Well at Least I’m a Magic Pirate Now

Chapter 17: Well at Least I Got Laid

Sareneth 14 Wealday Evening

After a couple hours of frantic song and dance the magical lanterns in the hold began to dim, subtly reminding us all that we had work to do in the morning. I’d been dancing and singing for quite long enough, and the moment that I decided to stop I noticed how sore my body was feeling from all the exercise.

Shit. I’m getting lucky tonight. I can’t be sore. No. I won’t allow it. Dammit autopilot! You did not have to go that hard with the dancing!

I folded one leg in front of me and bent forward with the other stretched out behind me, pushing my upper body forward into the wooden deck. I couldn’t think of anything more embarrassing than failing to perform in bed because I didn’t limber up.

Naturally step two was to hydrate, but as it happens refilling the water barrel bolted to the floor in the hold was a lot harder for anyone who wasn’t blessed by the goddess of piracy, storms, and sea monsters. With an irritated sigh, I added my dehydration to the list of things Plugg would someday answer for.

I sighed and navigated my way to Syl through the crowd preparing for bed, having done all I reasonably could to get ready. After I finished dancing, she had started rifling through the bag Jakes left me. Theoretically she could have stolen something, but I was more confident with it in her hands than sitting around unguarded. Besides, most of the contents of the bag came from her shopping list. The bag was on her list too, actually.

“Hey.” I sat next to her with a smile and spoke quietly. “Did you get everything you were hoping for?”

“Yeah. Quick question though.” She held up the depleted Seal of Alternative Payment. “How’d you pay for all of this? I gave you the ring so you could pay for the clothes and shit, but it was nestled right in there with the rest.”

I pursed my lips. “That’s a very good question.” I muttered.

Autopilot. Talk to me.

Not clear. Sandara said that five to ten gold was chump change to an experienced pirate and we know he was at least higher level than us. It’s possible, given his gratitude and our modest requests, that he just paid for everything out of his own funds. (Sense Motive 12+1=13)

Damn. We lost a stand up guy if so. Maybe I’ll track him down if I’m ever off this crew.

“I asked Jakes to get it all for us.” I finally answered, pulling a mostly full coin purse out of the bag and checking the contents, “It doesn’t seem like he spent much of the money I gave him either.”

“Damn,” she said, summing it up pretty nicely.

“Shame he had to jump ship.” I gathered up my necklace and new coin purse, “well, I think I’m going to go to the kitchen. It’s peaceful this time of night.”

“Sounds nice.” Syl answered laconically. “I’m just going to pack my trunk then. Should I come get you at lights out?”

“Sure.” I agreed with a smile, “Wouldn’t want to stay up all night.”


I wasn’t really sure how long I had until Syl joined me, but I did have one thing I wanted to check on the way to the kitchen. I need to steal a magic item, so why not check and see if I can pull the same trick as last time?

Steal a magic item without being caught or punished for 24 hours afterwards: 1 exp, Mystery Talent

Mystery talent: a special bonus feat to be revealed upon acquisition.

Grok left the door unlocked again, so I had free reign. Of course, a quick detect magic spell confirmed that everything magical was in locked boxes. I hunted for a set of lockpicks in the accessible lockers, but I suppose that would be a foolish thing to leave out. I couldn’t pick any of the locks without proper tools (Disable Device DC impossible), but upon closer inspection one of the wooden chests had a busted lock. I carefully lifted the top only a fraction of an inch, and heard the faint wooden creak, like a crossbow, as some kind of trap was nearly sprung. I should be able to disable since Grok checks this box safely every day, but I’ll need to study it for a while and rearm it properly if I don’t want to leave any signs. (Perception 20+3=23 Critical Success)

Shit. So even the cheesy method isn’t going to be easy. Ah well, I’m sure as hell not wasting all night in here. Maybe tomorrow.

I carefully put everything roughly back where I found it, trusting in Grok’s lax nature to smooth over any suspicious changes. After all, I hadn’t actually stolen anything yet.


My timing was good; if I’d dallied in the quartermaster’s office any longer, Syl would have caught me in the hallway. I’d have answered any questions she asked me, but I was glad to avoid the necessity. We had other things to focus on.

So what’s the procedure? What’s normal here? Or in Rahadoum, or whatever? Hell, does any of that apply anyway? Like, sure I’m “paying” her but sex isn’t a twenty dollar bill. Shit. Usually it’s kinda spontaneous. Last time I talked to her it was about the contents of a fucking backpack! How do I get her excited?

Just ask her.

Huh? What do you mean?

Like this. “So. How do you want to do this? You’re in charge.” I checked the gate on the goat pen and pulled a barrel to block them in. Syl was a practical sort; if we were courting she might want more romance, but this wasn’t that. (Secret Sense motive 20+1=21 critical success. Syl +1 influence. You now have Minor Sway with Syl Lonegan)

“Oh?” She purred, looking over at me with a crooked grin, her alabaster eyes flashing in the lantern light. “That’s a dangerous thing to say.”

“I’m at your service, my lady Lonegan.”

She snorted as she pulled her shirt off. “Well I hope you don’t mind if I prefer things a little darker.” She expertly tossed her shirt onto the hanging magic lantern, plunging the room into a washed out grayscale to my eyes.

“Not at all.” I confirmed, approaching her in the dim light while she stripped off her clothes. “Whatever makes you feel comfortable.”

In the dim light, her skin took on a silvery color in my eyes with flickers of its natural tan dancing along with the firelight. When she was busy taking off her pants, I stepped in close from the side and met her with a series of kisses along her jawline starting near the chin, tasting dried sea spray on her skin. I stopped at her ear and asked with a whisper, “What can I do for you?”

“Get those clothes off. You smell like shit.” She scoffed, trying to sound dismissive, but I could see her leering appreciatively while I stripped. I made a show of it, revealing my skin inch by inch in the dim firelight. (Perform: dance 8+4=12)

When I was properly relieved of both my offensive rags and my mysteriously clean magic boots, I stepped in close to her then waited. We listened to one another’s breath for a moment before Syl closed the distance. Her saliva left a faint tingling sensation on my lips as we wrapped our arms around one another. I was struck by how strangely smooth she was, nearly hairless beneath the neck.

Does she shave, or is this another serpent heritage thing like the eyes? I’m pretty sure I saw a normal amount of body hair on Rosie so I don’t think it’s universal.

Setting aside pointless speculation, I pushed her onto the freshly cleaned table and leaned forward, flicking my tongue across a perky brown nipple. I took her faintly pleased hum as an invitation to go further, sucking it gently and swirling it around in my mouth. She wrapped her arms around me, her breath catching in her throat.

“Lick it.” She insisted playfully, gently pushing me down by the shoulders. “That’ll get me ready.” Giving oral wasn’t my favorite part of sex, so I relinquished control and began servicing her. Of course this was what she wanted. The matrons had taught me well, so it wasn’t difficult, but I had hoped to spend the evening without my head between her legs.

I methodically worked my way through the procedure I’d been drilled on back home. Using a flat, relaxed tongue, I licked from the base of the vagina to the clitoris. Teasing, gentle. More pressure could tire me out and I didn’t know how long she’d keep me down here. She was appreciative, though. I’d hardly begun and her breath was already hitching, her hands clutching the edge of the table. Must not be orally pleasured very often. (Perform: Sexual 16+4=20 great performance). With that in mind, I started extremelt gentle when I reached her clit. I took it in my mouth and sucked with a sustainable, consistent level of pressure. She wrapped her thighs around my head and whimpered, so I knew it was the right choice. Then she surprised me.

“Fuck, you’re good at this.” She noted with a ragged voice, “I’m ready. Stick it in, please?”

Hell yeah. I’m tagging back in, ya killjoy. I don’t like oral either but with a reaction like this I could learn to. You almost killed my boner, treating it like a chore.

“I’d be happy to.” I pushed her back onto the table and followed her up, lining my cock up between her raised legs.

“Do it!” She demanded.

I fumbled for a moment, then slid right into the sopping wet and strangely bare slit. Perhaps unsurprisingly for an elf, I wasn’t packing a monster. It might be a problem if I ever ran into a size queen, but my slightly curved jet black rod was more than up to the task of pleasing Syl. Her whole body clenched up shortly after I started thrusting, and I realized why she’d wanted the shift from oral.

“Harder! Fuck me! Deeper!” She howled as she reached climax. I was happy to oblige, fucking her with as much force as I could muster as she latched onto me, forcing me deep into her folds. It felt damn good. I kept thrusting after she finished cumming; she still seemed to like it and it was only fair that I get my rocks off too.

“Can I come inside of you?” I asked as the question became relevant.

“No. Are you almost there?” She asked breathlessly. I nodded.

“Pull out.” She ordered, “I’ll finish you off.”

I obliged and she pushed me upright, twisting around so she could reach my cock and wrap her lips around it. I sure as hell wasn’t expecting this much assistance, so she didn’t have much difficulty sucking an orgasm out of me, fondling my balls idly as she did. She even let me cum in her mouth and swallowed most of it, with a bit dribbling out of the corner of her mouth.

“Alright. Good round one.” She noted as I lay down next to her. “How quickly can you be ready for round two? I can whip up a stimulant if you need.” She propped herself up so she could gaze down at my face with a wicked gleam. “I intend to get my money’s worth.”


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