Well at Least I’m a Magic Pirate Now

Chapter 13: Well at Least I Have Allies

Sarenith 11, Day 8

Kroop and I passed out breakfast as usual, but he let me dip out briefly to speak to my party. Oh hey, today is going to be a day off in town. Want to spend it with me, working in the middle of the ocean at a job none of us have any particular skill at? Syl was the obvious starting point, because I could offer her “ten gold,” but she still didn’t jump at the opportunity.

“The hell I am!” She objected, “This is my opportunity to sell this ring and go shopping! I haven’t changed my clothes in a week!”

“What if I can get someone else to pick that stuff up for you?” I proposed.

Syl pursed her lips, and I could practically hear her doing the cost benefit analysis in her head. The job wasn’t exactly enticing, but she looked me up and down appraisingly before making her decision. She wanted what I was offering more than she let on. (Sense motive 20+2=22 critical success. You have also learned one of Syl’s desired traits: Practicality) “Fine,” she relented, “I’ll help you with your damn lobsters. I’ll gut you if you don’t hold up your end of the bargain, though.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”


“As much as I would love to join you,” Sandara drawled, “I’ve taken a sacred oath to do something dramatically more fun, so I think I’ll pass.”

“Seriously?” I spluttered, "A sacred oath?”

“Yep.” She nodded gravely, “I’m religiously obligated to go to the tavern and convince people to buy me drinks.”

“Are you fucking with me?” Is she fucking with me? She’s not fucking with you. (Secret Sense motive 1+2=3 Critical FailureDammit. 

“Besmara demands it,” she put a hand consolingly on my shoulder, "I hope you can forgive me. Besides, it’s not like I know anything more about reef fishing than you do. Good luck!” She turned to leave, probably intending to get her work for the day done so she could enjoy her leave when it came.

“Wait,” I called, “would you at least do me a favor while you’re in town then?”

“Depends on the favor,” she hedged.

“Syl only agreed on the condition that I get someone to buy some things for her.” I explained, “and I’d like it if you bought a necklace for me. I’ll give you the money for it.” I rattled off a short list of items Syl had requested.

“Eh, I’ll pick up the necklace, the comb, and the night tea.” She agreed, “I’ll be in the area for those. I’m not going clothes shopping though. I’m sure you can find someone else for that?”

“I guess,” I sighed. “Just meet me at the kitchen before I get on the boat. I can give you a couple bottles that seem pretty expensive, plus Syl’s ring.”

Plus the necklace you’re going to bring right back. Aren’t party members supposed to be extra helpful or something? This is a pain in the ass. 

I didn’t have much time left, so I made my way over to someone that owed me. Jakes Magpie had been slowly recovering from his ordeal, but I hadn’t been checking on him often. I didn’t want to seem too buddy buddy with him given the rules I broke saving his life, but hiring him as a personal shopper seemed like a decent idea.


“Hey.” I flagged him down, “You’re Magpie, right?”

“Yeah?” He answered warily. “Look, I don’t really have much in terms of money.” He was still moving gingerly, with the affected arm tightly bandaged.

“That’s a shame. Thankfully that’s not what I want from you.” I bulldozed over his concerns, “I have a friend who wants to do some shopping in town. If you can get the stuff she wanted to pick up, I’ll call us even.” I didn’t really want to do too much with Jakes. He didn’t seem like a bad guy, but it seemed likely he still had a target on his back.

“Oh yeah, sure.” He relaxed, “I can do that. What does she need?”

I checked my list. “A dagger, for one. A brown or gray skirt that would go below her knees, a pair of dark colored shorts, a brown jacket, and two or three shirts in gray, brown, dark yellow, or dark red. Apparently she isn’t too picky about the size, she can modify them herself. She’d also like sandals. It’s Syl, the girl with white eyes, if you want to check with her for her sizes. She also has some other things she’d like, but think of them as bonuses.” I rattled off a few more things, including cheap novels, coffee beans, and dried fruit. Little luxuries. “Tell Sandara if you need money. We can settle up later.”

“Sure! No worries.” He agreed. “Shouldn’t be too much trouble.”


“Come on Conchobar!” I begged, “You’d really be doing me a solid.”

“No way, man.” He answered firmly, “I like you, but not that much. Sitting out in the sun on a boat doesn’t sound fun or productive. I’m going to be trying to get in contact with my dad, maybe make a little bit of cash. I have plans, man.”

Shit. He was my backup choice for a healer. 

“Look, I just have a bad feeling about this.” I pleaded, “I feel like something might happen while we are out there. Aren’t there, like, sea monsters or something in these oceans?”

“Man, if you get attacked by sea monsters you’re just fuckin dead.” He answered, deadpan. “You’d need a lot more help than a guy with a flute. I only learned bardic magic as part of studying music theory. I doubt that the captain would throw your life away on something like this, so it’s probably not a particularly dangerous region.”

“Fine.” I groaned, “I’d just really like to have a little more help with this. Nobody that’s been willing to help has known anything about lobster catching.”

“Oh sweet, you’re going lobster diving?” Rosie butted in. “I’m in.”

I paused to look over the small, muscular woman. Well why the hell not? I have space in my roster. She seems like a nice girl. I’m not really into girls that short, but adding both her and Owlbear should finish stage two of my mission.

“Awesome. We’d be glad to have you.” I agreed enthusiastically. “We don’t really know that much about lobstering, so if you have any suggestions for equipment that would be great.” I would be mostly relying on sheer luck and dice rolls for this, but having someone competent along could remove some of the chance.

“Nets and some long sticks.” She suggested, “Three to four feet long is best. At least that’s what my family used when we went out on the boat.”

“Excellent.” I nodded at Conchobar, “shame you can’t make it, but I get it if you’ve got obligations.” He looked a little crestfallen, and I recalled that he had been trying to get on Rosie’s good side. “I know you’d come if you could. Hopefully you can let your dad know where you are. I bet he’s worried sick.” (Diplomacy 17+4=21 Success! You have temporarily improved Rosie Cusswell’s disposition towards Conchobar Shortstone to friendly.)

Rosie looked at Conchobar with a smile and patted him on the shoulder companionably before speaking. “Do what you gotta do. Do you have money for post? There might be a Society outpost in the area to send it for you.”

What can I say? She’s cute, but I’m not into girls that short. Why not try being a good wingman? I left them to finish up my tasks for the morning, in particular I needed to get permission to bring along Owlbear. I asked Kroop for advice while I helped him with early prep work.

“Any chance I can bring along Owlbear?” I asked, “I don’t get the impression he does a lot around the ship. Is he dangerous or something?”

“Huh?” Kroop glanced over at me, “Not particularly. He doesn’t seem violent or anything. He’s just a bit dumb. Unreliable, you know? I’m pretty sure he’s only still on the ship because Plugg took a shine to him. Otherwise we’d have probably left the poor guy in some random port. I’ll ask if you can bring him if you’d like, but don’t expect much out of him.”

“I’ll take him. What’s the worst that could happen?”


A few hours later, my three companions and I were sitting in the jolly boat and watching as the Wormwood sailed away. We hooked the small rowboat to a rock that jutted out above the waves while I added Owlbear and Rosie to my party. Jakes was also on the list, but apparently he was disqualified for being a higher level than me. That’s a good problem to have. A chill dude who is on good terms with me but can’t join my party because he’s a little too badass? I’ll take your whole stock, sir. 

I didn’t have long, so I didn’t do a deep dive on my two new party members. I wasn’t entirely sure how to explain a magically appearing new pair of boots, but I was among friends. I mentally pressed the button, dismissed a message declaring that I had leveled up, pulled the Boots of Authority on, and glanced around at everyone. “Yo, if anyone asks I miraculously found these boots in the reef.”

Ally with 3/6/10 crew members from the following list before 7/4: Caulky Tarroon, Owlbear Hartshorn, Ambrose Kroop, Cut-throat Grok, Sandara Quinn, Rosie Cusswell, Crimson Cogward, Conchobar Shortstone, Syl Lonegan, Jakes Magpie, Fipps Chumlett, Jack Scrimshaw 

Reward: 1 exp, Sudden Coaxing Spell/ 1 exp, Advance Pay, Boots of Authority / 1 exp, craft magic arms and armor

“Sure,” Rosie answered, “as long as you didn’t steal them from the captain or something.”

“I’m not that stupid.” I waved her off. “So, you’re the expert here, Rosie. How are we doing this?”


Optional reading, but if you would like to see anyone’s stats, here ya go.


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