Chapter 30: Turn the cover
Debbie was sweating buckets and although she clearly hated being cornered, she enjoyed Philip's doubts more.
That meant him and Aiden were cracking up, too many unspoken trauma or just keeping secrets from each other.
Philip wanted answers and if not, he wished he could be blessed with some clues and hints on how to raise the question again to Aiden casually later on.
"You are home early!" Said Debbie as soon as she heard the front door opened. And after few seconds of grunts and keys, Philip finally saw the old guy. And boy, was he Aiden in a few years.
"Got a call that somebody decided to return home after years... and who's this?" Asked the senior Aiden, displeased at the sight of Philip.
"Um, this is Philip, honey, Aiden's boyfriend" Introduced Debbie in her too sweet a voice that it sent a shudder through Philip's spine.
"This thing? Is it even a boy to be added a friend tittle to?" Asked senior Aiden so seriously and Philip did try to hold his laughter in but, with the way he said it? Was hard not to.
"Something funny here?" Questioned senior Aiden raising his voice at Philip and that did it. Philip went into his 'protect or attack' chamber and he chose to protect obviously.
"No sir, sorry sir!" Replied Philip with a mock of a salute. Yes, he was shitless afraid but, sarcastic helps takes the edge of the fear for him.
"You are leaving my house now!" Said senior Aiden going to grab Philip but, was stopped by Aiden's voice.
"Except it's not, is it?" Came Aiden's calm voice before he went and pulled Philip to him, making him breathe again, "And this is the last time I'm letting you talk like that to him"
"So, now that you are gay makes it okay to speak to your father that way? I'm dissapointed in you, son" Said senior Aiden in disgust.
"Good thing I still hope you'll grow up and be a father someday before you die" Retorted Aiden helpfully making it all feel like a big fat joke or a family tradition. But, it wasn't. Aiden was boiling pissed!
"You!" Warned senior Aiden before Debbie came his rescue or he was going to have an heart attack there.
"Okay, let's go lie down and we can all talk on the dinner table" Said Debbie leading the old guy away but, Aiden halted them in their steps.
"We are leaving" Said Aiden making Philip tense in his embrace. He didn't want to go! Was it cruel and crazy, wanting to see Aiden go all macho for few minutes?.
"Figures. Everytime it gets hard. You are choosing the easiest way out" Said Senior Aiden with a sigh.
"You are one to speak? Where were you when we needed your help?" Retorted Aiden and for a second Philip could swear he felt Aiden rubbing his back gently and his hands were shaking.
So, Philip decided to do just that to Aiden, tenderly and in no time tensions were lowered.
And with the senior Aiden gone, Aiden let it all sink in. The old guy brings out the worst in him that it should be a talent.
"You've become braver now. Good for you" Commended Tina dryly.
"I have a lot to lose now" Said Aiden before cupping Philip's face, "Hey, sorry that went south real fast"
"Help me make dinner" Said Philip in a sweet tone with a smile.
"You still want to do that?" Asked Aiden in disbelief. Philip never let a plan flop, apparently.
"I can't really leave things halfway. I get pretty weird about it" Explained Philip vaguely.
"Anything for you" Said Aiden in his knew resolve before kissing Philip on the cheek.
"Such a simp" Called out Tina dryly going to chop on the onions. She was this silent killer.
Being in the kitchen did wonders to Philip, he felt in control, sane and very much grounded again but, spending the whole day with Aiden? Like they did that day? Was really great.
"Okay, chef... That's the last stew and it's ready" Said Aiden breathlessly.
"Oh, come on! You didn't do shit, Most of the time you were humping your boyfriend, don't think I didn't notice" Called out Tina with the roll of her eyes.
"But, I did stir and taste it!" Said Aiden like he was wrongfully accused.
"Tina is right, the least you can do is act guilty" Said Philip like he was their last verdict.
"So we did the cooking thing, can we go now?" Inquired Aiden, wanting nothing more than leave that hell hole.
"Of course, after you" Said Philip with a smile, relieved even.
"You'll come back soon, right?" Tina asked in a small voice, stopping Philip which was weird, he thought Tina hated him by that point.
And to have the apathetic girl to look that terrified or maybe she was just in despair. So, Philip couldn't resist hugging her tightly before they were broken up by Aiden.
"How about this, whenever we are free and in town we'll call you" Said Aiden, "And trust me you have to really want it for it to stay in the past"
"You have my new number?" Asked Tina out of nowhere.
"You lost another phone?" Asked Aiden with a chuckle. What's with him and forgetful people?.
"That's the last one I'll be losing this year" Promised Tina but, they both knew it wasn't likely.
"What a psycho" Said Aiden before taking out his phone gave it to Tina for her to punch in her number.
After their goodbyes. Philip climbed to the car fast and closed the door to block the outside noise. He survived his hell. He did it!
"Need these?" Asked Aiden after settling in the driver seat, showing Philip the ear plugs.
"That won't be weird?" Asked Philip taking them from him.
"Like everything else in my life is not" Said Aiden with a scoff before Philip held his hand in his.
"I don't know why you wanted to hurt your father but, don't hurt yourself in the process like you did back there" Begged Philip making Aiden's face fall.
"You saw through all that?" Asked Aiden surprised but, kind of touched.
"Everybody's is an open book you just have to turn the cover" Said Philip before he felt this calmness in him, that made him feel safe and seen and enough.
"And who'd that be?" Asked Aiden buttoning, Philip's shirt to play with his chest for a bit.
"The ancient, me!" Declared Philip making Aiden laugh before kissing Philip on the cheek and started the car leaving Philip with horny questions. That should be illegal, right?
Oblivious to them that all along Debbie was watching them but, did it matter? No.
"So, Tina filled me in on your situation back there" Said Aiden as they left the house.
"I'm so sorry about that" Apologized Philip sincerely.
"No. I'm glad we went there today and you calling her out like that, was nice for a change" Said Aiden before chuckling to himself, "I can't believe I never noticed her struggles before"
"She's just lonely with a big heart to love" Said Philip thoughtfully.
"Do you know what she told me in there?" Started Aiden with a smile.
"What?" Asked Philip curiously.
"That you're one heck of a fighter and that you shouldn't hide your wound or scars from your teammates. It doesn't help a thing in a battlefield" Said Aiden still impressed by it.
"She said that? A seventeen teenager said that?" Asked Philip, doubtful.
"She had to deal with a lot growing up" Said Aiden sadly ending the discussion in that note.