What Are We??!

Chapter 16: Not enough to forget

Philip didn't really feel like going out after that... whatever it was going on between him and Aiden but, if you know Jake then you must know how 'charming' he can get. His words.

"What's wrong with him today?" Asked Tristan coming back from giving a stranger a blow job in the bathroom.

"What else? Boy problems" Said Jake passing a tissue to Tristan.

"With Aiden? Now I'm scared to be in a relationship" Replied Tristan after tidying himself making Jake scoff, "That's the least of your worries, darling. Imagine falling for someone who doesn't like head?"

"How can a person fall in love with a person like that?" Asked Tristan flabbergasted. Does a person like that exist?

"Trust me. I know things now" Said Philip thoughtfully narrowing his eyes. He was too drunk to filter anything coming from his mouth.

"And she has risen!" Announced Jake followed by Tristan's "Hallelujah"

"Cut that out! I'm too stressed to function" Said Philip ordering another long island before Jake interfered and ordered water for him instead.

"Okay, you have been moping all afternoon. Out with it!" Demanded Jake hitting the table for effect but, only to hurt his hand instead.

"Or we can drink some more!" Chimed in Tristan excitedly. They were in a bar full of everything good, why make life feel dull?.

"Since when was I the adult in this trinity?" Questioned Jake feeling offended by that role. He was the fun guncle everyone wished they could have.

"Ease up grandma and bring out the shots!" Said Philip standing up and dancing to whatever the DJ was playing which was one damn slow music!.

"Phi phi what's going on?" Pressed on Jake pulling Philip to sit back down.

"He left me! Am I that boring guys?" Asked Philip nonchalantly.

"You? Boring? Never!" Replied Jake without missing a beat making Philip cry loudly, "That's a lie!"

"No,it's not!" Cried back Jake feeling upset, "I don't know how to live on my own anymore" Said Jake when he calmed down.

"Then why did you want to rent an apartment then?" Asked Tristan not really believing his ears. They took a whole day just for Jake to sign a lease on the first one they were taken to.

"Because, I can't live with you!" Replied Jake making a serious face.

"Why?" Asked Tristan amused.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable!" Replied Jake before turning to Philip, "Her house is gorgeous!"

"Dead gorgeous!" Supported Philip with enthusiasm of a kid.

"And her favourite colour is teal" Went on Jake count them with his fingers.

"That's your favourite colour!" Said Philip excitedly clapping his hands and giggling.

"Right? And she's very very sweet to me" Said Jake acting all shy about it

"She is, isn't she?" Asked Philip cupping his face with a dreamy expression.

"I love her" Whispered Jake before hiding his face with his hands.

"Waiter? Rings to our table! Now! My friends are getting married!" Declared Philip standing up with his hand up for attention.

"How much did you guys drink?" Laughed Tristan at the play unfolding before him.

"Not enough to forget Aiden apparently" Mumbled Philip as he sat down again, sad.

"I love you Christe" Said Jake turning to Tristan all sober in the eyes but, too drunk in the head, "And you can suck me off anytime you want! I'm addicted to sex and you giving head... Aren't we perfect?"

"Okay, you guys need a taxi and an address in mind" Said Tristan when he saw two bouncers walking their way. Guess, the noise became a pollution.

"Need any help handsome?" Asked a girl with a glass in her hand intercepting the bouncers and them.

"She's mine!" Came Jake's cry. Clutching onto Tristan hard.

"She?" Questioned the girl confused but, looking at the table she understood, "He's that drunk?"

"Well as you can see but, thanks though I don't think I'd need your help this night" Replied Tristan humbly as he continued to collect their things.

"Don't be too sure of yourself" Said the girl as he grabbed Tristan's crotch and gave it a little squeeze making him grunt in pleasure.

"Trust me. I won't" Insisted Tristan with what he hoped to be a sad smile.

"Okay, your loss" Said the girl moving along making it easy for the bouncers to walk over to their table.

"As you can see? We are leaving!" Said Tristan taking his drunk friends outside the bar. Trust him when he says, Don't drink too much when away from home.

"You are angry!" Observed Jake quietly as they were sitting down outside the bar waiting for a taxi.

"You going to Aiden's?" Asked Tristan looking at the sad, mopping Philip.

"He doesn't want me there!" Sulked Philip with a pout.

"So this leaves my apartment"

"How about you guys sleep in mine?" Suggested Jake before Tristan glared at him, "I have school in the morning!"

"You are studying?"

"I'm a principal for God's sake!"

"Oh, a principal" Said Philip with childlike voice, "To the principal's office"

"He made me drink!" Said Jake pointing an accusing finger to Philip who gasped and widened his eyes comically making Tristan laugh.

"I swear! I was just here because he seemed sad" Retorted Philip looking like an abused toddler.

"Well whoever's phone is buzzing in my pocket, should take it" Said Tristan waiting for the toddlers to come reach out to take their belongings but, none of them seemed to care and truth to God he didn't either.

"Why can't it be me?" Asked Jake pitifully making Tristan to listen to him a little more seriously.

"Honey, let's do this when we are sober" Suggested Tristan meaningfully.

"I can't when I'm sober! I get all mumbly fumbling when I'm with you" Said Jake grabbing Tristan's hands, "I didn't fucking sleep last night"

"Why?" Asked Tristan, interested.

"I can't get the image of you playing with yourself from my heard" Replied Jake dryly making Philip gasp, "He put on a free show? Stany boy ain't gonna like that" Said Philip with a shrug.

"You saw that?" Asked Tristan with a laugh. What else did he see? Did he hear him? He knew it wasn't a good decision to play with himself with a person next room.

"You don't love me, do you?" Asked Jake sadly when he saw how Tristan was taking everything to be a joke or a drunken talk.

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