What Are We??!

Chapter 27: Family house

They say a good destiny is made with you getting to choose your own fate, and that's exactly what Philip woke up early to do that morning.

Don't judge him. He didn't know that he'd fall that deep to his own trap. He was falling in love with his prisoner and the all time lie was starting to sound like the truth even to his own ears.

Philip didn't want a step closer to his past and he just wished it would be the same with Aiden and his past.

So, he decided to play the part where he was the grown up who has to swallow his own pride and prejudices and focus on what's important to him. Aiden's love.

Trust him. If he knew any voodoo magic, he would have used it on Aiden that's how desperate he was in making sure Aiden was there to stay.

He knew that it was impossible with how Aiden was all over him but then again, he knew life better and time was his best enemy. Plus, he moving on from Stanley proves that love dies even for the loyal dogs.

It was no secret that his therapy and anger management regime involved house chores which sadly there's only enough to do in that apartment so, his stress level was still at its peak.

"Hello gorgeous" Philip heard Aiden morning voice from behind him before his hands circled his torso. He didn't even see Aiden walk up to him! It was worse than he thought.

"I didn't see you when I woke up" Said Aiden before kissing Philip on the forehead, "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, what do you want for breakfast?" Asked Philip biting his lower lip nervously, before gesturing to the kitchen counter, where his madness laid there in plain sight, "I kind of made everything you bought yesterday"

"What's wrong?" Asked Aiden after taking everything in. It was clear that something was gnawing at Philip.

"I don't know! That's what I want to find out by cooking" Explained Philip, biting his lower lip, avoiding Aiden's gaze.

"And it's clearly not working" Said Aiden worriedly, "Should we take a drive out of town? It helps me stay focused and regulates my emotions"

"You are not mad?" Asked Philip, not believing his reality.

"Why would I?" Asked Aiden with a scoff, "But, if you want we can go to my family's house to cook some more because, there's like a whole village in that house"

"You never talk about them" Observed Philip thoughtfully.

"Are you interested? I can make a few calls if you are in. Debbie would have a fiesta to hear that" Said Aiden going for his phone

"Who's Debbie?" Asked Philip curiously.

"My step mom, just a few years older than me but, she's great once you get to know her" Replied Aiden before getting a hold of his phone.

"Is her kitchen big?" Asked Philip excitedly. It was happening!

"I'll let you decide that on your own" Said Aiden, trying and failing to contain his excitement, "For now how about you just get ready to go?"

"You mean we are doing this?" Questioned Philip, like a big eyed doll.

"I thought we were on the same page?" Asked Aiden, confused.

"Are you sure you want me in your space like that?" Asked Philip, starting to feel overwhelmed.

"If that's alright with you?" Mumbled Aiden, remembering last night's episode. Why doesn't he ever learn?

"I just need to ease my mind or I'll blow up" Explained Philip as he walked to the bathroom, determined followed by Aiden.

"Has that happened before?" Asked Aiden with a lazy smile. He loves seeing Philip strip for him. It's like she's this seductive goddess without even trying.

"More often than I can remember" Replied Philip taking his toothbrush and hand Aiden his.

They spent getting themselves dirty than showering and it was all thanks to the condoms.

Philip came to the conclusion. You can!. One can actually cum without touching his dick.

"You are not even gonna put on some dramatic brush moves?" Asked Aiden weirded out when they were ready to go.

Philip's was wearing a buttoned shirt with brown jeans. A far cry to what Aiden was used to seeing him in. Mostly nothing but, without make up? Not even a shade of foundation? Something was clearly wrong.

"I look old, aren't I?" Asked Philip, concerned.

"That's not the point and you know it" Pressed Aiden making Philip squirm in his shoes. He wasn't in heels! Something was definitely wrong.

"You don't think it's weird to bring a stranger to your family with his face full on make up?" Questioned Philip in a small voice.

"Depends if that someone enjoys it" Replied Aiden with a shrug not budging.

"What do you think their first impression of me would be?" Asked Philip, stressed. Why did he want to meet Aiden's family that bad?

"Somebody who doesn't need to impress anybody in my family" Said Aiden leading Philip to his- officially since he moved in- dressing table. "Unless you are dating me for my family"

"Aiden?" Called out Philip as he was starting to paint his face.

"Yeah?" Replied getting off his phone to listen.

"You are not going to college today?" Asked Philip, out of nowhere.

"Relax, your feathers. Officially, I'm on break till the week after next week. I was just finishing up my projects, you know? A man gotta eat" Explained Aiden

"Why do you work so hard? You are still young" Said Philip curious.

"Independency. I wanted that for myself, and now that it's starting to take off? I'm glad I started it in the first place" Replied Aiden mesmerized by Philip's beauty.

The eyes that twinkle when he gets a brush to his face, the face he's making whenever he puts on a lipstick, his changing of attitude whenever he gets his eye lashes straightened...

"You are staring" Reminded Philip to the gawking Aiden.

"I'm always staring" Replied Aiden unapologetically.

"So, I noticed" Said Philip with a smile returning to his work, "Doesn't it get overwhelming sometimes?"

"It does but, it helps that I love making money, meet deadlines, satisfy my customers, building trust, connections and most of all, I want to afford the life you want" Explained Aiden still glued to Philip's face and body.

"And what's that?" Challenged Philip, curious to the answer.

"Everything good" Replied Aiden simply. Aiden realized how much he loves it when Philip looks back at him from the mirror. He gets to see the front and backside at the same time. A feast to behold.

"Money can't buy everything" Said Philip finishing up his routine.

"Don't I know that" Replied Aiden pointedly.

"What does that look mean?" Asked Philip bashfully.

"There are like billions of big shots out there dying to have you by their side and here you are, going to my family's house instead" Said Aiden as a matter of fact, "Call me lucky 'corse I'll take it"

Philip didn't know what that was, she was feeling at that moment. She wanted to cry. Aiden's love was liberating. Did she even deserve the guy? Was Mia wrong to run to the hills at that blinding light? She didn't think so.

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