Wasteland Conqueror

Chapter 18: Loot Goblin

That about covers my relationships. I have other ones besides the ones I've mentioned, but nothing of any real note at this point. Onto the next bit of progress we have loot, and in the last couple of years I've managed to accumulate a good bit of it, especially the materials and resources I need to begin getting some gear made.

What I've managed to get my hands on so far is, I've "Borrowed" 200 microfusion cells that I can either use for power, such as using them as ammo for energy weapons, or I can modify the cells into makeshift plasma grenades at a moment's notice if the need arises.

Though I highly doubt there ever will be a need to, at least inside the undercity since I've yet to encounter a single issue that would require that kind of drastic action slash firepower. But other than those two mentioned uses, I could also modify them into fusion breeder cells.

Doing that would then provide me with a theoretical, limitless power source. To accomplish that, I'm going to need to produce a couple pieces of equipment to make that happen. Too bad the undercity lacks the ones I'm specifically looking for.

Aside from the cells I gained, I've also managed to scrounge up a decent amount of scrap metal, electronics, different adhesives, and numerous other miscellaneous materials and components. All of which I have safely stored away in my room inside the many locked lockers and trunks I've gotten over the years. Though most of them have been acquired in the last two years.

With the many, many different things I have hoarded, all I have to do now is to find some laser weapon parts and I'll be able to cobble together a halfway decent laser weapon. Looks like I'll have to make a trip to the used market, I could maybe come across some parts at the recycling facility.

However, it'll be much easier to get the parts I need from the used market, at least I think so. If I can't find them there, the alternative is to just wait until I get a large enough space for myself that I can use to start making and manufacturing the shit I'm going to require.

Hmm… on second thought, I have to do that anyway so might as well direct my energy and focus into that instead of trying to hunt down parts when I can simply just produce them on my own, yeah I'll go with that plan instead.

Together with the bits and bobs I collected, I turned a small sum of the scrap metal into lockpicks which I've been using to raid the undercity's recycling plant for even more stuff. And as a result of said raiding, my lockpicking skill has increased a decent bit as well.

Alright, that about does it for the loot I collected and the majority of my progress in recent years… Since I'm covering everything, I'll go over my near future plans too. So over these last five years, with my intense accumulation of knowledge, I'm now at the point where I actually need to start preparing the items for the wasteland.

Therefore, I have to begin manufacturing and producing the ammo, armor, chemicals, equipment, medicine, weapons and the other numerous items I'll require for my plans of taking over Cyberdynamics Robotics Facility and raiding Fort Kern, that I decided to take control of as well instead of just cleaning it of its loot and going on my way. Plus, there is the research I need to complete too, so much stuff to do, so little time, haa…

Now the plan I have in mind for how I'm going to go about starting my mass manufacturing operation, I'm going to first get my parents and my grandparents together. Once I have them in one place, I'm going to have a talk with them to see if they can help me out with getting a space large enough for what I want to get done, preferably one located in between the mining and manufacturing districts.

If I can get a warehouse in between those two districts, it would allow me to go into the undercity mines to gather resources at a much faster speed as compared to a location near my home which is located on just about the opposite side of the undercity from the mines.

Combined with the faster and easier material gathering, I'll have easy access to numerous pieces of manufacturing equipment from the nearby manufacturing facilities, cutting the amount of time I would need to use for getting everything setup even further.

As for chances of them agreeing to help me out, I believe they are pretty high since I can spin this in the way that this will let me gain experience and will help my creativity flourish, etcetera. Attacking from that angle should make them see this as something majorly beneficial for me, so I don't see why they wouldn't agree.

Though if they knew my true goals for the place and why I want to make the stuff I'm planning on making. I'm confident that the answer would be a resounding no. Simply because the women in my family wouldn't want me to go wandering into a danger filled wasteland. I'm gonna have to broach this topic at some point, but delaying it until I've made all my preparations and have my miniature robot army assembled will probably make things easier. 

I should have most of my preparation made by the time I'm 17 if not earlier, so I suppose I'll delay the conversation until then. One year's heads up should be more than enough time for my friends and family to come to terms with the fact I want to explore the wasteland.

However, just in case things go south, even though it's very unlikely, I'll make a tunnel from the depths of the mines to the surface as an alternative exit, always good to have a backup plan to fall back on.

With my future adjusted and settled upon, I continued thinking and eventually opened up my status to take a brief look at my stats.

[ Status ]
Name: Dom Mason Woods
Age: 10
Height: 5 Feet 10 Inches
Body Weight: 210 lbs
Race: Human
Level: 2
Experience Points: 3,000/3,000 | Formula: Next Level# x 1,000
Total Experience Points Earned: 65,120
Experience Rate: 185% | Formula: 100 + (Intelligence x 5)
Health: 960 | Formula: 100 + (Endurance x 20) + (Level# x 10) x 2
Healing Rate: 0.0766 Health Per Second/4.6 Health Per Minute | Formula: (0.2 Health Per Minute x Endurance) + 1
Stamina: 1,840 | Formula: 100 + ( Endurance x 20) x 4
Stamina Regeneration: 1.2 Stamina Per Second/72 Stamina Per Minute | Formula: (1 Stamina Per Minute x Endurance) x 4
Carry Weight: 0/450 | Formula: 100 + (Strength x 50)
Critical Chance: 10% | Formula: Luck x 1

[ Effects ]

[ Armor ]
Body Damage Threshold 18 | Formula: Endurance x 1

[ Resistances ]
Radiation Resistance: 18 | Formula: Endurance x 1

[ Attributes ]
Strength: 7
Agility: 4
Endurance: 18
Intelligence: 17
Perception: 14
Charisma: 7
Luck: 10

[ Skills ]
Ballistic Weapons: 93
Energy Weapons: 88
Explosives: 83
(T)Heavy Weapons: 97
Leadership: 70
Lockpick: 81
Medicine: 87
Melee Weapons: 85
Piloting: 51
(T)Repair: 95
(T)Science: 95
Speech: 59
Stealth: 79
Survival: 75
Trade: 69
Unarmed: 84

Skill Points Gained Per Level Up: 19 | Formula: (Intelligence x 1) + 2

[ Traits ]
| Gifted | - | Sex Appeal | - | Skilled | - | Take Another Rank 1 |

[ Perks ]
Active Perks: 

Passive Perks: | Bookworm | - | Champion Level Muscle Genetics | - | Human Supercomputer | - | Monstrous Physique | - | Rare Cardiovascular Genetics | - | Talented |

Combo Perks: | All Seeing |

[ Mutations ]

[ Gear ]
Weapons: Grandpa John's Combat Knife

Weapon Magazines: 







[ Other Stats & Bonuses ]
Attribute: +150% to endurance gain, +50% to intelligence gain, +150% to strength gain
Body: +50% to blood circulation, +300% to ligament strength, +300% to ligament growth speed, +100% to muscle growth speed, +100% to muscle density, +300% to tendon strength, +300% to tendon growth speed
Brain: +100% to brain processing power, +100% to reading speed, +1 to thought processes
Health: +100% to health, +1 health regeneration per minute
Perception Field: Range 14 meters
Skill: +25% to skill gain speed
Sleep: Required Sleep 4 Hours
Stamina: +400% to stamina, +400% to stamina regeneration
Kill Counter: 0

[ Items ]

Weapon Magazines: 



Aid: Medstims (368)

Ammo: Microfusion Cells (200)

Skill Books: All Things Gun (4) - Atomic Power (3) - Bigger Is Always Better (2) - Book Of Engineering (3) - Boom! (2) - Conversationalists Notebook (3) - Drifting & Racing Weekly (2) - Encyclopedia Of Medical Advancements (3) - Entrepreneur (2) - Future Science (3) - Last Man Standing (3) - Leaders Of The World (4) - Martial Master (2) - Martial Weapons Guide (2) - Master Of All Trades (1) - Security Systems Monthly (3) - Stealth 101 (2)

Miscellaneous: Adhesive (49) - Books (2,335) - Electronics (164) - Metal (4,306) - Other Misc Items (7,324)





[ Quests ]
Ready to turn in: 0

Completed: 0

In progress: 14

(Daily) | Workout | Objectives: Complete your daily workout. Reward: 10 exp.

| Area 51 | Objectives: Gain access to Area 51 by any means necessary and explore the site from top to bottom. Rewards: Perk | Alien Researcher |, 40 Repair points, 40 Science points, 40 Medicine points, 450,000 exp.

| Harem | Objectives: Enter a long-term romantic relationship with at least 3 women. All women must be aware of each other and okay with the arrangement of sharing you. Reward: 5,000 exp.

| Master All Trades | Objectives: Reach a minimum of 100 for every skill you have. Rewards: Perk | Master Of All Trades |, +5 to all skills, 27,500 exp.

| Maxigen Improvement | Objectives: Research, improve, and remove the negative side effect of the Maxigen drug. Rewards: Perk | Drug Researcher |, 5 Medicine points, 5 Science points, 2,500 exp.

| Nevada Conquest | Objectives: Become the undisputed number one power in Nevada and take control over the state in its entirety. Rewards: Perk | Territory |, 25 attribute points, 250 skill points, 10,000,000 exp.

| Pablo Escobar Jr. | Objectives: Establish drug production and earn 10,000,000 dollars from the sale of your products. Rewards: Perk | Drug Kingpin |, 10 Medicine points, 30,000 exp.

| Power Surge | Objectives: Win the battle for Hoover Dam and become the sole owner of it. Rewards: Perk | Power Surge |, 5 attribute points, 25 Repair points, 250,000 exp.

| Production Underway | Objectives: Start manufacturing and producing the many items you'll need for your dangerous journey. Rewards: 2 Repair points, 2 Science points, 3,750 exp.

| Seeker Of Knowledge | Objectives: Find a way to start acquiring this world's knowledge and accumulate an entire library's worth. Rewards: 3 Intelligence Points and 4,500 exp.

| Suited Up | Objectives: Open up the armories at Fort Kern and acquire a suit of power armor. Rewards: Perk | Mobile Armory |, 5 Lockpick, 75,000 exp.

| Surpass Your Human Limits | Objectives: Reach a value of 11 in every attribute.
Rewards: Perk?, 10 attribute points, and 100,000 exp.

| Take Over The Cyberdynamics Robotics Facility | Objectives: Clear out all hostile forces and set up shop. Rewards: Perk | Certified Roboticist |, 5 Science Points, 25,000 exp.

| Wasteland Conqueror | Objectives: Conquer the wasteland and take over Earth in its entirety. Rewards: ???

My stats are coming along nicely.

That said, my skills aren't increasing as fast as they once were, meaning I'm nearing the limit of what I can accomplish with my studying. Nothing I can do about it, I'll just continue reading until I hit the limit of what I can gain from it and when I do finally hit that limit, I believe it'll be time to use my accumulated level ups.

At that time there'll be no real reason to delay it any further when the whole reason why I put off my leveling was so I could maximize my gains by raising my skills through reading and training first.

And going by my progress, I should reach the limit by the time I'm eleven. Adding on to that, the Seeker Of Knowledge quest should be ready to turn in too by then, if not sooner. Though even if I finish the objective ahead of schedule and have it ready to turn in, I'll need to hold off on turning it in until after I spend the entirety of my level ups.

I want to get as much out of turning it in as possible, and with there being a chance of my intelligence attribute raising during one of said level ups, it makes sense to delay it so I can squeeze that extra smidgeon of exp out of it.

With that figured out, I gave my stats another once over and closed out of it before pulling my blanket up and rolling over to get some much needed shut eye after my eventful as well as tiring birthday.

Shameless plug, I have a Patreon that you can read ahead and support me on. You can find the link in the webnovel's description along with the discord link.

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