What?" Questioned Philip feigning ignorance.

"Do you love him?" Asked Aiden, closing his eyes. As if a mere question hurts.

"Why? Are you jealous?" Asked Philip instead caressing the tired face of Aiden lovingly. Why can't he just love Aiden and forget about Stanley?

"He still loves you it seems" Said Aiden melting into Philip's hands.

"It was never love with us. I know that now and he will realize that someday" Said Philip hopefully.

"Let's go inside?" Asked Aiden to the comfortable Philip beside him who made no effort to move than taking Aiden's hand and guided it to his neck. In submission.

"What are you doing?" Asked Aiden, confused.

"You own me, Aiden" Said Philip emotionally, scaring Aiden.

"That's just absurd but, trust me after that call? I love the sound of that" Said Aiden before biting the bullet, "How does it feel when you bottom?"

"Why the sudden interest?" Asked Philip caught of guard.

"I want to try today" Replied Aiden lightly.

"With me on top? Are you serious?" Asked Philip for confirmation.

"I... I uh... I..." Stuttered Aiden awkwardly making Philip feel bad for putting him on a tight spot.

"Breathe, Aiden" Begged Philip desperately, "I just don't think you are ready"

"You don't want to?" Asked Aiden, hurt.

"I'd love that! But, I never topped before so, I'm actually clueless" Explained Philip truthfully.

"Wanna try it right now?" Asked Aiden jumping on Philip.

"I'm not sure you are hearing yourself, love" Replied Philip contradicting with the hands that's keeping Aiden in place.

"I have never been so honest with my feelings. I love you Philip" Said Aiden kissing down to Philip who accepted with an open heart.

"And I love you" Said Philip but, he knew for a fact that he wasn't going to be doing that thing to Aiden.

How can someone just hand you something that you have been craving since forever on a silver platter like Aiden did?

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